New Vigilance




Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Welcome to the Issue 17: Dark Mirror Open Beta

Here is a rundown of the features in Issue 17:
Vigilance for Defenders Upgraded
  • Due to concerns that Defenders inherent power Vigilance was "too weak" or "non-obvious" or "provided little benefit to the defender himself" we have endeavored to make improvements that are useful in as general a case for Defenders as possible, without adding to their already strong effect when combined with multiple Defenders. To that end, we have added a damage buff which only applies fully when solo, and which degrades as more team members are added.
i am hearing its about 30% more damage with 0 teammates and it drops 10% for each until 0%. i wonder if it carries over to pvp. this would make dueling on defenders viable again, possibly bring them higher than corruptors of equal power sets.



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
i am hearing its about 30% more damage with 0 teammates and it drops 10% for each until 0%. i wonder if it carries over to pvp. this would make dueling on defenders viable again, possibly bring them higher than corruptors of equal power sets.
It depends how it is applied though doesnt it? If its just a 30% damage bonus it would get DR´d



Chances are, it won't apply to PvP. You know, because defenders are already too powerful. I hear if you take like 8 rad defenders, they can just fly through missions and kill NPC's really fast. So this will be considered OP in PvP



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Chances are, it won't apply to PvP. You know, because defenders are already too powerful. I hear if you take like 8 rad defenders, they can just fly through missions and kill NPC's really fast. So this will be considered OP in PvP
am x8 = OP

if I know the devs though when it goes live a team of 8 defenders would be at -50% dmg..they will fix it in i22



Wow, wtf at going into open beta without a Demon Summoning level bump...

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Wow, wtf at going into open beta without a Demon Summoning level bump...
the only way they could get me to reinstall the test client is if there is an open beta demons bump.

and i do hope this applies to pvp as is, i havent touched my cold/dark since i13 went live.



It does apply in PvP, but since the +dam is considered a buff instead of a base stat, it gets DR'd.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



ah, well it should make it easier to focus on +hp and +rech i guess..



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
It does apply in PvP, but since the +dam is considered a buff instead of a base stat, it gets DR'd.
Does the Extra % buff/debuff of the defender coupled with the extra damage from this vigilance make defenders more viable/still less viable/equal than corruptors?



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
Does the Extra % buff/debuff of the defender coupled with the extra damage from this vigilance make defenders more viable/still less viable/equal than corruptors?
if i understand him correctly, its like if you made a build with +30% damage from io set bonuses. except the devs are giving it to you for free, under those specific circumstances.

i wouldnt roll any new defenders but its an incentive to play an old one.



I kept trying to test pvp stuff in beta but there was never anyone on to help. I did finally find a couple people to help me the last day I logged on. I tested the bugs that all still exsist and posted about it in the beta boards. I also ran a couple duels with my rad psi. It wasn't quite like the old days still, but it was enough that you could tell a difference.

Note: my rad psi is still running an i11 build with pretty much no kb protection so i got tossed around by everything I fought. That kinda slowed me getting a better read on the actually raw damage output. I am regretting not moving my cold psi and cold son to freedom now though.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



^^is it barrier o.o?