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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Not_Destiny View Post
    lolz these forums are the only thing I truly miss
    The old Forum PvP was excellent
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Necropost moar plz.
    This post needs more necroposts

    The insanity of the OP coupled with the lack of SB makes for a very good topic
  3. I just would hope people would end up staying till the end no matter what team they get picked by.

    If people start quitting out because their team sucks, it just makes this League pointless.

    There are going to be 1 or 2 teams that ROFLSTOMP everyone else, its been like that for every league. There are also going to be 1 or 2 teams that lose every match they face (with the exception of against each other). At the end of the league, if you have learned how to PvP better, that's all that really matters.

    To answer the OP
    Ill A, C, and D.
    If we have odd number captains, ill be one - but I don't know the new PvP well and I would not be a good one.
  4. Quote:
    If you set up afk damage farming, it would presume that you've specifically formulated a scenario to optimize your incoming damage without getting defeated. Just because it requires no further intervention by you or anything outside of the game does not imply that there is no automation.

    I would presume that your definition of botting is less precise than what you first suggested, as the latter two that I mentioned still do not require the attention of the player yet are still automated.

    Again, I would make the point that using a control system that is external to the client which is automated is more productive to the term botting rather than using the officially provided tools to automate tasks.
    Bots also require a third party of some sorts - either a keyboard scripting program or a mouse clicking program.

    Damage farming is not considered botting because nothing is happening really. You set your character up and when you come back, your character is still exactly the same. No Third party tool has kept alive or done something else while you were away.

    Same for AFK follow. Your character is doing 1 task that you told it to do - follow that dude! Once the mission is over and "That dude!" leaves, your character just does nothing.

    An example of botting would be having a keyboard script hit CTL+1, CTL+2, Alt+3, Space bar, Repeat over and over again. This would allow your character to follow your target and use Powers 1,2, and 3 on your target and then jump.


    Several people beat me to it - Disregard
  5. I used to bot in Star Wars Galaxies to craft items while at work. I just didn't have time to do basically:

    Wait 10 seconds

    That game did not allow macros of any kind soft coded into the game (Not sure if they had a problem with Macro Keyboards like the g15...Anyways)

    I really only have issues where crafting XP is required. If you are required to craft items that won't sell ever JUST so you can get enough XP to craft the sellable items, Im All for AFK macroing/bot'ing yourself to the next step up.

    Botting in City of Heroes is really pointless though. The only way you could have botted was to AFK farm PvP IOs. Since that doesn't work as well anymore, there isnt really a point.
  6. http://joongangdaily.joins.com/artic...sp?aid=2915126

    In South Korea, Their Supreme court ruled in Favor of some gold farmers.

    I doubt this will change much of anything in terms of policy against gold farmers, but it almost legitimizes the business.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    A lot of people are throwing around the argument that "every set has it's hole." This is true. Ice has low resistance to Fire, which is common enough to be an issue. Inv has it's Psi hole, which is somewhat common in the late game. WP has burst damage. Stone has. . . levels 1-31 or a Psi hole after that. SD has lower defense in exchange for higher damage.

    Cover those holes and each set get's overpowered — big problem.

    Now, FA and DA have KB holes. KB is around for the whole game. Almost every villain group has someone ready to hand it out. What does FA have in return that SD doesn't also get (if not better since its damage bonus goes to ALL damage types). DA and ELA are very similar, only it has two mez aura's and smaller res numbers. But ELA can drain most foes before the fight is over, so they both offer secondary mitigation methods. I'd argue that the recharge res available in ELA would be helpful in DA, because a lot of DA players do rely on a fast recharging heal. But I think that's a suitable hole for DA.

    Now, if you cover the KB holes . . . the sets wouldn't be overpowered — no big deal.

    I think a stronger argument is needed to keep the KB hole in. Would FA and DA suddenly tromp other sets if they had KB protection? Their other holes aren't enough? Would they not still play differently from other sets, as most of they're mitigation tools are different?

    As I see it, Fixing both sets KB hole basically frees up one power - because acro isn't needed.

    What other power combinations open up due to this? Just a general question, I haven't looked into builds yet myself.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
    I have three related suggestions.

    1. Allow players the option to decline a given contact, when they pop up. Thus, for example, if somebody doesn't want the AE contact in their list, they can press the "decline" button and that contact will no longer appear in their contacts list.
    2. Turn PvP contacts into "Unlockable" contacts that appear when players reach a certain level. Allow players to decline to accept PvP contacts as being part of their list (see recommendation 1)
    3. Drop the "Fed Ex" style PvP solicitation missions that players get with every alt they make.

    The first two suggestions are about cleaning up contact lists further, and giving players choices about shaping their contacts list.

    The second and third suggestions may require a change in thinking on the part of the devs, but hopefully they'll be open to doing it.

    There's a line between promoting PvP and badgering people about it. When every alt a player makes is given more than one "Fed Ex" style PvP solicitation mission, it feels like badgering. As well, by now every player knows about PvP and the overwhelming majority decline to participate; being badgered multiple times about PvP zones with every character made may irritate players, but it isn't going to change their minds about PvP.
    If they no longer appear on their list, what happens if they decide they want to do those missions?

    As someone who used to hate PvP back in i6 i7ish area to someone who loved it in i11 and i12, I might have been inclined to remove people from my contact list then.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    What you are suggesting is that they add enemies which specifically target these weaknesses and yet avoid having any sort of knockback and you consider that to be a good idea in the slightest? How do you think people would react if, suddenly, the entire expansion were chock-full of enemies that made their entire defence sets obsolete? I rather doubt it would be with cheers and applause. The thing about crucial weaknesses that makes them interesting from a game perspective is that they are serious, but they are also RARE. The solution is not to make other weaknesses more common, like in some crappy story where Kryptonite is everywhere, it's to either reduce the needless quantity of enemy knockback to only enemies which would be expected to deal it (e.i. larger or stronger ones) or to give people protection from it. Ideally, protection IN their own self-protection sets.

    That's called a "straw man," and I'd advise you to avoid using it. It convinces no-one and it looks really bad from a distance.

    Yeah, except you keep forgetting that Dull Pain increases your total hit points pool by about 1000, which gives you effective resistance by a lot, significantly increases regeneration AND it heals you for even more than that. It's not only insincere to ignore that, but it borders on hypocrisy, and I don't throw that claim around lightly. You act like Fiery Arua gets a hideously superior heal and that's why it lacks knockback protection, but in actual fact the heals are just about balanced with each other, which DOES NOT call for further balancing. In fact, Fiery Aura's heal is somewhat better than Reconstruction, but that is a change which was done to it AFTER the set was shown to underperform (once the developers got over the old days of farming, of course).

    If you want to go ahead and claim that Fiery Aura is more survivable than, say, Invulnerability or Willpower and THAT is why it has to suffer elsewhere, then by all means, do so. That wouldn't be a very strong argument. But if you don't want to commit to that, your argument boils down to "but they get a comparatively balanced heal, so they must suffer drawbacks!" never you mind that both Dark Armour and Fiery Aura already suffer PLENTY of other drawbacks as it is.

    I'm not sure if you're honestly clueless about this or if you're just making ludicrous assertions just to make an unfounded point, but let me put it like this: Dull Pain is a significantly larger heal AND a significant hit points increase, whereas Healing Flames is a comparatively smaller heal with no hit points increase. Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that if you were able to make Dull Pain recharge as fast as Healing Flames, that would be anything short of absurdly unbalanced?

    And again - if you're trying to balance around inventions, you lose by default because the official standpoint is that they will not balance sets and powers with the expectation that people will indulge in inventions. And even then, the knockback hole is hardly the only way Fiery Aura and Dark Armour fall behind.

    Yeah, by this point, I'm calling this pure hypocrisy and I'm done dealing with it. You're obviously convinced that recharge is the only thing that matters and only if a vastly more potent power recharges as fast as a vastly inferior one will the sets ever be in competition. That is, to put it bluntly, false on its face.

    The Majority of my post was very thong-in-cheek and I wasn't looking to get you all riled up. But I will try to make my point.

    Yes, making Dull Pain the Recharge of Healing Flames would definitely make the set Broken and OP'd. Invul is sorta fine as is (I have other issues - mainly steaming from the creation of Will Power, but that's a different post). The Holes that Invul has is Manageable and the set is definitely playable.

    Had this post been made prior to the Healing flames buff (Before is was complete garbage with Aid Self being a better heal than the primary), I would agree with you that there are far to many holes in Fire Armor and KB hole should be considered being closed.

    The Devs chose to buff healing flames however, and looking at the set, seems very survivable and playable. I feel that, just as the ridiculous buff I proposed for Dull Pain, Filling the hole of Knockback in the set would make Fire Unbalanced.

    I also agree that IOs shouldn't be used to balance a set - but they are there and its pointless to ignore them.

    I've teamed with several fire tanks. Most taskforces/teams I have been on don't really require a tank, but a fire tank performs just as well as any. In some cases, a Fire tank is more preferred than an Invul tank. In some cases, its the other way around.

    I guess maybe I don't understand the issues fire tanks face. What OTHER problems do fire tanks have that plugging one of their holes would fix?(Basically giving them an extra power to choose from - since acrobatics wouldn't seem needed).
  10. Sounds interesting

    It would need a Taunt and a buildup type power (Either Buildup or Rage-like) for it to be a melee set though


    Just read S_T's response and he mentions the above - so ill just say I agree
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
    How many people used the free transfer only because it was free? That's not lost revenue because those people wouldn't have paid for it in the first place.
    I can tell you that I wouldn't have paid to move to freedom for PvP - infact I probably wouldn't have a sub now if it weren't for those free transfers.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Yeah... Would you like those heals to also lose their max hit points buff and cost 40 endurance points, too? Don't act like these sets get powers for free.
    Since it seems that everyone wants all the holes closed for every Tank AT, sure why not.

    Isn't this another "Just normalize every Tank Primary" Thread?

    Tanks have holes for a reason. Invul has a Fear and Psi hole. My Heal doesn't do as well at negating those holes as well as Fire or DA can. Yes, those powers cost End, but they are also up a lot more frequently than Dull Pain.

    On an Invul, With IOs, I can sort of negate my psi hole, but I can't make Dull Pain recharge in 20 seconds.

    On a Fire or Dark Armor, I can negate my knockback hole with IOs

    Maybe, as a compromise, they can Increase the recharge of Fire and DA self heals to equal that of Dull pain/hoarfrost. Then We can close off that pesky KB hole. Hell - we can even throw in the increased HP while we are at it
  13. If Dark or Fire get their KB hole plugged, could Invul/WP/Stone/Ice get a self heal that recharges just as fast as the DA or Fire self heal?
  14. EmpireForgotten


    Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
    Who said "No one should have a travel power"? Whining about vehicles for no other reason that "I waaaaaaaaaaaan it" isn't selfish? Whining about wanting vehicles even after the Developers themselves have said "No" and provided valid reasons why vehicles won't work isn't ignorant?

    It's a valid point, one which the Devs brought up.

    You want a car? Go play Grand Theft Auto or something else.
    Juiced or Gran Turismo was just thoughts, but GTA works too.
  15. Question for Clairification:

    It says 1 emp and 1 thermal per team. Is the below team acceptable then?

    1 Son/Emp Defender
    1 Ill/Therm Controller
    1 Fire/Pain Corruptor
    1 Psi/Em Blaster?

    Also, Is this team acceptable?

    1 Ill/Storm Controller
    1 Storm/Psi Defender
    1 Fire/Storm Corruptor
    1 Bots/Storm Mastermind
  16. EmpireForgotten


    Originally Posted by Shard_Warrior View Post
    And some of the standard answers will get repeated once more...

    How does your car/plane/motorcycle/motorboat/helicoptor work indoors? In caves? How does your car/motorcylce travel over water? How will it navigate the Shadowshard? How does your car fit through a door? Go up an elevator?

    If I can fly, why would I go somewhere in my car?

    This this and more this. I'll also add some more standard questions like:

    What happens when you get hit? does your car Phsyically take damage? is that damage perminant or can you get it repaired? do I have to wait 5 weeks to get it repaired or does it happen instantly? How come I can use all my powers with all other travel powers, but I can't with this flippin car? Why are there 15 cars under atlas park statue? Howd they get there, there is no ramp? Why is my head, hand and right leg sticking outside of my neighbors car? I was just hit by a car - should the car get damage or should I?

    This isn't City of Cars, there are a lot of custom car games to play.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by lmt1979 View Post
    Was thinking that having an OPTION to possibly even instantly queue up even via a menu a PVP with Heroes protecting the bank after the Villains start robbing it could be fun.

    It would play out much the same was as it currently does, though would function like an arena instance. You could drop down a menu and choose to join a PVP or whatever they'd call it Mayhem/Safeguard.

    Villains would trigger the spawning of the Heroes (real players) and they would try to stop the Villains from stealing the money. Just in this case it would be much more interesting and difficult. There would have to be some adjustments to the timer and such but I wouldn't think this would be a very difficult thing to implement.

    Let me know what you think. Good idea? Bad idea? Not really worth the time? Not interested?
    I always liked this idea, but it would need to be multiple ways to win.

    Currently, if they required the villains successfully rob the bank in order to win and the heroes need to camp and save the bank in order for them to win - Then all the hero team would just sit by the vault enterance and debuff the area.

    If there are Storms or colds there, forget about even coming close to denting the vault door with that tiny choke point.

    Now...if there were multiple banks to defend, or other objectives to perform, it could be more fun.

    Just a general question: There seem to be a lot of PvP Discussions popping up on these boards - and not from the usual suspects. Does this mean newer people are trying it out and enjoying what they see?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slax View Post
    Lolz a set that only works if your opponent stands still and lets you beat on and combo him.
    Stand n fite wit honur noobie!!!!!
  19. The iPhone is quite possibly the worst phone ever made. Make it on the Droid or something
  20. This might be the worst suggestion ever.
  21. Just to add in my experiences:

    I have PvP'd about 4 nights a week for the past three weeks for atleast 2 hours each night. Im always on a team of 8 that is fairly efficent at getting kills. I have maintained 400 Rep on my character during this time so I know its not a matter of not getting rep kills.

    I haven't gotten one PvP IO drop since I have been back. Its the worst luck I have ever had in farming anything. I used to go weeks without seeing a purple, but I would eventually get one.

    With the small ammount of PvPers actually participating in Zones, the drop rate needs to be looked at Closely. The Insanely high prices should be a red flag that something is wrong.
  22. I posted this in another forum. This post definitely needs it because

    der iz a hole lota drama goin 0n s0n

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
    Dahjee is one of the best and the most innovative vet pvp'r I have met since CoV released. Still now i'm amazed to watch him pvp with a non FoTM and destroy FoTM's jumping around. He is a unique player with wide range of ideas! He is one of the vet Dom pvpr left before perma dom was invented and after the nerf. Still now he stands tall.

    He actually makes sense though, if we all let our "pride" down and annalize. PvP (zone) has come to a state where everything is about soloing, where every AT has to be a blaster or a dmg dealer (FoTM)... Where is the fun? This is why I still love Virtue RPvP.

    ...and it is true, PvP forum is a joke come on now. All I read is "I'm the best and you're not", yet we complain about fixing pvp when you guys seem to do well... What is there to fix? Hahaha... it just puzzles me... Atleast the Devs now know what AT's to nerf LAWL...

    ...and to be honest any blaster even if it is ice can kill sh**. AR? dude AR is fire........ >.> <.< Fire is fire. You do not need IO's to get a kill. AIM and BU alone can kill without enhancements! Please.......... if you are proud to play AR blaster we are NOT SURPRISE..... The Devs made every blaster sets equal and playable.

    I'm always puzzled why people need to bring up non-Fotm builds and how skillfully they are played.

    You either like playing a certain AT or you don't. Personally, I usually find that people bring up their Fotm kill streaks on non-fotm builds is because they usually Excuse their losses just because of their chosen AT to play. The characters I am currently playing are defenders - which are at the bottom of the barrel worthless compared to their controller/ruptor counterparts. Just because I kill a stalker or a corrupter does not mean I am more skilled than they are.

    And I would actually like to see someone cite examples as to why zone PvP seems more skillful than arena (commenting on some previous statements in this thread).

    How does having an impenetrable base to run to skill? Give me my Eden map any day of the week over the PvE I have to deal with in RV just to get kills
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    I would participate. But not under these match options. If the Devs ARE using arena options menu for data mining for future PvP changes; all three of those options need to be turned off.
    Sadly, you need DR on because everything has capped resists if you don't. The only thing that would get kills would be to random stalkers getting teamed together
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    My first thought was Peter Finch.
    I thought this link would be more appropriate
