1554 -
For me, it depends quite a bit on AT type.
I tend to take Flight on the bulk of my characters. That's probably the most
frequent pool I use. In addition to Fly, Air Superiority is a great power (more so
for the KD than the dmg - although the dmg is as good as a T1/T2 attack).
More often than not, I'm a solo player, so pools that appeal to me are the ones
that help a toon be more self-sufficient, like Stealth and Medicine for "squishy"
characters, and Fighting and Leadership are for more survivable melee toons.
Hasten is a mixed bag for me - with set bonues, LotG's, incarnate Alpha powers,
I can usually get "enough" recharge to satisfy me without needing to burn a pool,
for a single power pick.
Of course, for some of my min/maxed toons, Hasten IS important, and they
take it, but probably ~75% of my characters don't bother with it.
4 -
Quote:Well, I think there's quite a lot more than 100T influence in the game to beginOriginally Posted by FulmensSo does anyone want to take a wild guess at what converters (and the sales volume of really expensive things therefrom) have done to the inf supply?
My guess is this:
About a hundred people made about a hundred billion each
About a thousand people made about ten billion each
Total: about twenty trillion changed hands, two trillion burnt.
Skilled people made 50 million per converter; if we assume a learning curve and say 20 million per converter, that's on the order of 100,000 converters used at a quarter million each, 25 billion burnt on those.
Let's say 10% of those converters come from 1000 hero merits, and half those hero merits are made from reward merits: 500 hero merits at 20 million each = 10 billion burnt on those.
OK, those are relatively trivial sums next to the market fees, but I didn't know that till I did the math.
so 2 trillion inf out of maybe 100 trillion in game. Does that number seem reasonable?
with, and I thought even you were willing to consider that there could be 3-5X
that much, based on the results of my inf survey a couple months back.
Has your position on this changed recently?
Anyway, back to the question at hand.
I don't think your estimates are out-of-whack by any means.
Depending on what assumptions about avg profit per IO, # of IOs traded, and number
of active players doing conversions, I come out with 5T-40T exchanged when
I dabble with various combinations of numbers based on those assumptions.
Typically, I come up with ~15T with IO volumes of ~30K traded.
Some factors I believe have an effect on the overall results:
1> I think most of the Big Hitters planned to trade using A merits, which didn't
release. I don't doubt they still got in with R merits, but probably with lower
volumes than planned.
Converters from A merits only came out Tuesday, and prices haven't changed
noticeably this week, so I don't think we've seen any appreciable effect from those yet.
The bulk of the effect so far, imho, has been based on R merits early on.
2> Prices plummetted very rapidly on Converter Day, so, I think avg profit per IO
also dropped quite quickly, especially considering that only 1/2 dozen IO's were
above 1B to begin with. The earliest traders hit the motherlode, but I think
there'd be a sharp drop-off after the first couple hours.
3> A *lot* of folks have/had decent numbers of R merits, and I'd think that more than
1000 people probably exchanged some of them, but probably for lower profits
on average,
individually. So, I think the 1000 is low, the 10B high (for an average).
All in all, I'd say 20T is as reasonable an estimate as any... YMMV.
4 -
Quote:For me, any wistful nostalgia is easily and vastly offset by NOT having to:The remote auction house is ridiculously useful, but I miss seeing everyone piled into the physical wentworths/black market space. In a game largely bereft of busy public spaces, this is a genuine loss. No complaints about the convenience or utility of the feature, but regrets about further erosion of populated public spaces.
A> Deal with 1/2 dozen howling, slavering Demons from MM's, or barking mutts, or
3 or 4 Fire Brutes on temporary vacation from AE, with Blazing Aura going full blast,
all while I'm marketing.
B> Be forcefully detoggled, including useful ones like sprint, and even quiet toggles
in WW (as happens in Praetoria).
C> Have some wingnut read my fortune or cover me in buffs and bubbles despite
not actually being anywhere near any combatants.
D> Avoid marketing and making major bank while waiting 25 mins in an itrial league
for the next 15 minute BAF run to get started "anytime now".
E> See my screen spammed by: "Cheap Rates on levels and inf! Only $1.54 / Billion,
delivered to you in-game in minutes!" by some L1 dude named H6y6xxy every 5 minutes.
Apart from those minor nits, yeah, I sure miss hanging out at WW/BM
Now, if they'd just let me use /ah in my BASE, where I actually craft stuff,
I'd be ecstatic...
4 -
Evidently it is fixed now (based on today's patch notes)
4 -
Staff-Schmaff ... Deal with it...
I've used a grand total of 6 converters (2 in-set rolls) since they went live.
I don't think you're missing anything at all if you don't use them much.
They're basically useful for two things:
1> Turn something you don't want into something you'd slot
2> Turn something cheap into something more valuable to sell for inf.
If you already know how to make enough inf to nicely equip your characters,
you don't need these at all - they're just a convenience item at that point.
4 -
Quote:Interestingly, on my Blaster, I consistently run Heather's arc faster than Duncans.
I ran the first arc again and continue to feel strongly that if your toon can take down yellow EBs that the fourth arc can be done quicker then the first arc. I can usually do the Duncan arc in about 15 minutes.
I think the primary reasons are:
* The 8 groups you have to kill take (slightly) longer
* There's no cutscene in Heather's arc (Scirrocco and GW talk too much)
* Killing the EB takes longer than killing the group that have Kadabra and Sigil hostage
I haven't compared times on my Brute yet (he has to run at higher difficulty
due to the KB issue mentioned earlier, and he can't stealth much, so he's always
slower than my Blaster anyway).
4 -
Quote:The devs also thought PvP was broken too - hence PvP 2.0 which was Far WorseOddly since that point in 2005 the devs agreed with the people complaining about blaster performance and tried to fix it.
It remains to be seen if the devs agree with people complaining currently, but I really don't know what point you were trying to make there.
than the original.
People have been saying since original Beta that "this AT or that AT is broken"
or is superfluous due to some other AT, or what have you.
By and large it's bunk.
Yes, some *specific* powers may be suboptimal, or need tweaking, or may be
"out of balance" compared to some other arbitrary power, but that does NOT
equal a "broken AT".
I think the devs should look at a few Blaster powers (just as they did with AS for
Stalkers), and tweak them for "Today's Game", but that's it.
Clearly there are conflicting *opinions* in these threads, but "broken" has a very
clear dictionary meaning - words are like thatand quite simply, no AT fits
that definition.
When my glass is broken, when my car is broken, when my air-conditioning is
broken, I *cannot* use them... period.
Not only are none of my Blasters broken, but they actually excel at what they do.
Anyway, that's 3 more posts than I intended in this thread - if you all think the
AT is "broken", fine. I simply disagree with that assessment.
If you'll excuse me, I'm off to shoot Bad Guys -- with my Blaster
4 -
I tend towards Natural / Mutant most often.
Part of that comes from Peacebringers, whose origin is locked as Natural.
4 -
Quote:Fixed.This notion that the problem with the Blaster archetype is the fault of the Devs comes up year after year. Its specious and irrelevant, because in this game archetypes are not supposed to be judged based on whether someone somewhere can manage to succeed with them.
Keep in mind, in the link I listed, people were complaining then that the AT
was broken there, too (that was in 2005).
Sorry - I didn't buy then. I don't buy it now. Carry On.
4 -
Thanks for the replies folks.
I'll see if I can address some of the questions here.
Quote:I'm fairly sure he's been doing that already, but I'll ask him when I see him next.How about running DA mishes at +3?
Quote:Is combining lvl 50 ones against the self made rules?
Quote:They "should" drop in the Itrials too but the RNG has to like you. End mod and
intangible SOs are the rarest SO drops as I recall.
the two of us, we're talking several hundred trials (we both have fully T4'd toons,
and several T3/T4 mixes). RNG generally does like him better than me (a standing
joke between us), but I think we've got enough Trial runs to statistically question
whether there's an issue with Emod drops.
My gut feeling at this point is that those specific SO's simply don't drop there.
Quote:What origin SO does he need?
Rather than save them, if you *find* any, PM me where you got them -- I'm
sure he'd rather run the same content and have them drop himself than get them
from someone else or simply buy them, but thanks for the kind offer.
Quote:It would not be surprising if this was a very old bug that has stood the test
of time, or really just wasn't noticed enough to attract developer attention
but rather another quirk of the game if their drops are bugged.
Once again, thanks all for your replies - much appreciated.
4 -
Quote:90% of the time, DPS is *exactly* what he's doing, and it works fine. Part ofThe thing is that the Blaster is performing at its best when it is fulfilling its primary role of damage dealer, which leads us to...
Since you've chosen to play Energy Blast, you are sacrificing the higher damage of other blast sets for these things that you mention.
the reason I *like* blasters is you don't have to micromanage crap all the time
like you do with controllers or MM's.
However, when things go South, DPS may not be the solution (although, with
a well placed nuke, or killing or counteracting the right guy at the right time, it may still be).
Next, E3 is Elec/Elec/Elec, not Energy. Even if you didn't know that, I thought
you might have picked up on it reading my list of capabilities...
I stopped reading your rest of your post at that point....
Quote:Originally Posted by ArcanavilleIt is a nice collection of attributes, but its unclear how they turn the tide of a fight. That expression refers to a fight that starts, then goes bad, and then someone does something special that changes the fight to bring it back to a good result.
And the level of control you mention is something the average random controller has. Its great for a blaster, but that wouldn't even be worth mentioning on a controller. If I said "hi, I have a controller, and he can hold a boss indefinitely and mez an entire spawn" people would think I was on drugs. That's the minimum that all high level controllers should be able to do. A halfway decent one should be able to do far more, because they specialize in control.
Once again, I'm surprised - Really? You can't envision how *any* of those capabilities
could turn the tide (or better yet, prevent it in the first place)? Seriously?
Between this, and your "Shoot fast, faster, fastest" mantra, it's becoming increasingly
clear to me what the issue is likelier to be afaic.
Yes controllers have those control powers, but they don't have 1-shot kill capability,
their pets are often times as responsible for things going south (by aggroing anything
within a mile) as they are at preventing it and, as I mentioned above, they take
constant micromanagement. If you like that sort of thing, and you're good with
micromanaging things, controllers are very powerful.
I'm on record as saying Blasters are NOT broken or underpowered imho, and this
discussion solidifies that position in my mind.
To be sure, I would *like* the devs to re-evaluate snipes and nukes, but by and
large, Blasters have more than enough tools to survive, thrive and be successful.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of Bad Blasters out there who need to read and comprehend
BMF's 3B Bible. You can always tell Bad Blasters because they *consistently* die
first or early in most fights. Once in awhile, np, but consistently is the mark of a player
that doesn't understand the AT very well.
That, more than anything is the issue in my mind.
You reinforce that belief even more so with this statement:Quote:Originally Posted by ArcanavilleAny controller that can't outcontrol an electric blaster is actually demonstrably broken.
to be a fixation. What IS "broken" in that case would be that particular player's
understanding of the capabilities of his chosen toon.
Oddly enough, that is *exactly* what I believe applies to the bulk of the Blaster
angst as well...
Consequently, I've nothing more to post here - largely because I completely disagree
with the primary premise of Blasters being a "broken AT".
4 -
Quote:The major issue is that there's SO much wiggle room here, you can't pin anythingQuantifying that might be tricky, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that Blasters have the best tools for aggro management or controls and secondary effects, and prioritization of targets is a player skill and not an archetype tool.
down really.
The first obvious issue to me is negating player skill - of course it's not an AT
quality. However, an unskilled player, on *any* AT, is arguably not "turning the
tide" of *any* battle. Simply put, not only does player skill matter when things
go south, but it's integral to the very concept of "turning the tide".
That is *exactly* why I quantify it with "Good" Blaster - skill matters.
Secondly, I'll approach your "best tools" comment from the perspective of my E3
blaster who can: hold a boss indefinitely, mitigate an entire spawn through
End Drain, again, indefinitely, can often kill (or counteract) a key target (like a
sapper, void, etc) before they even engage, and can stealth most maps with
complete impunity.
That's a pretty nice collection of attributes, not even counting DPS, temp powers/pets,
or iStuff (all of which he *also* employs) and given skilled and timely application
of those, can and ideed often has, turned the tide of numerous battles.
Quote:DPS and ability to kill things quickly is something theoretically Blasters can do, but in terms of turning the tide of a fight going badly its very difficult to make the case that blasters have such overwhelmingly higher damage that they can do that fast enough to make a bigger difference than any other damage dealer could. In particular, Scrappers, Brutes, Stalkers, and Dominators all have the damage dealer moniker, and all have ways of both dealing high damage to a troublesome target or otherwise nullifying it.
the problem (which is why I placed it lower in my list).
Quote:When other archetypes have undeniably better tools to do half the things on that list, and other archetypes have very credibly at least equal tools to do the other half of the list, while I can't say I can say in what place Blasters are, I can say with certainty they aren't in the top half.
Quote:But this is more critical to the "turn the tide" issue. When I'm playing my blasters, there's basically only two modes I'm playing them in: casually and focused. My tactical options are usually limited to shoot fast, shoot faster, shoot really really fast. I can decide what to shoot at, but not so much what I shoot with, because I'm usually cycling my arsenal pretty fast either way. I have some choices, but not many. I have far more choices when playing a controller. I have controlling attacks, I have buffs and debuffs, I have heals. I can't use them all simultaneously, so I'm focused on particular things at particular times.
total of your options is to "shoot fast, faster, shoot really fast", then to quote
MythBusters, "There's your problem right there".
ALL of *my* blasters have at least one hold, (the E3 has 3), a heal, significant range
(and therefore time to assess/react), at least one pet after L15, and plenty of
other choices for dealing with the unforseen.
In the E3's case, I can make a pretty clear argument that his End Drain is comparable
to EMP - and I use it and prove it regularly.
Quote:If my team mates are about to die I can't save them. I can keep up the fight and hope they can rez back into it. If we aren't doing enough damage to a hard target I can't switch from doing more damage to amplifying my team mate's damage. All I can do is decide to kill this guy or decide to kill that guy or shoot in all directions, which is something pretty much anything can do to some degree.
you've got an issue. I have never felt that way, and my blasters don't play
that way. Of course, I also play PB's a lot, and if anything, they are the exact
embodiment of the point I'm trying to make here.
I DO feel like I can keep teammates from dying - by killing the ambusher, by
locking down the boss, draining the bad guys to sharply reduce their DPS, by
changing aggro by dropping a Shivan in the mix, and sometimes, even with a *timely*
application of a Heal Other.
I *have* options, and smart application of those options often prevents the
situation from going south in the first place, or saving the day after it has.
Quote:Quantifying "best" may be tricky, but qualifying who has the best tools is not: whoever has the most diverse set of tools that are strong enough to be meaningful usually wins this one. And controllers are among the strongest of the diverse toolsets: they tend to have most or all of control, buff, debuff, heal, damage, pets. And the ones that are missing any one of these tend to be really strong in other areas (mind control loses pets, gains massive confuse ability).
that Blasters can't/don't qualify. Do I have the BEST controls, pets, whatever?
Perhaps not. But I DO have ALL of those types of tools in my Blaster toolkit,
and so does EVERY other blaster, should they bother to think and build that way.
In the end, it is the mind of the player that changes whether we're dealing with a
"Good" Blaster, or a toon with a colorful pop-gun, and it is the Player, far more than
the AT that turns the tide of a battle. YMMV.
That's where I'll leave it at - we can agree to disagree after that point.
4 -
Quote:Hmmm... I'll take the contrary side, but qualified with "Good Blasters" can turn
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Quote:I would agree. In fact, that description probably applies even better to controllers, from the on-guard before combat part to the immense power to overcome any foe, to the ability to turn the tide of any fight.
And they do tend to need their friends, although fortunately for them they can summon those.
the tide - based anecdotally on my own experience.
* Prioritization/Elimination of key targets quickly
* Timely use of blapping/holds/drains and other secondary effects & buffs
* Additional DPS.
* Aggro Management.
Good Blasters are good at ALL of those things. Of course, timing is everything,
which is why "Good" is a qualifier, and I certainly don't disagree that other ATs
can also turn the tide of a battle.
How you'd quantifiably measure who's *best* at it is a question I'd be curious
to hear the answer for.
4 -
I too am following this thread with interest (as I play both AT's fairly frequently).
I'm especially enjoying the supplemental analysis being done on the raw mission
I think Common IO's are perfectly acceptable on both toons, and the performance is
predictably similar between them and DO/SO's. Also SO's aren't out-performed
by Commons until L40, in anything other than simple convenience, so I'd expect
little or no skew effect between SO's and Commons.
One other element that may be a (probably small) "hidden factor" is that most of
us play some AT's better than other ATs (for instance, I myself play Blasters
much better than I play Controllers imo).
Blasters and Stalkers can be run using very similar tactics and playstyles, and I
know that THB is trying to keep things as consistent as possible between them, but
that's not necessarily a trivial thing to achieve in all circumstances.
Perhaps THB can comment on that and whether he feels any noticeable AT bias,
in terms of playstyle, as they run their missions.
In any case, interesting stuff.
4 -
I find the first one (Heather's?) can be run in under 15 mins, so in less
than an hour per day, I can get:
* a component (nearly always a Common)
* a couple Astrals (sometimes an Empryean)
* 10-12 threads (10 for the reward, with usually a drop or two)
Follow that up with a quick repeatable mission (~5 mins)
for another 10 Threads, and you've made pretty decent
progress, pretty quickly.
It's a little grindy running the arc 3X, plus the repeatable, but
not *too* grindy, and after doing that daily for a little while,
you can get several of the basic iPowers crafted while unlocking
their slots.
If you save your Threads (using the component drop for Commons),
it's not too hard to get T1/T2's crafted, and if you're lucky on either
components or Empryean drops, you'll be pretty close to crafting
a T3 by the end of a week.
To be sure, that's nowhere near the progress you'd make running
iTrials, but it's a convenient way to get started for a soloist.
4 -
Quote:As others have noted, BAF and Lambda are the earliest trials. BAF, imho, is aboutmy scrapper has one level boost from alpha slot..still unlocking destiny and lore.
last night went to pocket D to start some trials..never did any of them before..got in group for DD it went well till the end battle..really had no clue what I was supposed to be doing just followed the group.
Then I got on paragonwiki and looked up the trials seemed like BAF was the one to start with..got in group and before I knew it everyone quit on first part cause everyone kept dying..including me.
So which trials are considered easier..or starting trials? Seemed to me BAF was really hard. The mobs just mowed us down quickly.
Seemed like sLAM was a popular one, is that one I should be getting into with only one level shift?
Any advice appreciated..thx
as easy as it gets, but that said, it's *incarnate* content, so some caveats
are in order.
iContent, by design, is harder than the normal PvE stuff. Without level shifts,
you're playing against mobs that can be several levels higher than you.
Additionally, ALL of the trials are "gimmicky". By this, I mean that there are
certain things that have to be done in certain order or a certain way, and/or
there are certain times when you'll take unpreventable damage, or you'll be unable
to cause damage, etc.
In short, you can (loosely) equate it to running missions at +4 on the slider,
and having to know exactly what to do, often within a time limit, to succeed.
Recently (post 2XP wkend) we have a lot of new L50's that are unprepared
in both of those categories (slotting/shifts & knowledge).
So, what can you do?
Well, three things, I think will help.
1> Get a T3 Alpha - that's your first level shift, and it's a BIG improvement.
Additionally, it's pretty easy to get - an ITF/LGTF, Rikti MS Raid, or even DA arcs
can get you there pretty quickly.
2> Join some trials: There's NO substitute for experience. Be prepared to Pay Attention
to the trial leader, and follow directions as best you can - even a Bad Leader
is better than No Leader (for inexperienced iTrialer's). Reading up on the trials
on P-Wiki can give you an overview and insight into what your group is trying
to do.
3> Realize up-front that early on, your fantastic character may well get its @$$
handed to it (sometimes without any apparent warning) until you get some
experience and iPowers.
All that said, Have Fun!
It can be a bit overwhelming initially, but they can be pretty fun, and with some
time and knowledge it will soon become pretty rare to fail one.
Personally, I think BAF is easiest, Lambda is next (once you learn your way around
the maze). MoM, TPN, and DD are also fun, but the mobs are higher level in there,
so many teams want +2 or +3 incarnates.
I've yet to run a UG, so I don't have an opinion on it currently, and Keyes, is definitely
my least favorite of the bunch. YMMV.
4 -
A friend of mine undertook a whimsical project when he started running iTrials
with his twinked out Brute.
As many of you know, the trials also drop L53 SO's (in addition to the stuff *most*
people actually want)
Rather than simply sell those, he decided to use them to equip his original I-1 main
(a controller with an original DO/SO build), just for giggles.
So, over the past few months, he's been sending those to his "old" toon, and
he was actually able to completely fill out the build ... except ...
He's never gotten L53 End Mod SO's (for stamina).
He asked me to look for them when I run trials too, and I've yet to see one drop
They're available in WW, so he knows they drop *somewhere* (buying them
would be cheating), so the question is:
Does anyone know where L53 End Mod SO's drop?
He's assumed iTrials, because, all the other ones he collected dropped there,
but neither of us have seen an End Mod so far (after a *lot* of trials).
On his behalf, any insight you have on these would be welcome.
Thanks in Advance,
4 -
Quote:Not pulled - the link in the post was bad ... try this one.Probably pulled. Nothing about i23 was supposed to be announced outside the Magistarium.
4 -
Quote:Frankly, I'm outraged. OUTRAGED, I scream!From the Announcements post (I'm not surprised there is no Discussion post to go with this):
This is an outrage.
A slap in the face.
How am I supposed to buy Paragon Points when the site is down?
Billing services too?
What if my account expires?
Will I lose out on the Loyalty Program?
This is so unfair to those that are living in areas that this comes in their prime time.
Okay. Someone had to be the maroon that posted something like that. At least this time it was someone making a joke.
Not *only* did the outage (not outrage) stop me from spending Paragon Points,
and reading fascinating if pointless rants, about things I don't care a whit about,
but, they had the infernal, unmitigated gall to wrap it all up and restore service,
before I could even get worked up about it!!!
So, now, I have to be OUTRAGED that I totally missed it! Grrrr
Fargin Iceholes...
PS> For Xeno's sake (et al), this too is purely joking... Really, I lol'd
PPS> Double Damn - I thought it was the Forums that were down as well (you know,
*important* stuff, serious bidness). Account stuff? Bah. Who uses that site anyway??? -
Quote:The flippant answer, of course, would be --> "Some other game"Hi, back from a year of not playing and was wondering where to take my toons. Used to play on virtue but it's now dead or so I've been rooms. I used to di all types of pvp. Duels, zone, and arena. If some one could help it would be much appreciated
That said, the Freedom server is pretty much the only one where significant
amounts of pvp occur.
Recluse's Victory usually has folks in there, and there are a number of folks
who also hang out in Siren's Call.
That's pretty much it these days.
4 -
Quote:Maybe I'm misreading this a bit, but wrt bases, a salvage rack will hold 30 items,Thanks for the info. I assumed that might be the case (knowing that the AE tickets cap at that number) but hadn't verified is they were all the same. Does the same 9999 cap apply to the Incarnate Salvage contents tab? I've got a huge stack on some alts of some types of common salvage, but in no danger ever of hitting 9999. I seem to recall that base salvage capped at 99 of given type, but am far from certain.
an enhancement table will hold 100 IOs, and Inspiration kiosks will also hold
100 inspirations. Each of these (rack, table, kiosk) count as 1 storage item.
You can have a total of 18 storage items in your base (including the Vault), and
afaik they can be any mix of salvage racks, enhancement tables and inspiration
kiosks as part of that 18.
4 -
Not that I'm a big team player to begin with, but one thing that *does* detract
from it on those rare occasions when I do team, is the simple fact that in many
cases, *only* the leader can READ the stories -- I find that rather irksome.
I solo-ed DA and the SSA's for exactly that reason, and don't generally bother
with tfs because they're not easily solo-able (without going thru a bunch of rigamarole).
The only way I even know what the darn tf's are about is to read about them on P-Wiki.
Seems a bit silly to me.
4 -
I tend to run my Hero Tips in Atlas Park (as it doesn't shuffle you around so much).
So, once I'm there, I'll dump junk stuff at the vendors near Liberty, and I'll also
do a little marketing from there (I'm one of those with /auctionhouse), and once
in awhile, like other posters mentioned, I'll even look around at some of the
new folks.
It's also a quick route (via RWZ) to PI or FF or a crafting table, etc.
4 -
A little bit of RL financial advice may be helpful here -- diversify
First and foremost, understand that there is *some* risk in any method of trying
to store inf > 2B on a single character - period.
Both Gleemail and the Market *have* lost items in the past, although in fairness,
I too have not had it happen in recent memory (but I have had to petition in the past).
Currently, I use 4 primary methods for storing inf:
1> Most of my L50 characters (about a dozen) have 1B-2B in liquid inf on them.
I regard this as the "safest" as they're all under the cap and toons never get
deleted. One caveat here - make sure any inf you store on alts are on toons
L10 or higher (< L10 cannot use gleemail). I use L50's myself.
2> I have a few marketeers that store excess bids in L51-L53 (non-existing) recipes.
They'll typically store up to ~10B this way using 5 Market Slots (10 stacks of 200M each).
That's as many slots as I care to "lock up" on a marketeer toon (20-25% of their slots).
The risk here, is that the devs *could* at some point clean up their databases
and remove items that don't actually exist (one hopes they'd warn us first, but who
knows?). Of course, that could wipe those bids out during any given patch if they
don't see fit to give us a Head's Up.
3> I have a couple other toons that will store a few billion on lowball recipe
bids (a 10-stack of 200M bids for Glad Armor Procs, for instance). The risk here,
of course, is if the price actually drops that low, you just bought a bunch of
recipes...That may or may not actually be a Bad Thing depending on your
perspective, although with converters, this *has* happened to some folks recently.
4> Convert inf to goods by purchasing IO's (or recipes that you craft), and store
them in your base - either for use,or future resale. I have one base that I use
for that purpose -- Generally, I expect to actually slot those IO's on toons, but it's
also another inf reserve if I choose to sell them.
Last, Gleemail, a method I don't use to store inf (other than a token 25M "starter
fund" for the next lowbie toon I make).
My issue with Gleemail is I'm still am skeptical about it's reliability, and also, with a
20 mail limit, I tend to need/use those spots for shuffling items between characters/servers
and or holding "emergency" supplies (like inspies when an ITF or iTrial goes south on you).
For me, Gleemail is temporary storage almost exclusively.
So, there are lots of ways to store inf as long as you're aware of the risks and
benefits of any particular method. For me, diversifying ensures I'll always have
some billions accessible when I need it.