Kid friendly SG
Hero side or Villain side? If it's Villains you're looking for I may be able to hook you up if the lead doesn't mind.
She mostly plays blueside, she's not familiar with the redside AT's yet. She's a child of JLU, so Supes & GL are her inspirations. She doesn't like Villains all that much, lol.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
I think Eran_ is joking, eh-heh...
I hope so. Like Sister Flame in the "What my 6 yr old has learned from CoH..." thread, my daughter has learned to read alot of the dialogue in the game, and has learned the meaning of teamwork which she has passed onto her soccer friends.
Considering the chatter on teamspeak, I wouldn't want my kid online there.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Considering the chatter in most groups I wouldn't want my child anywhere near any game. YMMV. My teens play as they feel the desire but isn't time with freeart or in a garden better spent with a 7 year old? To each their own but I simply cannot imagine the ops request.
No offense.
Edited to expand and try to not come off condescending. There are plenty of things for children to do to learn teamwork and responsibility that arent remotely related to gaming.I think its a good idea for children to learn skills in the "real" world before venturing into a virtual one. If she/he is already in a soccer team or involved in Scouts they are learning teamwork.If you take time to read a chapter of a book nightly she//he will learn to read better and also have better comprehension. Takes all of 15 minutes to cuddle up and read a chapter of "The Mouse and the Motorcycle", "Stuart Little" or "The Tale of Despereaux". That time spent with YOU will better benefit the young child than any group in a virtual world. Just my 2 cents. Again YMMV.
Good luck finding that group if thats the goal!
The JunieB. series is also great for the 7 year old age bracket.
Simains... issue 3, they didnt allow negitive chatter. but now, in the issue 14 world... make an SG? it's gonna be a little hard to find peacfull chatter. sure, everyone's friends, but you know how SGs talk with their disfucntional community
hm.. I don't think we've ever had anyone younger than 14 in the SG. We have a retired grandma who plays with her adult son, another mother who has a toon level-pacted with her son, married couples - so plenty of people who would go out of their way to explain stuff and be helpful. Also, we have our own global channel and a decent coalition (including a much larger SG that happens to be run by a young girl - though not THAT young ).
However, we're kind of a ghost town some nights and then get big crowds for task forces and trials and I'm guessing she would have neither the patience nor the inclination to sit through a task force.
So, not sure if we really fit the bill. Let me know if we sound interesting. PM me here or contact me in-game at @Ironblade1
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Considering the chatter on teamspeak, I wouldn't want my kid online there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering the chatter on the various Teamspeak or Vent Servers I've been on, including ours, dUmb's and many others, that kid might need therapy afterward.
Good luck in your search of finding a suitable SG...
I feel more comfortable with my niece playing Webkins online
Considering the chatter on teamspeak, I wouldn't want my kid online there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Considering the chatter on the various Teamspeak or Vent Servers I've been on, including ours, dUmb's and many others, that kid might need therapy afterward.
[/ QUOTE ]
Therapy? for what?...
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Although dUmb TS maybe a little different, dUmb chat isn't to bad - but I could just be numb to it.
Like the new Avatar Emp
Considering the chatter in most groups I wouldn't want my child anywhere near any game. YMMV. My teens play as they feel the desire but isn't time with freeart or in a garden better spent with a 7 year old? To each their own but I simply cannot imagine the ops request.
No offense.
Edited to expand and try to not come off condescending. There are plenty of things for children to do to learn teamwork and responsibility that arent remotely related to gaming.I think its a good idea for children to learn skills in the "real" world before venturing into a virtual one. If she/he is already in a soccer team or involved in Scouts they are learning teamwork.If you take time to read a chapter of a book nightly she//he will learn to read better and also have better comprehension. Takes all of 15 minutes to cuddle up and read a chapter of "The Mouse and the Motorcycle", "Stuart Little" or "The Tale of Despereaux". That time spent with YOU will better benefit the young child than any group in a virtual world. Just my 2 cents. Again YMMV.
Good luck finding that group if thats the goal!
The JunieB. series is also great for the 7 year old age bracket.
[/ QUOTE ]
The OP is pretty specific in looking for an SG. If they wanted someone to offer unsolicited parenting advice, I'm sure they'd visit
It was not my intent to derail this thread, only to say that dUmb is not really kid/newbie friendly unless it's one of our own kids (and even then "PG mode, PG mode" gets tossed around a bit). Best of luck in your search.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Considering the chatter in most groups I wouldn't want my child anywhere near any game. YMMV. My teens play as they feel the desire but isn't time with freeart or in a garden better spent with a 7 year old? To each their own but I simply cannot imagine the ops request.
No offense.
Edited to expand and try to not come off condescending. There are plenty of things for children to do to learn teamwork and responsibility that arent remotely related to gaming.I think its a good idea for children to learn skills in the "real" world before venturing into a virtual one. If she/he is already in a soccer team or involved in Scouts they are learning teamwork.If you take time to read a chapter of a book nightly she//he will learn to read better and also have better comprehension. Takes all of 15 minutes to cuddle up and read a chapter of "The Mouse and the Motorcycle", "Stuart Little" or "The Tale of Despereaux". That time spent with YOU will better benefit the young child than any group in a virtual world. Just my 2 cents. Again YMMV.
Good luck finding that group if thats the goal!
The JunieB. series is also great for the 7 year old age bracket.
[/ QUOTE ]
The OP is pretty specific in looking for an SG. If they wanted someone to offer unsolicited parenting advice, I'm sure they'd visit
[/ QUOTE ]
So? You reccommend which SG for the Ops 7 year old?
Great part is when you click the link the first thing on the list is this.
"Mom hoses child at car wash - MSN Video" lols
I appreciate all the help. I'm not sure if she's going to find an SG she will fit in to or not. As for the folks offering advice on what she should be doing, let me be frank:
My daughter plays soccer, colors, plays with her toys, and all the things that normal 7 yr olds do. But she loves superheroes and and being a Hero. She's seen the fun that I have on here, and wants to have fun of her own. She's seen the tells I get, the friends that say hi, and heard me speak of how important it is to be a team member/leader. So she wants to do that to. She's a HUGE Superman/Green Lantern fan, and watches the theme song from the JLU cartoon is her lullaby. I think want she mainly wants is her own friends on here to say 'Hi' to her, and feel like playing her creations are helping other people, like her teammates. She gets bored just running around streetsweeping, so she's looking to put her time to good use. I like the fact that she wants to help out someone, but don't think for a second that I'm one of those parents that lets the TV or computer raise their kids. I've seriously talked about this idea to her, and she would like to help out someone. She may not have the best strategy at times, but she won't fail anyone either.
So, anyone got any other suggestions?
Really... what could go wrong?
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Sent you a PM.
-->Infinity Server<--

I do want to thank the people who've PM'ed me about my little girl joining. There's been about 5 of you that have offered to team with her or invite her into your SG's. I'm going to talk it over with her tomorrow, and let her decide which one(s) she wants to join. She has minor altitis, so we may join a couple of them, lol. How she has altitis and I don't is a mystery to me.
My 7 yr old wants to join an SG on Infinity. She's got all of her creations on this server, and just wants people to chat with. The SG I'm in on Virtue's coalition channel can be silent most of the time, so I'm looking for an SG that doesn't mind having a 7 yr old button masher in their ranks. She's been playing her creations for about a year and a half now, so she knows what she's supposed to do. Her typing is slow, so don't expect too much chit chat from her, but she will say 'Hi', and if there are SG teams running, she'll join. Drop me a line in this thread or via PM, if anyone knows of one. I appreciate it.