389 -
There is no reason as to why VIPs shouldn't be able to level pact with other VIPs. I fully understand why VIP to Free/Premium becasue of RMT. There are people who like the level pacts and taking this away was a mistake.
On DFB I just assume that someone needs the badge(s) so I play the way to get them.
I don't view it as a badge hunting exercise but as a tutorial in teamwork. -
Real reason patch was pushed early and not going to be updated til Tuesday.
Devs are playing Skyrim this weekend. -
I was typing my responce when the post above mine was posted. So I didnt get to read it before my post.
Well once again, if you got a problem post on the forums then yo get a reply. granted it was the standard cut n paste reply.
"This may be most common for customers using a Game Time Card to pay for their subscription. Please also note that while you do pay for game time in advance, you will have to play through your month of time before receiving your Paragon Reward Token."
So I get the reward after my time runs out? Whoopee!!!!
Weren't they working on getting your stuff when you paid up front? This is not the vetren reward for time played. But the new Pargon Rewards for being a paying player. -
Alright this is getting me pissed. I just applied a 60 day game card. Seen my billing date change so I know it took. No Reward tokens (2months = 2 tokens), No Points ( 2x 400 should be 800). Sent a petition and no response, no email, nothing. Excuse me but weren't we the paying people suppose to have a priority customer service?
Can we just consolidate all threads to a sub reddit, drop vbull**** all together.
Kinda missed a marketing idea there.
Did you notice that the baseball club from St. Louis won the big game?
Did you notice that you have an in game item called a St. Louis slammer? (of course you do its on sale)
Well a free facebook promo code giving one away would of been aces!
But at last no, instead you make a temp bundle themed around zombies on the last day of halloween event. Then you want how much money?
I think your HR person needs to find that person behind this idea, and hand them one of those clear cups and ask for a sample. Cause the person be smoking something. -
Disabling the Aero feature of Windows Vista/7.
This seems to be a good fix, for now. No flashing since I've done this. -
Just ran my first UG. I know why people call it the ugh trial. If this is the direction the incarnate system is going then no thanks.
Unfun! plain and simple. Can't see anything with all the aura's/buffs in such a confined space. It was just herding the mass, slam buttons, and wait to get one shotted. Random returns from the hospital so you are running around trying to find everyone. blah! If this is the only way to get E-merits soon then I guess I know where I'm stopping at my progression. -
Might I suggest a Dom. Right from the start you have lockdown and damage.
I'm running a grav/NRG dom that kicks ***. (Crush, Grav Dis, Crush Field, GDF, Sing with Bolt, Push, Blast, Burst, TF and Power Boost) Hold and shoot just about everything.
Simply put an enemy that can't move can't hurt you. -
Quote:Amen.I've given this some thought.
I'd be overjoyed if they announced that they will give all current subscribers 1 Reward Token on the 28th. Then going forward Transfers, Paragon Points, and Reward Tokens will be given to subscribers on the first of the month.
Quote:There isn't any 15-day subscriptions, so why is Paragon Studios/NCsoft so intent on having a complicated formula?
If there was a chance that our toons would die during creation I would swear they hired the developers of "Aftermath". -
Well since it has been over a month and no tokens. Why not just give everyone a token now, and continue to fix the problem. The worse thing that would come of this is some people may get a free extra token, but you keep your PAYING customers happy. Come on people even the shift manager of McD's knows when to give out a free fry or soft drink.
And you all are surprised?......When has there ever been a bug free launch?
I'm in the same boat, I think everyone is. Same bull response by the powers that be.
You would think that they would make sure the perks for paying were working why else pay? -
Not to be pro new currency, but why not add candy corn (like candy canes). turn it in to Granny, Annah for the unlocks. You could do the same for V-day with candy hearts and a vendor in Pocket D for those items of that event.
The hair needs to colorable seperate from the helmet. Do you think that all firemen are Gingers?
Also need a 3rd helmet with an emergency flashing light, so we can run around going wooo wooo wooo.
that is all. -
Quote:I wasn't talking about your suggestion but mine in the post above.Newsflash bunny. That isn't my suggestion. What you quoted and deliberately misinterpreted is what I do with the current system that the devs have had in the game for the past 8 years. We've always had the ability to opt out of channels
My suggestion is to expand the friends channel to include global friends that way F2Pers can talk to anyone that agreed to be friends with them regardless of what character and server they are on. -
Quote:Very good of you. But the suggestion wasn't to opt OUT but to opt IN. And since the idea was a NEW free chat not what you already have. See this way VIPs DON'T have to do anything unless they wish to see it. Your way is that everyone that pays has to opt OUT and set things up.Just want to point out that we can already opt out of listening to specific channels by editing our chat box. This is one of the first things I do on every character.
I have one tab set up to display what I feel are my most important communications channels.
My second tab has the channels that provide me with in game messages that I want to keep track of.
My third tab has the less important chat channels that I rarely pay attention to. -
RMT = Real Money Transfer. You know the spammers that sit in Market and say for $$$$ you can get power leveled or billion inf.
They tend to hang in markets, ae, by trainers or by the trains... you know where people are in amass. since the local chat is short range.
What did you think RMT was? -
Several easy fixes that are in OTHER F2P games.
Name of player is in a different color/font. Quick visual you know that they are free. Extend this to the results in search.
Allow a 30 sec. window for a Free player to respond to a direct tell.
Free Chat channel; which works as following.
1) VIP have to choose to see it, so if they dont want to see it the VIPs are already opted out.
2) Timer: 2 minutes delay between messeges (10 messeges max in 1 hour)
This should be fine for posting lft lftf, or asking a general question.
3) 10 strikes you are out. If 10 different VIPs report a free account of spamming then its silenced. (or lower or higher number. IDC 10 was just a number)
4) Channel auto silenced in RMT zones (Market, AE, trainer, Stations.) -
Its been forever since I did this TF. Just ran it yesterday and wow what a let down. You fight a total of 5 AVs (3 in one mission) and the reward is....... 1 SO. Not merits, not threads, not recipes, not even a badge but just 1 SO. seriously? Time little over an hour.
Just finished a death from below sewer trial and got badges, 5 SOs, and 2 threads. time about 15 minutes.
Not asking for anything major but come on. Give a badge and some merits on Lazarus. -
Quote:Cool, has a problem with me using the term Farmer for the person doing the power leveling. (Farming XP) But doesn't have a problem with equating Freedom to a redlight district and Farmer/PLers to Drug dealers and hookers.Equating farming and PL'ing = fail. They're not the same thing. And farmers don't NEED people when they farm.