Yet another MA suggestion: "Curing the lost"




Remember that mission, craft the lost cure, cure the lost...

Well, would it be feasible to allow a MA writer to use a variation on that in creation?

Give us a limited choice of graphics for the item that will "cure", and allow us to use custom mobs or preexisting factions as our "lost". Just make them turn into random civilians.

Say, "Cure the zombie horde!" "Cure the lycanthrope horde" "Turn the nerds into...anything but nerds"

Villain-side I would imagine it would be better for story creation to be able to choose what they would turn into...

Make them random civilians to begin with, then turn them into monsters...or some such...

I know...

Too much to ask for...and they are not thinking about expanding the reach of MA right now, more than likely....

But I would have fun with that I think...

can I /sign my own post?:P



Well I /sign this sounds like a great idea.



Well I /sign this sounds like a great idea.

[/ QUOTE ]


Holy Crap!


My idea is 100% liked!!

Mods please lock this thread now before anyone has a chance to figure out a reason to not like it, and thus ruining my 100% approval rate!:P



/signed for more mission customizability.

However, this is getting into temp powers. While I'm for anything that gives us more freedom, we need to accept that being able to craft temp powers is power customization.



Haha or you could turn the ugly girls into supermodels.
I'd play that arc....alot.


- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own