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  1. Energizing_Ion

    TF2 Comic

    I don't get it...CoOp for what? There's no single player game/part in TF2....
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    ... It seemed long and oddly paced. It was really hard to keep track of when it was 'next day' and when it was 'oh yeah, a month later'....

    I agree with this too...

    "We have 3 months before the bomb goes off!"

    * next scene *

    "It goes off in a day..."


    Yes, yes, I know they couldn't have the movie go on for 3 months but...just a lot of time jumping it seemed.

    The other thing that irks me (not just TDKR) is the whole "bomb is so unstable!"

    Oh but we can predict when it's going to go off to the exact second. O_o
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    use a zombie version of statesman and sister psyche for it!
    haha that'd be great
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    I missed that in the notes, must have happened between the SB/ID changes when all my Kins were retired. I haven't noticed the change since I started playing them again.

    Also the power does not work on shifted foes much like Haunt which makes fighting Carnies a PITA.

    Yep, as my main is a Kinetics/Rad Blast Def. the changes where you can use Transfusion/Transference and Fulcrum Shift even if the mob dies and you still get the benefit was and still is one of the best changes/fixes EVER in the game, to me at least.

    Oh and to the OP....NO! No touchy-Kinetics! No!


    You can only touch kinetics if you add two things to the Fulcrum Shift power....

    1.) Add the heal radius effects for each target and make it heal for as much as Transfusion would on the target.

    2.) Add the endurance heal radius effects for ecah target and make it give as much endurance as Transference would on the target.

    That's about the only thing I'll approve change-wise for Kinetics (others may suggest things too but for me that's all I want)
  5. Energizing_Ion

    TF2 Comic

    All I know is that new Heavy gun reminds me of Fire Armor's PBAoE hehe.
  6. Sorry there can't be any new day job badges....it's one of those things...limits to the system...yeah, that's it...


    Then again, maybe the devs are thirsty/hungry for more badger tears?
  7. So I finally saw the movie this past Saturday for the first time and now I can come into this thread and read posts!

    I will say the movie was pretty good but nothing spectacular. Avengers > TDKR that's for sure.

    I had quite a bit of issues trying to hear what was being said throughout the movie (not just issues with Bane either).

    Oh and I totally saw that girl as being a villain. I kept waiting and waiting for that "twist" to come.
  8. That's weird I don't see Beast Mastery for sale at a discounted price nor do I see 50% sale on enhancement storage increases....

    Please fix asap devs!

  9. Or you could pay your friend to play your toons for you during the weekend and go out and do real life things.*

    *((also not real advice))
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post

    I must keep zee capslock!

    Indeed! I read that and was like, "ooooh, about time they announced it!"
  11. Energizing_Ion

    Busy, busy, busy

    Projects, eh?

    Like the Player Summit event for next year? Documentation for all the typos in the game? More ways to fit TF2 things into CoH? More ways to fit memes into CoH lore?

  12. Energizing_Ion

    Magey Mondays!

    Thanks all for the attempt this past Monday....we were close but not close enough heh.

    I think next time I'll have 1 team hold off on summoning Lore pets and have them summon their lore pets when teams 1 & 2's pets die/go away.

    Speaking of next time...

    Monday the 13th I will NOT be hosting the Mag. iTrial runs due to 2 reasons:

    1.) I won't be online


    2.) The devs are hosting the Cap'n Mako's Shark Week invasion event at this time.

    So look for more Mag. runs on the 20th!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Calve View Post
    I just remembered!!!

    Green Eyed Lady...aka...GEL lol. She still around?

    Last I knew not really. She moved to a new house and from what I've read (on the sisterhoodfriends channel) is that she might come in to change the MOTD or something but then log out.

    I know I personally haven't seen her online in quite some time.

    And unfortunately, the Legion SG is almost empty. The ones that still play are as follows:

    @milkweasel (you may remember him as Armor Assassin I think it was)

    That's about it :| And I haven't seen milkweasel on in a while either

    There might be more but with my somewhat limited play time I may not see some of the others that play.


    @Wave (and his wife @Artic Air) might be back...saw him on because of the new Water Blast power set but haven't seen him lately...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
    ACK!!! must get on Beta NAO!!!!

    problem is i built a new box and need to load the beta client, can't find the stickied post on how to access it, can someone please link it??????? please
    In the NCSoft Launcher it should be listed there as "CoH Subscriber Beta"....

    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post

    Best thing in the update.

    Nooo..that'd be Super Speed's and Hasten's power color customization
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Calve View Post
    Is Hell Vira/Heli/Shad or anybody still playing?

    Hello there

    Unfortunately no....or at least not that I'm aware of.

    I don't recognize your forum name but maybe you recognize mine (me)? *shrugs*

    I do miss HF and the gang...

    Welcome back though!

    Channels to join would be like Noy said: LB

    Could also do Sisterhoodfriends if you want to.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Beta starts today.
  17. Energizing_Ion

    I expired

    You expired....I lol.

    Great pic.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post

    Also, c-c-c-c-combo breeeeaker!


    ULTRA! Ultra, Ulltra, ultra....*fades away*

    Loved Killer Instinct(s)!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I'm guessing either general damage resistance of (dare I hope) mez protection. But probably the former.

    Mez protection? In my IO bonuses?! It's more likely than you think!

    Okay, okay, meme over with....but...hmm...does Synapse taunt us with the possibility of mez protection from IO bonuses?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Hopefully the personal story will be Hamidon himself, before he became the god-cell we know him today. When he was a scientist. That'd be really interesting.

    Or really, really boooring.

    Hami: *talking to a recording device* Today is Monday, July 2nd and I'll be doing more experiments....*does experiments*

    Nope, nothing conclusive...tomorrow though!

    Today is Tuesday, July 3rd and will try something new...

    *does experiment* KABOOOM!

    Ack! I'm turning into a big mito/mito producing entity!


  21. Just curious but noticed on the CoH facebook page/status message about 20 mins ago it says, "i24 is so packed with content the overview page is working properly now!" or something to that extent.

    I checked the link but nothing new that I could see....
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    I was talking at work about classic movie quotes and we got on to the concept of a movie quote that just HAS to be finished.....ones that if you don't say the final line...you feel....wrong!! And like you have let down your geek credibilty!

    Lines such as...

    Monty Python.

    "Excuse me. Are you the Judean People's Front? " (*)

    or Mystery Men

    "It must have been hard for you, Tony, the way times and styles have changed... hearing the people say that disco is dead..."

    (You know you want to say it, you can't help yourself....it's like an itch, scratching at your mind, tormenting you until it's said out loud.....)

    or Young Frankenstein

    "I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump"

    Does anyone else have any classics?

    *NOT a good one to be asked when you work in a kids toy shop!

    I don't know any of those quotes....then again I haven't seen any of those movies either so...there's that
  23. Meh...when is Issue 25 coming out?

    Sorry wanted to be the first to say it!

    Looks great guys! Can't wait to see it!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Months ago the devs were open to the idea of trading them within your account at least, which would help some.
    This would be very welcome in my opinion.
  25. Energizing_Ion

    Lego Firefly!

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The guy did a fantastic job, but did anyone else notice he has the door to the bridge closing from the wrong side?

    Saffron closing the bridge door after kicking Wash in the head so she can sabotage the controls.

    Curses! Forbin beat me to it!

    Such attention to detail and he gets the door wrong? tsk tsk tsk...

    Very cool otherwise