Second Supergroup Recruiting Fair of 09'
The Justice Girls Will Be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I remember right, you held it in Galaxy last time??? Grey Enterprises is having a bash in Galaxy this Saturday night from 8pm est. - 11/midnight.
Just thought I'd let you know in case you need to change your location. They've had the Cape planned to be there since mid April.
Either way, Avante Guard will be there.
The Global Defenders will be there, wherever it is.
I'd like to represent both my SG's, Vigilantes of the Night and Justice Legacy Associates during the event. Count me in
Oh, balls.
Okay, a lot of people like the Grey Enterprises. So, I'm going to let them have the night, to be fair.
NEW DATE is the 13th of June, my pardons everyone.

I'm sure GE will be grateful.
As to questions, Yes Its in Galaxy.
If you want to help with anything of what I'm doing during the event(CC, Trivia), or help me keep things coordinated, please contact me.

If we weren't moving that weekend I'd be happy to help out.
Hope it goes well!!
This is a great idea. I'm in a couple of SG's, but I wouldn't mind showing up for a small one I just joined to help them get started. I can hold a CC sponsored by them too, but I will have to talk to some people in the SG. I don't think any of them even use the forums
I can host a CC with one or both of my SG's as well. Contact me in game @Shining Emerald or send me a PM here on the boards to set something up.
I'll let the Jadewire know about it, should be fun.
- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)
So this will be Saturday, June 13th, 9PM to 12PM if you're on the east coast, right?
I hate timezones.
Could you edit the initial post to include the date?
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Post edited.
So far I have two CCs planned. Golden and then Silver Age.
Plus, once I work it out with those who offered, I'll probably put up some new subjects of CCs.

No One Takes My Night!!
But thanks you *smiles*
June 13th is cool, might bring myself down with GE and help out if you need it
Cool, cool.

Sweet, barring any unforseen problems the GA'll be there to check things out. Thanks for taking the initiative to set this up, been a while since Virtue's had a recruitment event.
Ooo, Supergroup conventions are always a ton o' fun. Good to see that Jadewire is still around in some form. *Waves to the old groupies.*
If nothing else, you can count me in as a "seeker." Assuming my patches download some time in the next week. Haha.
Reminder, its THIS Saturday, RIGHT after Dawn Patrol's event.
And now as I promised, full run down of all CCs I plan to happen(Time can fly).
Golden Age
Silver Age
DC Dress-Up(Meaning, dress up as a DC Comic character. Some will be easy)
Marvel Dress-Up(Same as above with Marvel.)
And to end the night.
Virtue Dress-up. Thats Right, dress up like one Virtue character! This one will be judged by a total of FOUR judges.

Yeah, I need to hit up people still for CCs and stuff.

Bringing this page to page Numero Uno....
Yeah, I need to hit up people still for CCs and stuff.
[/ QUOTE ]
I sent you a PM in game, never got a reply ... I'd be happy to host a CC on behalf of one of the SG's I'm in
Sorry about that, Folo. I'll PM you back tommorow when I'm wide awake.
Also some updates
Both Marvel and DC Dress Up CCs will be held in a private place as to avoid the lone meany who would report people. Safety precausion. For DC, I am working with Emmi Blaze on the place.

Alrighty folks, its time again.

No, not for me to dance on a bar.
For the Supergroup Recruiting Fair? What is it might you ask?
A event where YOU and YOUR SG may come down and recruit, meet people, make coalitions and have fun while doing it.
Why this event?
Beeecause, I know theres SGs like Hero Dawn, Justice Girls, The Jadewire, who love new members. Amirite or Amirite?
So, what day? Well, Next Saturday. Why A Saturday? So I have a longer span of time for it. What time? 8pm CST to 11 PM CST, approx. We might end earlier, depends.
However, it will be the same as earlier. Depending on your SG will depend where you will be placed. If it becomes a small turn out, we'll gather in the same wing.
So, what will keep you entertained during the night?
Trivia(MMORPGs in general and CoX Universe)
Contests(Costumes, no Bios because a lot of people got ruined by the bug. Various ages and the likes. More to come during this week)
If you want to help with this, send me a tell at October Demon or @Schatten der Herzen, OR here. I do hope a lot of you come.
DATE: June 13th, 8pm to 11pm CST/9pm to 12 pm EST, Approx.
Costume Contests:
Golden Age
Silver Age
And some others(News to come in a updated post)
MMORPGS(I would read up on the big ones, Everquest, CoH, WoW, Lineage II)
and CoX Universe(Everything from Lore to the Issues will be regarded, most likely)