482 -
Quote:I still feel that a server/community change in attitude towards PvP should be addressed before addition of new zones. This will give better justification to the devs for time/resource put into these new zones.
I agree with this statement. I also think that we need a revamp of the PvP engine that they are using toward something that both the "Hardcore" Crowd and the Newcomers can agree on. Right now, its just not there. -
SWG here we come!
No really, I like the idea alot. To answer your question in the first line, there are two powers that offer a -mag. Benumb and Weaken I think are a %debuff to things like KB protection, hold protection, heals, etc.
I would think that a BH class should have some kind of AV debuff tied to them. It would be nice to have another option to tackle AVs without bringing along debuffing classes. Maybe something that scales with the toughness of the Mob (goes with the feel of the class - Targetting the most lethal in the group and weaken them)
I also don't think weapon redraw would hurt this class. It makes sense that you should have to draw your Rocket launcher or sniper rifle and put it away after you are done. But, I think Damage/End/Rech of each power should be better thought out. Instead of a 4 second attack chain of Blaze, Fireblast, Ball, Flairs - It could be a lot slower of *Use my Debuff gadget, Pull out my rocket for mass damage, Snipe the far left mob, Knife the boss for the win.
Anyways, yeah I do like the Idea. Then I can make an AE arc with a bunch of custom pets so I can recreate my Bounty Hunter + Creature handler from SWG -
Quote:I always found that to be an odd reason. People won't sign off on the PvE game because of a jerk in a PuG, but will when it comes to PvP. Many will handily say "well, I'll just team with friends now instead of doing PuGs" but won't say "I'll just arena people in my SG/friends list instead of stay in the zones."
Hopefully this doesn't turn into a long post. Most of this post is captain obvious - but someone needs to talk about the elephant in the room.
The reason City of Heroes PvP population isn't large and the reason the PvE crowd is adamant about not liking PvP or hating anything to do with PvP is because of the type of gamers CoH attracts.
Comparing CoH to other MMO's at its time of release, it had a very unique niche. It was (one of it not) the first MMO to have a Super hero theme. You had insanely quick travel times compared to most MMOs and you could live out your fantasy of being Superman. The Costume creator was also the most unique of any MMO from that time.
City of Heroes also held the niche as being an 'easy going' MMO. Since loot was non-existent at the time of its' people who couldn't spend a 'normal gamers' amount of time in order to not be left behind by their friends. SKing and Exemplar's also extended this feature.
The above two areas attracted a different crowd to the game. When PvP was added, some of the people from this crowd wouldn't really want to handle the dedication to excel at that form of the game. Since we are attracted to things we are good at and turned off by things we are not, PvP didn't work well for this crowd.
On top of that, since this is a Super Hero MMO and insane travel speeds were possible, it was also one of the most difficult games out there in terms of PvP; almost to the point of needing "FPS" reaction time and speed in order to compete.
The 1-3% population of people who enjoy (or enjoyed before the changes in i13) PvP in this game don't fit the normal niche that this game attracts. That 1-3% want to win and enjoy it when they do.
I've put in my share of PvP time. I have never really been in a zone where the person who got "Ganked" was mocked just because they got killed. I have seen SEVERAL times where the person who gets "Ganked" starts to complain or make excuses and then gets verbally abused, but if you can't take the criticism, don't make excuses in broadcast chat.
Addressing the OP: I kinda like the Idea, but I don't think you can make PvP attractive enough for the PvE crowd. The anger that would ensue from people feeling forced to PvP to get their PvE stuff would be great. It irritates me that I have to PvE in order to PvP, but im in the minority.
TL: DR version - PvP is the devil, all PvPers are going to Hell and PvEers are little angels who are never ever rude or mean to anyone on their team. -
Quote:Truth right here. You can't use zones as a measuring stick because of NPCs and drones and a safespot.im not even a dueler.
im a team pvp-er, if there has ever been any. i loose more duels than i win. i play disruption (hence me being all pissy about the dom buff in the other threads) and support (back when support was fun).
join a team match sometime against a team that's using pb'd stuns.
you will not survive that. ever. organized team pvp is so laughable because of trash like this. -
Quote:I had mind probe, it just missed 3 times in a row when he was held. Its the first power in the second powers bar.
The end of this i12 match is what was formally known as an "I'm out of break frees" death. I certainly still have bad memories of how ridiculous the mez system was pre i13. 1 buff toon stacking mez protection used to be able to flat out shut down doms and trollers. However, without that buffer you had best come to the zone with 20 break frees, and be prepared to head to the base for more every 15 mins or so.
Um...Rock beats paper (mez beats toon without mez protection)
1 buff toon equals counter. Want to win? Kill the buffer or negate their ability to buff
The current mez system is more broken than the old. now, EVERYONE is a mezzer and can mez just as well as a controller/dominator. Why play those sets now? -
This is the Infinity boards, no thread has ever been on topic here.
But this is a good idea - by what metrics do we expect to be measured? Is a good TF leader someone who coaches newer players, or who leads epic teams to insanely epic victories? Best PvPer - are we looking at dueler/Team player/FiteClub Annoucer/etc? -
I have my emp and storm over there. Id be willing to move my blaster (ice/em) or my kin (Fire/kin) if they were worth it.
Quote:Are you using the optimum resolution for your new monitor. I would guess that setting would be either 1650*1080 or 1920*1080. If not, then the pixels would stretch, making it look weirdMy old screen was 19 inches I think, still a wide screen.
This new screen is 23 inches and yanno the login screen where you pick the characters?
Well those bars/lines that say the characters name look abnormally long and thick. It just looks really "not right".
Its like for the loading in part to the game I somehow revert to a lower setting, but when I get into the game it goes to the right settings >.<
I will see about a screenshot. It just looks terribad :\ -
Currently, Frostworks causes movement suppression in PvP 2.0
Per the changes, all buffs that do not heal will not suppress. Examples are Clear Mind, Foritude, Forcefield/Sonic shields, Etc.
Frostworks grants +HP, but does not heal. If it worked like Dull Pain, where it would have a heal component and its +HP, then yes definately suppress. But, since it does not, I'm not sure this is working as intended.
I bugged this in-game a while ago and never received a response as to "working as intended" or otherwise. So, I will post it here to see if it gets some attention
(I did a search for "Frostworks" in this forum and didn't see one. If this post is a duplicate of another post, please let me know and I will delete this one) -
To me, knockback seems to be king now. Is there a way to slot for enough knockback protection to stop things like Levitate and Force bubble
Quote:i think if we keep it 8v8s, there will be enough variation on the disruption spots to keep things interesting.
This is really all I care about. There wasn't much variation in the old hero ladder, the stormie lineups really only allowed for different ATs to be played in the 2 'Damage' spots. I looking more for scores closer to 10-8 or 7-4 instead of 0-1 or 0-0 ties. Yes, ties do happen, but low scoring (or no scoring) ties are boring.
I doubt dUmb would have enough to field a team, but who knows. -
I have a couple topics/questions that I think would make good discussion about if a new league would be worth it:
1. Currently, only stalkers have unresisted damage (is this correct?). Is there a reason to run anything other than a team of stalkers?
2. With the settings DR on, TS off, HD off - What Dynamic lineups do you foresee? I'm Currently seeing pure damage + emp/pain, but my knowledge of the new PvP lineups and whats viable is limited.
3. Are we going to have the same thing as the last i13 PvP league - where there is only 1 viable lineup and if you don't run that you lose?
*Edit after reading some of the other posts - it might help next time*
Would it be a benefit if we pick 2 captains and run some practice matches where we test out some of these lineups. It would be similar to kickball, 'cept you would log whatever you had and the captain could pick what they wanted you to play. -
I think the {{}} is to indicate whether they are talking in character or out of character - I can't remember which the Brackets indicate
Anyways, I think virtue is really the only place to find 'serious' RP. Serious RP is almost borderline insanity though, so you might want to try to find some underground stuff like the second dude suggested -
reading some of these old replies makes me laugh some.
I miss storms... -
Quote:No - I didn't take you seriously lolI hope he didn't take me serious..HOWEVER, WHAT IS THIS: EmpireForgotten - Level 50 Invul/SS tank ????????
And what's wrong with my RPing tank? Before taunt was nerfed (The first time) back in i8sh, It was my main toon. Youd be suprised how pissed off you could make someone just by auto follow and Auto cast on Taunt
I also used to list my PvP toons in my sig...but listing my stormy and rad would just depress me since they are worthless now -
Quote:Invulnerability is second only to Stone in survivability as it is..... with tough you can cap s/l resist to 90%, and you can soft cap s/l defenses with weave and some IO's pretty easily.
Adding in more would be........ pretty unnecessary IMHO.
Do you have numbers to support this claim? Just wondering, because my experience playing an Invul vs other Tanks leads me to see that invul is closer to the bottom of the list in terms of survivability than the top. But that just might be my perception. -
Quote:U R NOT TRU WARRIR, only tankers, scrappers, brutes should exist in this game; anything else is useless junk and SHALL BE DELETED FROM THE GAME! THIS IS...FITEEEH CLAAAB!!!
Its Tru...I Pop inspirations, Have Phase in all my builds, and I run away like a little girl instead of dying.
I would rather tie 0-0 than lose, because even though its a tie, I still won because of all the pent up nerd rage/angst that would spew forth. It would be glorious. -
If /invul can cap its S/L resist without getting into the fighting pool then /Signed
*General Statement about this post*
Yes, Invul has some defense in Invincibility and DA is mostly a resistance based set. However, DA has a self heal that recharges quicker than Invul's Dull pain and has -tohit. -
Wow this is an epic post.
I if you PvP to Win, then Freedom is the place for you - You will have a more like minded individuals to compete against.
If not, then maybe you will find justice more appealing.
For me? There isn't much market for fiteclub with an emp (and I couldn't handle the ******** and moaning that would happen after they lost) and PvP in a place where teaming and tactics are looked down upon doesn't sound to fun - so Freedom is the better of the two. -
Fire/EM and Ice/EM tanks aren't to bad PvPvE
I agree with barrier, defenders are pointless in PvP now with no unresisted debuffs. I hope we get those back someday, or atleast some reason to play the characters -
I remember a post saying that Disruption and Support were needed the most, so Ima gonna transfer my Emp and Storm just so I can remember why I don't like to PvP.
Can't complain with free I guess -
Shu and Stella would like me to convey their "Happy Holidays" Message.
Happy Holidays from Shu and Stella -
Quote:Also to add. If some people are like me in anyway, if a 1mil price cap was put in our market, I would just not sell things there. I would probably just craft and store it myself or give it friends. The market would dry up much to quickly with a price capI believe other people have covered the general problems with something like this, but I'd liek to suggest you read the wikipedia article on price ceilings:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_ceiling -
I used to feel like Purples and Rare IOs needed to drop more because I could never afford them.
Then I realized that people that do get those drops/Buy those IOs from the market can do that because they play the game about 15 times more than I do.
Id rather not nerf the market. As a great movie once said "...And once Everyone is Super...No one will be" If you want the epic rares and a pimped out toon - play more.