Lag and Recent Rubberbanding
Three differen explanations fit as aresponse to this
* puts on glasses n labcoat*
Heads to blackboard
Reason 1: school out for summer and a lot of the kids that use to play 1pm to 8pm ( there time) are playing longer or earlier
Reason2: Test issue15 is going on whenever theres a test it seems that lag and rubberbanding happen more
reason3: bugs from issue 14 still not fixed so we are getting backlash of it
possible solutions
1. Devs do extended maintence
2 Turn graphics down
3 find less populated servers or zones
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
None for me on my mom's DSL line, but I have plenty when playing on my satellite connection.
Adults should take priority over bandwidth! <em protest>
heehee, I think it's the AE and all the increase in lil critters not in school myself, takes a toll on all pipes o.o! Or NODES o.o!
I've been noticing small spikes of lag when a melee attack connects with an enemy for the past 3 days. Hopefully Monday's maintenance takes care of it?

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
Stop downloading pron.
Lemme tell you mon, that no joke. Them viruses be getting in my hard drive and driven me a nuts with their file scrambling. Ya know I mien mon? Yeah mon.
Stop downloading pron.
Lemme tell you mon, that no joke. Them viruses be getting in my hard drive and driven me a nuts with their file scrambling. Ya know I mien mon? Yeah mon.
[/ QUOTE ]
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
Has anyone else noticed an increase in rubberbanding lag ? You move 200 feet and 3 seconds later you are right back to where you started ?
I came back about 2 months ago and there has been some lag, but nothing like the rubberbanding I have seen this weekend. It is making the game unplayable for me at this point.