What's the 2nd most RP-friendly server?




So I've gone a bit over-board with the alts. I've got one Character that I play ten times more than any of the others, but there's just so many character options in this game.

So, next to Virtue, what's the most RP-friendly server?



This may be biased since I haven't really been to the other servers, but Guardian is rp friendly. True they may be others in your team that won't be roleplaying, but 80% of the time when I group and i'm rp'ing the group catches on and lets me be, many enjoying it even if they're not on the same boat.

You will get the occasional player who takes these moments when you try to be in character to try and punch you out, but I've gotten the feeling that this happens in all of the servers.

So as far as my encounters go, about..2 out of 5 heroes have a backstory and/or rp.



I'm on Victory. I adjust my playing style based on the group I'm with.

I'll start off with RP, even when Looking for teams and such (referring to seeing ads in newspapers,etc)

When I get in the group, I play my character and she's so real to me, that I don't get the "oh, jeez, another RPer" feeling from the other team members. I do think that most have no clue I'm really a guy, until It ell them. Granted, the occasional clue slips out.

I guess it depends on how people respond within the first 10 minutes of me being around that group. Usually though, my groups tend to be great. =D



Virtue's the 2nd. And the 3rd.

I'm only saying that because I've never tried RPing on any other server. I assume you could do it on any server and get along fine.



As a RolePlayer since D&D was in pamphlet form and called Chainmail, I have been waiting for this ( or something like this for well over 30 years.) with great anticipation. As far as RolePlaying is concerned, most I have encountered wouldn't know how to RolePlay even if you paid them to go to ACTING school. Key point - ACTING. Your character has no knowledge of the game mechanics, You do. So have your character talk as you would talk ( Do you talk to others about the physics that effect your average day.). This helps give your character a lil more flavor. Also, I am in complete agreement with the others. Must give your Character a history, a Background. Something that helps seperate your character from the next MooK that made the same costume,name,etc. 9 out of ten I encounter have no Bio Info, So Sad. So Very Sad.......
I mostly play on the Guardian server. Yet I find myself so jaded with trying to team that I have decided to prove 1 can solo in this game. I find it so hard to deal with the players who don't RolePlay, or cry about RolePlaying. Or worry more about the game mechanics and the debt. I have 1 thing to say to that...... Go Play Your XboX. Not that i want debt, yet it will happen no matter how hard you perpare not to die. Kinda like life. My primary character Xxx SunRay xxX's SG is called " LIFE IS DEBT ".
My advice to you is give your character a history so you know where they came from, which will give you a better idea where your going. If your interested in hooking up or need a hand,message me thru the forum or find me on Guardiana as any of the below.....

Xxx SunRay xxX an Alien Fire Elemental
the Scab Peeler a Drow Healer with a Conscience and Heart
the OD DITTY a Crazy Streetfighting Lounge Lizard
SunRay'sExwife an Ice Queen who cries about the Alimony
VinnyBagOdonut a Leg Breaker for the Family
and a few more....ok....many more.



I almost forgot about 'Chainmail'. I RP all the time. Even in groups that aren't RP'ing. If I annoy them... so what. If they mention something game mechanic... i act as if they are crazy... If they keep banging the point home, I send em a tell saying 'It's called RPing'. this usually shuts em up.
If your ever on Freedom, say hey... if your not near me... call me on the radio. I always have it on.



When I had written that post earlier I was Soloing the Positron TF. having been so high from finishing it, I had decided to relax and sit at the feet of Positron, and relish in my victory. Now so you know my char's SG is called "Reality for Roleplayers".Someone had seen it and started to harass me about joining. he plays for 12-18 hours a day and knows 5 types of roleplaying. As i talk to him in local and private chat, ( Local/Team = in game, reality = private or whatever among friends ya know.) Trying to eat my Ralph's cherry Icee, and explain the Diff between talking in 1st person and 3rd person. I get a tirade a profanity from a 15 yr old about my char sitting there and not killing. I'm not roleplaying by sitting there, Your a *&%$#@*&%$#@ Liar. This is what you call RPing, @#$%^&*&^%$#@. As 1 who has just played the Positron TF for 2 days solo with 3 hours sleep, repair a van, do a moderate landscape planting job and SOLO the TF. I truly wonder why I try at times, Why do I bother. Then I see your posting to mine. Your offer is more than tempting, and as i see you have an Ad. Maybe I'll apply. I can redo my primary on another server. Just want to see what will happen with this junior and both our reports to support. Would hate to make the char and have my acct banned because some punk has a grudge and I wont accept his apoligy for crossing a line

Yes My Drow Healer 16 SOLO'd the positron TF, (except for the 1st mish. 3 had bailed during the 1st mish. the other 4 left after killing Epidural.) Got the pics to prove, just I have no place to post them. More than happy to send to though.....



As a RolePlayer since D&D was in pamphlet form and called Chainmail, I have been waiting for this ( or something like this for well over 30 years.) with great anticipation. As far as RolePlaying is concerned, most I have encountered wouldn't know how to RolePlay even if you paid them to go to ACTING school. Key point - ACTING. Your character has no knowledge of the game mechanics, You do. So have your character talk as you would talk ( Do you talk to others about the physics that effect your average day.). This helps give your character a lil more flavor. Also, I am in complete agreement with the others. Must give your Character a history, a Background. Something that helps seperate your character from the next MooK that made the same costume,name,etc. 9 out of ten I encounter have no Bio Info, So Sad. So Very Sad.......
I mostly play on the Guardian server. Yet I find myself so jaded with trying to team that I have decided to prove 1 can solo in this game. I find it so hard to deal with the players who don't RolePlay, or cry about RolePlaying. Or worry more about the game mechanics and the debt. I have 1 thing to say to that...... Go Play Your XboX. Not that i want debt, yet it will happen no matter how hard you perpare not to die. Kinda like life. My primary character Xxx SunRay xxX's SG is called " LIFE IS DEBT ".
My advice to you is give your character a history so you know where they came from, which will give you a better idea where your going. If your interested in hooking up or need a hand,message me thru the forum or find me on Guardiana as any of the below.....

Xxx SunRay xxX an Alien Fire Elemental
the Scab Peeler a Drow Healer with a Conscience and Heart
the OD DITTY a Crazy Streetfighting Lounge Lizard
SunRay'sExwife an Ice Queen who cries about the Alimony
VinnyBagOdonut a Leg Breaker for the Family
and a few more....ok....many more.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's great. But I know how to role-play. The question was which is the second most role-play friendly server. All my characters have extensive backgrounds. I just wanted a server with some other people that get into it.



I play on victory usally in Wasabi Man character....mostly quiet saying siomethign goof everyso often...like I sually pay MMO games.



Its sad how others act. My group the 4th Column is strictly Roleplayers. We roleplay a rogue group of Ex-5th Columnists. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THAT EVEN IF WE TELL THEM.... They give us comments like: "NAZIS!!! BURN IN HELL!!!" (/Ignore) or "Are you guys really white supremeists?" and the occasional person who wants to join says: "So when do we preach the Facist ideal?" (/kick)

WHY cant people understand that we are simply getting a kick out of RPing a villanous organization....

It makes me mad. You should see my ignore list.



There's a reason for that. Roleplaying Nazis is different from role-playing any other group because of the philosophy and ideology behind them. With thieves and murderers, it's usually just a matter of laziness or "moral flexibility" as they say. With Nazis/Klansmen etc., you're role-playing still-existing symbols of racial hatred and genocide.

People get mad at you because they don't understand how anyone could want to even PRETEND to be something so vile. It's one thing with NPC's. They're lifeless sequences of 1's and 0's (and if you notice, even THEY don't really act like Nazis, I've yet to see any of them call for the extermination of any "mongrel races"). People understand that they're just targets put there to give people something they want: the chance to beat the ever-living snot out of Nazis. Believe me, if the 5th column had even a spark of sentience, people would be yelling at them.

IT disturbs me how many people I've seen on this game who don't grasp just how much the Nazis have done to people, and I'm not just talking WWII. I wonder if all the Indiana Jones, Captain America "Nazis as villians stories" have somehow had the REVERSE of the intended effect and ended up desensitizing people to this evil?



An interesting point, as I had thought similar things as well. I wish the 5th Column acted more in-tune with their Nazi roots, unless (lore-wise) Requiem has moved them away from that and they're essentially his personal gang. Now, I'm not saying they should be yelling offensive things, but more stuff about the "power of the Ubermenschen" and maybe bashing "subhuman mutants". Speaking of, where's the hatred of mutants humanity often gets in comics? Personally, I think the 5th Column was well done as a villain group, and I applaud the devs for their inclusion.

Something to remember - this is City of Heroes. Roleplaying Nazis is something that simply doesn't fit. Well, I suppose you could view them as heroes, and agree with their ideals. Still, the majority of the world is against you, so they count as Villains.

Finally, Nazis get really bad reactions almost instantly, moreso than other idealists (or whatever you want to call them). You don't see people react so harshly against pro-Communists, for example (c'mon - when was the last time you heard someone say, "Ugh! I can't believe you're playing a Soviet!"). For that matter, you could play an anti-American group (and have justification). However, don't expect it to be taken well (or lightly) by other players. The roleplaying may be justifiable, but that doesn't mean it'll be well received. And at it's base, CoH is still an MMO and has a community attached to it. It's the responsibility of the players to make sure that what they bring to that community is acceptable (or at least tolerable) to others. Otherwise, you're just asking for a backlash...

Remember, friends - roleplaying is an opportunity to bring depth to your characters; not an excuse for bad behavior!



Good point JollyRoger.

Imagine if I decide to create a group of Talebans yelling stuff at people about religion and stuff you know. No matter I RP it "for fun" it might still be offensive to some, cos the memories of certain real tragedies are not far from us. Same fo Nazis. Europeans still feel sensitive about these topics, more than in other countries.
In a community based game you have to choose wisely what to do and what not, for your own enjoyment and the other's.
Even RPed racism might end up having a bad effect on someone. If you really want to do it aim at sci-fi races and species, like mutants or aliens.



Speaking of, where's the hatred of mutants humanity often gets in comics?

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Never happened in the universe of City of Heroes. Probably because superpowered beings have been around since at least the mid-30's. And they've definitely been accepted by society since the Citizen Crime Fighting Act of 1937.



On one server I have a character called The Vegan. He's scrawny, pasty faced, has the bushy beard and messy hair and what look like hemp pants on. I made him just to RP someone that people would hate I'll stand in Atlas Park and shout about how eating meat is wrong and ask who wants to kick the hackey sack around...basically push all the earth-mother hippie liberal vegetarian BS that I can't stand. People get really burned up, but if I really get someone riled up I send a tell to them that I'm just goofing around. Anyone who knows me can attest that I'd sooner die than give up eating all those tasty animals...



On one server I have a character called The Vegan. He's scrawny, pasty faced, has the bushy beard and messy hair and what look like hemp pants on. I made him just to RP someone that people would hate I'll stand in Atlas Park and shout about how eating meat is wrong and ask who wants to kick the hackey sack around...basically push all the earth-mother hippie liberal vegetarian BS that I can't stand. People get really burned up, but if I really get someone riled up I send a tell to them that I'm just goofing around. Anyone who knows me can attest that I'd sooner die than give up eating all those tasty animals...

[/ QUOTE ]

If you've already leveled him, delete him, and then re-create him. Now, every once and a while, while still at level 1, run in to a fight, use brawl to punch one thug, then go "pant...pant...excuse me....I gotta...I gotta go lay down now wheeeeeze" or "OW! My bones! What the heck? It's like they're missing somethin!"



Anybody RPing apparent members or former members of a neonazi organization, would expect to get a lot of interaction over the question of whether you're a neonazi. To expect anything else would be rediculous.

And if somebody of that sort ignored me because I asked if they preached a fascist ideal (rather than taking the opportunity to ROLEPLAY a heartfelt "No, no! We revile our former morality, and seek to catalyze the destruction of the 5th column!"), they'd be lousy, lousy RPers,

Also, chainmail isn't RPing any more than CoH consistently is. ::

Anyway! Which is the second RP server?!?

I say, Freedom is RP server #2. Because, I'm there. And I RP.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters