Screenshot: Freedom Phalanx defeats Jade Spider!





Some background: In the last mission of Mender Silos' Task Force, you're charged with saving the Freedom Phalanx and Vindicators from captivity, and then you have to fight off a giant robot spider (Wild Wild West?).

Mind you, getting to the end of the mission with all the Phalanxers and Vindicators alive is a PAIN. They're dumb as bricks and tough as wet tissue ("ooh, look, and AV, I'll go attack them all by myself" *oneshotted*). And they like to get stuck in world geometry, or sometimes just vanish off the map all together.

Therefore, I present the following screenshot as proof of what I consider to be a semi-impressive achievement:


[EDIT] D'OH, BaB wasn't in the screenshot... However, he was still alive at the end... Proof:


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I tried this recently myself, and couldn't do it, so grats. The few times I got close to keep them all alive, I'd get disconnected, and have to start over. Finally got sick of trying, and gave up.





...Malaise is a good guy again?





...Malaise is a good guy again?

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In that particular time, yeah. Although when I did this in beta he got stuck standing on a boat, so he wasn't too good.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Oh lord, did they get stuck. I had to redo this mission probably a dozen or more times... ore than half of those were because people would just get stuck.

Soloing Ghost Widow? Easy. Trying to keep the Heroes away from areas I know they're gonna get stuck, and getting them UNstuck afterwards? OMPH.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Um... Congratualations!

You did something I've been trying to do ever since it was on Beta.

It kind of stings me, though. I guess I'm doing something wrong... I've never been past 8 heroes. Then I go for the next AV and get wiped out. Maybe it's my build, or maybe playing a dark/dark scrapper is impossible to begin with.

I knew this would happen. Bah... I now know I'm never going to get the credit of being the first. But maybe I could try the next step. After all, I never heard of someone who's been successful WITHOUT using temporary powers.

Anyway, congratualations again. Maybe tomorrow I'll try.

For now, I need a rest... Being iced in without power for two days was driving me crazy.



Um... Congratualations!

You did something I've been trying to do ever since it was on Beta.

It kind of stings me, though. I guess I'm doing something wrong... I've never been past 8 heroes. Then I go for the next AV and get wiped out. Maybe it's my build, or maybe playing a dark/dark scrapper is impossible to begin with.

I knew this would happen. Bah... I now know I'm never going to get the credit of being the first. But maybe I could try the next step. After all, I never heard of someone who's been successful WITHOUT using temporary powers.

Anyway, congratualations again. Maybe tomorrow I'll try.

For now, I need a rest... Being iced in without power for two days was driving me crazy.

[/ QUOTE ]

No power... yet, you're online... ?_?

Also, I think it was easier for me, cuz i was playing a mind/kin. Control, healing, buffing, debuffing... the only thing i don't have loads of is damage, but the heroes took care of that FOR me =)

Good luck when you try it (again). If i can offer a tip though: The O-Portal. Use it. The enemies seem to think it's a pet, and it draws agro pretty decently. Also, go after GW first: she WILL kill at least one hero if you bring them along, so you're best off soloing her. And seeing as how Posi is a flying "shivan-light", the rest should be smooth sailing... people getting stuck in the ground notwithstanding.

Oh, and thanks... and again, good luck to you =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



That's awesome, I'm going to have to check that out.



No power... yet, you're online... ?_?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I got it NOW!



*looks at pics* Is Valkyrie not in the mission?



Um... Congratualations!

You did something I've been trying to do ever since it was on Beta.

It kind of stings me, though. I guess I'm doing something wrong... I've never been past 8 heroes. Then I go for the next AV and get wiped out. Maybe it's my build, or maybe playing a dark/dark scrapper is impossible to begin with.

I knew this would happen. Bah... I now know I'm never going to get the credit of being the first. But maybe I could try the next step. After all, I never heard of someone who's been successful WITHOUT using temporary powers.

Anyway, congratualations again. Maybe tomorrow I'll try.

For now, I need a rest... Being iced in without power for two days was driving me crazy.

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean do the mender silos arc without temp powers? Its not that hard, actually

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



*looks at pics* Is Valkyrie not in the mission?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sadly no. But BaB, Mynx and Liberty bring enough scrappin' power to the table.

Luminary's also absent =/. So're Auroa Borialis, Mirror Spirit and Castle, buuut I don't think they count.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



You mean do the mender silos arc without temp powers? Its not that hard, actually

[/ QUOTE ]

Am I really that bad? >_>

Wait, don't answer that.