3104 -
Quote:I was upset at first, and am still annoyed that the forums will vanish, but I'm at peace with the game shutting down now. If they save it, that's great, but on the gaming side of things I've pretty much moved on.
And I think if they *do* save it in some fashion that there may already be some irreparable damage done to the population by the announced shutdown.
Pretty much this for me.
I was 'crushed' and upset when I read the announcement of CoH closing but by the next day or two I was 'over it'.
Maybe it's burn out or whatever but...even if CoH somehow stays alive, I probably won't be coming back. Other things to do, I've "moved on"...
*shrugs* We'll see...
It just stinks that the devs/Paragon Studios got the shaft like they did...
Which is why I really don't login to play CoH now...only really login on Mon. nights for RHW runs but...I don't think that will be lasting since only ~10 people showed up last time :| -
Your spell checker is broek Aracna!
(yes I did it on purpose) -
Thanks for the update!
Quote:Sounds like every big business I've ever worked for, regardless of their field.
Pretty much this....once a company gets to a certain size it becomes "top heavy" with all the tens and hundreds of "managers" and very few actual "workers"...lots of miscommunication and/or lack of communication. -
Well it seems that tonight wasn't the night. Only had 10 people show up
Thanks to those that showed up; we tried for a MoM itrial but failed at phase 3. :|
If Mon. night doesn't work for people just say so...I'm fine with leading 'em but just don't want to wait around for an hour and "no one" show up. -
All on macs?! yep you know they're web designers...hehe (nothing personal)...
Nice pics though! -
Quote:On another note (and not for a minute knocking the OP) aren't people just sick to the back teeth of fantasy genre games? ...
Yep...that's why I can't "do MMOs" anymore. They're all fantasy, "hack and slash" games to me. No character customization (oh look you can dye your armor purple! But wait, that armor is no good anymore, time to change it!")...ugh...
2 MMOs "got it right" I thought (1 more than the other)....
1.) Asheron's Call 2. I never played the original AC but really liked AC2. Sure it was fantasy but it wasn't "elves, dwarves, etc..." there were different races. Tumerok, Lugian, Human, etc....it was fun when I played it before Turbine killed it.
2.) City of Heroes. Obviously love this game. I've mentioned before that while I was playing CoH in beta, I was able to get into the WoW closed beta because the guild I was in at AC2 knew someone that knew someone I guess and the guild got into the closed beta of WoW.
I was so excited! Getting into WoW and all the hype about WoW. WOW was I blown away at the difference between CoH and WoW! CoH was (and still is in my opinion) sooooo much more awesome than WoW was for me. More intuitive, easier to know where to go, who to talk to, etc...I'm not the "explorer" type so when WoW told me to go to x city and talk to y person...uh...I know I have to go south but...uh...where in the town is the NPC?! Ugh....*walks 5 mins trying to find him*
CoH? Oh, go here and here's a marker to know where to go! Awesome! I don't want to waste 5-10 mins trying to find something so that I can actually get my quest.
CoH's UI is still awesome and the ability to fight more than 1 "mob" at a time made me smile. Going from CoH to WoW and I'm like, "2 mobs? pfft, I got this...*starts attacking* *gets hit once by each mob* OH MY GOSH, RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!
Yeah...I could go on but...CoH really showed me "wow...fantasy is boooring!" I love me some super-heroes! -
My apologies everyone! I had yesterday off from work so it felt like a Sunday to me and completely forgot about the RHW runs :|
Next Mon. night though I'll be hosting them again starting at 8pm EST just like always.
Always bring your +3 to Dark Astoria and we'll try to get it started asap! -
Quote:I only did that for one resume, and I figured since the guy that encouraged me to send it was called "Castle" it may as well fit in there!
hehe, that reminds me of a friend that applied for a job at ThinkGeek (or the company that runs ThinkGeek.com) and for his cover letter he had things like, "while dodging nerf gun arrows and surviving in rubber band wars I was still able to do x, y and z."
Supposedly they liked it...and now he works there! -
Quote:Yeah, I "know" that but I guess at the time I was just caught off guard with it. Not the best at thinking on my feet (or butt in this case!The truth is many interview questions are Kobayashi Maru questions: there is no correct answer they are a test of character.
Here's some serious advice. There's a simple trick not everyone learns. You will often be asked questions for which there is no answer, or for which there is no possible way you can know the answer. The interviewer is looking to see what happens when you are presented with such a situation, because its going to happen in your actual job.
You can pretend to know the correct answer and spew BS. Wrong.
You can shrug and give up. Wrong.
The "correct" answer is to say "I don't know. But: here's what I think."
That's what they hope you do on the job. Admit you don't know, but don't give up.
Why should you hire me instead of those three guys? I don't know. But: here's why I think you should hire me.
Or, as Liquid put it in a different context:
They are looking to see how you think, and what your attitude is. And most important, are you comfortable exposing your thought process to others; probably the most important skill in any collaborative design environment.).
There's been plenty of times when someone says something to me (not just in interviews) and I can't think of a good answer (or witty reply) and that night or the next day be like, "OH!, I should have said x! haha that would've been great!"
Love working in a team environment. No one knows everything...I freely admit I don't now a lot of things but I know where/how to research 'em (for the most part). -
heh, watched 90% of it and just was thinking to myself, "huh...most of that is what CoH had 8+ years ago and was still fun!"
Ah well... -
Congrats on the marriage
As far as interviews go....I STINK at them!
I'm very analytical and either over-think the answers or just go and be brutally honest when I shouldn't be.
Interviewing for a random desktop support job with the local county government here (I didn't necessarily "want" the job...just needed money since I was off of work for months by then)....
It was a panel of 3 people interviewing me and one person asked, "why should we hire you? What makes you better than the others?"
I answered, "uh, I can't say that you should...I don't know the other candidates so it's impossible for me to say that I'm better than them." (something like that at least).
And to be honest that is how I feel about stupid questions like that. I don't know the other people so how I can rationally say, "I'm better than x person!"?
So yeah...didn't get the job -
Quote:I'm also still waiting for Alpha Wolf to let folks know who he is.
I'm still a bit curious as to whether I ever teamed with Castle or even knew his Justice characters.
So random question to you TJ....
I remember you saying that "I'd be surprised who plays on Liberty" (dev wise)....
So who does?
I know it's not me...so... -
Spill the beans when they can be spilled! Some of us are at work
When were we going to fight the Praetorian Hamidon (if ever)?
Were the Nemesis "horses" that were in the game files ever going to be used? If so, what for? -