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  1. Why can't this problem be solved by just having Max's real global added to our roster?

    Just figured I would throw that out there..
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    Before Doyler, most of dUmb thought the Jonas brothers where some dudes related to that guy in the Bible who was swallowed by a whale.
    I learned about the jonas brothers through southpark
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
    Retest this please. I tried this many many times in the arena and noticed absolutely no reduction on taunt duration.

    Taunt duration with no toggles on: 12 seconds
    Taunt duration with TT:A: 12 seconds

    TT:A = -1206.51% taunt duration.
    Unless they changed something (Or were supposed to change something) Taunt is supposed to be completely unresistable, but has an accuracy check. It has always worked that way in PvP and, if I recall correctly, wasn't changed in PvP 2.0. The reason it seems broken is because its supposed to cause supression to the caster, but not the target. It worked this way in both i12 and i13 PvP. But, since we run no TS - it may appear broken because its so easy to autofollow target and keep taunt on auto cast.

    Edit - also, if other teams are having problems coming up with a counter for a taunting lineup, Plz PM dahjee. Im sure even that nub could come up with a counter. SRsly people...instead of banning lineups - try to think of a way to counter it.
  4. Won't quote since it's a big post, but I'd like to comment on a couple items

    I do think your list is a good description of what I was getting at. When I refer to speed and reaction time as a 'skill' I'm describing a different level of ability. For example, brady quinn is a less skilled quarterback than peyton manning.

    I disagree with the new PvP requiring more skill to evade, but I can see how it may seem like it.

    In the Old PvP, if you were on a team playing a squishy, it was important to keep mez protection up. Surviving while keeping critical CM on other squishies was important to emping. Most of the time, the emp didn't have a secondary supporter in zones, so you needed to manage your breakfrees and decide when to use them. Its Bam bam bam and you had 2-3 decisions to make each second "Who to heal" "2 people? who has to wait? Can I save them both? If I can't whose more important?" The new PvP, expecially in zones, its a lemming fest. More people die. The Skill of survival is gone (Survival being a Generic term combining your four critical areas).

    I could go on, but its getting close to the end of the day - Ill check back another day and eleborate more if you would like. Also, there are a lot of helpful PvP forum goers (Moreso than what you might expect) so they might chime in here sometime over the weekend.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    I keep seeing this come up, again and again.

    "Prior to i13 One person could take on three people if he had skill"

    This honestly makes no sense in a game balanced around numbers where characters auto-turn, auto-aim, and hit based on random generation of numbers. What are these skills you're speaking of?

    In a straight FPS game skill is in how finely you control your character handicapped by how good or bad your ping/lag issues are. If you can't turn your avatar at the correct speed to line up a shot or lead a target then you're going to miss.

    In WoW there's even some modicum of skill to PvP as you have to shift yourself out of a player's forward arc if you want half their attacks to stop hitting you (Must be Facing Target)

    In CoH you press an attack power, the game turns you automatically towards whoever your target is, and you fire the attack based on a number randomizer to hit the target. Where is this vaunted skill?

    Is it based on Kiting melee enemies around corners? Setting up an AS before your enemy bounces away (don't play stalkers much, but when I do I've noticed that once the AS animation starts nothing short of the enemy turning a corner will protect it, no matter how far away it runs)? Getting your mez powers off, first? Oh! Oh! I know! It's utilizing cover to avoid attacks, right?

    PLEASE give us some qualifiers of this "Skill" all PvPers refer to! If I knew what skills I needed to work on to -be- a better PvPer I'd try more often! But in every PvP thread I've participated in all of my comments are swept under the rug in favor of the "You don't PvP ergo you don't understand and no I won't deign to explain. LoLPvECarebear"

    Well teach us Carebear Fluffbunny PvEers what it is that makes you so much better at PvP than us! Why is it Fair and Balanced gameplay if a solo scrapper can take down 2-3 enemies in a straight fight but imbalanced when the rules favor a larger group of people? It's just like an FPS in that sense, save that aiming and lag aren't factored in due to the randomizer which in turn gives everyone the same amount of "Aiming" skill, regardless of how long they've been playing.

    Not sure if your post is pure snark or a general question, but I will assume the latter and try to answer:

    The Skills necessary in CoH PvP were very similar to FPS minus one (Aiming). In a FPS, be it Console (MW2, Halo, etC) or PC (Counterstrike, quake, etc) Key things that defined skill were:
    Decision making

    In CoH PvP, The speed part is fairly obvious. How fast do you notice that you're taking damage? If you're support, How fast do you notice your teammates taking damage and react to it?
    Evasion, Do you always take sneaky routes when you are trying to zero in on your target? Do you find yourself dying very quickly in the middle of an arena map or zone? When you are attacked, do you have the ability to get away while still keeping yourself in the fight?
    Decision making: This is sorta of a generic area but it would fall into "What insps to bring and when to use them" and "Which targets are the highest priorty to kill" and "Their team is defending this area REALLY well, how can I use that to my advantage.

    In i12 PvP, I could be on an empath and Slax could be on a blaster and we could go upagainst a bunch of villains and just roll over a larger team. We could pull this off because our decision making was a lot better than theirs. 9/10 while zone PvPing, I would never get attacked on my empath. Decision making is an obvious skill people need...but its often overlooked.

    To often, people will armchair analize the old PvP without really understanding it. Its easy to say "Wow, I just died in less than a second...this sucks" or to suggest changes that make it easier for you to not die in less than a second. Where true skill gets developed is when you learn from your defeats and try to get better.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And for good reason. Despite your character assassination, I still agree with Saist. Of course, I don't PvP either, so feel free to brush my post under the carpet, too.

    You're not going to get fair, balanced PvP in an RPG. Ever. Not even in those DESIGNED around it. At best you're going to get an imbalanced, lopsided fight. But you will NEVER get an RPG where PvP plays like PvE. Ever. If your access to the ancient wisdom of PvP make you privy to some lost RPG that disproves this claim, feel free to state so, but just dropping "Ignore this poster!" does little to... Well, do anything, really.
    I can kinda agree with you on the point of not having Fair and balanced PvP in an RPG. The nature of the game just makes it very very hard to do...Its not a FPS where everyone has the same speed/weapons and its all based on skill.

    But, I think that the old CoH PvP was very easily balancable around teaming...people just refused to do that.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by memphis_bill View Post

    quite bluntly, they should revert quite a few of the changes, and add to the pvp zone warning - "yes, the classes are imbalanced. Your solution is to team."
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by __Divine__ View Post
    Dr. Phil could not fix this community.
    Nanny 911 could help...
  9. Can't you just wedge your tab key down while you AFK farm?
  10. Here are the current league standings:

    SO MUCH DAM: 0
    Used 2 Be Good: 0
    In Need of a New Name: 0
    Can I Get A Lock?: 0
    dUmb: 0
    Eternal P A I N: 0

    Division 8:
    Used 2 Be Good: 0
    SO MUCH DAM: 0
    Can I Get A Lock?: 0
    In Need of a New Name: 0
    dUmb: Chair
    Eternal P A I N:

    Division 6:
    SO MUCH DAM: 0
    In Need of a New Name: 0
    Used 2 Be Good: 0
    dUmb: Pi
    Eternal P A I N: 0
    Can I Get A Lock?: 0

    Fixt to reflect DQs
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by slax View Post

    the browns.
  12. EmpireForgotten

    PvP slows

    Originally Posted by Commando View Post
    Slows were broken pre i13 in fiteclub, and unfun fiteclub is unfun PvP.
    Fixt for accuracy
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IcyKiri View Post
    I predict that a surprisingly large amount of people quit after the league ends.

    I feel this statement is accurate
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    I'm working with the American Psychological Association to categorize the mental illness that is fite clubitis.
    You can find fiteclubitis in the thesaurus right next to the term "scrub"
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    SMD vs EP d8

    3-0 SMD
    10-0 SMD
    9-0 SMD

    Glad you guys didnt take a forfiet, Im sorry we couldnt accommadate you on such short notice.
    EP should have specced into fly and on the map they picked, pick striga. Flying turtle is the best strat ever
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    l337 camera spins yo

    Lab map is the best map ever
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
    1v1 cage match - heal decay on, travel supression on, no jumping, no moving, no inspirations, no kiting..
    This would only be cool if observer bots were allowed to throw drink bottles/popcorn bags at the fighters and their promoter...because they got served by watching that crap
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Dual Pistols and Dual Blades meet for fightclub in zones (because there is no arena apparently). Which of the gimps comes out on top?
    Jumping around is not onherable - therefore melee wins
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    The perfect team = 8 players who:
    • Know how to play their chosen character well
    • Don't do terminally stupid things
    • Know how to adjust and adapt tactics on the fly based on what is happening around them
    Well...Item 2 leaves my SG out of the equation...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    If it makes you feel any better the plans were to run about 15 on the homosexmeter. However between the team having a last minute change of heart to bring legit lineups and the fact that we were short on people we were expecting to be there it didn't work out that way.
    I'd be very interested to hear what the lineups were
  21. EmpireForgotten

    So Kinetic Melee

    Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
    This is not a competitive sport... it's a competitive game. Fun is more important to many believe it or not.... cause it's a game, not a sport.

    If it were a sport... then being good gets priority.

    As helpful as you may think you're being... it isn't needed of you to assume like everyone takes it as Srs as you.


    I think playing my storm defender is "fun" - it does not mean it is good or viable.

    His argument is correct. Fun =/= good.

    People can play what they want. But, if they ask why they aren't performing very well, why should we sugar coat it?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    No there is no longer a reset on he timer like there used to be. In the past if you killed player a you started the rep timer, if you killed player a again before the timer was up you reset that timer. Now killing player a doesn't restart the timer you just don't get rep for it and thus no chance to get a drop. Eg. you kill player a 5 min timer starts, you earn rep and you have a chance for a drop 3 min 30 sec after first kill you kill player a again no rep, no chance for drop, you kill player 5min after the first kill, 5 min timer starts again, you earn rep and get chance for drop.
    Ok cool, that makes sense
  23. This thread delivers

    Please continue
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Actually Uber I think there is still a timer on the drops themselves so you have the 5 min rep timer and the 10 min recipe timer.
    Im not sure if this happens still or not, but getting killed during your 5 minute "Rep rest" period (Defined as the period of time in which you don't give rep to a person who kills you) gets reset every time you die. So, if you have Team A rolling over Team B. The chance of you getting a drop is slim, even though you are killing them quite a bit
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    it still doesn't do anything for the inflation. he wants to have a PvP build, ok. he wants to get enhancements for it free, ok. now what happens when he gets a PvP drop? he makes a ton of cash. now he more cash then he would have had he had to purchase his io's for PvP which means that high prices are still being paid for io's to PvE because we know that a PvP person is going to twink their toon for PvE so they don't have to spend as long doing that to accolade for PvP.

    the only cure for the inflation would have been for the Devs to hold off the AE until it was a complete exploit free system. with the prices the way they are, i think the last exploit with the mm's was around a lot longer then we think. and there are probably more still going that we just haven't heard about yet.
    I think if you take away the need for PvPers to grind and farm their way to pimped out builds, you would also eliminate alot of the influence coming in. PvPers aren't going to "twink" (good word use though, I like it) their toon for PvE because its not needed. PvE is freaking easy and playing for accolades is just as easy.

    I think if you remove PvPers from any market equations...I think you will find the market to stabilize. So, your possible answers are:

    Waste time programming a method to remove money from the game
    Waste time programming a method to remove PvPers need to buyitnao from the market