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  1. I think it'd be fun to play with the other characters of the same name, if only to blame THEM for the stupid stuff I do & say.
  2. Abbott & Costello are spinning in their graves....:P
  3. I just recently did my first one, this past weekend with some SG mates. It was me, the tank, a elec blaster, ice/emp def, dm/sr scrapper. Did it in just under four hours, with no team wipes, and only about 6 deaths. I think it was a first time Posi experience for all of us. To me, it's a reminder of what kind of enemies we first cut our teeth on as Heroes.
  4. I only have 9 messages total

    I mean, I deleted alot regarding my SG I was recruiting for, or the SG's willing to let my 7 yr old play with them, that sort of thing, but as for real, honest messages, only 9 . I think I'm unloved or something....:P
  5. Thanks to ShadowWings fair, the Global Defenders welcomed 5 new members! I even won the Marvel lookalike CC. I think I got the shaft on the DC CC, :P, but that's okay. I look forward to the next one!
  6. Gaelic_Reign

    Bad PUGS

    I was running an MA mission with a PUG last weekend, and we were facing lvl 54 somethings. Anyway, we have a near team wipe due to aggro, and those of us that can rez, do. Except for our "leader". He just lays there. At first, we thought it was because he was too close to a mob. But as we started picking off the enemies nearby, he doesn't chat, rez, anything. For twenty minutes, we beat back the bad guys. We lose a couple of people because we aren't "going fast enough", and we can't invite others because our leader is still down/afk/dead. After 25 minutes, we called it quits. I logged off my Tank and let my little girl go play on Infinity.

    Funny thing is, when I logged onto my tank HOURS later, through some sort of bug, I was still on the team with the "leader". I logged back into the mission, and there he was, just where we left him. Lol.
  7. I'm figuring on DB/Kat/Fire/DM scrapper at the moment, and I have the Valkyrie, Magic, & Cyborg booster sets. I guess I plan on keeping him capeless or keeping with a simple cape. It's like I said, I have a basic premise for him, but everything else is kinda fuzzy at the moment, lol.
  8. Well, the Sentry is not one of my favorite creations, so there's no worry there. And by amalgam of Batman & Daredevil, I mean in attitude, abilities, that sort of thing. I think the name is safe, cause I don't know of any DC/Marvel creation by that name. As for colors, I'd like to stay away from black and grey, cause even though he may a street tough/rooftop gladiator type, I don't want him to be bland.
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    Proud and PinUp

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The juxtaposition of the dagger in her hand and Proud Citizen's, um, groin, is very interesting....
  10. I play on Virtue, and recently snagged the name 'Silent Sentry'. I think he's gonna be an amalgam of Batman & Daredevil, but I'm drawing a blank on a costume design. So I come to you guys for some help. The design I've been trying to nail down is Silver Age in nature, but I can't figure out what I want. For now, he's in red tights, red ninja mask 1, black tight gloves, red tights, and black folded boots. On his chest is the shield emblem in yellow with a red and black red torch. It doesn't sit well with me, so I need someone else's help. I appreciate it.
  11. I don't have altitis in any way. I think I have 7(?) of my slots on Virtue, and haven't redeemed any of my free ones or bought new ones. I suck....
  12. Gaelic_Reign

    Report all Farms

    Shouldn't this whole thread be in the farming thread? Or is this someone's new cry for attention?
  13. Gaelic_Reign

    Ding x 2

    Not me, but congratulations.
  14. That sounds like a decent schedule for things. I will gladly be there around 9pm EDT.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Atlas is for suckers. The smart people got to Galaxy, where they may revel in the peace and quiet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Problem is, alot of new players come to AP, so if you're recruiting for an SG, that's where you get to stand.
  16. SG Name: The Global Defenders

    Recruiting: Yes! We are looking for active RPÂ’ers.

    RP Level: Mid-to-Heavy, but are RP newbie friendly.

    PvP: None as of right now.

    Theme: The Global Defenders are an international strike force inspired by the Avengers and the Justice League of America. We are Golden/Silver/Bronze Age type spandex superteam.

    Activity: Our SG will probably remain small, so that the members develop good relationships with one another. We may expand to no more than 30-35. Our members are usually on during the evenings and nights.

    Membership requirements: The requirements for membership are simple. You must be a spandex/armor superhero with a Golden/Silver/Bronze Age of comics feel. We also like to see the names of your creations spelled correctly. No Sooperman, or Spiedr-Man. Nor do we recruit killers, thugs, emo kids, or psychopaths.

    Leadership: Crimson Vendetta & Atom Basher

    In-Game Contacts: @Photon Defender; @Gaelic Reign

    Out of Game Contacts: CoH boards @Gaelic Reign

    Url: The Global Defenders

    Coalitions: We have a few coalitions, mostly Spandex Superteams like us.

    Other Details: At Christmas time each year, our leading Officer, ((excluding leadership)), and non-Officer prestige earners will be given art done of their Global Defender. For every 500k in prestige earned by a Defender, they will receive art of any creation on their account, their choice.
  17. Well, let's hope the CC's are nearby. I'd hate to miss out on recruiting.
  18. Well shoot. How am I gonna participate in the CC's and recruit at the same time?
  19. Bringing this page to page Numero Uno....
  20. Gaelic_Reign

    # of Coalitions?

    Good deal then. So it's 10 aligned + mine. Cool. I say a raise in the cap would be nice. Now I'm off to collect---um, befriend more SG's.
  21. I only have one VirtueVerse page, and haven't visited it in over six months. I hope someone's edited mine if need be.
  22. Gaelic_Reign

    # of Coalitions?

    Can someone verify the number of coalition SG's you can have in in a coalition? Paragonwiki says nine SG's can be coaligned at once. Is that accurate or is it another number?

    Thanks in advance.