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    Some background: In the last mission of Mender Silos' Task Force, you're charged with saving the Freedom Phalanx and Vindicators from captivity, and then you have to fight off a giant robot spider (Wild Wild West?).

    Mind you, getting to the end of the mission with all the Phalanxers and Vindicators alive is a PAIN. They're dumb as bricks and tough as wet tissue ("ooh, look, and AV, I'll go attack them all by myself" *oneshotted*). And they like to get stuck in world geometry, or sometimes just vanish off the map all together.

    Therefore, I present the following screenshot as proof of what I consider to be a semi-impressive achievement:



    [EDIT] D'OH, BaB wasn't in the screenshot... However, he was still alive at the end... Proof: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...1-03-17-49.jpg
  2. .. where are all the replies? Usually the C.S. discussion is up to page 3 or 4 by now =(
  3. Heh, this looked like an amusing distraction...


    Just did one, i gots other stuff to do today.
  4. Aaah, okay. That makes sense. Hope everyone gets better, passes their exams, etc =)
  5. woot, my drawing of P.S.I. made it in =)

    Another good issue, though I feel that a lot of content was scrambled together... not so much "at the last minute" but more like everyone was like "I wanna play the game, not write about it!"

    But still, another entertaining and informative issue nonetheless =)
  6. Sure, i'll throw this out there, even though most other people's stuff puts it to shame:

    Patty-Sue Ivanova by me, background from out of the game.
  7. Wow, Best Studio-made CoX video i've ever seen!

    Usually the fan-made stuff beats the in-house stuff in terms of quality and creativity, but this? Wow, too good! =)
  8. The one thing i didn't like about your original teaser originally was that over half the video was opening and ending credits.

    This rectifies that error, for the most part =)

    LOVED the "fuutre version" with the eyepatch... that made me lol

    And great cinematography! You really do great work =)
  9. Hi!

    /e wave

    I whipped this up for my virtueverse profile, and figured I'd share it here in the FA/SS forum:


    ... I think i made her mind-power effect a bit too opaque.. bleh, w/e.
  10. Oh god i'm not reading through 15 pages, but...

    Wouldn't this be a boon to RMT spammers, that is, having everyone's names? I get enough tell and e-mail spam as is.

    Other than that, i think this is spiffy =)
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Any issue 10 update to this guide coming?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just wrote one up without knowing that this guide was here... it pretty much says the exact same thing, with minimal notes about IOs and such. *shrugs*
  12. *Sung to the theme of Team America: World Police*

    Maaaanticore, [censored] yeah! Coming again to save the mother-[censored] day yeah! Maaaanticore, [censored] yeah! TA is the only way yeah!
  13. COMMIE PIGS!!!!

    ... I mean....




    /sorry, grew up in the 80's
  14. EmperorSteele

    It's the JLA!


    What, no Superdude?

    And those don't look like teenagers. You guys should play with the sliders and face options more.
  15. hmmm I had this thought:

    Things just got a lot more interesting.

    If this IS the past being changed.. do we really wanna change it for the "better", as in, put Recluse back in charge of the Rogue isles where he can continue to threaten the world, or do we dare forfeit a single city to a plague (and our own lives)?

    However, then I read where someone mentioned that the papers might be from two slightly divergent realities. Maybe this timestream business is a work-in-progress?
  16. ...

    So, it looks like everyone wants every AT to resist everything, and everyone to do 1 damage per hit so we have these long, epic, "fair" battles. But THEIR favorite AT is the exception; they get to do more damage.

    I dunno. Though my mind/kin has fallen way too often to AS and EM/* characters. Oh, and Granite armor characters. But I'm not gonna cry for a nerf. I just accept the fact that I'm out-matched and try to avoid them. In fact, there have only been TWO times my controller ever did anything worthwhile in PvP: Held a dominator with TK... but i ran out of End before i could defeat him =( Then in RV, I confused an MM and her Spider-drone and laughed when the drone killed her. (In my defense, I only did that because she refused to kill me so i could get heavies faster)

    Never taken my Fire/En into a pvp zone. Actually, i did take him into BB for a shivan... gonna go to warburg soon for nukes... but even despite everyone saying that I'll kill anyone with that power combo, I'm pretty sure any AT can kill me if they see me first. I certainly won't engage anyone unless I feel they're trying to take my scientist or launch codes.
  17. Hmmm...

    Behind the Mask is losing its luster, I think. It's just the same questions to every person. I mean, I guess it's cool to hear about other players, but maybe a personalized question or two for everyone wouldn't hurt.

    Also, how about a similar section for IN-character interviews? Like, instead of interviewing the Player, you interview the Character shown? Kind of like Ghost Widow a couple issues back, except.. you know, interviewing actual PCs and not NPCs.

    Also, no City of Zeroes? Me = Sad Panda. Luckily, /EM Smack made up for it =)

    Great Posi interview though. Hope to see more articles like that =)
  18. I find it odd how Blue Steel is concerned for the well-being of the Rogue Isles. I mean, sure, there's innocent people there... but something just seems... off.

    See, he was talking about the Contaminated "disappearing". Which is a whole new bag of worms.

    I think this may be a news paper from an alternate reality; it wouldn't impact -our- universe until/unless we choose to go in and do something about it. Our first clue as to the existence of this reality? "Contaminated" appearing in out of nowhere. Go to Portal Corp, do some dimensional scanning, then go back to that new universe, complete with every city zone to re-explore, and help them fight this thing off.

    Of course, maybe doing this means you can't get back until a certain requirement is met. Perhaps you're Exemp'd and have to re-play all over again? (hopefully the road to 50/back to Paragon PRIME is faster).

    Not as cool sounding as anything happening to OUR reality, but i think more plausible from a programing and storyline handling standpoint.
  19. Hmm...

    I don't know about using invasion code. See, i LIKE exemping down to make extra influence/prestige. Granted, if you're level 50, this isn't a problem, but before that? Sometimes i need some extra cash on a toon and a quick TF is the best way to get it.
  20. Well, -I- think this was a great issue. Loved the artwork.. and the weather report was a nice touch =)
  21. ...I didn't see a post about this anywhere else around here...

    But you know how the universities have all sorts of fun clickables? Well, so does the Vanguard base!

    Heres a few I've found so far:

    A normal looking base door: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...seentrance.jpg

    A medical chart: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v3...t=Medchart.jpg

    Television! http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v3...=SoapOpera.jpg

    Mmm, root beer! http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v3...t=Rootbeer.jpg

    And oh god this has to suck! http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v3...t=Lockedin.jpg

    Let's find more fun stuff!

    [edit] found another: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v3...t=Computer.jpg
  22. Slee: Die traitor!


    Oh man, I've been looking forward to something like this since i first got the game. BRING IT!
  23. Hmmm

    I think part of the flaw of PvP is that one one side, you have people used to dealing with predictable enemies, sneaking up on them getting the first attack in, and kicking [censored].

    On the other side, you have an AT which is designed to one-hit kill people.

    One one side, you have mindless critters who can be easily mezzed, taunted, confused and taken out. On the other side, you have an intelligent player buffing and mez-protecting their minions.

    But what are you gonna do? Take away stalkers' stealth? Take away MMs' pets? Take away Tanks' armor?

  24. "easter" egg?

    Robo "jesus"?