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  1. /unsigned

    Purple Nurples are one of the few remaining reasons to play game content.

    At least as it stands now, they are above exploitation by farming.

    They are intended to be the rares in this game...
  2. /unsigned

    I would prefer a way that doesn't involve paying money.
  3. Remove the MA?

    Well....I am not abusing it at all....can we remove it and still allow me access?

    If so I /sign.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Well I /sign this sounds like a great idea.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Holy Crap!


    My idea is 100% liked!!

    Mods please lock this thread now before anyone has a chance to figure out a reason to not like it, and thus ruining my 100% approval rate!:P
  5. Remember that mission, craft the lost cure, cure the lost...

    Well, would it be feasible to allow a MA writer to use a variation on that in creation?

    Give us a limited choice of graphics for the item that will "cure", and allow us to use custom mobs or preexisting factions as our "lost". Just make them turn into random civilians.

    Say, "Cure the zombie horde!" "Cure the lycanthrope horde" "Turn the nerds into...anything but nerds"

    Villain-side I would imagine it would be better for story creation to be able to choose what they would turn into...

    Make them random civilians to begin with, then turn them into monsters...or some such...

    I know...

    Too much to ask for...and they are not thinking about expanding the reach of MA right now, more than likely....

    But I would have fun with that I think...

    can I /sign my own post?:P
  6. Feihung

    MY SG!!!!!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Look at this email from a GM:


    I have restored your base to a point prior to the corruption occurring. When you have a moment, please log in and make sure that everything has been returned. If it has not, please let us know.

    Take care,
    GM Alura


    Would have posted this on my last discussion but "Access has been denied"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bad Billy! Bad!

    lmao what are you doing man?
    [ QUOTE ]
    If it has not, please let us know.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not US...let support know.


    They are working on things, as much as I hate how long this is taking (I have not touched my base in about 2 weeks for fear of the bug), I just want them to get it right in the end.

    If I were on your server I would offer the use of my telepads
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Using the word please is not a demand, and not giving justification for a suggestion is not unusual either.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well...the first part depends on who is saying please and how...

    When my ex-gf would say, "Would you PLEASE put the toilet seat down when you are finished."

    That was a demand...that bordered on a command.

    And fwiw...she never explained why either...and if I asked I think I would have been beaten.
  8. Well with the success of MA, I am sure there have been a few temp costume ideas...I just couldn't find any via search.

    The idea: Are you one of the many authors that has created your own mob faction via MA? How would you like to be able to incorporate a temp. costume into a mission story? Make the player look like a minimac or a fashion offender...give them a real souvenir from your mission...one that they will be able to use for say....fifteen minutes toggled on...

    Perhaps, someday <-----qualifier we could get that ability and maybe the ability to give temp powers like shotguns or such.

    Just make the actual powers very very limited in functionality outside of MA (except the costume)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Good information, and not to rain on anyone's parade, but what happens if an upcoming patch/nerf/whatever BREAKS a DC arc?

    How does one fix that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can unpublish a DC arc to edit it, I am not sure who, but you have to contact * I think * the dev that DC'd it and get him to review the edits and re DC it.

    There is a method, but I don't quite remember fully what it is.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Are the devs even choosing missions anymore? It always seems to be the same 'chosen' ones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Once it is DC'd it doesnt come down...

    Next year we could have 100 Dev Choice arcs.
  11. Feihung

    Spam Emails

    [ QUOTE ]

    Memphis_Bill's How to search the forums guide

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Great guide Memphis!

    As well as knowing how to use the search feature, I think reading that certified me for C++ and work in the IT field.


    I agree with the OP. I have never recieved an email that was not spam.

    I have recieved offline messages, which is how I suggest to everyone to contact me when not online.

    Because I just *delete*delete*delete* the mail.

    Honestly, don't even read them anymore.
  12. Wow. I never met you at any convention, never got to group in game with you, never got to match wits (which you would have undoubtedly won, I am not bright), I saw you once in game (You said turn off your aura, I said okay), there is so much we haven't done....like turn that aura back on :P

    But you never know, maybe we will end up in a pug, I am just sad you can't give me uber buffs if we do :P

    In all seriousness, which is very tough for me, I absolutely wish you the best.

    This economy is tough, job changes at this time can be scary. However, the general impression I have always had from you is one of a professional and a person who is great with people.

    I sincerely wish you and all of yours a lifetime of peace health and happiness.

    Ed W.
  13. I think a good alternative to "Defeat All" on the map is the "Defeat All" in back room types.

    I just began to fool around with creating a mission last night, and when testing it...I realized, that it was making what was supposed to be an easy to solo, hard enough to team mission tedious.

    So I set it to defeat all in final room. Tested that and it was much better.

    I won't use Defeat all on map unless I have a good story reason for it.
  14. Feihung

    Invalid arc

    Removed the Rikti Warzone Mothership Rikti from the list of creatures that can be placed in missions. Any missions that specifically include these critters will now be invalid, and will have to be edited. Do NOT “Unpublish” your mission, or you will lose your Arc ID and ratings

    From todays patch notes.

    Those mobs were bugged, causing double xp.

    That might be the issue, not sure...but if it just happened that might be it.
  15. No problem, there was an issue apparently where they were giving 2x xp.

    And of course the fix goobers up the arcs that were not there to specifically farm them for the exploit.

    Wait...YOU did the Welcome to Architect entertainment?

    Holy cao man, that is a great arc.

    Sorry to hear it (patch) flubbed one for you.
  16. Removed the Rikti Warzone Mothership Rikti from the list of creatures that can be placed in missions. Any missions that specifically include these critters will now be invalid, and will have to be edited. Do NOT “Unpublish” your mission, or you will lose your Arc ID and ratings

    From todays Patch notes. Thats likely what the problem is.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    how do you use changes??? i cant find em

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the costume window, down the bottom is a drop down list of change emotes.

    They only work on the ground.

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, love the costumes, love the costume change emotes, but seriously, these need to work while flying or hovering.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Thank you for giving me a reason why I was not seeing my change...for the last 10 minutes.

    and HOLY CAO!

    That was spiffy. I like the changes.

    But yes, some form of the graphics during flight would radical.

  19. I saw a mission titled FarmoFarmoFarmoFarm made by @koreakorea


    I think it was a farm...not sure though...I didnt run it and it was gone fast.
  20. How about the cursor changing when near enough to "hear" it.

    Make it change it glow or pulse a little.

    And as far as the devil's advocate post, "Why don't they look around?"...

    Well, as I have experienced, and likely most of the player population....sometimes the glowies are not visible, stuck in a wall or crate or something....

    You can see part of it, enough to click, but definitely difficult to find even while hearing it.

    I have had to /petition to get a gm in to show me where one was before....it was in the wall.
  21. I personally am using the tickets to unlock stuff for creating...and as a rule of thumb for myself, no one reads my unfinished stories.

    That likely won't change in the Mission Architect either. I prefer to have the criticism and feedback on what I see as a nearly finished piece.

    It gives the critiquer a chance to make feedback that could lead to significant or needed changes in the story.
  22. Bacon wrapped mmokebab


    Sounds delish