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  1. There is a long way work around, that doesn't include an unknown person.

    Start a second account.

    If you use the "refer a friend" by sending a code to yourself.

    Activate the code on your second account and subscribe for 1 month. Then your main account will be credited 1 month free time. So actually you didn't loose any money.

    Then use an toon on the second account to transfer inf, put toons from your main account into your SG.

    Best of all you can redo this every 90 days as an "invite a friend back", and the second account will also be live on Free weekend promotions.

    The second account can also be used to help pad your main account with badges as well. Such as PvP badges, mentoring, or healing.
  2. Neither kick or warn. Instead promote them to leader, then wait for the rest of the team to see that they aren't doing anything. Sit back watch the chaos.
  3. Its starting all over again. Spamming Atlas with samurai farms. Please Devs can you cut XP or Tickets in half again. Seems that farmers can't learn from the past. They are spamming request and broadcast, as if they are too stupid to know that there AE channels.

    I vote we have to PAY inf to use AE after all it is in game a company that provides a service. If I go to the local arcade I have to pay to play video games why not AE?
  4. What about using Ninja Run instead of Superspeed. NR is fast but not as fast.
  5. Nemisis plot to merge those two servers; thats why you got free toon transfers.
  6. (1) Send an email to with the subject heading “@Global Name - Arc ID - Arc” Include the following information in English in the body of the email:

    (a) The sentence: I accept the City of Heroes® Mission Architect Contest Official Terms and Conditions as displayed on the City of Heroes website.

    If I am a winner, you permit NC Interactive, Inc., and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown and any comments which I may make about myself, this contest and/or I provide for advertising and promotional activities.

    Hmmmm! Give up all that personal rights and info for a yellow title. Wow that seems fair.
  7. Kin/Dark/Psi Defender

    This will play very Vampirish with all the health and stamina drains, plus you get Hypnosis.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
    well i had hoped that this year when we purchased the winter's gift recipes we could pick what lvl we wanted,and it would not be the lvl of the buyer
    Maybe you could do an ouro mission of the lower level then buy your recipe.
  9. I've never picked either based on min/maxing. When I do choose its purely concept choice. Axe for any weapon based toon (Archer, gun, sword...) And SoM for dark toons because it looks right. But most of my toon dont have either. If I want a temp power I would rather make a revolver, bat or hammer. I love bashing Zombies with a ballbat.
  10. CoX needs a PR person who knows what they are doing.
    A simple script that ran on the start date to see who is subscribed, then run it again on the end date. All matched people would get badge/beta for Rogue. It is far better to allow a few people a free reward that may not of "earned" it. Than to deny "loyal" customers a promised perk based on a technicality; such one day because of a credit card change or the such. The former costs CoX nothing, the later can cost them that loyal customer and maybe others.
  11. Well I guess my $144 subscription doesn't make me loyal enough. Bah! Oh well acount #2 runs out Dec 24th. Leaving only the last of 4 accounts active.
  12. Real quick before work.
    Thank you Thank You Thank you DEVS!!

    Over Halloween made 3 martial art/ninja/samurai themed toons plus the other 2 I have. God I love this pack already.
  13. No reason that highly detailed information can't be menued by clicking on a bookshelf in the university.
  14. At the very least you should give us 1 more day to make up for today. Best case give us til after the weekend. Halloween 1 more week!!!!!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
    This event needs to be much shorter in the future. Three weeks of darkness and disruption is two weeks too long. The first Halloween event back in 2004 was about four days long.
    Nope we need another week extention since all the server instablities of last patch. Can't stay on long enough to even form a team let alone play.
  16. Glad to see that pesky being able to play bug is fixed. Thanks to NCSofts 30 seconds to total mapserve internal countdown. Never have to see another Farm again.
  17. Compared to last year this event blows. The stablity issue alone makes it bad. But because of both the badies being too tough for lowbies and the new sidekicking; the zones are dead except for PI.

    As we know, over the summer people stayed in Atlas then went to AE for PL/farming. This wasn't good. So the Devs made changes. But now with short sightedness people go to Atlas then via SG or Vanguard building end up in PI to guess what; PL and Farm.

    Too much in one zone causes lag, mapservers, and general dc'ing.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    Hey! Looks like it will be extended too, in order give players who were affected by bugs (to be fixed in a new patch) more time to collect badges.
    1 more week of Uber Lag how fun.
  19. Craptastic Lag!! Making the event unplayable.

    Boo! to the inner Arena doors not ToT'ing. Was the best place to be to counter lag last year plus buy sell insperations as needed.

    Just not as fun as last year. Will try again tomorrow with the hope that some of this is fixed.
  20. Nope, not just you. I rate CoX's customer support right up there with the service desk of Kmart.
  21. I'm more excited about reactivation than x2 xp. Using aan old second account I was able to clean up my main account and transfer new toons into my sg. Deleted rarely played 50's to make room for newer builds. Might play some but I also work the weekends so 2xp doesn't really do much here.
  22. Seriously?! Why now? MA is dead. Its filled with the corpses of thousands of partial made arcs, nerfed farms, and closed accounts.

    If the DEV team selected 4-10 entries for each category, then let the player base choose from them. Then maybe it might be seen as fair. Even then BLAH!
  23. Ok I just losted 2 character slots on Freedom. Had one open slot then I deleted a lowbie villian. So I should have 2 open. Went to make a defender and bam! no open slots.
    Sent a petition in. And here's the reply.


    We are currently aware of an issue with the server you have reported and are working to correct it as quickly as possible. Please try to connect again in a few minutes or watch for news on updates and fixes at If you find that you are unable to connect after a long period of time please let us know when the issue started and what error you are receiving.

    Thank you,
    GM Sven


    Try to connect again? If I'm having problems logging in? That wasn't what I was asking for help with. Do the GM's even read the petitions anymore? A swear Customer service is going down hill fast.

    I want my 2 slots back. Especially since they were paid for extra slots.
    I can log in just fine to the game. Maybe some Mod or Dev will read this since GM's only cut and paste.
  24. Only time I see this as a problem is the following.

    level 50 farmer has BM mission.
    Charging lowbies an arm and a leg to PL.
    50 dc's in mission after killing BM.
    Team or 1 player decides to finish mission by clicking glowies.
    >Poof< Farm gone.

    The reason I say its a farmer who charges because if you were pl your friends, I would think you wouldnt charge them. But a stranger who wants 3-10 mill upfront then leaves mission. I can see people getting mad and ruining the farm.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by King_of_Kings View Post
    This is all great,

    But why don't you post a message on the startup menu when we start the game?

    Unless we come back here everyday, we miss out on stuff like this.

    Now its too late and I lost my chance at a freespec on all my characters!
    Shh!! this way the forumites can keep their l33t status!