"In need of therapy - Part 1"




It is three minutes before 5:00 AM and Rebecca O’Callaghan has poured herself a cup of coffee. The third for the night and like the others she does not add milk or sugar. Rebecca walked out of the break area, heading for the main lobby of the emergency room. The hospital is officially named, Our Mother of Mercy, although most just call it, No Mercy, due to the fact that it resides in one of the most unforgiving neighborhoods of Paragon. As she arrived at the reception desk, Lupe, the main reception nurse, moved herself closer to Rebecca and said, “Ju know, eet not so empty like et is now. De emergency room eez…” she trailed off, looking for the word and added “…crowded. We get many, many dings like gan shots, stabbings, ju know, dings like dat.” Rebecca nodded and looked around once more at the empty emergency room. It hadn’t been like that the rest of the week, her first week of work since moving to Twilight. The rest of the week had been busy, no doubt about that. Oh, sure it had had its slow moments but nothing like tonight. The quietness of the hospital didn’t comfort the newest employee of No Mercy. To Rebecca, it wasn’t peaceful, it was eerie.

“I’ll be in the break room catching a few minutes of sleep, Lupe. Call me if anyone comes in.” The red head said but just as she finished another voice broke in, in a tone that was both condescending and calm.

“Someone just came in…Rebecca.” Rebecca’s lips tightened as she heard the voice and even though she had only been working at Our Mother of Mercy for only a week, she knew that she did not like, nor would she ever like, Dr. Julie Ling. As Dr. Ling arrived at the reception desk she threw a vanilla folder onto the desk, in front of Rebecca. The green eyed woman scanned the folder, “Marilyn Starter” it read.

Rebecca raised her head to look at Julie, “I thought you had taken this patient, what happened?”

“I decided to take my break.” Dr. Ling said in a matter of fact tone, looking straight into Rebecca’s eyes. “I scanned the file quickly and I think you can handle it.”

Rebecca raised her eyebrow but Julie either didn’t notice or didn’t care that the newest doctor at No Mercy was annoyed with her. Julie walked away from Lupe and Rebecca without another word. As the red head turned to pick up the file Lupe said, “Ju know, she always like dat, no one like her.”

The green eyed doctor smiled at Lupe’s words and replied, “The fact that she is always like that doesn’t exactly comfort me, Lupe. I was hoping it was her time of the month.” Lupe began laughing in response as Rebecca walked away from the reception desk towards her new patient. As she walked into the room of Marilyn Starter, Dr. O’Callaghan immediately noticed that her patient wore a blue turban, the likes of which cancer patients wore. Marilyn’s eyes were shut but a facial expression of pain was clearly visible. She was in her mid thirties with a fair complexion and full lips. Holding her hand was a man, also in his mid thirties with a shaved head and bright blue eyes. The second she walked in he turned his attention from Marilyn to Rebecca, his face showing fear, sadness and above all else, despair. “Hello, I’m Rebecca O’Callaghan and you are?”

The blue eyed man stood from his chair and said, “Thomas Stater, I’m Marilyn’s husband.” Rebecca nodded in response as she opened the vanilla folder and began reading the woman’s information. Right then a nurse, Lana, walked in and stood next to Rebecca.

“Your wife has breast cancer and has been receiving chemotherapy, correct?” Rebecca questioned.

“Yes, that is correct.” The man replied.

“It says here that there are no other cases of cancer in her family?”


Just as Thomas answered Rebecca noticed that they were not alone. Up against the wall, sitting and watching were two little girls with bright blue eyes just like those of Thomas Starter. The two little girls both wore turbans. “Mr. Starter, do you have a history of cancer in your family?”

Thomas shook his head and replied, “No…” Rebecca and Lana glanced at each, but the red head simply nodded.

“From the information I have, it looks like the cancer is in stage 4, the only thing we can do is ease the pain…I’m sorry.” At that, Thomas Starter simply nodded. Rebecca continued to speak although this time to Lana. “Give her 6 mg of morphine every four hours, no tests and move her upstairs.” Lana nodded and left the room. Turning back to Thomas, Rebecca said, “I will check back later.” Arriving back at the reception desk, Dr. O’Callaghan gave Marilyn Starter’s file to Lupe.

As she did the brown haired woman said, “Eet sad, huh? De entire family has cancer.” Rebecca nodded and answered.

“Sometimes I’m just amazed, no previous history of cancer in the family yet they all get it. Just random luck, I guess.” To which Lupe replied.

“Oh no, dey were cursed. Embrujados, that’s how we say eet in spanish. That’s what I dink. Der entire neighborhood was cursed.” At this Rebecca quickly turned her head to face Lupe.

“What do you mean their entire neighborhood?”
“Ya, der entire neighborhood has cancer problems. We get a lot. From about Pinecrest to Seaport, in between those streets a lot of people get cancer, near Kings Row. Dey did a report on eet, da City, but dey no found nating. I say dey were cursed, either dat or de City didn’t look hard enough.”

So, either the neighborhood was ‘cursed’ or there is another reason and the ‘City didn’t look hard enough’. Rebecca thought to herself. I’ll go with ‘the City didn’t look hard enough’. Right then, Rebecca decided she would be the one to look hard enough.



Please post any positive comments you might have on my story.



I like it, and look foward to reading more on it.



Thank you for the kind words!



((Like it a great deal! What server do you play on?

There really ought to be a Paragon League of Academics and Clinicians Extraordinare (PLACE), or something of that sort.

I always want to write in heavy dialect, BTW, and though you capture it well, I think as a rule it's better to just say in the narrative voice that so-and-so's accent is thick.

Still, fun to read! One of the inspirations for my main is Dr. Carter from ER, and I felt like I was stepping right back into that world, with your scene. ))

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