Setting up Olympics for your friends and SG-mates




Having gotten tired of nothing but mindless combat, our hero team has come up with a weekly series of events we call the Hero-lympics. These are some olympic events that we did in paired teams with 2 team members (me and a guy named Facade) as referees. I thought I would post our idea here so others could use it. As we do more events I will post them. We have 5 scheduled for this weekend but I do not want to post anything unless we have tried it and found it worthwhile.

EVENT 1 -- Tram Race

We selected 5 tram track stretches in the following zones: Talos Island, Atlas Park, Steel Canyon, Skyway City, and King's Row. One ref stood at the spot where the tram comes out. That was the destination. The players were taken to the opposite end of the track and grouped with refs. All powers had to be turned OFF for this competition. (I have a slight warning about persistent powers below.) Only jumping and regular running (sprint is allowed) could be used. Each team selected one member to run each race, and each member had to run 2 or 3 races (who ran 3 was up to the pair). Runners were timed to the destination, if they reached it. The object was to run along the tram tracks and not fall off. If they fell down, they stopped there. If all contestants fell down, then the one who got the farthest along the tracks won. If 2 or more contestants made it all the way to the end, the winner was the one who did it in the fastest time. Referees should select tracks that are twisty and have a reasonable frequency of tram apperance. The contestants get a GO signal from the ref at the destination, who says go when the tram appears and starts to move on the tracks. The tram must therefore be hopped/jumped/avoided at least once for each contestant.

Points were awarded as follows: Winners got points = to the number of teams. Second place got that amount -1, and so on, until last place, which got 1 point. After the 5 events, refs added up the totals and the team with the most points won the gold.

Our SG split up into 3 groups of 2 and we had an absolute blast running this event. Watching people try to jump the tram with no superpowers and fall off was hilarious.

WARNING: Sprint, hurdle, and other similar powers will give people having them an advantage. Check who has what beforehand and try to even it out (each team having one person with swift or hurdle and one without would work, for instance).





Oh, man! I wanna play! Something I can finally be the champion of! You're not on the Freedom server, are you? I'm even practiced at tram running. The only one I have trouble with is that tree that obscures the curve coming up on Talos' station.

Dr. Maningzhoue, Fastest Gimp in the World (Freedom)

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Sorry.. we're on Justice. I wasn't really posting looking for contestants so much as trying to give people non-combat ideas to try with their own friends and SG-mates.




Everytime I see that, it bugs me, that tram driving through a tree. There's another blatant disregard for clipping elsewhere, but I forget where exactly.



Kudos to you and your group for doing something like this!