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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    alright one more mish. about how many mobs is a good statistic number once and fore all? I'm dont have much time to be jumping through these hoops, in this short amount of time. how many mobs?
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Give me a number son, because this is my last mish I aint doing this nonsense again. 100 200 300, 50 or what?
    CAUTION: Layman's terms ahead -- if I remember right, I got a C- in Statistics. But this will hopefully work until someone who DOES know what they're talking about comes along....

    If I'm reading this thread right, and you're trying to find out how many foes you have to attack in order to get a statistically significant number, in order to calculate chance of criticals, you'd probably have to defeat thousands of foes. With 100 foes, the random number generator might have a hot or cold streak. With 1000, the random number generator is less likely to have a "streak." With 10,000 or 100,000 it's exponentially less likely, and so on....

    If I'd paid more attention in Statistics 101 (or if someone like Arcanaville shows up), there's an actual number of foes to defeat that would result in a statistically significant result, accurate to 99.9% or something.

    Or to put it another way, the fact that "4 out of 5 dentists recommend" that one brand of sugarless gum isn't statistically significant. If the gum manufacturers instead had said "We sent a survey out to every single dentist in North America, and of the 279,000 surveys that we got back, 82% of them recommended..." that WOULD be statistically significant. [There's also a 'sweet spot' number that someone statistically minded could determine. "If there's X dentists in North America, they'd only really have to send out Y surveys in order to get Z surveys back."]

    I really don't know if the number of defeats you've got so far is "officially" enough or not. (Obviously, it's enough number-gathering for you today!) Hopefully someone can take the results and go from there.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
    Gold Name = VIP, doesn't it?
    Ooops -- it does! Then again, from a while back when there were still VIP "White Names" I just gave up trying to guess, and went for the direct approach there.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
    Q: Are they incarnates?

    If so do they have different Alphas?
    Auuuuugggggghhhhh! (Now I know just how Charlie Brown feels when Lucy yanks the football away.)

    And thank you!

    Yes, while I was so busy double- and triple-checking everything else, I hadn't double-checked to make sure they had the same Spiritual Alpha -- the one with the +Recovery boost still had Musculature Alpha slotted (which I don't use very often on that character.)

    I was afraid it was something simple -- thanks again!

    Move along, everybody. Nothing else to see here.

    Edit: in case it matters to anybody, I'd also apparently assumed that the discrepancies between the two character's Quick Recoveries and Staminas were because one has +5 Enhancement Boosters in them -- but the two Phys Perfections were identically slotted, which is where my focus was.
  4. One of the first counter-questions is "are you returning as a VIP player or a 'freemium' player?" (I suppose it's possible that your "long break" started after Freedom began and that you're returning as a "free-to-play" player, but sort of doubt it.)

    As mentioned, the new Dark Astoria revamp has a lot of new stories, repeatable missions, and repeatable arcs (through Ouroboros) for Incarnate loot.

    Personally, though, I'm not sure that DA missions are necessarily your best bet for "farming for cash" since the enemy groups are a bit tougher and challenging than some of the old groups.

    With the popularity of the new "Death From Below" repeatable mission that seems to fill the broadcast channel in Atlas Park day and night, I'd have to say "good luck" helping lowbies level, since DFB seems to have replaced "lowbie AE farms" in that regard -- though it does the same job of churning out newly-minted 50's whose players aren't quite sure how a lot of their powers work.

    Knowing what type of player (VIP or otherwise) will help in offering more suggestions on "what to do!" And welcome back!
  5. I was sitting around earlier, dual-boxing and comparing and contrasting two of my (many) willpower scrappers -- one claws/WP, one DB/WP. I've got a sort of "template" by now for how I like to slot them, and hadn't been able to figure out why the Dual Blades scrapper seemed to have so much more endurance. They've both got 113 endurance from accolades, both have QR four slotted and Stamina 3 slotted.

    I used the "Combat Attributes" window and discovered that one was getting a MUCH bigger boost from Physical Perfection, and went into the "Enhancement Management" window to make sure they both had the same Performance Shifter: Chance for Endurance slotted -- and they do.

    Except...so...WHY is one character just getting "+ regen," while the other character is just getting "+ recovery"?

    Is there something bugged here, or am I just missing something REALLY obvious?

    Thanks in advance!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Speaking of Mid's, is there a way to get the ATOs into a power? I looked at experimenting with Scrapper's Strike, but couldn't figure out how to add it.
    There is -- right click the slot, left click the "Set" icon in the upper right corner of the pop-up window, and then the right column of the window should show icons for damage (or damage and knockback or whatever) and at the bottom of the column, the ATO icon.

    Click the ATO icon, and then you have to pick between (in our case) "Scrapper's Strike" and "Superior Scrapper's Strike." Click one of those and then you get your choice of the six ATO's of that type.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
    My top tip for boosting survivability for /WP and /Inv scrappers is to run 2 trios of the scrapper ATIOs, catalyzed to purples, which gives +10% vs. smash/lethal. That, combined with a couple 4-piece Kinetic Combats, the Steadfast Protection unique and the (with judicious shopping at WW and converting) the PvP +3def IO can send your toughness in most situations through the roof.

    Edit: Just noticed you were in your mid-20s. I wouldn't start worrying about final build slotting until you hit 50. Getting powers like tough and weave and frankenslotting Siphon Life for max heal and damage will be big difference makers. Ultimately, building for smash/lethal def bonuses will probably yield much more than targeting health and regen.
    I completely agree, and the only thing I could add is that if you put a trio of the scrapper ATO's into an attack power along with a trio of Eradications, you'll get 5% s/l AND 3.13 energy/negative defense per power -- s/l seems to be the more important of the two, but energy/negative can be important, too. (I tend to let cold/fire and psionic pick up whatever bonuses they get along the way, and I don't worry so much about those, especially with WP's psionic resists.)

    And yes, it often pays to wait to slot level 50 IO's unless you're planning on doing A LOT of exemping to lower levels. The recipes are generally a lot cheaper, partly because there are a lot more for sale. Even though you lose set bonuses when ex'ing down, level 50 IO's still hold a lot of their enhancement value at low levels, so you're usually still a lot better off at, say, level 25 than an actual level 25 character equipped with SO's.

    Originally Posted by Sir Mason Stone View Post
    You've all given me a lot to think about. Now I'm wondering: what sets are good for typed defense, and how should I slot them? I'm sure there's some good posts about this on the Scrapper forum. Could you recommend any?
    It's some lazy searching on my part, but here's a recent thread asking for DW/WP and spines/WP builds -- http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=292643 -- with a short recap of what (I thought) were three common chunks of advice regarding WP builds.

    Also within the above link are four more links to other recent-ish DB/WP threads, including a lot of builds to glance at and find common 'good stuff.' (Admittedly, your character's dark/WP, but the "buy and slot Kinetic Combats" and "frankenslot a fifth IO in those attacks" and other advice within will apply to any primary! I just sort of keep track of DB/WP threads 'cause those are my 'main's' powersets. )

    Here are those other four links for the truly lazy readers :

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    You're an overachiever. The Tanker Taunt power is capped at 5 targets per use (multiple uses will let you stack up to the aggro cap, of course).
    Heh - five, six, I'd mentioned early on that I couldn't remember (or find the link that you found) exactly how many targets Tank Taunt hit. My "big point" was that the tanker COULD Taunt things off a scrapper who was holding aggro with ONLY RttC. (Which as mentioned up-thread, REALLY isn't much of an accomplishment.)

    Moving back to (or on to) the belief that Taunt sometimes seems to be "broken," I'D like to know how (or why) Taunt in PvE sometimes seems to cause runners to flee even faster. I saw it again last night with my claws/WP scrapper, who was teamed with a SS/invuln brute on +2/x8. We dove into a spawn, defeated all but villain, and the last one took off, so I tried to taunt him back. (And another thing: what sort of "OMG too much damage!" mechanic causes a villain to flee RttC and Invincibility auras in the first place?) Usually runners will come back, but...

    It was, as always when it happens, kind of odd to see the target stop, run a few steps back toward me, then turn again and run two rooms away -- thanks to the targeting reticule, I can watch them through walls as they flee for their lives. Sometimes I'll chase after them and hit them with a second Taunt with zero effect, even though it lands.

    I've seen it before, often with bosses but also with LT's and minions, and filed it under both "petition" and "bug report." The only thing I ever get back from Support is an e-mail saying "they'll forward it to QA and see if they can replicate it," which means I never hear anything else.
  9. If you're willing to spend a couple of billion on the rest of the build, I'd say "forget the merits" and just buy a Scrapper's Strike set at the auction house. I just priced them, and the full set is going for around 150-175 million.

    That's cheaper than a lot of individual purple IO's!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    But you have to read the next few sentences as well:

    "While a Tanker or Brute should normally be able to build Threat much faster than any other Archetype (especially with the help of the Taunt in all of their attacks), Castle's post was prompted by Issue 11 testing with a Tanker using Taunt that was unable to pull enemies away from a Willpower Scrapper using Rise to the Challenge. The combination of the Scrapper's enemy proximity, pulsing Taunt, and constant damage far outdid the ranged Taunt by the Tanker. "

    Notice the "constant damage" part, meaning that the Scrapper must have been attacking (since Willpower lacks a damage aura, it couldn't be that).
    You're right -- *I* missed that part! I was misdirected by "I know of that famous experiment where a Tanker sat taunting an enemy off a Scrapper and the enemy never moved due to proximity" in the OP, and had even guessed that it was an Invuln scrapper doing truckloads of damage before I saw the link.

    I didn't prove anything that most of us didn't already know -- sorry!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    But it's not just the Taunt aura that is doing it. Threat is multiplied by damage, so a weak Taunt+damage is better than a stronger Taunt, usually. Hence, why an attacking Scrapper can pull aggro away from a Tanker that is just taunting. The same can be done in today's game.
    Okay -- that's pretty much what I proved, I thought. This is one of those times where I wonder if everybody's reading the entire thread before posting.

    Referenced Paragon Wiki link: "Castle's post was prompted by Issue 11 testing with a Tanker using Taunt that was unable to pull enemies away from a Willpower Scrapper using Rise to the Challenge."

    Now, that DOESN'T say "...from a WP scrapper using Rise to the Challenge AND ATTACKING." Maybe the attacks are to be assumed, even if it doesn't say so? IF that's the case, well, I just wasted my time (and everbody else's) -- and maybe the Wiki entry needs to be updated?

    My tanker WAS able to pull enemies away from a WP scrapper who was ONLY using RttC, which at least *I* was expecting.

    My tanker was NOT able to pull ALL the enemies away from a WP scrapper who was using RttC and [the admittedly weak auto-fire Spin] attack, which is what it seem like we were all expecting.

    Thus, Taunt doesn't appear to be "OMG totally useless" but it's somewhere in the middle of the road.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    It's possible that I had accidentally checked off Maneuvers in Mid's (can't check until I get home), but I thought I had it turned off and was at the softcap (45.3 melee, 45.3 ranged, 45.6 AoE, iirc) without running it.
    No, you're right, I'm wrong -- sorry! (This is what I get for posting without enough coffee, apparently?) I've just seen enough builds that DID include Maneuvers to hit the softcap that it just looked like...ummm...yeah, sorry!

    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Does Gaussian's (at 35 or even 50) really have the same recharge as the two big hitters? I've always seen builds where Build Up has Gaussian's and recharges in something like 42-47 seconds and Lightning Rod & Shield Charge recharged in 35 seconds and thought to myself, "why mess up the beauty of synchronized "Build Up-Boom-Boom?"
    I'm with you on the synchronization: because I still like Focused Accuracy (and the Body pool), in my build I've got Gaussian's in FA, and I've got Build Up slotted with Adjusted Targeting: Recharge and To Hit/Recharge. With Hasten, Build Up recharges in 30.36 seconds, Shield Charge in 28.35, and Lightning Rod in 27.49. That's close enough for me.

    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Purpose of the build is general mayhem and "big-bada-boom," to quote the Fifth Element. The character, Daisycutter, is named after an enormous bomb.
    Heh - I like it! And if you think it's going to be "endurance sustainable" enough for your purposes, go for it! I've seen a few of your recent posts -- you've just mentioned more shield builds than I've ever built, so I'm still learning.
  13. I'll agree with everything EJI said, and paraphrase a little from what I said over in this thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=292918

    While I'm not sure what all you're planning on doing with this character, I'm a little worried about [what *I* see as] the lack of End Recovery, plus the added cost to run Maneuvers to reach the softcap. (I pulled off the 45% softcap without Maneuvers and before Glad Armors became cost-effective -- Mid's link in above linked thread.) I suspect you'll be popping blue inspies or resting between mobs, but I'm not exactly an expert on Shield defense, either.

    All those shiny purples for recharge and damage are costing you what could (probably) be Maneuvers-free defense bonuses, but then again, I wasn't building to exemp down, either.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Smart quotes: “ ” <-- see how they're curly?

    Regular quotes: " " <-- see how they're straight?

    The game does not accept smart quotes as part of a command. Copying and pasting your binds will fail. You need to replace all your curly quotes with straight quotes.
    Gee, where was this advice over the winter when I was beating my head against my desk?? Oh well, better late than never, huh?

    I'd copied and pasted some binds from "here" into CoH for my peacebringer, been thrilled with the results, and then pasted them into Word [with the appropriate changes] to use with my warshade the next time I played it!

    When I dusted off my warshade, pasting the binds from Word into CoH resulted in epic fail, along with much gnashing of teeth, and it was only through stumbling upon the same binds I'd saved (for some reason) in WordPAD (which doesn't use the same formatting as Word) that I was able to get them to work properly!

    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    I really can't tell a difference in the two there. Not doubting you, just looking really close and well, how do you get 'non-smart' quotes? As I only see the one " looking key. Not being facetious, just curious if it's an Alt# deal or something.
    It has to do with different fonts, and ASCII, and all that stuff that's just a little over my head.

    More on the topic here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark_glyphs
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
    Well, RttC has a inherently weak taunt aura. Even tanks have a hard time keeping aggro with it.
    Did you see the Paragon Wiki quote that I referenced in my post that you quoted? THAT was saying that one particular scrapper's RttC was stronger than a tanker's taunt -- hence my experiment that came up with a different result.

    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    I wouldn't think so myself. One attack on auto fire doesn't do as much as a full attack chain being actively played by a determined scrapper. Just the fact that you couldn't pull some of the mobs off the scrapper, who was only running RttC, says to me that a scrapper probably could hold all the aggro if they really tried.
    I'll agree -- Spin on autofire is admittedly pretty lame compared to a full attack chain. However, I suspect that it would take a VERY determined scrapper (with a couple of AoE attacks) to spray a full attack chain around and among a full x8 spawn in order to lock them ALL down against repeated tank taunts.

    Perhaps I should have put the tank's taunt on autofire and actively played the scrapper instead? I might do that as well since my curiosity is now officially piqued.

    Regardless, though, there ARE going to be some psychotic scrappers and suicidal blasters (especially popping inspirations, Buildup and/or Aim] who will simply out-aggro tanks via damage alone. To butcher a famous quote, "you can taunt some of the targets all of the time, and all of the targets some of the time, but you can not taunt all of the targets all of the time."
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Thanks for the link!

    However, that experiment is over four years old, and "After further testing, Ghost Widow followed the code logic to discover that the game's internal documentation on the subject (supporting the "Taunt overrides Threat" argument) was incorrect."

    Does it still work this way? Has it been officially fixed and/or addressed since then?

    To try and find out, I just conducted my own experiment: I just dualboxed a tank and a claws/willpower scrapper into a mission together, sent the scrapper on ahead and collected full spawns of [+2/x8] Council with RttC's aura. The scrapper simply stood in the middle of the Council with RttC on, the villains attacked the scrapper, and the tanker was able to pull six of the villains off the scrapper at a time with Taunt.

    Then I set the scrapper's Spin attack on "autofire" and tried to pull them off again. RttC PLUS the attack was a bit of a mixed bag -- some of the recently wounded ones were tauntable, pulled off and came to the taunting tank, but some stayed focused on the attacking scrapper. Those that had been first aggroed with RttC but stayed out of claws range (Council Marksmen) all pulled off and came over to the tank.

    Based on that, my GUESS is that they've made some adjustments to the Taunt mechanic.
  17. In my opinion, Taunt is just one more tool to keep in the toolbox, be it for tanks, brutes, or scrappers.

    Yes, my characters can always run up and punch something in the face, but if there are villains in the way, or if I've found myself wedged in a corner, Taunt works from a distance -- then again, so do Hurl (for my SS characters) and Gloom, in your case. On the OTHER other hand, Taunt is auto-hit in PvE, unlike Hurl or Gloom, and is "multi-target" for Tanks and Brutes (though I can't seem to find just HOW many targets via Paragon Wiki just now. Five? Six? Something like that.)

    While I don't know the specifics of the "famous experiment" (what was it? An Invuln scrapper with extra Taunt IO's in Invincibility and doing a truckload of damage?) I'll go out on a limb and say that in normal play, that's probably the exception rather than the rule. Between Gauntlet, attacks, Taunt and some other little tricks, my tanks and brutes can generally contain most of the aggro in large groups. Scrappers and extra-suicidal blasters are on their own, as they should be.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sir Mason Stone View Post
    Is there a reason no-one's mentioned the Panacea set? Aside from the fact it's horribly expensive?

    Also, Mids appears to be Windows only, and the web-based one on that page says it's only current through Issue 16. Is it still usable? (I'm on a Mac.)
    Nobody's probably mentioned the Panacea set because it's a) expensive and b) the bonuses aren't that great. (More on that in a minute.)

    If SuckerPunch's online planner is still there, it should be useable but somewhat dated. It will be missing some power sets, the new ATO's and such, but should give you a place to start. (As of this writing, though, the site's "under maintenance.")

    I know very little about Macs, but check out this thread from the COH Mac User's Forum: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=283371 -- it looks like someone cobbled together a SOMETHING for Mid's that works on Macs! (It's got some display glitches, but seems to at least works.) (Bolded so it doesn't get lost in this long-winded reply. )

    Originally Posted by Young_Tutor View Post
    My guess would be that the 3 slot bonus from Miracle (+HP) is considered better than the 3 slot bonus for Panacea (Regen).

    A good, generic melee set is Crushing Impact, it ranges from 30-50. Good enhancement value, not too rare or expensive, decent set bonuses. Many people prefer to use some of the other sets and try to stack defense. That can be pretty powerful, but it is kind of expensive.
    The TWO slot bonus from NUMINA'S is better than the 3 slot bonus from Panacea -- 12% regen versus 10%. (The 3 slot bonus from Miracle is for more HP's, as is the 4 slot bonus from Panacea.)

    Building for defense on a Willpower scrapper is relatively easy, somewhat expensive (but downright cheap compared to recharge-intensive builds with lots of "purples") and can make your character VERY powerful as far as becoming "almost unstoppable" since you're now layering defense on top of the set's innate resistances AND regeneration. Defense means "getting hit less" which means your resistances and regen don't have to work as hard, and a WP scrapper with 25% defense is going to be a lot more survivable than a WP scrapper with no defense and maxed-out regen.

    And if scrappers are all about "flipping out and killing stuff" and doing lots of DPS, I always maintain that I'm doing more DPS by NOT being faceplanted or in the hospital! "Purples" are shiny and coveted and expensive, and give LOTS of damage and recharge, but they provide almost NO defense to speak of. I'd rather be in the 95th percentile damagewise but still upright and swinging.

    Originally Posted by Sir Mason Stone View Post
    Does no one six-slot any of the Heal enhancement sets?
    As a scrapper at heart myself (see sig) I'm usually more worried about six-slotting my attacks for damage and defenses; I don't usually have enough extra slots for six-slotting defenses or heals....

    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Numina's isn't bad for the Ranged defense. For the most part though, a lot of the sets don't have super 6th bonuses. At best I usually 5 slot like Doctored Wounds or Regenerative Tissue for the Recharge bonus
    ...and the problem is that Miracle, Numina's, and Panacea all give "positional" defense when six slotted: ranged, AOE, and melee defense. That's great for secondaries that start off with positional defense, but willpower characters benefit most by adding to their (small but important) TYPED defenses, like smashing/lethal, energy/negative, and so on. (There's a lot more detailed discussions of why typed defense is better for WP scrappers than positionals over on the Scrapper Forums, and I know I didn't see the light myself at first when I started with IO builds, but once I had MY "eureka!" moment I embraced "typed" defense and never looked back! )

    Late edit, but nobody's replied, either: The only other reason I can see why people might want to 6-slot heals is to max out regen (which can be effectively maxed with just 3 slots, thanks to ED) or in the case of Doctored Wounds, maxing out regen and recharge -- which might be handy for a "click" power like Regen's Reconstruction or an Empath power, but the OP was asking about a Dark/WP scrapper above. And as mentioned, I'm rather scrapper- and melee-centric in my thinking.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade Ivy View Post
    Shards have higher chance of dropping from Lts and bosses. If I were to farm shards, I would run missions that has easy to kill mobs and where I can force lts and bosses to spawn. Ex: rikti +1x8, council +1x8. The following mobs are harder, but seem to drop more shards: nemesis, romans, snakes. To save time, skip minions.
    Don't forget about Circle of Thorns -- just peeking into a radio mission and changing the difficulty, I'm finding two Death Mages per spawn at 0/x8 and THREE Death Mages per spawn on +1/x8.

    On the sewer map I'm on, there are 10 spawns -- that's 30 bosses versus, say, 10 Council Archons in the same amount of real estate.

    (Yes, they may be a little harder to kill than Council, but that's a lot more bosses! )
  20. As I mentioned, I was looking forward to new and better ways of doing things, too! Old dog, new tricks, and all that.

    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    In short: don't neglect the 3-piece Numina set bonus.
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    What Hopeling said. Three-slotting Numina in several locations adds a great deal to Willpower's strengths. Of course, that's one of the most expensive heal sets... but you'll notice the difference, I think. ^_^
    Originally Posted by Feefa J View Post
    Further to the above, if you replace the generic Heal IO with the Heal/Recharge from the Numina's set and use three enhancement boosters on the Numina's Heal enhancement then the Regeneration value is back into ED territory. If you boost the Heal enhancement five times then you're within 1% of where you were with the generic.
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Thirding that. In any power but RttC, Numina Heal, Numina Heal/End, Numina Heal/Rech gets you more HP and hence effective regen than Numina Heal, Numina Heal/End and a generic heal IO, thanks to the HP bonus. In RttC, the two Numi + 1 heal IO slotting makes sense due to its much larger regen buff.
    More hit points = more healing! Oh yeah!

    Er...wait a second. So I swapped out my 2-Numina's/1 Generic in HPT and in Fast Healing, went with 3-Numina's [Heal, Heal/End, Heal/Rech] and this is what I got (with RttC turned completely off for number crunching*):

    Old setup: 482% regen, 2.01% health/second, 39.54 hp/sec, total hit points 1967, 49.74 seconds from 0 HP to "full."

    New setup: 479% regen (but of more hit points!), 1.99% health/second, 40.11 hp/sec, total hit points 2010, 50.13 seconds from 0 HP to "full."

    Builds below if anybody cares to check my math, but I personally don't find a paltry 43 hit points and less than half a hit point per second anything close to the "earth-shatteringly better" that I was kind of hoping for. (Actually, somebody PLEASE check my math -- I'd love to be wrong on this one and have done something stupid on the new build!)

    Yes, I'll probably do it for my "main" but I'm not sure I want to throw 25 or 50 million (recipes today, crafted IO today) per slot out there for that sort of performance -- I think this is definitely into "diminishing returns" territory, which if there's any sort of budget involved, might be skippable.

    Edit: I'm wondering if this boost from triple Numina's might not be more noticeable on, say, WP brutes or tanks, since they've got more hit points?

    Also, this:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Slightly offtopic, but WP generally gets more out of building for additional defense than extra regen. The reasoning being, stacking multiple layers of mitigation is good, and as you already have high regen to start with (especially as a Dark Melee with Siphon Life adding even more healing into the mix), you get a proportionally less amount of extra regen from any IOs, compared to someone who would start from nothing.

    So, beyond enhancing your regen powers with healing sets, which tend to have regen and HP bonuses, it's often best to focus on defense bonuses with your other armors or attacks.
    When I first IO'd my scrapper above, I focused on what I thought were the basics, like improving inherent things such as the already high regen, and wound up getting some decent defense bonuses along the way -- and my survivability went up a couple notches. Then I started reading these forums, started trying to focus on defense first, regen second, and my survivability went up SEVERAL more notches!

    WP's base resistances plus regen make it a pretty good set just with SO's -- start adding that third layer of defense and they can get VERY strong indeed!

    Old setup:
    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    New improved setup:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    (*There's no "standard" for posting WP builds, and I'm constantly looking at someone else's builds and gasping at how awesome (or miserable) their regen rate is compared to mine -- until I realize they've got RttC turned off, or set to "max." I like to leave all mine at "1 enemy" but seem to be in the minority.)
  21. I've got nine (?) willpower scrappers/brutes/tanks/stalkers in my stable of characters, and all the but the stalker are slotted with healing IO's thusly:

    High Pain Tolerance: Numina's Heal, Numina's Heal/End (yes, HPT costs no endurance, but they're cheaper than Heal/Recharge), one generic Heal IO. 12% regen bonus, 111.3% (before ED) towards "more hit points." (And that leaves me 3 slots for resistance IO's.)

    Fast Healing: Numina's Heal, Numina's Heal/End (see above), one generic Heal IO, one Regenerative Tissue proc. 12% regen bonus, 111.3% (before ED) towards "max healing" from that power, plus the +25% healing from the RT proc.

    Rise to the Challenge: Numina's Heal, Numina's Heal/End (hey, this DOES use endurance! Might as well take advantage of it), one Heal IO. 12% regen bonus, 111.3% towards "I heal faster when surrounded."

    Health: Numina's +Regen/+Recovery, Numina's Heal, Miracle +Recovery, Miracle Heal. Another 12% regen bonus, 2.5% recovery bonus, 79.9% towards "more healing."

    These 14 slots let me cram in all three of the old (pre-Panacea) healing uniques, maximize the healing/extra hit points from all the powers except Healing (which is the weakest of the four) and use my extra slots in things like defense and attacks. It might not be the best use of slots, but it was the best my friends and I could come up with a few years ago -- I'm interested to see better ways to do it now, too!
  22. These are all good points -- thanks for the comments!

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    The best way to get to Faultline is Pocket D.
    For we superpowered types, sure, but do the mythical "average residents of Paragon" like cutting through there?
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    six years?

    dang, that makes me feel old!

    Doesn't seem like it was very long ago to me. =/
    That makes two of us! (I'd guessed Issue 10 before I looked it up, but that's been a while too!)

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Thematically, it IS still undergoing reconstruction and potentially isn't stable - I could see not wanting to move a train stop there.
    They've already built a bunch of other buildings along the north side of the zone but I'm sure they wouldn't want to tear one of those down for a train station.

    Maybe there's a station hypothetically planned for somewhere closer to the middle of the zone, since most other zones only have one centrally located station? Still, it's been six years -- maybe they should make some sort of announcement that "the rebuilding of New Overbrook has hit some significant delays" or something.

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I think it's more like the zone has been revamped once already and there are others that could use a swab of the update brush before revisiting a zone that's fairly functional and enjoyable as it is. Could it be better? Certainly, that goes for about any zone. Faultline as it is though isn't bad and much better off than say Boomtown.
    ^This. Revamp Boomtown or Crey's Folly before revamping Faultline again.
    Very true, but I wasn't suggesting a total revamp of the zone, either -- sorry if it came off that way.

    They didn't revamp Skyway when they "built" the new southern train station a couple of years ago -- they just plopped it down and said "surprise!"

    But these are all good points -- in the absence of a train station or (easily accessible) roads because of the SWAT checkpoint at the Skyway gate, I suppose the people that live and work there can just pretend that they're on "Mackinac Island East" or something. "We're not 'hard to get to,' we're 'exclusive.'"
  23. ...since they started rebuilding New Overbrook in Issue 8.

    New apartments, new shopping center, new donut shop -- so how hard would it be to extend the mass transit system to put in a train station?

    Right now they're still sort of landlocked, and the "best way" to get in and out of there is to take the south Skyway train stop and walk (or fly, run, leap or teleport). I'm sure the residents and the retailers would appreciate being connected to the rest of Paragon.

    Just a thought/suggestion/idea.
  24. Eldorado

    Pet Peeves 2.0!

    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    I also have a [small] pet peeve about people who can't spell, punctuate, etcetera, but my BIG peeve is with the obsessive-compulsive people who insist on breaking up the flow of conversation/RP/whatever by "fixing" their easily understood typos.
    I'll admit that I often do that one. However, that's part of how I get to be better, by making myself correct things when I spot my mistakes. I am sorry if it annoys some people, but correcting the mistake now makes it less likely that I'll repeat that mistake the next time.

    It doesn't bother me too much when other people make the occasional mistake, but it bugs me when I do.
    First off, don't be so hard on yourself -- that just leads to high blood pressure and other problems down the road. Assuming we're talking about typos (not misspellings) EVERYBODY makes typos by accident! Some just make more than others, and some catch them before hitting "enter."

    Second, re. "how I get to be better, by making myself correct things when I spot my mistakes" -- if you're trying to teach yourself [and your errant fingers] to spell the word right, that's fine and admirable. If you're trying to teach your errant fingers to not accidentally twitch a couple millimeters left or right by "muscle memory," though, maybe you could try it in a different channel? Or try something like Mavis Beacon et al and save yourself the monthly fee. We didn't [don't?] have to listen to your singing, musical instrument and/or foreign language lessons, so why subject us to your typing lessons?
  25. Very nice indeed -- I like the overall numbers, and suspect you'll be pretty happy with the (comparatively) unlimited endurance of that build! (As mentioned, if I'm not running Focused Accuracy, I can pretty much plow through spawns without slowing down.)

    I like a few of your ideas, like the Force Feedback: Chance for Recharge, and your Shield Wall made me notice that I built my scrapper back in the days when Gladiator's Armor: +Defense cost 2 billion INF (and up) -- I might want to try to fit that into my build the next time I respec.

    I'm not sure that the Shield Wall: +3 resist is the best way to go, necessarily, but overall I think that the new build looks good!