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  1. When CoH went FTP, I hadn't played in about 2 years (due to WoW taking up my gaming time, mostly). I leveled up a brute to 50 as premium (reward level 7 I think) and had fun, subbed for about 3 months to do incarnate stuff and experience the VIP content, then I decided to take a break until I saw today's news while browsing the Steam forums. If not for the premium status and having access to most content, I doubt I would've subscribed for those three months.

    Don't blame players for the game's shut down, blame NCSoft. After all, if people hadn't been purchasing subscriptions and stuff off the Paragon market, the devs wouldn't have been pumping out stuff for it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    I'm going to spend more time doing my own games.

    I had a long term plan to make an iPhone/Android super hero game, akin to Final Fantasy with turn based system and the like, plus City of Heroes-esque customization although at a cuter level.

    I may hasten up those plans a bit.
    That sounds pretty neat.

    I think I'll stick to single player games for awhile... maybe playing some Team Fortress 2, Blacklight Retribution, or Halo Reach for a multiplayer fix. I really can't see myself getting into any MMORPGs anytime soon.
  3. I hate to say it, but the chances of Valve buying CoH are next to nothing. Still, one can dream of hats...
  4. Turns out the Coming Storm was the game's closure. Lame.

    But seriously, they've been building up the Coming Storm storyline for years. It would be nice to know what was the nature of the Battalion aliens going to be? Who is the Dark Father? How did Mender Silos/Nemesis plan to combat the Coming Storm and where does Rularuu factor into the plan?

    Alas, I guess the game's closure will leave a lot of open plot lines. Me am sad.
  5. Flying_Carcass

    Boycott NCSoft

    You know, I was on the fence as to whether or not to buy Guild Wars 2... this news just pushed me to the "no and never will" side. I'm done with NCSoft.
  6. Thanks Paragon Studios (and Cryptic before that) for creating one of the best games I've ever played and for countless hours of fun.

    Thank you, fellow players, for being the best in-game community of any online game I've ever played. Its been a blast!
  7. Man, this sucks. I've been playing CoH off and on since its release... its one of my all-time favorite games and it was my first MMORPG. I've got a ton of great memories of this game and played with many great people... gonna' miss it.
  8. I can think of a few game development engines available for free (for non-commercial projects). Some are simple and others complex... maybe one of these will fit your needs:

    Game Maker (Lite version):
    Unreal Development Kit:
    Unity Engine:
    CryEngine 3:
  9. In the last year or so, I was surprised to get:

    Hope Bringer
    Mighty Mind
    Captain Enterprise
    Proto Blast
    Chrono Strike
    Ultra Striker
    Calamity Queen
    Soul Circus
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    It will be whenever you plan on running a Numina TF. /trollface
    Coincidentally, the WST for the entire month will be Numina...
  11. I like the idea of a zone with "action and response" game play, but it would be much more interesting with PvP. In the "burn a building" event you suggested, it would be more fun if villains were tasked to burn it and ensure it burns while heroes are simultaneously tasked to thwart the villain and put out any fires that are lit. Of course rewards, possibly tickets that can be used to purchase stuff, would go a long way towards encouraging participation.
  12. Yeah, Sutter's a very fun challenge.
  13. Quote:
    5# Instanced PvP- Nothing as of yet.
    Arenas are instances. But you probably are referring to being able to queue up for a PvP event and be placed on a team in a manner similar to LFG or battlegrounds in other games. I think such a system would go a long way towards getting some PvP action going... as of now the system-created PvP events don't and have never worked.

    I can think of a few other reasons PvP is unpopular.

    PvP zones are too big; often times half the battle is actually finding the battle.

    The only objective is to kill the other player, which is a fine objective, but having a variety of PvP modes (such as capture points, king of the hill, capture the flag, ect) would add more tactical elements to the battle.

    Currently, there is no reason to PvP if you wish to complete PvP zone objectives, such as collecting nukes or shivans (in fact, its best to avoid PvP if you want to be successful at such tasks).

    In regards to the zones, if one side has more people than the other, the larger side has a major advantage. Getting camped in the Sirens Call hospital is not fun. PvP zones should also have a queuing mechanism to even out the zone populations... maybe have a scheduled battle over some objective every few hours or so...

    Lastly, there should be cross-server PvP (to increase the PvP player pool).
  14. Slightly off topic, but I for one cannot see Mot's mouths eating folks without hearing the "Om nom nom! This is delicious!" of the TF2 Heavy.
  15. Its been awhile since we've dealt with natural enemies. How 'bout incarnate level Family?

    "Ey, thats a nice alpha slot ya' got there. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it..."
  16. The big theme of the DA arcs is Hope VS Despair.

    On a side note, I like arcs where the bad guys win the first few rounds because it builds dramatic tension and raises the stakes, which makes it more cathartic when good finally triumphs over evil (when playing hero side, of course. Its nice to get a few wins when playing villain side too!). I really enjoyed the "Who Will Die?" storyline for this reason.
  17. I ran the entire WWD storyline for the first time over the last two days and greatly enjoyed the adventure. Darrien Wade made a great villain and bringing him down was very satisfying.

    The mission with the floating fleet was awesome (and the music I had playing in the background, , fit perfectly with it).

    I was greatly concerned, prior to the warburg malta mission, by the contact's mention of tanks equipped with sapper technology. I'm not sure whether I'm relieved or disappointed that the tanks weren't manned...

    The final mission (by which I mean the one in space, not the epilogue press conference) was, of course, quite epic and a fitting conclusion to the adventure.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post

    The sci-fi premise Crichton books are entertaining as heck. Jurassic Park, Prey, Timeline, Sphere.
    I second this. All the books I've read of his were great, with the exception of Next. I'll just mention Andromeda Strain and The Terminal Man.
  19. Got my defender from 40 to 50 and started a new stalker and got that to 25.
  20. Mechs would rock!

    But I want the slow-moving stompy kind... like the hardsuits in Blacklight Retribution.
  21. Flying_Carcass

    Your DXP Plans

    Huzzah, succeeded in my plan to get my defender to 50!

    Now I gotta' choose another alt to get some levels on...
  22. You have access to pretty much any non-incarnate stuff aside from inventions. As other have said, you can do taskforces, regular (non-incarnate) trials, run story arcs (most of the high level ones have arch villains to fight), hunt giant monsters, PvP (if your on a server where folks actually PvP), badge hunt, ouroboros, and raid the ritki mothership and hamidon.

    Here's some links to paragon wiki pages you may find helpful:
  23. Flying_Carcass

    Your DXP Plans

    I'm gonna' try to get my lv 40 dark/dark defender to 50.
  24. Heh, it would be interesting if Recluse acted more like a politician. This thread reminded me of something I wrote a few years ago.

    "Recession in the Rogue Islands"

    Johnny Snatch, the "supa' gangster", was not amused by this unfortunate turn of events.
    "Hey boss..." one of his hired thugs began.
    Johnny Snatch prided himself on having a cool head in tough situations, but this... this situation was almost insulting in a way!
    "Where's the money, boss?"
    Johnny Snatch's cigar burned and he blankly watched its smoke swirl through the empty bank vault. He knew the banks were having a hard time, but he hadn't expected this. He would have a word with his contact after this venture, assuming he survives it...

    Press conferance in Grandville

    Lord Recluse: "I know many people are concerned about the current financial crisis, and while normally I'd kick a puppy and laugh at the misfortune of all you peasants, I need the Rogue Island banks to stay in business so I can fund my fiendish plots. Therefore, I have decided to implement a comprehensive doomsda... er, I mean financial rescue plot.I mean plan! To explain my plan, I will now yield the floor to my newly appointed secretary of the treasury, Captain Mako.

    Trepid applause and nervous looks fills the room as Captain Mako takes to the podium.

    "I been told by Lord Recluse that the banks need liquidity. Well, as an expert o' the seas, I know lots about liquids, so da' banks are bein' injected with hundreds o' gallons of sea water even as we speak, financial crisis solved!"

    Appearing on a television showing the nightly news...

    "Thank you for joining us on the nightly news, my name is Amanda Vines and my co-anchor is a Nemesis Automaton"
    "All hail Lord Nemesis!"
    "Thank you, Gerald. Our top story tonight is the unveiling of Arachnos's financial bailout package."
    Mako: " an expert o' the seas, I know lots about liquids..."
    "When a reporter asked if Captain Mako knew anything at all about how financial markets work, Mako charged into the crowd and went into a killing frenzy, there were no survivors."
    News ticker: Remember, television is your friend. Television makes everything better."
    "And in other news, experts predict there will be a decline in Nemesis plots this holiday season, as even would-be world conquerors find their wallets constrained by the global recession. It is unclear how the producers of automaton parts will weather this tough season."

    Nemesis, watching from home: "Two words: Weather Machine"