Invalid arc




I think I saw a post about this somewhere before but I can't find it now. One of my arcs is marked invalid, but when I edit it, no errors are shown. Is there any way to find out what the problem is?



Removed the Rikti Warzone Mothership Rikti from the list of creatures that can be placed in missions. Any missions that specifically include these critters will now be invalid, and will have to be edited. Do NOT “Unpublish” your mission, or you will lose your Arc ID and ratings

From todays patch notes.

Those mobs were bugged, causing double xp.

That might be the issue, not sure...but if it just happened that might be it.



I checked this morning and one of mine was marked invalid. It used only Arachnos, Crey and a Custom Ally, but it did use one of the RWZ maps. It could be that their "mark RWZ things invalid" code was a little too broad.

But editing and republishing the published arc removed the invalid flag, and I played through it to verify everything was still in order, so... just one of those weird things.




Mine has only custom critters, so it's not that. I don't think I'm using any Rikti maps but I'll have to double-check. If a mission has the now-invalid Rikti in it, when you edit the mission it will tell you that's the problem, yes? Mine is not showing any problem at all when I edit it.



Well I just checked and it's not invalid anymore. ;shrug



Yeah, that was what happened with mine too. Went into editor, nothing seen as invalid, published again and the invalid flag went away.

I guess it's like base rent; the game just wants you to say hi every now and then, you know, let it know you're still alive and well. I mean, you never call, you never write...
