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  1. Thanks CF for being a great sgmate/friend!

    I'll have to try to get with you whenever I visit family in Erie and get some Mighty Fine Donuts! mmm...mighty fine donuts....*drools*
  2. Energizing_Ion

    please read.

    I was looking for a TL;DR summary but didn't see one...going from the posts after the OP I'm glad I didn't spend the time reading the OP.
  3. I don't really 'hate' the group Malta but they have a little special place in my heart.

    When I was bringing my main up in levels (Kinetics/Rad. Def.) I would always jump into the group, use Fulcrum Shift then heal (if needed) or just attack.

    So what do I do when I hit lvl 40'ish and go to PI for the first time?

    I see a group of Malta (maybe 8 or so mobs) standing there. PERFECT for fulcrum shift right?!

    I jump in, FS and all-of-a-sudden I'm mezzed..."what the?!" and a second later I'm dead.

    Stupid tazer got me

    That and Malta's (and Knives of Artemis') 1 minute long stun grenades....yeah...that's fun...
  4. Energizing_Ion

    For video-gamers

    Awesome stuff!

    Now why can't we get stuff like this for a Super Bowl halftime show instead of some person (or group) singing 'old' songs?

    Edit: Give me something new and creative over boring and 'done before' any day
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    Knives of Artemis drove my mastermind pets completely nuts.

    I would rather solo malta than team against them. It was always so surprising to some PuG groups how easy malta are with a forcefielder.

    Yep, them and Earth Thorn Casters in a CoT mission.

    I just remembering doing missions on my Ninja/DM MM and happened to get a CoT cavern mission (surprise!) and multiple Earth Thorn Casters laying down their quicksand + stalagmites plus the random fireballs from the Behemoth Lts/etc, = dead ninjas.

    For that reason; Scrapyarders. I was with a team of 5 or so and doing early lvl 30 missions I think...my ninjas were toast with all those AoE burn patches Wasn't even funny.


    Oh and definitely a vote for PPD Swat. It's not so much the debuffs (especially the -tohit grenade one) but that they could STACK from the same enemy. 2 -40% tohit grenades and...well, let's just run away and sit this one out (unless you had plenty of yellow inspirations). Not fun.

    One thing I always hated about the Longbow Lt.'s -res grenade is that it had a very minor hold attribute to it as well. JUST enough to mez a squishy and get blasted/die
  6. Well I typed out a really long reply for a diff. thread about "what killed CoH?" so...here's what was going to be in that....

    But for a serious reply I'll chime in with a few thoughts.

    * No "end-game" content...ie. nothing for lvl 50s to do. Back 4-5 years ago is when CoH was at the peak I guess...most of the people in my SG left for WoW. Why? Because there "was nothing to do" on their lvl 50 toon. Exemp and play with friends? That lasted a bit but...some people want/like to play 1 (or 2) toons and that's it. Doing Hamidon over and over (once it was found out how to defeat him) didn't satisfy them.

    By the time we got raids/iTrials, it was too late, not enough people that really wanted to do them (and itrials came out too far and sparse).

    *PvP. Yes, I'm one that never really cared for PvP. A bunch of people using SS/SJ and bouncing around kiting others and killing 'em. That's all I ever saw. Boooring (probably cause I was always playing a support toon which means I die first (targeted) in pvp fights ).

    I've said it before that if they would have not done any PvP changes in i13 but added the ability to do the different builds for toons it might have been different. That way I wouldn't have to sacrifice my cool PvE build for some PvP action. I could do have my PvE and my PvP build and not have to worry (too much) about losing powers that I like in PvE.

    I've also said there should be more PvE in PvP. Capture the flag, King of the Hill...something other than, "beat this guy up before he kills you." Recluse's Victory tried that I guess...but like one person said, they should have limited the zone to x players. So that after, let's say, 20 people are in RV, RV2 gets created.

    Also needed better rewards for RV/pvp zones. Why should some random hero care if heroes are winning in RV? If he's not into pvp at all then he has no reason to "help the heroes!"

    Maybe add some sort of buff (double xp, inf or ...who knows...something) that would last x amount of time for whatever side that 'won' in RV (or in a capture the flag type of thing).

    I also like the idea that someone said about the whole, "do x faster than the villains (or heroes)." Like take out a building (saving it or burning it) and see who/which team can get the fastest time. *shrugs*

    *Zone events. While yes, the Halloween (the one with the banners in the zones) was kind of cool...things like that should have been put in the back burner. Too many negatives for one positive (more shiny badges). They killed any missions in that zone where you had to hunt for mobs (*waves to Numina*) and they took too many people, usually, to complete; once the "badgers" got all of the badges, no one really did the events again.

    No, adding a "do x event 5, 10, 15, x times" badge would not have been a good idea. Some other reward would have been nice (again maybe double xp or..who knows...something).

    *Old content. Yes they were touching up stuff here and there but, again, "too little, too late." You could see the newer zones (and powersets/etc) being awesome and really finding out how to do a good zone. But with all that being said, the old zones were...ugh...blue side had too many of 'em and a few could have been touched up a long time ago.

    Oh and Atlas Park should have been nuked and not Galaxy City! (EI's home was GC!)

    I'll throw AE in to old content too instead of a separate topic. When it came out, and for the next month or so, it seemed that was the only thing going on. I log in and "everyone" was at AE (yes, not everyone...but most of them)...and not doing actual 'team' stuff... I know that had a bad taste in most players mouths that I played with.

    *No real marketing for the game. It's been said to death but.....*shrugs* It seems like there could have been more done to market the game.

    * VIP only server. I, at first, was glad that there was going to be a VIP only server when Freedom was going to launch but...thinking about it, I don't think there should have been a VIP only server at all. Just fractured the game/community more I think.

    * Needed to work on cross-server teaming. iTrials are great (teaming in general) but when you can't get enough for a Lambda/MoM, etc....yeah... This might have been nice for cross-server pvp'ing too.

    * Lots of features that didn't get put in. Sure we were getting new features/content and 99% of the time it was great but...there are quite a few features that I would have loved get into the game.

    For instance, inviting your own toons to your SG (or making the SG allow/invite your global toon/acct). Just one thing like that would have been nice (especially when "no one is on" to invite you to your own SG (granted free accounts help with this but still).

    Overall, I think the 'death' is that we had such high hopes for a great MMO but the game was a "small budget" type of MMO...so we couldn't get the nice stuff (better graphics, etc...). Oh well...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    i personally would love an autonomous car

    im not gonna lie, im really lazy and hate driving lol

    This for me.

    I don't like driving at all and would love to take a nap or do whatever while the computer drives me to and from work/home.

    P.S. I'm curious though: How did you cross 4 lanes of traffic when you're engine died on you Ironblade?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    The in-game economy was a monster. That's more of a question for the dev team, but from my recollection, it was a pretty herculean task to try and fix the inflation. It couldn't be done in one shot. ...

    Obviously you didn't consult me....

    Give all INF to EI...ta-da! My problems with the market are now solved!
  9. I liked the episode. There's lots of "timey wimey wibley wobbly" things to think about so...I don't...

    It was a good episode though!
  10. Energizing_Ion


    Thanks again for what you did to/for the game
  11. Energizing_Ion

    Magey Mondays!

    I'll see if I will make it tonight...yesterday I was so drained from an all-day meeting at work. :|

    An all-day meeting about project management! wooo! Oh wait, I'm just a 'worker bee' so why am I here?! To know what my boss/the company is supposed to be doing but doesn't? right...
  12. Borderlands 2, Diablo 3 and Team Fortress 2 for me....not in any order really...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Going slightly off topic here, the last episode of Leverage last week had a Doctor Who reference as two of the characters introduced themselves as Agent Tennant and Smith of Interpol.

    I noticed that too
  14. Energizing_Ion

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Why don't we try this weekend, during prime time? Late enough to get the west coasters in on things, but early enough where the East Coasters aren't forced to drink java to stay up for it?

    Maybe 10pm Eastern? ....

    The first paragraph doesn't coincide with the 2nd part/question. 10pm is early? heh.... (figure 1 hour to form going on the last two times I've tried to form itrials...that puts it at 11pm....that's bed time for me! )

    Aaanyways....If others want to try for a Sat. night run, maybe around 8 or 9pm...I might be able to do that.
  15. Energizing_Ion

    Magey Mondays!

    Well only 5 showed up tonight. Thanks to those that showed up and for all those that were a part of Magey Mondays!

    As for now I'm not going to lead Magey Mondays due to lack of interest.

    If people want to run one and can work on a date I'm fine with leading it....my nights are usually free.
  16. I really only log on for scheduled events (mainly the RHW runs I run on Mon. nights) on Liberty. But after that? Yeah, no "point" in playing...I have all badges that I can possibly get on EI (titan sentinel/CiT won't update properly ).

    I do have to play the new story arcs in i24 on the beta server though at some point. I've done the rogue and villain arcs...just need vigilante and hero arcs done.
  17. Energizing_Ion

    Magey Mondays!

    Well, tonight is the night....now I wonder how many will show up?
  18. Energizing_Ion

    Make headlines!

    Ah Gir....<3 me some Gir.
  19. Energizing_Ion

    refund = doom

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    For some reason I'm -not- getting these emails from NCsoft...
  20. So I'm late in looking back at this but....

    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    I petitioned with "I deserve Bug Hunter. Please award." A day later, a GM turned it down. I has a sad.

    lol nice...too bad it didn't work heh