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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    Dark Servant wouldn't make a good primary pet; it would stack way too much with a Dark Servant from a Dark secondary on one hand (which is where Dark Servant belongs), and not contribute to damage on the other. You want something focused more on damage than debuffs; I'd have a power that summons some new pet(s) with a name like "Darkspawn". Heavy negative energy damage but much lower in debuffs than Dark servant.

    So a high level Dark/Dark controller in my scheme would for pets have a Dark Servant and one or more Darkspawn.
    You'll note that i took dark servant out of dark manipulation (controller secondary) in my list, so no, they wouldn't stack!
  2. *BUMP!* Saturday at 10 is our night and time, Virtue! Let's shine!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Which is kind of silly. Nameless minions are nameless minions precisely because they are meaningless opposition.
    Well if they're so meaningless, maybe they shouldn't give experience for defeating them =P
  4. EmperorSteele

    CO immigrant

    Hey man! Welcome to Virtue...

    ...Hope you survive the experience! Mwuah ha ha ha ha h-*cough gag kaff wheeeeze* oooh man, that villain laugh really hurts my throat >_<
  5. /em smackyou

    ...eeeh, on second thought, i chortled, heh.

    Though to be slightly more serious, if Nemmy WAS burried somewhere, we'd probably have to nuke the site from orbit just to be sure.
  6. Yeah, we'd need all new powersets basically that are dark themed so that while effects could overlap, you wouldn't get overlap of the exact same power. It'd require mixing, matching, and making new powers.

    Here's what I see happening... (Note: N means a "new power" i imagined, though it's probably based off an existing power. R stands for "Repurposed", that is, an existing power with something added or taken away to better fit the general theme of Controller power progression. O is an original power from an existing Dark powerset that's remained untouched. Note that moving a power from Miasma or Blast and putting it into the Control or Manipulation category is not considered "re-purposing", even though technically it is)

    Dark Control
    * Dark Ensnarement: ST immob, minor DoT, -ToHit (N)
    * Instill Fear: ST Fear, moderate damage, -ToHit (N)
    * Dark Gaze: ST Hold, minor damage (N)
    * Tenebrous Tentacles: AoE Immob, -ToHit (R- removed damage)
    * Dark Cage: ST Intangible (N)
    * Fearsome Stare: AoE Cone fear, minor damage, -ToHit (R- added damage)
    * Ominous Vortex: AoE Hold, standard AoE hold stats (N)
    * Dark Pit: AoE Stun, minor damage (R- added damage)
    * Dark Servant: Pet (O)

    Dark Manipulation:
    * Twilight Grasp: ST Foe -ToHit, -Dam, -Regen; team Heal (O)
    * Tar Patch: Location AoE, foe -fly, -jump, -run, -res (O)
    * Darkest Night: AoE Foe -Dam, -ToHit (O)
    * Howling Twilight: AoE stun, -run, -dam, -recharge, minor damage; Ally Rez (O)
    * Shadow Fall: PBAoE Team Stealth, +Def (all), +Res (En, Neg En, Psi, fear) (O)
    * Torrent: Cone AoE KB, minor damage, -ToHit (O)
    * Dark exchange: Self damage (30% of HP, unrecoverable for 30 seconds), Target ally -15 Mag vs Hold, Stun, Disorient, Sleep, Fear, Confuse and TP Foe; +15% res vs Energy, Dark, and Psi for 2 minutes. Recharge: 150 seconds (2 and a half minutes) (N)
    * Petrifying Gaze: Toggle, ST Hold (R- made into a toggle so that, as a controller, it isn't AS easy to stack holds.)
    * Black Hole: AoE Foe Intangible (O)

    That's my 2 Inf anyway. *shrug*
  7. EmperorSteele

    The Utili-toon

    I'll throw in for a Cold/Sonic defender. An AV who's lost like 90% of their resistance, as well as reduced regen and doing less damage, all while your allies are protected... of course, like Tex said, you could grab a Controller and use Cold as a secondary to get some of the same effect and better utility with controls.

    The main thing is do you want to be more effective against groups of foes, or against a large single target? That should tell you whether to be a controller or defender respectively.

    or Ill/Rad. TBH I can't argue with that other than to say it lacks imagination (and might be tough to fit in all the powers you want, but w/e)

    OH, one last thing: A Kin IS a debuffer. Transfusion debuffs regen. Siphon power and fulcrum shift sap their damage. Transference saps endurance. Siphon speed slows movement and recharge. It's not a whole lot, but it's something to consider.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    Personally iv never had issues killing anything solo on a Defender.However them adding damage while solo is just nacho cheese added to the broccolli.

    I never have understood the down play of a Defenders damage as it is pre-i17.They always do plenty of damage for me.

    Then again when you dont take half to 2/3 your Secondary Blast powers on a Defender, you feel like your weak.I dont have this problem.
    Well, more to the point: if you don't take a primary that helps your damage output much, then you have to hit an even-con minion 5-6 times before they'll go down. The tier 1 blasts barely seem to do any damage at ALL. Heck, hitting Aim and a SNIPE isn't enough to kill some minions!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Yes, I love a happy ending too.
    ...*cough* perv
  10. A good team will make everyone feel a little useless, iroinically enough. Try small teams, say 3 or 4 people. That way you're contributing 1/4th of the workload and not 1/8th
  11. EmperorSteele

    Purple Triangles

    I'd say zoom in, but in large fights that's going to be a lot of power effects flashing in front of your face all at once =/
  12. EmperorSteele

    Battle Help

    iirc a current bug in the system is that battles go on long before you get there, even though most other things are spawned as you approach. Perhaps if you have a glowie that spawns the battle near the middle location that a player has to click (place the glowie near the middle, obviously)?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dreaming_Shadow View Post
    I was wondering if anyone could help me with this issue.

    I want to be able to run around my map and collect all the allies and then collect an object or gather all allies until the enemies appear. How exactly do I do that instead of all the enemies being spawned as soon as I enter the mission?

    Also when I do rescue my custom allies which are (Sonic/FF defenders) they don't use their bubbles, and they use the sonic attacks which I have turned off. So they're using powers I have turned off and no doing anything with the ones I have turned on.
    There's a setting to make the map "Empty". Use that.

    Then place your allies as "single" if you don't want to have to rescue them.

    Then make a "boss" objective. Make the # of bosses a little less than the total # of spawn points for the map (remember that your allies take up spawn points). Make sure the "Surrounding enemy group" is set to medium or hard so that the boss has plenty of friends (since you have lots of allies, I would assume that challenge won't be much of an issue). Now, have that boss objective activate once the "glowie" objective is complete.

    What this does is gives you an empty map with just your allies, that gets full of enemies when the glowie gets clicked.

    As for your sonic friend, the only way to deactivate their powers is to customize their power selection and remove everything. If you've done this and they're still attacking, /bug it.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ashleyg View Post
    Well, she's got long brown hair, a tiara, a red bustier, gold cuffs, blue bottoms, red boots...basically Wonder Woman without the stars. I just really like the costume!
    Well, WW has black hair, silver cuffs, a red and gold top, and the style of boots may be different, so I doubt you're in violation. Still, you may wanna swap some colors or something just to be safe.
  15. I could get behind more types of Purple sets. Here's what I'd like to see:

    Divinity (Healing)
    Proc: Chance for +Def (5% chance for +7.5% Def vs all for 8 seconds on target. 10 second cooldown where same target cannot receive buff again)

    (2) +5% Recovery
    (3) +12% Heal
    (4) +5% Damage
    (5) +10% Accuracy
    (6) +5% Def vs S/L, +2.5% Def vs Melee

    Battle Cry (Taunt)
    Proc: Chance for -ToHit (10% chance of -7.5% ToHit on target for 10 seconds)

    (2) +5% Mez Res Confuse, Terrorized
    (3) +3% HP
    (4) +7.5% Accuracy
    (5) +10% Recharge
    (6) +5% Res vs Psi

    Coat of Arms (Rech. Intensive Pets)
    Proc: Fitness Bonus (Pets will have a +5% hp bonus and +20% regen, +5% runspeed and +15% recovery)

    (2) +5% movement speed
    (3) +7.5% Slow resist
    (4) +5% damage
    (5) +10% Recharge
    (6) +5% Def vs AoE, +2.5% def vs cold/fire

    Just throwin' things out there =)
  16. ... The only ways i can think to respond to this are oh so terribly wrong. I think I may need mental help XD
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    I once thought SR was so great, it couldn't get any better. Then I played it on a Brute, and it was way better. On a Tank it would be amazing. I want a SR Tank.
    That's probably why SR isn't being ported over to tanks =P

    Either that or they'd have to take a nerf bat to the set first. *shrug*
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    What exactly is the issue with farming AE? I've never seen anyone say something other than "it's an exploit". Why do the devs care if I farm it. Maybe if there was new stuff I would play it but to be honest I get a bit sick of sewers-->KR scanners-->Hollows-->Steel scanners-->midnighter arc-->talos scanners-->Striga-->croatoa, etc.

    This is what the AE IS MEANT TO BE: NEW STUFF! Not farms! But shortsighted, intellectually lazy folks have decided to just make maps where they kill stuff for absolutely no reason other than the rewards.

    If, in a magical pretend universe where people didn't make farms and exploits in AE, there'd still be enough interesting, diverse Arcs to take you from 1-50 dozens of times over. Unfortunately, now, finding all those arcs that actually have story and substance are impossible to find unless they get Dev-choiced or HoF'd first.

    Anyway, here's my suggestion: Cut XP and Inf rewards by 25-50%. That way it's still a viable progression tool, but farming wouldn't be worth it and it equals the loss of XP/hour one experiences when traveling between missions and contacts and zones. And if somehow people's XP/hour is still more in AE than out in the "real" world, cut it again.

    Someone before mentioned a system to take AE missions "outside". This wouldn't work because if i want to set my mission in a space ship or an alternate dimension or something weird, why would it point to a cave one time and an office the next?
  19. Oh, one other thing: Are we supposed to be our "Praetorian" selves or can it be ANY alternate reality we can conjure?
  20. Also, the KB set Kinetic Crash, if you slot 4 of 'em, gives you 3 points of KB protection. Since the set also enhances damage, it's not that bad to put into any powers that do KB.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    On the contrary, it's a big deal. The purpose of the AE was to give an alternate method of progressing through the game. You may think it shouldn't be giving rewards, but many other players, myself included, would strongly disagree.
    I'm actually kinda neutral on it. If AE didn't give XP, the playing experience would be unspoiled by massive nerfs and fixes.. but only a few people would do it. And Yeah, i've used AE for some quick leveling or influence, so I'm not a no-XP purist by any stretch =)

    And I haven't done the math, but i think that if AE only gave 66-75% rewards as normal content, it would STILL be a viable leveling path. How? Well, consider that your XP per second, XP per minute, XP per hour, etc... drops DRAMATICALLY when you have to jog a distance of 2 miles and wait for zone loading times just to get to your mission. Then when the mission is over, you have to jog ALL THE WAY BACK to your contact (at least for the first few missions). In the time it takes you to travel to your first mission, do it, get back to your contact and then get to the second mission, someone will already be on mission 3 or 4 of an MA arc.

    But if the players KNEW (or eventually figured out) that MA critters were only giving 66% XP, that might cut down on the farm arcs, as people would realize that the demon mission in PI that they're sitting on will give them better XP per run (as well as the chance for a purple drop).

    Note that I'm not fully equating farmers and exploiters, however i have yet to see an exploit arc that isn't also a farm. And one of the biggest issues with AE is the pages of garbage farm arcs that prevents any "real" story arcs from being found. But mweh.
  22. Huh, i wonder how the thread went from "how does the ally XP nerf hurt your arc" to Venture telling people how to make their missions?

    On the whole, going to the back then back to the front does seem a bit cheesy, even though I've been tempted to use it myself. The only time I can think of the DEVs doing it was in that one mission on the Khan TF where the glowie you need to click after you kill the boss winds up near the beginning. And chaining objectives on a large outdoor map to send players on an easter egg hunt sounds like a good idea until you actually PLAY it.

    So while I agree with Venture in general, I do think he's being far too negative. If someone wants a sequence of events in their mission, they should be allowed to do it. I mean, we're limited to FIVE missions... if you want 10 plot points to happen in a certain order, something's going to have to give. If i want to rescue two hostages and have one say "hi" to the other or mention them by name, I have to have the objectives chained or else players will run into a situation where person B says "hi" to someone who isn't there (of course, this is easily broken if you lose the first escort.. we really need the ability to make dynamic content). Funny that Venture of all people proved to me that Players won't play the way you want them to when he once blitzed through a linear map full of guys he had to rescue... which humorously enough broke the spawn points and made it so the final AV wouldn't spawn XD
  23. Hera, you're just being a drama queen and no one really cares.

    Yeah, any misisons with allies isn't giving good XP right now. No big deal, the AE shouldn't be giving rewards anyway.

    Besides, using your logic, the devs consider enemy spawns of any sort to be exploits, as they've nerfed enemy abilities and XP over and over again since AE came out. Therefore, any missions with enemies are also exploits and you should delete all your missions which have any enemies at all in them.