421 -
None for me on my mom's DSL line, but I have plenty when playing on my satellite connection.
Let's just hope that you don't have to play a Jedi if you don't want to. Isn't that what caused the first SW MMO to fail? Not everyone was chosen to be a Jedi? Cause honestly, not everyone's a Jedi in the movies. I mean, you should be able to choose be one, but I'd really prefer to be "chosen" rather than just roll a Jedi whenever I feel.
This MMO has my interest.
I do want to thank the people who've PM'ed me about my little girl joining. There's been about 5 of you that have offered to team with her or invite her into your SG's. I'm going to talk it over with her tomorrow, and let her decide which one(s) she wants to join. She has minor altitis, so we may join a couple of them, lol. How she has altitis and I don't is a mystery to me.
I have no idea who the other 19 dudes are.
The Global Defenders will be there, wherever it is.
I appreciate all the help. I'm not sure if she's going to find an SG she will fit in to or not. As for the folks offering advice on what she should be doing, let me be frank:
My daughter plays soccer, colors, plays with her toys, and all the things that normal 7 yr olds do. But she loves superheroes and and being a Hero. She's seen the fun that I have on here, and wants to have fun of her own. She's seen the tells I get, the friends that say hi, and heard me speak of how important it is to be a team member/leader. So she wants to do that to. She's a HUGE Superman/Green Lantern fan, and watches the theme song from the JLU cartoon is her lullaby. I think want she mainly wants is her own friends on here to say 'Hi' to her, and feel like playing her creations are helping other people, like her teammates. She gets bored just running around streetsweeping, so she's looking to put her time to good use. I like the fact that she wants to help out someone, but don't think for a second that I'm one of those parents that lets the TV or computer raise their kids. I've seriously talked about this idea to her, and she would like to help out someone. She may not have the best strategy at times, but she won't fail anyone either.
So, anyone got any other suggestions? -
I hope so. Like Sister Flame in the "What my 6 yr old has learned from CoH..." thread, my daughter has learned to read alot of the dialogue in the game, and has learned the meaning of teamwork which she has passed onto her soccer friends.
She mostly plays blueside, she's not familiar with the redside AT's yet. She's a child of JLU, so Supes & GL are her inspirations. She doesn't like Villains all that much, lol.
My 7 yr old wants to join an SG on Infinity. She's got all of her creations on this server, and just wants people to chat with. The SG I'm in on Virtue's coalition channel can be silent most of the time, so I'm looking for an SG that doesn't mind having a 7 yr old button masher in their ranks. She's been playing her creations for about a year and a half now, so she knows what she's supposed to do. Her typing is slow, so don't expect too much chit chat from her, but she will say 'Hi', and if there are SG teams running, she'll join. Drop me a line in this thread or via PM, if anyone knows of one. I appreciate it.
Probably has something to do with i16....dern impatient kids.
I'm running the Indigo/Crimson stuff now on my EM/WP tank. And I have to say, I don't care what's around me, the sappers get Bashed first. After that, then they can throw whatever they want at me.
I am NOT the person who put a bug in Posi's ear about your trailers, Michelle....promise.
[/ QUOTE ]
Uh-huh. Right.
[/ QUOTE ]
Would a Scout's Honor convince you? Would you prefer Boy Scout or Girl Scout Honor? I can cook it however you want. -
I have no idea which server you'll use, but give a few of these a try:
Cyber Golem
Classic Cyclops
Toy Tinkerer
Windup Wizard
Mech Mechanic
Tech Mex -
I remember a while ago in these forums, someone who was creating custom COH action figures. Anyone remember?
Also, if anyone knows of another place I can find this to be done, please post?
[/ QUOTE ]
Guys name was ElectricalBurn. He did my whole SG a year or so ago. -
I'd love to take my lvl 42 tank on all the TF's. I think I've done two in the near four years I've been here.
Don't listen to the "Doomslingers". Reup for a month, see how you like it. There haven't been any servermelds, Virtue is still the "unofficial" RP server, MA has jazzed the game anew, with your ability to make your own enemies to fight. PvP is still being worked on, PvE is easier, there is no more grind, and to me, the games still fun.
I am NOT the person who put a bug in Posi's ear about your trailers, Michelle....promise.
Hmmm I don't see how to save it o.O
[/ QUOTE ]
Hit the print screen button, and then paste it to MS paint or some other art program. -
*While browsing the City forums, a new heading has been discovered*
States' List: The Hookup for gamers, nerds, and the spandex set! -
Well, yesterday I made the mistake of showing my 7yr old the updated site. Her and a few of her friends spent two hours making their favorite superheroes. Jedi Superman, Gladiator Spidey, The Feroicious She-Wolf, the list is about 15 avatars long. It did make cooking supper alot easier, though.
Check out the one in my sig if you like the Avengers/JLA.