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  1. So far I'm loving what I've seen.
    I've done some colourisation to get psi-shields, dark fiery melee, blue super reflexes and fresh-from-the-core earth assault and earth control.

    I've also spent some time with earth assault and stalker broadsword.

    I'm going to be making two characters of archtypes that I've spent (relatively) little time with and, thanks to I16, sticking with them.

    Oh yeah, and I can make my villainous archer; Bow Remorse.
  2. Every so often Lobster Rammer felt the need to take a break from the heroics, light up a doobie and just get his freak on.
  3. I don't know exactly what's happened to your character except for a vague, uncertain stab at diminishing returns, but I didn't think it fair that you've gotten no replies.

    Good luck with your question Rumpelstilzchen.
  4. Nope.
    If I ever give up on CoX it'll either be Warhammer Online or the new Star Wars thingy.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dread_Shinobi View Post
    2 quick things to note:
    If you're using a patron pet on a stalker youre doing it wrong (they give away your location).
    And, you're forgetting the one nice perk of Mace Mastery (-jump)

    However you're right about them needing to buff moar, and nerf less.
    *snaps fingers*
    I always forget about the -jump.
  6. To be fair, I'm thinking that instead of nerfing the sharks, we should buff the other patron pools.

    Let's take a look at this; if you pick Leviathan Mastery you can get a hold that does -fly and a half-decent DoT, a half-decent ranged attack and HIBERNATE.
    And you can also get a waterspout and Coral Stony Pet. I guess they're kinda nifty.

    Mace mastery?
    A hold that does -fly and no damage. There's some -recharge in there as well so a stalker could stack that with spines. If they wanted to.
    And then you also get the ranged attack, snipe, aoe attack and pet. In this case, three pets. Spiderlings. Which are fairly cool. But not that useful for a stalker in pvp.

    The other 2.
    Ranged attack, snipe, hold and a pet.
    Instead of the aoe attack that Mu Mastery gets, Soul Mastery gets you Shadow Meld for 15 seconds of extra defence. Shame about Diminishing Returns.
    Huh...though if it immediately dropped the stalker back into Hidden status when it was used...that might make it comparable to Leviathan Mastery in desirability.

    Anyway, what I'm saying is, why nerf Leviathan when they could be making the other 3 patron pools better?

    Because it's easier.
    Well, yeah.

    But why always the nerfing? Let's drag the rest of the poppies up rather than chopping down the tall one!
  7. That does it! What the heck is your global puppy?

    ...ah. There it is.
    *proceeds to send Cien a global friends invite*
  8. I recall the name, the character and the supergroup.
    Not a whole lot beyond that. You were an archer weren't you?

    Oh dear, claws. I guess I was mistaken.

    Welcome back.
  9. Snipes. Gawd, don't get me started on those.

    What other people have said is quite relevant. A tool for pulling, picking off a runner. A burst of damage to take out a troublesome enemy, (Malta Sappers, Freakshow before they heal, Tsoo enemies before a Sorcerer heals them) and of course a long ranged attack that allows you to damage an enemy before they get close enough to damage you. First strike.

    But they could be improved. Every few months a flurry of snipe-themed threads pop up on the subject.
  10. Yeah, the Freakshow have really tightened their hiring practices. Nowadays, it's not just enough to have more hardware than a mechanic.

    You actually need to follow the set procedures.

    "It's c4ll3d t3h 3mpl0ym3nt fr4m3w0rk n00b."
  11. What the heck, I'm in an answery mood.

    I just hope I answer the correct question.
    Why farm?
    • To provide food for those with insufficient space to grow it themselves or who are not able to farm for themselves due to specialisation in work or time constraints.
    • And yeah, it's an easier way to get influence/infamy/levels.
    • A person might be aiming for pvp, or end-game content and not need to work theirn way through the regular level method.
    • They're leveling a particular archtype for their supergroup as there are no characters in the supergroup of that archtype which are high enough level/online/available/willing.
    • Because people are willing to pay them real world currency for the online representation of ingame currency and so they can turn a profit by this method.
    • Because they may not want to pay 1,000,000 infamy for a piece of rare/uncommon salvage, instead choosing to purchase it from AE by paying 540/80 AE Tickets.
    • Because they hate you and wish to annoy you. Yes you, Westley.
    • Because they have friends/supergroup members who farm and so choose to help the aforementioned friend/supergroup member.
    • Because they want to try out a particular power, and don't wish to wait until they gain the appropriate level through normal leveling.
    • Seriously? What is normal leveling anyway? Is it solo or teamed? How many people in the team? Streetsweeping or missions? Taskforce or story arcs? Architect Entertainment or Ouroboros?
    • What the hell is wrong with you?
    • Why do bad things happen to good people?
    • A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.
    • Because it's there.
    • Because they choose to, as is their right as paying subscribers.
    • A player might have already gone through the early levels several times and is only interested in higher level gameplay.
    • A friend/associate/supergroup member is a higher level than them, and they wish to play with them without having to be mentored. (Of course this aspect should be largely moot once supersidekicking comes in.)
  12. Bloody Bay is especially awesome because both sides have a base that's actually big enough, and accessible enough to make you feel like you're actually assaulting it.

    I remember the last BB event I went to where there were a group of villains making their way up from the hero base's docks, fighting every inch of the way against Longbow and heroes.

    Oh yeah...and shortly after I'd first started playing, a little while after CoV first came out there was a small group of us villains in BB getting Shivan Shards and we were actually ambushed by another group of heroes who came down from the higher parts of the factory/refinery. Near Meteor Char.

    Good times.
  13. Good on ya, mate.

    Your first 50 is always a great achievement.

    Oh, I forgot to ask; What character was it that you got to 50?
    *delivers cake to Old_Man's home*
  14. Good for you!

    Well done.


    I don't really have much more to add other than that.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChurchMouse View Post
    There's a series out there, can't remember the name, that combines dragons and napleonics. The first book is quite good.
    By Naomi Novik.

    It's quite a good series, starting off with His Majesty's Dragon in 2006 and continuing for another four books with the most recent one, Victory of Eagles being released in America in July of 2008.

    The Crystal Witch gave it a 'solid' rating and said it was a 'very good read'.
  16. Wow. Has Suichiro disabled reputation?

    I'd give him some major/super colonel kudos points for that.
  17. While I haven't quite understood what you're talking about beyond your uncertainty concerning the new forum design; I would like to mention that I have also read that book and quite enjoyed it.
  18. Where's my jaw? Where's my jaw? WHERE'S MY GOSHDARN JAW?!

    This sounds ridiculously incredible. I only hope I can make it to even one of these events.
  19. I'd have to go along with the departure story idea that Chuut suggested.

    Sounds like the best idea. Not as inclined to controversy or commonplace as a costume contest, not as awkward as a pvp competition and just flat out better than the rest of the suggestions.

    I'd also recommend just heading ingame for a little while here and there and just making on-the-spot gifts to people whos costume/name/bio you like. Get some ingame action before you go.
  20. Sorry Firespray, I had a great time.

    Got my first level 50 hero.
    Did a couple of taskforces. (Positron and Imperious)

    Earned a bunch of influence and furthermore, got to team with some good people, had some fun and finished it off by getting my Bonecrusher and Kill Skuls badges.
  21. They censored *****?

    Holy crud! They did!

    In other news; gutterslut.

    *giggles like a schoolgirl*

    Edit: Just going to doublecheck a few synonyms for the horrible, horrible i-word.

    ...blockhead, bonehead, cretin, dimwit, dork, dumbbell, dunce, fool, ignoramus, ********, jerk, kook, moron, muttonhead, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, out to lunch, pinhead, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit.

    Additional edit: Looks like 1mbecile is also censored. Could it be a language issue since they merged the foreign language forums?
  22. So, apparently we now need to click a button to do a quick reply.

    *scratches head*

    Does that still make it quick?
  23. Fenrisulfr

    I'm scared....

    *poke poke*


    *poke poke poke poke*


    *poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke - BOOM!*

    I think it's gonna take me some time to get used to this.
  24. Fenrisulfr

    Rp Help.

    You mentioned seeing different fonts and bubble above the heads, so maybe I might be able to give you some info there.

    Text in italics are emotes or when people are actually doing/thinking something instead of saying it. Sometimes the person emoting might follow an action with speech as in the following example:

    Batdude leans back against the shadowed corner and whispers to himself. "I'm Batdude."

    Of course, that's not necessarily an action I'd recommend and not necessarily how everyone uses the emote function. Just keep and eye out and you should be able to guess by how it reads in the chatbox.

    What I WOULD recommend if you're interested in roleplaying is just roleplaying within a team. Even if the team itself isn't necessarily a roleplay team you can still have fun and there's the chance that you'll meet other roleplayers as well and spontaneously start something fun.
  25. *clap clap clap clap*

    I liked it, I really liked it.