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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    Not exactly. Because it's easier to get kills, spikes are less precise. Less precise spikes = easier to heal/evade through.

    It's similar in effect to the post IO/Veng stacking period. Before IOs and the Veng ban, kills were much easier to get. After IOs, people got more HP, teams started running more res buffers - so targets were harder to kill. At the same time, spikes, in order to get kills, had to be much more precise - which in turn made evasion and healing more difficult.
  2. EmpireForgotten


    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post

    For anyone that missed it. Dahjee turns the entire zone around with his flying, tping, sniping, perfectly played Grav/Psi Dom, that dies plenty.

    I knew I could count on you to deliver Dahjee.
    The Devs should learn how to program the "dahjee" code into the game - it would finally fix tanks/scrappers/brutes taunt power for PvP.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    How sure are you on what the devs actually wanted, and what is really going on?

    I know a number of bar owners. From talking with them I found out what they do to get rid of people they don't want in their bar, for whatever reason, usually because those people cause problems and make their other patrons uncomfortable.

    They can't just kick them all out, because most of the time they didn't actually do anything wrong. But their presence is giving the bar a reputation of being an unpleasant place to spend time.

    So what they do is change things about the bar to make those people not want to hang out there anymore. If they know those people prefer rap music, they change the jukebox to nothing but country and classic rock. If they know they like a certain brand or beer or liquor, they either stop selling it, or jack the prices up on it. All in the interest of getting the people they would rather not have there to go somewhere else.

    Again, they can't just kick them out, or refuse them entrance, because it is a public establishment, and the people are paying customers. But they CAN make their establishment less attractive to the people that make their other customers uncomfortable.

    Maybe the devs are doing the same thing.
    I really disagree here. Although you're idea might have merit (I wouldn't know, I don't run a bar/business like that), I think you might not be seeing one point here:

    The devs put a lot of time into the i13 PvP changes. There was big coding changes (Allowing different rulesets for PvP/PvE) requiring resourses to perform. Now, I am not a programming expert so I am not going to even guess how much time was put into i13, but I doubt it was as simple as "Changing the jukebox" or "Up'ing the price of beer"

    If getting rid of the jerks was the goal, then they could have just removed PvP flags altogther and state "PvP is broken, we will work on it, but until then its turned off because its an eye sore" - That would have been quick and easy.

    I personally think they just ran out of developement time in their i13 changes and haven't scheduled a time to go back. They really built a house of cards with the new changes and when they removed one of the key componenets - The non-spike-code - They really found their system not working as intended.

    The non-spike-code was flawed in many ways, but it was a key component to their new system. It was removed without the other areas changed to compensate.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
    Lol! I'm not really raging, just trying to have some discourse. It's not going so well.
    nonono..I know you aren't really raging - that's the problem.

    GIVE IN to your inner-nerd rage. Only then will you understand how we think and feel.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
    But, I surely don't have to like you for it.
    Give in to your inner-nerd rage. Tell us how you really feel
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neeto View Post
    I understand what you mean OP. What ur trying to say is that the devs should make PvP more meaningful, entertaining, and fun. As it is now, the meaningfulness and fun part comes from player made content (like the PvPEC events) and getting the occasional PvP IO. Since player driven content (aside from mindless killing of other players in zones) is what keeps PvP going in this game, we see a lot of egotistical players who seek a lot of attention and recognition and have a strong sense of aversion for 'nooby' players. Although PvPEC tries hard to get new players to join the PvP community, the '1337' players and those who think they are '1337' tend to condescend new pvpers and help hault the growth of PvP in CoH. People are people and can't be changed, but if the devs gave PvP all kinds of new meaningful goal oriented content with appropriate rewards, many more players in other servers other than Freedom will start to pvp and enjoy it. The news is most '1337' PvPers have moved to freedom or quit the game; this means that if devs introduce good pvp content casual pvpers like youself will have many more enjoyable times like you did in RV while the '1337' players can play peacefully amongst themselves away from 'nooby' content (such as base raiding). Also to be fair, content for high end pvp should be introduced as well. The botom line is we need more PvP content, if not, than a server with world PvP (which i don't think will happen but I am hoping that praetoria will have it since there is no war wall).
    People that you would consider '1337' really only dislike 'nooby' PvPers when they make excuses for why they lost. Comments such as:

    "Lol - took 6 of you to kill me finally"
    "Gank more plz"
    "Don't kill me im here to watch...OMGWTFBBQ wTH did you kill me?!?!?!?!?1"
    "You're only good because you play FoTM's"
    "Tru warriors don't pop pills"

    I could go on and on and on.

    The point is, you can either take your beatings, say gg, and try to get better OR, you can make excuses as to why you we're beat and why PvPers are jerks.

    Problem with CoH PvP is there is a very large amount of scrub mentality.

    LR;DR - Don't talk **** unless you want to have Jerk PvPers hardcore **** you in both skill and trash talking
  7. Off Topic: Is anyone going to mail in a PvP related question to the Dev QA?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuessWhosBack View Post
    Ok then there are no good players in this game, only less bad. So there are lots of less bad players not in the PvP league right now. Opening up the ATs might increase participation. I know many of you ride the short bus to school so let me speak plainly.

    Requiring more AT's =/= better PvP

    0-0 ties =/= better PvP

    1-0 wins due to the other teams error, not your skill =/= better PvP.

    If you think a pentad ladder is viable, try to form one. Let me know how that goes.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuessWhosBack View Post
    I thought one of the current leagues used 6 per team? In which case I find it hard to believe that one less per side would turn into 0 to 0 ties every match.
    a 6v6 and a 5v5pentad are completely different.

    If you're proposing just straight 5v5's...maybe

    But If you do a pentad, 1 stalker and 1 blaster aren't going to kill anything together...expecially when the other team can bring an emp def and emp troller.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    ^---- this is hyperbole
  11. EmpireForgotten

    Base Raiding

    Originally Posted by Murdok View Post
    What? A Tar hole fan? I haven't seen any of you guys in like a over a year. I guess being preseason number 4 and not even making the NCAA will thin your numbers some.

    The rivalry continues even in cyberspace
    Yes...your avatar is disgusting

    To your OP

    1. Yes, our SG was in a fairly successful base raiding ladder on infinity

    2. No, I wouldn't want base raiding back unless it follows PvE rules

    3. No, I wouldn't voice my opinion. Its been stated that PvP isn't really on the radar of the devs per their PAX east panel discussion. Since we'd need to 'prove' to the devs that it would be worth their time to tweak PvP by keeping the community playing their sub-standard design...its not worth the time

    Hell...its not really worth the time I put into writing this post.

    But good luck to you, I hope your voice is heard even if countless others before you haven't.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    My MM uses the IO for a different reason... PvE. I trip mine mid-combat and moar def is good since I'm not a Bots/Traps, but a Mercs/Traps
    So...what you're saying is that a PvP IO has more value in PvE?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    I bid 4 million each.

    Overrated IO is overrated
    U Ned tis IO cuz ur MM ghets TPd
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Galactor View Post
    The nerdrage is strong with this one
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    The PD rule was in place because the rules were copy and pasted from the old ladder rules. We dont have to swap insp or be in the same zone anymore. But if you REALLY REALLY wanna know someone's hp and powers send someone to the zone they are in and check. Ive done it.

    Why is everyone trying to pull a silit now? SRSLY????
    I doubt we would ever actually call for a DQ because its almost more work than just winning. Also, the captains meeting that would be required after said DQ makes any and all DQ calling pointless.

    That said...I still think fake divine should have to do a captains meeting by himself and he needs to RP the other groups...2 hours of that sounds appropriate.
  16. Guess that rule should be taken out.

    I don't really care either way, but if you don't want people to see your build or HP...just say so.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    dUmb vs EP:

    14-7 dUmb
    5-1 dUmb
    12-3 EP
    I propose that there be a captains meeting to discuss the rule:

    "All matches will take place in Pocket D, Freedom Server. "

    Listed in the official post. The meeting should be to discuss punishment for the offending team.

    I also propose that since attending a captains meeting is punishment enough for any offense committed in this PvP league, that the only person who should attend should be fake divine and he has to RP all the parts of the other leaders by himself for 2 hours.

    TL;DR = Thks for the fun TPfoe matches!
  18. EmpireForgotten

    New Vigilance

    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    It does apply in PvP, but since the +dam is considered a buff instead of a base stat, it gets DR'd.
    Does the Extra % buff/debuff of the defender coupled with the extra damage from this vigilance make defenders more viable/still less viable/equal than corruptors?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by vindizzLe View Post
    I don't like the 5v5 idea at all. The default should be higher with the option to go lower per two teams agreement.
    I won't be around for this league, but /THIS
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    i think you need to calm down and think about this a bit more before telling people not to post ideas that have to do with the subject in your thread.
    Sorry...I lol'd when I read that line

    That said, more purples would be awesome. Any bonuses would be nice.

    The only issue I could see is that the already small window for aquiring a purple would be diluted with a more variety of IOs. Right now, most of the purples usually sell high (With the execption of a couple sets), so its possible to sell you're purple you get dropped in exchange for one you want. With a bigger pool, there might be less than to go around...driving up the prices a little more.

    But, that's a debate for another thread
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
    He is serious. I have been receving tells about some monkey cage fightclub. Also Titanman was talking in RV bc about the uneven sides in zones not being able to find any 5v5 and stuff.
    I told him if he liked all melee team he could start kickballs.
    Serious as in a "Father telling his 3 year old son that Santa Claus is coming" Serious or serious like Al Gore "Im not even joking...Im Super Serial peoples...ManBearPig Will F'in wreck you" serious?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Lith_ View Post

    Exploit: It hurts my feelings.
    Exploit: If I can't beat it - nerf it/remove it/bann it/***** about it
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SAUZER View Post
    Hello everyone. We are a group of friends who like to do melee duels and we are looking for a server that reflects the way we play, rather than pvp zones etc.. Currently we have a VG on Freedom and organizing tournaments and arenas. But we are little, also because people here love RV. RV has become boring, too many gangs, too many spammers trying the drop at all costs. Anyone with information on a good server full of clubbers or want to join us on Freedom (Ask to FENOMENO AND TITAN MAN) is welcome. Thanks
    Best troll post of the year

    Well done good sir!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    all this necro posting has to stop. i'm sure the ocho and all the other mods are getting sick of it. of course their zombie comments can't have any bearing on how they feel about them...
    Why so srs?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    Now I feel bad for going along with the joke. Doyler has never shown any evidence of being a fan of the Jonas Brothers on vent or dUmb channel.
    He should just be thankful that Zet doesn't play anymore