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  1. Hey folks,

    I've checked in with all the powers that be and we have pleaded the community case. This bug is not cosmetic it is a performance related issue and unfortunately we cannot leave it live.

    Just wanted to clarify that point.

  2. Thread has been marked as save and sticked by request from the community. Please contact any member of the community team to remove this or update the information contained herein.


  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    15 secs confuse on blinding powder,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whut you talk'n about Willis? It's not TWO seconds base?

    [/ QUOTE ]

  4. Ice, it's not even a contest anymore.

    And yes, take Hoarfrost and love it.
  5. Yeah I forgot about TekniQ, but for every near unkillable WP you come across 10 near unkillable regens/nins, and there are reasons for that.
  6. Ex_Libris

    Heavies in RV...

    I think the NPC stuns are actually worse than the heavies' holds. At least you don't come across heavies THAT often, NPCs are all over the place. A 10 seconds stun that you can't breakfree of is a death sentence in PvP.
  7. The below flier is posted on behalf of the player promoting their Mission Arc.

    For more information about having a flier posted, please see the Event Posting Rules

  8. [ QUOTE ]
    spines/ninja/trow sharkz or spines/regen/trow sharkz

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Personally, I haven't been very impressed with the WP stalkers I've seen. They just seem to die quicker than their Regen or Nin counter parts. Regen stalkers, well, it's just impossible to kill those bastards (when played by a good player) and the Ninjitsus I've encountered, between the godmode, shadow meld and 15 secs confuse on blinding powder, don't seem to die either.
  9. Even if I could skip CJ and Hasten, I'd never skip them. CJ is a great IO mule and Hasten, well, need I say more?
  10. Ex_Libris

    PvP Drops

    Yeah, like ganking wasn't already there before the rewards lol.
  11. Ex_Libris

    PvP Recipes

    10-15 kills would make it a little too easy to farm by an organized team in the arena, and it might even be profitable. The last thing we need is people seeing that it's easier to just farm the drops than to actually PvP. Make it 1 every 50 kills or so and we have a winner. Since i14 went live I've spent all my time in CoX PvPing (probably amounting to over 300 kills) and I've only gotten one drop. Personally I don't mind, because I spent most of my in-game time PvPing before i14 anyway. However, if the devs wanna use PvP drops as an incentive to draw a couple more people into PvPing then they might want to increase the drop rate to approximately 1 every 50 kills.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    The high collar cape &amp; hood from the 2nd pic, is also available for the female. Enjoy!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Better be you sexist pig!:P

    J/k, that all looks phenomenal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, but can we use the robe without the hood, that's the real question.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I do believe these pieces are separated. I'll see if I can get 'the Sexy one' to confirm.

  13. The below flier is posted on behalf of the player promoting their Mission Arc.

    For more information about having a flier posted, please see the Event Posting Rules

  14. Hey All,

    We know there is a lot of curiosity regarding Super Booster II, so we felt it was time to let out some of the details!

    We are excited to announce that Super Booster II: Magic will be releasing on April 14th 2009. Super Booster II: will cost $9.99 and be available through the PlayNC Store or as an in-game bonus item with the purchase of City of Heroes: Architect Edition.

    City of Heroes Super Booster II: Magic includes an extensive magic themed costume set, four character ‘costume change emotes,’ and a Mystic Fortune power. This purchase enables these features for all characters on the game account from level one, however the costume change emotes* require unlocking at least one additional costume slot.

      [*]Magic Themed Costume Set:
      The Magic themed female costume parts include hats, chest, pants, gloves, boots, and magic robe pieces. The Magic themed male and huge costume parts include hats, hood, skull mask, wizard beard, high collar cape mantle, boots, jackets and more. Describing how cool these costume pieces are doesn’t do them justice, so on to the screenshots!

      [*]Mystic Fortune Power:

      Ever wanted to have your fortune read in game? With the Mystic Fortune power players will be able to offer to read each other’s fortunes. Having your fortune read gives a power buff based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, and can give a positive or negative effect on that character for the next 20 minutes.
      [*]Costume Change Emotes:

      Characters with multiple costume slots unlocked will also have an exciting new way of customizing their characters; costume change emotes! Super Booster II: Magic includes 4 costume change emotes these emotes activate when characters switch their costumes, and are selectable in the costume change interface.[/list]
      *By default characters only have one costume slot, and must unlock additional costume slots through activities in the game. This can be accomplished by completing costume slot missions at levels 20, 30, and 40; or by using Halloween Event salvage (which can also be bought, sold or traded via the in-game Consignment Houses).

      Join the Community Discussion!
  15. Subject: Super Booster II: Magic Details!

    Hey All,
    We know there is a lot of curiosity regarding Super Booster II, so we felt it was time to let out some of the details!

    We are excited to announce that Super Booster II: Magic will be releasing on April 14th 2009. Super Booster II: will cost $9.99 and be available through the PlayNC Store or as an in-game bonus item with the purchase of City of Heroes: Architect Edition.

    City of Heroes Super Booster II: Magic includes an extensive magic themed costume set, four character ‘costume change emotes,’ and a Mystic Fortune power. This purchase enables these features for all characters on the game account from level one, however the costume change emotes* require unlocking at least one additional costume slot.

    <ul type="square">[*]Magic Themed Costume Set:
    The Magic themed female costume parts include hats, chest, pants, gloves, boots, and magic robe pieces. The Magic themed male and huge costume parts include hats, hood, skull mask, wizard beard, high collar cape mantle, boots, jackets and more. Describing how cool these costume pieces are doesn’t do them justice, so on to the screenshots!


    [*]Mystic Fortune Power:

    Ever wanted to have your fortune read in game? With the Mystic Fortune power players will be able to offer to read each other’s fortunes. Having your fortune read gives a power buff based on the Major Arcana of the Tarot, and can give a positive or negative effect on that character for the next 20 minutes.
    [*]Costume Change Emotes:

    Characters with multiple costume slots unlocked will also have an exciting new way of customizing their characters; costume change emotes! Super Booster II: Magic includes 4 costume change emotes these emotes activate when characters switch their costumes, and are selectable in the costume change interface.[/list]
    *By default characters only have one costume slot, and must unlock additional costume slots through activities in the game. This can be accomplished by completing costume slot missions at levels 20, 30, and 40; or by using Halloween Event salvage (which can also be bought, sold or traded via the in-game Consignment Houses).
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    NCsoft will be granting a (1) free respec to each active character, to enable your freespec please type /respec on the build you wish to change.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    when will this be granted or has it been already?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Has been issued at launch today, an announcement went out on March 30th: Respecification

  17. Can I have some Arc ID's for both test and live versions please.
  18. Ok...

    FREEDOM is UP!

    So here's .32 cents for all the folks that are still reading this thread, of course I am kidding and my statements in no way reflect anything other than sheer giddiness.

    Munki here's a beer! *Cheers*

    Atomancer, you need to contact support NCsoft Support because you should be able to reach any of the live servers at this point.

    Moderator 8, I'm coming for you to get my 5 bucks back!

  19. Please check Freedom the servers are spinning up now!


  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Libris, to expound upon this issue I've noticed that my arc increased in size when I transferred it from test to live. Previously it was at 98.5% and when I try to play it on live it shoots up to 105%. I did have two unlockable items in the arc, which I removed for now, but the size is the same either way. I had to remove a custom character to get the size down, but I'd really like to have them back. I'm a little confused as to why my arc increased in size in the transfer.

    What's even stranger to me is that I can load up the test server right now, load up the exact same mission file and it's within the size limit. Transfer that same file over to live and then it ballons.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    When did you last play your mission on test?

    The limitations for size were adjusted during beta, so you may be bumping against those parameters.

  21. [ QUOTE ]

    I have a pair of "Destroy" Missions from Test that are ready for play...

    "Tainted Waters", a Mission where you have to fight the Contaminated in the sewers. Here's the trick: All Contaminated are level 1, so you also go back to level 1 powers! Like Outbreak, but with a different environment. Pack Inspires; The map is fairly large, and you have to kill all of them. You get a nice memento (whatever its spelled)..

    - and -

    "Snake In the Grass"
    Those nasty hissers from Mercy Island have made it to Paragon, and are poised to spread nation-wide, unless you can clean out their current Mother Nest. Abandoned Warehouse, plus a flex level of 1 thru 52, and I have the feeling that bad words might be said soon. Bring lots of healing; The test-run I did was almost too much for my regenerating Scrapper to handle....

    enjoy and please rate.... my Missions I mean...

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Look here for a forum and thread dedicated to advertising your missions and generating feedback.

    Live: Announce Your Creations Here!

    This forum is more for questions, and resources dedicated to MA, the forum you are looking for is located in the For Fun Section.

  22. Arcs published on test will take on a new Arc ID when transferred to live servers, please use this thread to report your arc information on live.

    Live: Announce your Latest Creation Here!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Ah right o, i can wait was worried that somthing had gone wrong my side! :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Atomancer, are you able to get to the other servers?
  24. Thargor do you have unlockable content in your mission? If so you will have to wait until you have unlocked that content on live.

    To avoid this issue you can republish without the unlockable content in your mission and it should validate.
