Best way to slot Short Circuit ??




I am trying to figure out how to slot Short Circuit for Damage Recharge Accuracy and End Drain and cant figure out what would work best. I am sure there are some Electric experts that can help me figure out how to frankenslot this power best.

Thank you in advance.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Your primary focus should be end drain.



Ok.. I could just go Efficency Adaptor.. but I am looking to see if there is better slotting.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I'd try:

Performance Shifter: End Mod/Rech
Efficiacy Adapter: End Mod/Rech/Acc
End Mod/Rech
End Mod
Obliteration: Acc/Dam/Rech

For about +34% Acc, +100% Rech, +100% End Mod and +42% Damage using level 30 IOs, a bit higher for higher level ones.
Change the End Mod for an Obliteration Damage if you want to focus on damage above End Mod.

Remember youve got a base Acc of 1.3, so even with the slotting above you're at an accuracy of 1.7 already. You could probably get by with a half-So's worth even, and change that Acc/Dam/Rech into a Dam/Rech from another set in order to up your damage a little bit more.

Depends on your other powers too, for a Kin/Elec Defender or Corrupter +Damage is less important than on a Blaster.



Generally, yes, you want End Drain instead of Damage, except in freak circumstances ("I am doubleboxing and have one button that hits Short Circuit on both characters" or some similar oddness.)

Assuming you're aiming for End Drain, you want:

A little accuracy (SC is very accurate unslotted; with 20% Acc you are at the Final To Hit cap against something like +3s or +4s.)
A lot of End Drain
A lot of Recharge
"whatever you can get" on Damage after that.

If you slot something like this you should get pretty good results:
End Mod
End Mod/Rech
End Mod/Rech/Acc
End Mod/Rech [from another set]
Damage/Rech (PBAOE)
Damage (generic)

That should get you something like 22% Acc, 95% EndMod, 85% Rech and 58% Damage. You could probably do better (more dam, more rech, more acc) with an Acc/Dam Hami-o in place of the Dam/Rech and some more EndMod/Rech but that's only an option for level 50 characters.

EDIT: Dr. Mike said what I was going to, basically, and posted first. I might go a little skinnier on Acc than he does, but basically I agree with him.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I think something like that is exactly what I am looking for. Thanks.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Depends how many slots you wanna put in it, if you want any set bonuses, etc.

Assuming we're going with 6 slots and we dont care about bonuses, I put this together:

Performance Shifter: End Mod
Performance Shifter: EM/Rech/Acc
Efficiacy Adaptor: EM/Rech/Acc
Eradication: Acc/Dam/Rech
Obliteration: Acc/Dam/Rech
Energy Manipulator: chance to Stun

What this gives you is 83.32% End mod, 79.9% accuracy and recharge, a little extra damage (38.6%... it's not a damage power anyway. Slotting it to 73% only gives you two extra points of damage per tick), and the chance to stun is a great way to mitigate damage if you're doing this as an alpha strike, provided that it goes off on at least one foe.

If you decide you don't care about damage at all, we can go like this:

PS: EM/Rech
PS: EM/Acc
PS: EM/Rech/Acc
PS: Acc/Rech
EA: EM/Rech/Acc
EM: Stun proc

This gives you 91.78% End mod, recharge, and accuracy, and you got the stun proc thrown in. And fun fact: without the Efficacy Adaptor tri, you're already brushing up against the ED soft limit for these fields; it's just icing on the cake. So if you wanted to save a slot or two, you could just slot most of the Performance Shifter set and call it a day!

Edit: Bah i type too slow!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I like to do:

Efficency Adaptor:
End Mod
End Mod/Rech
End Mod/Rech/Acc
End Mod/Acc
End Mod/End Red
Chance for Energy Damage

Most of Short Circuit's damage only works versus robots, A proc's damage is more that the power often does on it's own.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



A damage proc adds 14 damage (20% of 71 damage) at level 50 for all archetypes.

Short Circuit does 55 damage for a Blaster, so a single SO would add 55/3 = 18 damage.

For a Defender the damage SO adds 32/3= 11 damage.

Corrupters do a base of 37/3= 12 damage, but the damage from a damage SO will Scourge, whereas a proc won't. Say Scourge adds 25% extra damage, that 12 become 15. Its very close.

So its better to slot a Blaster with a damage SO, but a Defender will do better with the Eradication proc.
Corrupters, do what thou wilt.