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  1. Enantiodromos

    Tsoo, One theory

    I've heard 'em say most Tsoo are law-abiding citizens, and it's just a few that give them a bad name, but, I've never seen them say anything about the hmong. Hm. Will have to keep clicking. (I only learned you get different info out of people based on the first letter of their name today. Ms are the ones that tell you how many elapsed hours the character has, for example.)
  2. Er, so. I've never seen it going on, much less been propositioned. If it's going on everywhere, I think my feelings are hurt! ^_^

    Then again, I just had a friend tell me, yesterday, that that was why he didn't move to Virtue. /e shrug

    It's not the end of the world-- indeed, I'll come right out and say, it's just as valid as any other form of online RP, and I've done it myself. Complaining that it exists just because you don't like it is pointless, if not outright juvenile.

    HOWEVER. Doing anything beyond PG13 anywhere except private tells is obnoxious and, I'm sure, verboten. And if you are doing any such thing in tells, you should be *extremely* confident about the other person's permission, comfort level and age.

    And if you sneak off during a TF with your girlfriend, it's going to tick me off fiercely!

    That's the horror genre, not the Superhero genre.
  3. ((Nice!

    Crime is the problem, Academia is the solution! ^_^

    Play a natural MC myself. So, my suggestion for how you explain decieve if/when you have it: assigning the badguys a group project due by the end of class!))
  4. Enantiodromos

    Tsoo, One theory

    Arg! Seriously? How do you know this?

    I think I've heard of the Hmong, not that I remember a dang thing.

    Hey-- incidentally. Anyone play characters explicitly of Tsoo or partial Tsoo ancestry? Maybe even on Freedom?

    We should totally, develop background. Like I say, I'm just convinced Tsoo are under the influence of French colonial culture. I don't think that quite works with the Hmong. But I'd have to go read more about it.

    More detail?
  5. I meant to post this question a while ago-- and I'm not sure I didn't, but can't find it if I did.

    What is there about your character that sets him apart from ordinary men ASIDE from the game-powers as they are, strictly described, in the game manual? IOW:

    1) How do you *really* explain what each of your character's powers, or whole power sets, do, if it's at all at variance with the simplest understanding to be taken from the book?

    2) What powers does your character have that just aren't directly found on a toggle, click or auto, in the game at all?

    For example. My natural MC/Empath has hasten in the form of highly disciplined breathing and mental state, for being extremely efficient. His primary set is entirely oriented to psychoanalyzing and talking people into or out of things. Some elements of his secondary are words of encouragement, tactical advice, and breathing technique he teaches teammates on the fly.

    For that matter, my magic Ice/Energy blaster's powers are supposed to be jets of water, and in addition, I'm sure he has an empathic communion with all forms of sea life ^_^

    And my magic Inv/SS tank has the power to "read" what lies beneath the ground in various places by setting out roots, to split stones with ease, and to heal unusually rapidly in sunlight. Oh-- and he's also somewhat larger than babbage. Don't tell his animation or mission doors.

    I imagine there are some folks out there, for example, who are unaging.
  6. Ok, I brought it down slightly, after having just worked out point totals for the 5th column types. You can probably get more behind this:

    Low level (1-15): Base 100
    Mid level (16-30): Base 150
    High level (31+): Base: 200

    At high end of mid or high level: +25

    If Human/Agent (Hellions, skulls, most 5th, crey, nemesis, etc): -50 pts

    Lieut +50
    Monster & AV +150

    That makes a hellion slugger 50 pts, and Hamidon 375 pts.

    Anyway, in 5th ed Hero, yeah, 200pts base is a starting superpowered hero, and has not increased costs of things, but it now has a more consistent outlook on enforcing disads and snickering at heroes behind their backs if they have less than 20 pts in skills. ^_^
  7. Fated-- I think your impression of the power level in Paragon may be slanted if you're forgetting that this is like, a huge nexus for superpowered heroes and villains from across the world, in the biggest city in the U.S., and even guys like Nebel elite take supersoldier serum just to try and keep up.

    I mean, it's just gonna be hard to place, regardless.

    But I'm thinking at 550 pt base (this is under FRED, btw, in which the starting standard hero category has been IMO correctly adjusted to base 200 + up to 150 disads) for a world-class monster, I'm not too far off. I mean, my normal human agents, e.g. Nebel Rifle, are only 50 pts base. With skills, that's a pretty gimpy rifle.
  8. Oh. Missed this thread before. I'll get right on a website with Hero system specs for this game. ^_^

    I figure I'll treat everybody Ls 1-15 as 150 pt base, everybody Ls 16-30 as 250 pt base, and 31+ as 350 pt base, adding 50 pts apiece for lieutenant, boss, AV, Monster (Jurassik, Hamidon, and others, 550 pts? eesh.) I'll probably also drop "normal agent" organizations down 100 pts, and pump really inhuman things like DE up 50 pts. (Ha. Nebel Rifle: 50 pts.)
  9. In General

    By statue any resident of Paragon City with exceptional or superhuman powers who engages in or wishes to engage in the apprehension of criminals and/or disturbers of the peace who possess exceptional or superhuman powers (hereinafter "Hero") is required to contact the registrar of super heroic works, located 6, Atlas Blvd, and provide information for registration. Unregistered individuals are strictly prohibited from actively fighting crime in Paragon city. For more information, see pamphlet S9-17, or contact the Ombudsman of Super heroic Works.

    For Offenses Committed outside a Hero's Presence:

    A hero who has reasonable time and opportunity to obtain an arrest warrant shall do so, and shall not make a warrantless arrest except as provided below. The authority to arrest without a warrant is entirely statutory, but heroes should exercise restraint in resorting to this authority; a hero must have probable cause to effect a warrantless arrest. Probable cause only requires evidence that reasonably shows that a person most likely committed an offense.

    An officer's good faith is not sufficient. Generally suspicious conduct not suggesting a specific kind of criminal conduct, alone, is insufficient, but may be grounds for further investigation.

    1. A hero need not obtain an arrest warrant if it would result in the loss or destruction of evidence, the escape of the offender, or potential bodily injury to the officer or others.

    2. The request of any regular uniformed police officer or magistrate is sufficient, if there is no reason to doubt that officer has probable cause.

    3. Generally, information gained from a victim or witness is sufficient, though if circumstances permit, a hero will seek corroboration of information gained from a victim or witness, before making an arrest based on that information.

    Offenses Committed In a Hero's Presence:

    While in the larger metropolitan area of Paragon City, a hero may arrest a person without a warrant for a felony or for an offense that breaches the peace which occurs in his presence.

    A Hero shall obtain an arrest warrant if a felony is committed in the officer's presence and the suspect is not arrested within a reasonable time, under the circumstances, after the offense occurred. A delay in making the arrest is reasonable when necessary to overcome resistance by the offender, necessary for the safety of the Hero or others, or, the Hero is in fresh pursuit of the offender.

    The Hero shall ensure that the person arrested knows that he is being placed under arrest. When appropriate, the Hero should read the arrested suspect the Miranda warnings. If the suspect is in custodial arrest, a Hero cannot question the suspect without first reading the Miranda warnings.

    The Hero may place an unconscious, mentally ill, or injured person under arrest even though such person is incapable of understanding that he is under arrest.

    Use of force:

    In each individual event, lawful and proper force is restricted to only that force necessary to control and terminate unlawful resistance and to preclude any further physical attack against the Heroes or any other persons.

    In general, a Hero must strive to preserve the peace, to prevent commission of offenses and to prevent suicide or self-inflicted injury; to make lawful arrests and searches, to overcome resistance to such arrests or searches and to prevent escapes from custody; and to prevent or interrupt an intrusion on or interference with the lawful possession of property.

    Before an Hero may use any force against any suspect, the Hero must have probable cause to arrest that suspect, manifest his purpose to arrest and identify himself as a peace officer (unless the Hero reasonably believes that the suspect already knows his purpose and identity or unless the Hero cannot reasonably make that information known to the suspect), and give the reason for the arrest, unless impractical.

    A Hero shall only apply the minimum practical force, and exhaust every reasonable means before escalating to a higher and more severe level of force, where levels of force include: Hero's presence, verbal commands, physical strength and skill, nonlethal combat methods, lethal combat methods.

    A Hero has no obligation to retreat or back down before resorting to the approved use of force. However, if it would not increase the risks to himself or others, a Hero should consider retreat or withdrawal where delay (e.g., to secure assistance) could increase the likelihood of a peaceful arrest.

    Heroes shall attempt all reasonable means of apprehension and control within their command before resorting to the use of lethal force. However, a Hero shall not unreasonably endanger himself in applying these rules in actual situations. Caution shall be exercised for the protection of other life and property whenever any power or weapon is used. Any incident involving a Hero's use of lethal force will be reported and documented with the office of Heroic Works.

    Heroes may use deadly force to defend themselves or other persons from what the Hero reasonably perceives as an immediate risk of death or serious bodily injury, or to effect an arrest or prevent an escape when an officer reasonably believes the suspect or escapee has taken or endangered human life, or will endanger human life and alternative means have been attempted or would involve a risk of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or other persons.

    Most organized and/or superhuman crime in Paragon city involves unusual force and/or military grade weapons, at the current time, and the city maintains a bulletin detailing known criminal elements in Paragon City, and whether use of lethal force in apprehension of different groups is considered justifiable by police experts. Please see pamphlet N5-05.
  10. Enantiodromos

    Tsoo, One theory

    So, I dunno, the Tsoo interest me, and this seems like the likeliest board to post about it.

    I'm not entirely sure it can still be seen, but pedestrians used to advise that most Tsoo are law-abiding citizens just like everybody else, and just a few of them give everyone else their bad name. To this day, some pedestrians will advise that the Tsoo took over from Chinese Triads-- and "Chinese Triads" is a generic enough term to imply, I think, that the Tsoo just aren't Chinese.

    Of course, when we think of asian organized crime, we also think of the yakuza, but I have a similarly hard time believing Tsoo are meant to be Japanese. Also, however, the island cultures of the pacific come to mind-- and you know, running around shirtless seems like a tropical island kinda thing to be doing.

    Here's my theory. South of China, and east of all those great former French colonies, is the Island of Hainan, to which the Li people are native. In the Paragon universes, I think the French colonized Hainan early and developed it thoroughly, making a french Taipei (Taiwan) out of it. Perhaps it remained occupied by a the Japanese, after some sort of colonization in the '40s? I dunno my history well enough to cinch the details, but that's the general theory.
  11. I just don't normally write anything remotely touching on modern police procedure. So, I've been thinking, I just don't know enough about how cops handle arrests. Here's what I found.

    Arrest Procedure, from and paraphrased from an online Lubbock TX Police Procedural manual, particularly things that seemed relevant if there were a formal recognition that registered civilians had the same rights to affect arrests that officers do:

    An officer who has reasonable time and opportunity to obtain an arrest warrant shall do so. An officer shall not make a warrantless arrest except as provided. ... Although the authority to arrest without a warrant is entirely statutory, an officer should exercise restraint in resorting to this authority.

    An officer need not obtain an arrest warrant if it would result in the loss or destruction of evidence, the escape of the offender, or potential bodily injury to the officer or others.

    Probable cause only requires evidence that resonably shows that a person most likely committed an offense.

    If circumstances permit, an officer will seek corroborataion of information gained from a victim or witness, before making an arrest based on that information.

    The request of another officer is sufficient, if there is no reason to doubt that officer has probable cause.

    Generally suspicious conduct not suggesting a specific kind of criminal conduct, alone, is insufficient, but may be grounds for further investigation. An officer's good faith is not sufficient.

    Offenses Commited In an Officer's Presence:

    While outside his jurisdiction but within the state, an officer may arrest a person without a warrant for a felony or for an offense that breaches the peace which occurs in his presence.

    An officer shall obtain an arrest warrant if a felony is committed in the officer's presence and the suspect is not arrested within a reasonable time, under the circumstances, after the offense occurred. A delay in making the arrest is reasonable when necessary to overcome resistance by the offender, necessary for the safety of the officer or others, or, the officer is in fresh pursuit of the offender.

    The officer shall ensure that the person arrested knows that he is being placed under arrest. When appropriate, the officer should read the arrested suspect the Miranda warnings. If the suspect is in custodial arrest, an officer cannot question the suspect without first reading the Miranda warnings.

    The officer may place an unconscious, mentally ill, or injured person under arrest even though such person is incapable of understanding that he is under arrest.

    Use of force:

    In each individual event, lawful and proper force is restricted to only that force necessary to control and terminate unlawful resistance and to preclude any further physical attack against the police officers or any other persons.

    In general, an officer must strive to preserve the peace, to prevent commission of offenses and to prevent suicide or self-inflicted injury; to make lawful arrests and searches, to overcome resistance to such arrests or searches and to prevent escapes from custody; and to prevent or interrupt an intrusion on or interference with the lawful possession of property.

    Before an officer may use any force against any suspect, the officer must have probable cause to arrest that suspect, manifest his purpose to arrest and identify himself as a peace officer (unless the officer reasonably believes that the suspect already knows his purpose and identity or unless the officer cannot reasonably make that information known to the suspect), and give the reason for the arrest, unless impractical.

    An officer shall only apply the minimum practical force, and exhaust every reasonable means before escalating to a higher and more severe level of force, where levels of force include: Officer presence, verbal commands, physical strength and skill, chemical agents, authorized baton, authorized service revolver or other weapon with authorized ammunition.

    However, an officer may use any unauthorized weapon (or use any weapon in an unauthorized manner) if emergency circumstances make it necessary to do so.

    An officer has no obligation to retreat or back down before resorting to the approved use of force. However, if it would not increase the risks to himself or others, an officer should consider retreat or withdrawal where delay (e.g., to secure assistance) could increase the likelihood of a peaceful arrest.

    Officers shall attempt all reasonable means of apprehension and control within their command before resorting to the use of deadly force. However, an officer shall not unreasonably endanger himself in applying these rules in actual situations. Caution shall be exercised for the protection of other life and property whenever a weapon is discharged. Any incident involving an officer's use of deadly force or discharge of a firearm will be thoroughly, investigated and reviewed by the Firearms Review Board.

    Officers may use deadly force to defend themselves or other persons from what the officer reasonably perceives as an immediate risk of death or serious bodily injury, or to effect an arrest or prevent an escape when an officer reasonably believes the suspect or escapee has taken or endangered human life, or will endanger human life and alternative means have been attempted or would involve a risk of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or other persons.

    So, doubtless there are better sites for this kind of info. Still. Among the things that stand out for me...

    One is that in an awful lot of door missions, which are definite "go here and arrest these guys" but are not fresh persuit situations, warrants really need to have been obtained beforehand.

    Another is that our katana/broadsword/spines/axe friends and their lethal damage have a rather heavier burden than others. Fortunately though, criminals in Paragon city normally draw a firearm on you when you approach. Just make absolutely sure you wait until you're *in* aggro range, not just what appears to be speaking distance, before identifying yourself!

    Also, on the rare occasion a high level lethal damage type hunts badges in PP or is exemplared waaay down, to the point where villains straight-out run away, apprehending them with a swordstroke is clearly excessive force ^_^.

    Another thing is, I find it dubious that the rule about taking another officer's request to make an arrest sufficient, would make the say-so of a civilian contact or a another hero sufficient. However, any mission given you by a security cheif, cop-in-need-of-rescue, or by Blue Steel, if he gave 'em, would be fair game.
  12. Ordinary Citizens have heard the call. Gratitude is never enough!

    Group Name: Citizens' Defense League

    Server: Freedom

    Contact Info: In-game email Dr. Maningzhoue, or PM me here.

    Description: Still newly forming 1 late 30s, and another guy in his late 20s. Naturals as well as magic and tech origins who are still ordinary human beings. More at Citizens' Defense League (Edit: Incidentally, this means *you* katana/invuln, broadsword/invuln, and Martial Arts/Super Reflexes scrappers, and you, Assault Rifle/Device blasters. Not to mention human wizards and the powersuit set.)
  13. ((Like it a great deal! What server do you play on?

    There really ought to be a Paragon League of Academics and Clinicians Extraordinare (PLACE), or something of that sort.

    I always want to write in heavy dialect, BTW, and though you capture it well, I think as a rule it's better to just say in the narrative voice that so-and-so's accent is thick.

    Still, fun to read! One of the inspirations for my main is Dr. Carter from ER, and I felt like I was stepping right back into that world, with your scene. ))
  14. Why do I care whether something makes sense, or how to make it make sense, in-character? Because I'm a roleplayer. On occasion. With the right prompting & people to RP with.

    Anyway. It's not that I NEED everything to make perfect sense in-character. The fact that violet shields flicker around me when I'm telling my teammates where not to step (leadership/maneuvers), is nonsensical, but it's a game thing. Most of that, I can live with.

    Still, if people can't readily agree beforehand on how the world "is," it's hard to RP in conversations about that world.

    So, who would win, Hopkins vs Dr. Vazilok? Why? Who would win, Capo Boss vs the Kraken? Why?

    I realize I'm also taking advantage of the hidden premise that naturals suck, which believe me, I'm intensely aware of.

    I don't think we should treat levels as a straightforward gague of raw power, in-character, is what I'm saying.

    I look at levels as more of a way of keeping track of which badguys you've already soundly defeated. If, for example, there're no longer any Skulls who aren't deep grey to you, what that means in character is: you've mostly broken the Skulls as an organization, and you know their tricks. They may still occasionally harass superheroes, but they'll never again be the threat to Paragon City they were a few months ago (when you were level 6).

    Levels work better for tracking novelty, individual storyline, and fame, than they do for tracking raw power.

    This may be something that everyone who plays MMORPGs understands intuitively now, and if so, I apologise.

    But if I meet a heavily armored looking level 2 invulnerability tank on the streets of AP, in-character I'm going to act like you're tough as nails, even though I could easily brawl a "heavily armored" level 2 villain "to death."

    If that tank says to me, "Woah, Dr. Maningzhoue! The famous tactician and psychotherapist! How do you survive up against all those Crey Power Tanks, with no superpowers?!?"

    I'll respond: "Very, very carefully. But don't let the media distract you, man. It's folks like you, with real powers, every day, defending our city, that makes it safe. I know you could take down a Crey Tank, if you knew what their specs were. Wanna come with me and hunt a few down?"

    Then I'd SK the tank, and we'd go kick some Power Tank butt.

    OTOH, if that tank says to me, "Woah! It's Dr. Maninzhoue! You're incredibly powerfu, dude!"

    That's the point at which I'm at a loss to keep RPing.
  15. Heh! I can't believe it took me this long to find this thread!

    Observations based on the summaries:

    There may be some sort of logic to the villain orientations if we look at it from their point of view instead, based on combinations of competition and hatred.

    Vahzilok: Science & Mutant lowbies
    Clockwork: Natural & Tech lowbies
    5th Column: Science & Mutant, lifelong.
    Circle of Thorns: Magic, lifelong
    Banished Pantheon: Natural & Magic, Mids
    Sky Raiders: Science & Tech mids
    Tsoo: Magic & Mutant mids
    Crey: Tech and adjacent, tops
    Devouring Earth: Mutant and adjacent, tops
    Nemesis: Natural & Tech, tops

    Getting creative:

    Dr. V is pure science, but presumably he'd be interested in using mutant parts. Right?

    As a rehash of "Machine Rights," (however delusional that may seem), maybe clockwork see themselves and technology generally as legitimate ordinary citizens, or something.

    It's not hard to imagine the 5th Column having a special animus for "inhuman" freaks of nature (mutants) and science. No smash the messenger, Mr. Hulk, please. ^_^

    The Banished Pantheon is the real group of ordinary citizens learning a form of magic on their own.

    The sky raiders are obviously pure tech. Maybe they're at war with science folks, who're constantly trying to kidnap them to feed them super-soldier formulas? ^_^

    Maybe the Tsoo, like the fifth column, just can't stand mutants, in addition to being magical competitors.

    Crey, making a grab for everything remotely tech-related.

    Devouring Earth-- a standard "competition with like" clause, except here it makes no sense.

    Finally, Nemesis as another competition-with-like group, simply exemplifying tech/natural soldierliness.

    OK. Maybe that doesn't make any more sense.

    The availability of groups to fight, I rank as follows, based on the assumption that a lifelong foe is three times as available as a villain only at the beginning, middle, or end, and on the assumption that X many villains at one stage is worth the square root of X:

    Science 6.4
    Mutant 6.0
    Magic 5.4
    Natural 3.7
    Tech 3.7

    Within an origin, Natural and Tech peak hard at high levels, Science peaks modestly high, Magic has a slow spot at low, and mutant is steady low to high.

    Anyway, my proposal to broaden and even things out; extend nemesis and clockwork into the mid-life range, and Tsoo into the high range. [1]

    Frankly, I miss fighting Tsoo, because they're my main's relatives, and I enjoy spontaneously declaring "Auntie Po is going to be VERY disappointed in you, Eddie!" in the middle of a combat with Viridian Fear, before I confuse him.

    [1] Yeah, I realize now there's a whole range above what's called "high" here, about which I yet know nothing, except that I can survive sappers better than other ATs my level +3.
  16. Yes, Adamastor can be seen from a distance. And he spawns often enough.

    And, yeah, babbage is skyway is part of TFs.

    I've NEVER ever seen the Kraken, though, and I really, really want the photo op. Am I right in understanding what someone just said-- it just takes a high kill intensity to make him spawn?

    And, what do you want from people aside from "We're trying" ? Take people at their word, and if they're not hardcore enough for you, find somebody you think is.

    Still, and all, I'd be happy if all the monsters spawned frequently, frequently, frequently.

    <ul type="square"> [*]"Not so Gentle Persuasion"
    Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 18+ (Ideally 28+)
    Powers Used: Total Dominate, Dominate, Mesmerize, Brawl, Kick (+Rec aura).
    Group: Safest without bosses, and 6 or fewer MOBs.
    Shwoosh, Zap, Zzzz, sok, thump, sok, zap, zzzz, sok, thump, sok, zap, zzzz, sok, thump, sok, ad nauseam.

    That is:
    1) TD your cluster of MOBs
    2) Dom anything else moving.
    3) Mez anything yet else moving.
    4) Hit the first guy you dommed with a brawl-kick-brawl combo while you wait for Dom to recharge.
    5) Be prepared to pop rec aura whenever your End goes below 2/5ths or so.
    6) Repeat 2,3, and 4 until everything has stopped moving.
    7) Dom the lowest-hp mob
    8) Mez the mob that has spent the longest time unmolested by you.
    9) Hit the lowest-HP mob with a brawl-kick-brawl combo
    10) If out of end, switch to "The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9" below.
    11) Repeat 7, 8, and 9 until everybody's arrested.

    [*]"Leadership Crisis"
    Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 18+ (Ideally 28+)
    Powers Used: Confuse, Total Dominate, Dominate, Mesmerize, Brawl, Kick (+Rec aura).
    Group: 1 Boss, otherwise LTs and Minions, safest with 6 or fewer.

    1) Confuse boss.
    2) Repeat 1 until boss starts attacking his own.
    3) Apply "Not so Gentle Persuasion" to the rest of the mob-- note the total dom is likely to not affect the boss, but if it does, things will just take a lot longer. SIMULTANEOUSLY reapply Confuse to the boss whenever it's available.

    [*]"Criminals are a Disorganized, Fractious Lot" (A clearing technique)
    Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 32+
    Powers Used: Mass confusion, Confusion, Dominate, Mesmerize, Brawl, Kick (+Rec aura).
    Group: Lieutenants and Minions, safest with 6 or fewer MOBs.
    1) Mass Confuse your cluster of MOBs
    2) If any MOBs are unconfused, Confuse one.
    3) Dom anything else not attacking MOBs.
    4) Mez anything yet else not attacking MOBs.
    5) Hit the first guy you dommed with a brawl-kick-brawl combo while you wait for Dom to recharge.
    6) Confuse the UNHELD Mob that's gone the longest time unmolested by you.
    7) Be prepared to pop rec aura whenever your End goes below 2/5ths or so.
    8) Dom, Mez, Brawl, Kick, Brawl whichever MOB you're currently working on. Switch to the lowest HP remaining MOB as necessary.
    9) Confuse the UNHELD Mob that's gone the longest time unmolested by you, as soon as possible.
    10) If out of end, switch to "The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9" below.
    11) Repeat 8 and 9 until you think you're about to get killed by unheld, unconfused MOBs, or until everybody's arrested.
    12) If necessary, switch to "Not so Gentle Persuasion" above.

    [*]"The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9"
    Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 8+
    Powers Used: Sprint, Swift, Hurdle
    Group: Any

    1) Turn on sprint
    2) Head for the nearest police drone, along the safest path you can think of.
    3) Wish there were a natural movement power that made sense.

    [*]"No, YOU are the MAN!"
    Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller/Empath 28+
    Powers Used: Fortitude, Recovery Aura, Tactics, Maneuvers, Total Dominate, Dominate, Mez.

    1) Team with one blaster or scrapper two to four levels below you. Do NOT SK him.
    2) Instruct your teammate in the nuances of "No, YOU are the MAN!"
    3) Find MOBs your teammate's level +4.
    4) Fortitude your teammate, and turn on tactics and maneuvers.
    5) Total Dominate the group.
    6) Dominate any mob still moving, preferring mobs closest to the center of the cluster.
    7) Mez any mob still moving, preferring mobs furthest on the fringe of the cluster.
    8) Hope your teammate starts attacking by now.
    9) Heal your teammate if he's at 50% health or less.
    10) Pop Rec Aura close to your teammate when YOU are down to 40% end, or HE's out, whichever comes first.
    11) Repeat steps 6-9 until nobody's moving. Try and be ready to Dom anybody your guy wakes up.
    12) If you run out of end, and there're folks moving that you think are going to still be a problem, or if things othewise fall appart, drop all toggles, spam "Run" three times, and stick close to your teammate to heal him if necessary, until either he is safely away or dead. If he's dead or away and you have aggro, resort to "The Wall, Disk 2, Track 9" above.

    [*]"Haimdon's girlfriend likes to wear a leash!"
    Type of Controller: Natural Mind Controller 5+
    Powers Used: Confuse w/ 2+ accuracies, stealth
    1) Team with some nice people who do damage.
    2) Turn on stealth
    3) Find an Archvillain
    4) Tell everybody to hang back a minute.
    5) Approach the AV within about 5 yards, and trash talk it thoroughly.
    6) Meanwhile, confuse it repeatedly, until it's got purple dots around it's head.
    7) Wait for it to kill nearby mobs, if necessary.
    8) Tell your team, "OK, guys. They've agreed to take the beating they so richly deserve." Hope your team starts attacking.
    9) Turn off stealth, and spam confuse on the AV until it's arrested.[/list]
  18. ((Hey, Sam, I mean, whatt're you afraid of. It's not like the government can lock you up without charging you, and giving you access to a lawyer and stuff. @_@

    Anyhow, cool start! I like the run-down apartment bit. Self-esteem issues in the making, and who doesn't like to root for some dude who's sorta dejected. We've seen heroes struggle with prejudice (every mutant), physical handicaps (Matt Murdoch. Sorta.), and so on. I don't think we usually see heroes who're just, dirt poor. Or, depressed. That'd be interesting-- a clinically depressed superhero. ))
  19. Anybody RPing apparent members or former members of a neonazi organization, would expect to get a lot of interaction over the question of whether you're a neonazi. To expect anything else would be rediculous.

    And if somebody of that sort ignored me because I asked if they preached a fascist ideal (rather than taking the opportunity to ROLEPLAY a heartfelt "No, no! We revile our former morality, and seek to catalyze the destruction of the 5th column!"), they'd be lousy, lousy RPers,

    Also, chainmail isn't RPing any more than CoH consistently is. ::

    Anyway! Which is the second RP server?!?

    I say, Freedom is RP server #2. Because, I'm there. And I RP.
  20. [Based on in-game events]

    Dr. Maningzhoue sprinted down the streets of Brickstown on his usual patrol, wondering when the city was going to do something about this neighborhood. After all, ordinary people-- like himself! -- lived there. And the zig held criminals like a sieve.

    Still, there was an invasion going on, even if Crey and some of the real superheroes were paying it no attention. City beautification projects would probably be on hold a little while. where were they coming from? They weren't everywhere, but they could be seen. Floating around eerily, just like....

    Just like right over there!

    The doc came up short at the far end of the narrow alley from the spikey floating orbs, and wondered for the umpteenth time where these things were coming from. He went into "stealth mode," slipping into the shadows to do a little surveilance, the way Agent Six had taught him back when he was still patrolling King's Row looking for revenge on that stain on the medical profession-- Dr. Vazhilok.

    These things were creepier than zombies, too. Zombies, mused the doctor of depth psychology, evoke a fear of death. Disturbing, not to mention ugly. Not like the Rikti are ugly-- no, they're ugly like chimpanzees-- somehow ugly by being in their way too like us. But these new invaders?

    Beautiful, in their own way. But they HAD NO HEADS! That is, if they even had bodies. How was one supposed to have a conversation about turning over a new leaf, with a floating eyeball? Or a headless, blue.... brute?

    Naturally, Doc had tried to take these folks on before. They'd scorched him for his trouble. He was healing OK, and it was true that they spray-on syntheskin worked just like the real thing and left no permenant scars, but Doc sometimes had nightmares about peeling back layer after layer of it until he found bone.

    Doc shook his head to clear it of the gruesome fantasy, and concentrated on the weird aliens floating there in the alley. Amidst them, he spotted it-- a big round glowing disk that seemed to open out on... SOMEWHERE ELSE! So this was how they were getting through. Maybe the thing could be destroyed.

    But they were floating all around it. Alot of them. Doc didn't relish the idea of spraying on more syntheskin tonight before he popped some aleve and went to bed. He sprinted around the building silently, to get a better look at them, and nearly landed on top of one of Crey's goons-- one of the guys sporting the Cryonic Armor.

    Doc looked at the aliens. Looked back at the Crey goon. Stroked his cleanshaven chin a moment. And smiled.

    The long-haired, t-shirt n' jeans wearing ordinary lookin' citizen snuck on up to the Cryonic Tank. He knew anybody with Crey would take one look at him and shoot first, ask questions later. Supressing a grin, he snuck right up and popped the guy a good one in the helmet. Doc could hit pretty hard for an ordinary guy, when he wanted to, thanks to Six.

    The goon, stung, turned to face off with his assailant, who was already sprinting toward the nearby alley, but looking back over his shoulder. The Crey goon recognized him. "Dr. Maningzhoue! Damn you!"

    Round the corner into the alley, the Crey tank stopped short; now the irritating Doctor was sprinting back toward him, away from the cluster of ... things.... that dominated the narrow space.

    "Ha, ya powerless wonder! Running from... from, well, whatever those are! I'm gonna retire you right here, right now, and the Countess is gonna promote me to a Power suit." The cryonic tank fired, and the Doctor neatly sidestepped the blast; he'd had his dodge path planned out well in advance.

    "Hey, bro." The doctor said, watching the Crey goon looking around him at the floating aliens. "Check that out. Alien invaders. Serious."


    "What's your name, man."

    The Cryonic tank sneered beneath his mask. "Like hell, 'bro.' I will tell you this, though. Whatever you said to my pal Agent Wood, he vacated his position. Wood was a good agent! I'm gonna freeze your butt into the middle of next week!"

    "Eeeasy, man. Easy." The doctor was modulating his tone now; subharmonics and inflection, a careful read of his victim's emotions, helped him apply the science of crisis psychoanalysis. "Wood left Crey because he wanted to. I didn't have anything to do with it." This wasn't entirely true, but doc continued. "Lookit those things, bro."

    "You know, you don't sound much like a guy with a Ph.D."

    "Yeah, yeah. And you don't look much like a hero." The tone and the smirk were calculated.

    The crey guy chuckled, in spite of himself.

    "Ok, now. Check this. That thing," doc pointed, "... is the portal these things are invading through! We gotta take it out. Now, I don't mean to impugn your, like, heroic aspirations, but look at it this way. What can good press for for Crey, fending off an invasion, do for your career?"

    "Well. Good, I guess."

    "Right! These things aren't that tough. I mean, I couldn't take 'em, but I'm just an ordinary guy without superpowers. You've got that suit, and, as I know very well, it packs quite a wallop. Think you can take down that portal?"

    "You bet your sweet butt I can, doc."

    "Go, man, go!"

    The Cryonic tank charged into the alley, and started putting the smack down on the invaders. Periodically, Doc, who stood nearby, shouted a few more words of encouragement. First he finished off the orbs. Then he turned on the portal itself.

    It was slow going, but eventually, the Cryonic Tank had nearly destroyed the portal!

    Then, a setback. A dozen more aliens came through the portal, and Doc had to encourage the tank to take them all down too-- which he did! Then he went back to destroying the portal.

    At the last minute, a superhero flew by. He spotted the doc, and swooped down.

    "Hey! Can I help take down the portal?"

    "Sure, just, watch it. The Crey guy there? He's on our side."

    This got the doc a funny look. "Well, ok." In waded the superhero, firing white-hot bolts of plasma at the nearly demolished portal. A couple of them missed and hit the Cryonic tank-- who just kept on after the portal.

    Moments later, after the first hero came a second, this one surrounded by bizarre seeming warps in space-time. Doc never did understand those, but he was a medical doctor, not a physicist. The distortions started sucking in the Crey guy, who, to his credit, heroically kept his sights on destroying the portal.

    Doc shouted at the second hero, but to no avail. The gravity distortions soon knocked the Cryonic Tank unconscious. Doc rushed in and put the finishing touches on the portal, kicking it with all his ordinary might.

    And it collapsed, in a brilliant burst of random light beams! "Whew!" He exclaimed, and went and triggered the medical teleport grid for the Crey guy.

    The first hero thanked him, and sped off.

    Doc stroked his chin. "Have to find a way to brain-drain Crey Industries." He muttered.

    [Based on in-game events: I stealth-trained a white Crey Cryonic Tank into an alley where a portal and numerous blue Rualuu were, and confused him into taking them and a second wave down, and 2/3rds of the damage to the portal there. An energy blaster showed up to help after the tank defeated the second wave. Then some L33 Grav controller nimrod came and singularity-ed the Tank into oblivion, and I finally kicked the portal shut. Hi-ya!]
  21. Oh, man! I wanna play! Something I can finally be the champion of! You're not on the Freedom server, are you? I'm even practiced at tram running. The only one I have trouble with is that tree that obscures the curve coming up on Talos' station.

    Dr. Maningzhoue, Fastest Gimp in the World (Freedom)