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  1. I'd like to see some or most of this functionality added to the supergroup mission computer as well. Just to give us a reason to have it beyond "it looks cool" =D

    But yeah, i've heard people -griping- about Posi being replaced. Which is weird, because i think as it stands it's horrible and needs work. "Hey, 17 defeat-alls with no coherent story, except you need to save the dam by being NOWHERE NEAR IT. Have fun!" Heck, they even had to add an EB at the end to convince you that yes, it IS the final mission. Whatever they give us will almost assuredly be better.

    Anyway, best of both worlds is to make sure both versions of the TF are available =)
  2. I'm liking this! I wish i had the money to afford an ultra-mode capable computer, but eehh, new missions, a revamped posi, and the QoL features make me happy =)
  3. Huh, lots of odd ideas and wishes here. I thought the note was pretty straight forward.

    Yes, you can send money to your alts (that's the entire idea). Yes, you can send it to other people's characters.

    You are automatically on your own friends list, so you can turn e-mail off for everyone else but still send yourself e-mails.

    NO, you cannot send it to someone on the other faction.

    Cross-server is unknown, though not likely.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Zero reason to allow this unless they drop to EB status on no-AV difficulty settings.
    *Inserts GMs into every arc evar so that Venture can't solo them anymore* Bwah ha ha haa!
  5. If you MUST know it seems to have to do with the raid overcoming hamis KB resistance. I've never had a power analyzer to check his stats when this has happened, however I'm tempted to pull together an all Mind/FF raid and try to drone him >=)
  6. Vanguard soldiers fall under a couple catagories....

    You got your grunts with Assult Rifles. So there's a Blaster for ya. Maybe pair with Devices?

    You could shoe-horne in a Dark defender as one of their wizards, maybe...

    I don't think I've ever seen a Vanguard Controller, though I could easily see them trying to unlock people's full telekinetic potential to make a Mind or Illusion controller.

    If Minions were customizable i'd say go with a Bots MM and paint 'em up in Vanguard colors, but alas...
  7. Depends how many slots you wanna put in it, if you want any set bonuses, etc.

    Assuming we're going with 6 slots and we dont care about bonuses, I put this together:

    Performance Shifter: End Mod
    Performance Shifter: EM/Rech/Acc
    Efficiacy Adaptor: EM/Rech/Acc
    Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech
    Obliteration: Acc/Dam/Rech
    Energy Manipulator: chance to Stun

    What this gives you is 83.32% End mod, 79.9% accuracy and recharge, a little extra damage (38.6%... it's not a damage power anyway. Slotting it to 73% only gives you two extra points of damage per tick), and the chance to stun is a great way to mitigate damage if you're doing this as an alpha strike, provided that it goes off on at least one foe.

    If you decide you don't care about damage at all, we can go like this:

    PS: EM/Rech
    PS: EM/Acc
    PS: EM/Rech/Acc
    PS: Acc/Rech
    EA: EM/Rech/Acc
    EM: Stun proc

    This gives you 91.78% End mod, recharge, and accuracy, and you got the stun proc thrown in. And fun fact: without the Efficacy Adaptor tri, you're already brushing up against the ED soft limit for these fields; it's just icing on the cake. So if you wanted to save a slot or two, you could just slot most of the Performance Shifter set and call it a day!

    Edit: Bah i type too slow!
  8. I know that like a YEAR or so ago they changed how invuln calculated its buffs, but i don't think they did anything recently...
  9. Well, I've slotted for psi mitigation on my invuln: 24% def and 24.3% res. It's not great, but it comes in handy. Just the knowledge that i don't have to be afraid of certain enemies goes a long way.

    Though i did it more to see just if it could be done. TBH it's probably not a smart idea to trade softcap'd DEF vs 90% of everything in exchange for some mitigation against 1% of everything else. W/e =P
  10. Oh, i wanted to add one more tip for LR:

    Before facing him, when you take down the flier, instruct your team to NOT kill the drop troops! Herd them around you, and kill maybe just a few so that there's only 9 left. Bring them with you to LR and you'll have capped Invinc bonus. that extra 10% should help if you're having trouble avoiding his attacks. On the plus side, if he tries to melee you but can't get through his own minions, he'll spend mroe time running around and less time attacking, so there's that, too.
  11. Very nice write up! This is definitely a good guide to show people if they're still having trouble with the market!
  12. EmperorSteele

    Profane Language

    Okay, it says field "inactivespeech". This would be under any Boss, Escort, or Ally. It's what they say before they see you. I know you have 4 missions so it might take a while to hunt those down, but it's a start.
  13. Ppi does seem to make a difference, but it's something that has to be shown rather than described. It just feels nicer knowing that you can zoom in to 200% and the image still looks clear and you can commit more detail isntead of staring at a bunch of pixels.
  14. ...

    I came here under the impression that there would be cheese.

    Nice screenshots, but i'm leaving disappointed, and hungry =(
  15. Well how big it is doesn't matter; What's your pixels per inch? If you're still working at 72 ppi (standard for web images), that would explain your problem. What I do is work at about 300 ppi, select my size (8 x 11 or what have you), and go to town. True, the digital image will be larger if you view "actual pixels", but this allows you to work in greater detail. And yes, this does increase the amount of memory the image eats up, though i'd think it wouldn't be as bad as working with a naturally huge image.

    Also, you can zoom in without things getting all pixelated and you can more easily manipulate smaller features, such as a face.

    Note that if you want to print something, you should really work closer to 600 ppi. Even at 300 you'll see pixelization once it pops out onto paper.
  16. There's a screenshot somewhere around here of several Villains done up like characters from AiW. I was gonna post it but mweh, effort.
  17. What gets me is that you can drain endurance, but you really can't stop recovery (you can slow it down iirc). And since an NPC can use any attack with 0.01% end, end draining is kinda pointless.

    Now on an EB or something, yeah, it's great once you bottom them out and make them stop attacking, but that's about the only time it's worth it.
  18. EmperorSteele

    Profane Language

    Click the error box in the upper right, it should highlight the field where the word occurs.
  19. Ok, got me an entry:

    (sorry if it's a touch big, if it is, lemme know and i'll shrink it)

    With this contest, I figured that it's not a simple matter of giving a hero a new wardrobe: it means completely redesigning them from the ground up. With that in mind, I essentially made all new characters based loosely on their signature counter-parts.

    I'd hope it's easy to tell who's who, but I'm sure there are some people who'd mistake Swan for Nemesis if you changed her color scheme, so, without further ado:

    Citadel. He underwent the least amount of thematic change, basically gaining an armor upgrade. He almost looks like Apocalypse or something o_O

    Next is Synapse. I de-aged him a bit and selected costume pieces that just shouted "SPEED!" or "ooh, shiney!". I figured a crash helmet would be a good idea for someone who runs around at the speed of light. And you can't really see it, but I gave him a goatee. He's supposed to be one of the younger phalanxers iirc and so i wanted him to seem like he was in his late teens or early 20's (even if he's actually supposed to be older than that. The comics make it pretty clear that he isn't in the mood to grow up and be an adult).

    Finally there's Sister Psyche. I had two goals with her: One, actually make her LOOK like a "mutant", and two, play with her name a bit. Turning her skin pink (the usual color of psi powers) and getting her hair out of her face was the easy part. After that, I tried to give her a hint of a nun motif while trying to keep with her original "Striperific/Ms. Fanservice" design. Not easy, and I'm not sure if I succeeded in showing that. I normally loathe usign the trenchcoat, especially in black, but I think it fits what I was going for.

    I may or may not try some of the others. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread!
  20. I take it the submissions are limited to CoH screenshots? The only "problem" i see with this contest is that each of the signature heroes (excpet Sister Psyche) has at least one part of their costume that isn't reporducable in teh costume creator and helps make them stand apart.

    My question is, can a more artistically inclined person be allowed to draw a costume?
  21. Funny thing i noticed: some machines (like the Romulus Phalanx control computer) are WEAK against psi. Also, psi damage is rarely resisted when it comes to AVs, Honoree and Reichsman being two prominant examples. So it's not all bad!
  22. With the ability to color our attacks (and even change the animations in some cases), any RP justification for this idea gains a little less strength. Granted, you still can't throw a fireball after a lightningbolt followed by a megaton punch, but mweh.

    I'd rather see a signature power or something if you're looking to make yourself even MORE unique, but that's about as far as I'd go with that.
  23. Recharge and s/l defense are things you should grab if you're IOing out, but you should be able to win the encounter with just SOs.

    However, you'll need a tray FULL of T3 purple and orange insps. Perhaps a few blues and greens, too. One purp and orange per minute should cap you and give the team enough time to take down the red and blue towers.

    You'll want to stand on the pad for the green tower; it counts as an enemy and will boost invincibility. It makes a good deal of difference once Recluse's ToHit is no longer being boosted.

    Don't hit Recluse; this makes him summon his boss "minions". They hit pretty hard

    There should not have been any minions stunning the Rad. Unless the flier spawned, but typically you want to clear the area around the statue, then take out the next flier that spawns, then buff up and start taking down the towers. This give you 20 minutes to complete the encounter, which is plenty of time.

    But yes, i've tanked this on my Invuln and even gotten Master with her, so it shouldn't be too difficult.
  24. Lag and rubberbanding all have to do with your connection, your ISP and how busy the server you're on is.In short, it's mostly out of your direct control, regardless of how good your computer is. =(