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  1. The mouse cursor gets lost in the explosions. I tried making desktop cursors bigger but in game they're still small
  2. There's two versions of the event; one for each emote. Are you sure you did the right version? One starts by attacking a ghoul; the other starts by attacking an officer
  3. I thought they removed the bug hunter badge..?

    I agree it was lame. I submitted tons of legitimate bugs, as I'm sure have many people, and bug hunter was just given basically at random by some department or other.
  4. I'd say petition again. Last time I couldnt get a mission to complete, a GM came in 10 minutes
  5. If a villain gets temp powers from ouroboros arcs then becomes a hero, can you still use those temp powers? I know the accolades give you the other alignment version, then disable your original version when you change. Do the temp powers behave similarly?
  6. When I did it, I tried for like an hour to separate the fluffies from rom on the last mission and never managed it; eventually I had to pump up with insps.
  7. Ambushes spawn targeted on a specific player regardless of stealth or location. If you are the mission holder I think it's more likely to be you, but I'm not sure.
  8. I think I might have been on that run. If you remember scrapper Yay summoning a shivan that got its face beat in, that was me.

    A lot of random factors can contribute to survivability, one build can be vastly more survivable than another and now you can add level shift or not to that.

    We had an emp who kept fort on me constantly, giving like 30% defense. In addition, every time you died, we all got vengeance. So you stand up, maybe don't get forted, and have whatever defense you have. I don't know what that is, but it might be 0 depending on your powers. Meanwhile I'm floating there blithely with over 100% defense whenever the vengeance was up.

    Sometimes you just get hosed, though as you improve your build, this will happen more rarely.

    You remember the shivan I summoned. It didn't get any defense buffs and it did nothing but shoot its eyebeams, then walk toward richsman and get knocked back. It did that 3 times then was dead.
  9. and apparently kill the thread
  10. I got nerve on my tank, thinking it would buff the taunt strength of my ranged attacks. Unfortunately, they don't take taunt enhancers. Please fix!
  11. I soloed a master itf set for 8 on my first try with my fire/shield a year ago before incarnate abilities and inherent fitness. I used inspirations only in the last fight. After the autohit nictus was down, it was smooth sailing again. A few of the other players who helped me start it stayed logged on in town and a couple logged back in to collect their badge.

    No point; just had to come brag.
  12. Wentworths' 10% is basically the only money sink in the game. Prices will rise until that 10% eats up the entire wealth generated by all the playing people do.

    If pvp recipes and purples were cheaper, all the other enhancers which are now super cheap, would be more expensive.

    And by the way, bind on pickup is not okay. If I have something in my build it must be possible for me to get ahold of that item. Hoping for a random drop that may never come - enormously unfun for me.
  13. I died to psi clockwork king the other day on my softcapped scrapper. Checked combat log. 3 psi hits in a row - the nuke, 10% chance to hit, succeeded the hit roll, and 2 more attacks that hit for 500, with no hit roll at all.
  14. with my level 50s, at least half the game is "exemplaring" back down to lower levels to do lower level taskforces.

    You'll want to learn about and join global channels to help you find groups.
  15. If I put a Regenerative Tissue proc in Physical Perfection, and slot it for recovery, does that increase the regeneration provided by the proc?
  16. I have a new fire/shield scrapper that I tanked up pretty good, and would be possible to never die, but if you're actually challenging yourself, it's pretty hard. Did a LGTF the other day following a tank I knew was made of paper and couldnt keep agro from A SINGLE GUY off me. Well, to make a long story short, the three riders end drained and popped me.

    Good luck with your hardcore though heh.

    Made it about 1 week after getting 50
  17. Your brother most likely just used purples. Very few people in the game understand why they're winning when they're winning and why they're losing when they're losing.

    Once, my level 9 blaster got invited to a level 10-12 team doing frostfire. Throughout the mission, I carefully saved up 4 purples, a breakfree, and probably some damage or accuracy in the last two spots. The rest of the team was all worrying about how tough Frostfire was going to be. Trying to explain how I'd brought the right insps and that he'd be easy met with complete incomprehension.

    We get to FF. The team cowers outside his room. Level 9 blaster (though I believe I'd leveled to 10) runs in, pops proper insps, buildup, power thrust, ice bolt, ice blast, probably some brawls or somesuch, aim, more of the same, he went down before my lucks ran out and spent the entire fight plastered up against a wall from power thrust. I don't think he even summoned an imp.
  18. Haven't been able to play so much since college started up again but I had to pop in and say Werner you're the most hardcore of hardcore to do that with no temps and insps. I use both freely and designed the mission to be a challenge while doing so.
  19. Both he and I use teleport to bypass overseers and such, which is kind of cheating compared to not having teleport on that map, but we'll see how I do with my hover scrapper when I finish it.

    Oh yeah, and for the vanguard, make sure they attack to someplace out of the way, and die to shed their agro heh
  20. A stone brute just beat it on x1, bosses on in an hour 30, so my mission didn't go undefeated as long as I'd hoped.
  21. Honestly, it is in many ways harder than the STF. There's no mag 100 hold, but I used all the enemies that cheat hardest in the regular game and made them level 54. There's also a couple enemies that don't really cheat, like one rikti magus, the snipers in the start, and a few other ordinary enemies, that beat people up pretty good.

    I really expect everyone to fail this set at x1, but if you beat it be sure to report it here!
  22. I don't know what game you guys are playing, but the CoX I play has new stuff added to it all the time.

    As for how they treat long time subscribers, veteran players get perks they shouldn't have. If I were a new player, I wouldn't start CoX just because of all the stuff veteran badges give that I would be forever playing catch up on.
  23. I did solo it at x8, but I spent 100 large insps and used the base buffing thing to do it. I don't actually expect anyone else to do that heh; it should be a challenge as in harder than the RWZ challenge, at x1.
  24. I made myself a challenge mission in Architect and I'm quite happy with it. It uses no AVs or custom enemies but is far harder than the RWZ challenge.

    If you want to give it a spin, it's called Aeon's Army.