389 -
Merits should be Account based and/or tradeable. Why? Simply because items gained by merits are tradeable. Only thing is that you have to do a little dance first.
Merits > Recipes > io > Influence
Influence -> buy just about anything in game via market.
The idea that each and every toon is supose to struggle and earn their own way is false. Even if you didn't have your own 50 bankrolling your own lowbie. There is still Supergroups. Each with 50's PL members, giving items via enhancement tables or salavage racks.
So don't sit there and pretend that your second and following toons have it harder or should be harder than your first.
The only way you can closely come to the "ideal" that each toon makes its own way; is to have 1 hero and 1 villian on each server, and don't join any SGs, and don't buy from the market, and finally don't use your trade function (not even for a wakie).
If you're not doing this then your just justifying your level of "twinking" and boo-hooing people who just want it out in the open and easier. -
You come to a fork in the road. On the left is a dark and heavily forested area. On the right, the path leads down to what appears to be a cave entrance. Which do you take?
*That's right, I ask the tough questions!!*
[/ QUOTE ]
I take the fork, then look around for a knife and spoon to complete the set. -
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
My base is small, so not a lot gained now, but I will sell to get the difference.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Yes, also to switch from Magic Theme to Tech.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
A Couple of hours tops. Small Base 8 x 8 base.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Negative - Rent on start up bases, small storage.
Positive - Generally cost less (until you start adding crafting items cost)
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
Long term - It won't subscription runs out in March, debating on staying or not.
Short term - Waste 2 hours to rebuild, and keep some cash back for my new rent.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Dont have any base salavage stored, but do have tons of halloween costumes and candy canes.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
Can now afford a couple of extra TPs. outside of that nothing.
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
I know where Parawikia is, and I can read.
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
High cost of rare salavage on the Market.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
None. Its a base of 1 real person many many alts. I plan on not stealing from myself.
Additional Notes:
Need to drop rent and up storage. A few more items to make the place feel a bit more homey but not City of SiMs.
(edited because it posted before I was done.) -
Good Luck LH. Hope things work out for you.
Rent is once again done so stupid.
You dont pay rent on your apartment based on the number of bookshelves you have.
And why must we rent. IRL some people Own their homes and businesses instead of lease or rent. Why not an out right purchase price to upgrade from basic plot and no rent.
This just screwed single person/couples super groups.
Just for the record we already pay rent its that $15/month subscription fee. But thats real easy to fix.
Here's an idea; don't touch the bases for i13. Listen to your player base then fix the bases for i14. -
Is the teleport power temporary like 30 days?
The reason I ask is this.
PC version GvE = Costume pieces, Pocket D, and jump pack
PC version Good collectors = Costume pieces, power slide
PC version Evil collectors = Costume pieces, hero clix Toys
Mac version = Costume pieces, Teleport power
All have perm powers.
New game card version
jet pack goes away in 30 days.
Same cost as Mac version $20
Give us the jet pack forever its not fair that every versions gets a perm gift and if you have this one you dont.
Given how many people have shouted out wanting a damn jet pack and still you have to rebuy it.
Will I buy this version as an addon most likely becuase I want more options. But damn it you need to correct the game card version to be inline with the other versions. -
I'm loving everything about this event except that the new ToT timers allow griefers on Invincible to click multiple doors quickly and then tow giant crowds of 52s and 53s through everyone else trying to ToT.
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did the devs listen to any input about griefing? obviously not. Pi was hell on a level 41 and there is no where else to go.
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You can ToT in Cim -
Is the dropping of Tier 1's from Treats intentional or a bug?
[/ QUOTE ]
This is very disappointing; I've been waiting for weeks to refill my coffers with Tier 3 inspirations from the event. Sadly, without those for an incentive, I think I'm already done with the event. I have all the previous badges, the new ones took me about 7 minutes to get, and I have no interest in the costume change temp powers. Less than an hour into it, and I'm already over the event.
[/ QUOTE ]
Complainer FTW!!!! W00T First to Cry!!!!1111One
Congo Ratz -
In Ouro, the portal is not the place to park your toon to go AFK. Please step to the side, its bad enough with all the heavy traffic without 4 toons parked on the portal.
Just becuase you got a promotion in a SG doesnt mean that you can just kick "inactive toons 0 prestige" they may be alts of the founders of the SG used to fill the base 15 slots or the crafter of the SG.
Do not say your staying for side missions on bank jobs then exit as soon as the AV is dead and temp power are gained. Some like badges, extra XP, or the extra temp power on a weapons deal. -
Bounty Hunter - Log off next to or in Zig (gain a wanted poster of a villian, who will pop up in your next mission like a void does for Khelds) Get 10 of these and get a Most Wanted badge.
Soldier and Pilot already said so how about Navy/Marine for logging out on a Sub.
SWAT - next to or on a swat van (Temp power Body Armor minor Smash/lethal resistance)
Pinball Wizard - at Easter Egg location
Watchmaker - Log off in Ouro - Gain an additional 2 minutes on timed or safeguard missions
Undead - Log off when your dead. (easier now with self destruct) - Power temp power summon ghost
Farmer - log off in a garden or farm (croat) - Temp power sumon Fire bog -
Ok lets look at i13 Day Jobs vs. i14 Mission Architect.
First the proposed MA
Here we have play created content to strengthen the overall CoX world. At least 1 person to create the mission and 1 or more to play said mission. This can encourage both Role Playing and Story Telling. But unless this user created mission is tagged by the Devs, it will not have the full XP, INF, and Drops. Also kills dont count toward badge totals. This is in place to prevent farms or at least thats the reason already given.
Now look at Day Jobs.
No Content because you aren't playing. No building the CoX community becasue you aren't playing. What do you get for not playing possible XP, INF, or Drop BONUSES. And you earn Badges.
Now think about that.
MA the players are penalized for playing with less rewards.
DJ the players are reward for not playing.
There's just something wrong there in the thought process. -
I'm looking forward to "Day Jobs", because after all, this is an RPG.
[/ QUOTE ]
RPG = role PLAYING game
Playing being the major point here. If you gain only for NOT PLAYING it defeats the point of RPG.
BAH! I'm not hunting these badges if I earn one big whoop. I would rather play my character than shelve them X days to get tear gas or a baton.
You can double xp when you play for not playing. Or heres a funny idea in the time you spent not playing you could of far exceeded any bonus and be many levels higher than this bonus would help by actually playing your toon.
That being said i13 I do like the double builds, shields, kheld help, and improved INV set. But the way this day job is described BLAH!. -
Set IO slotting #2, recovery:
1 Miracle 15% recovery global IO,
1 Miracle heal IO,
1 Regenerative Tissue +25% regeneration global IO,
1 Numina's Convalescence +20% regen, +10% recovery global IO,
1 Numina's Convalescence heal IO,
1 Numina's Convalescence heal/rch OR end/heal IO
heal: +95.5%
Set bonuses:
regeneration: +12%
recovery: +2.5%
max health: +1.88%
Thank you. I just did this to my DB/Inv Scrapper and couldnt be happier. -
Cybor Pack I'll give an B+ over all not bad, big plus for robotdance, heads up display and self destruct. Ok for some of the parts sorta vanguard reversed. Bad, needed some flesh/tech would be nice since its Cyborg.
Jet pack, Big F.
$70 a year for a temp power thats 4 months game time plus a vet reward.
If you charged $10 for the jet pack, made it equal to unslotted level 14 flight, and long recharge like the GvE Jump pack then I would of bought it. Not going to rent something that you can get in your second hour of play free. I only seen about 4 being used since the card came out. Im sure I'll see some these next 30 days. But I doubt it will last.