
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. Foxman

    I thought your original costume was good. Only difference I would have made was make the tights Shiny instead of normal so it blends better with the shine from the Stealth & Valkyrie pieces. But (for whatever reason) I couldn't find the Top Pattern you used, so I substituted with Diablo, and then went with the Sharp pattern for the legs because it seemed to work pretty well.

    As for the shield, I thought a smaller, more maneuverable one might work better, but don't deviate from your concept if he needs the SWAT shield.

    Hope this helps!

    - El D
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm taken. More please.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My sentiments exactly
  3. I think any of the MM primaries could work (although if he's frugal about spending his vast wealth, I'd say using Zombies, as they don't need to be paid, and arn't costly to repair/replace )

    But....Does it 'HAVE' to be an Master Mind?

    For some reason, when I saw the Greed thing, my mind jumped to a Super Strength/Willpower Brute, with powers kinda like Colossus from X-Men. The Yellow/Gold aura of both powersets combined with a golden-metallic skin with a background of hoarding enough riches to buy numerous small countries just strikes me as the embodiment of Greed.

    Heck, you could even RP him as having his powers from the Midas Touch!

    *Ahem* umm...Sorry bout that. I go on tangents whenever I think up ideas for character concepts
  4. Making a combo of the Valk & Cyborg packs (as well as a few other Tech pieces) has gotten me what I think is the best Power Armor character I've made in CoH

    Starcharger (front)

    Starcharger (back)

    Also, I've found that the Boxing boots looks awesome with some of the Valk bits.

    Zhukov's Fist (front)

    Zhukov's Fist (back)
  5. No, Bwerp means that (in-game wise) some Rikti NPCs have these 'Mark 3' translators that allow them to speak in full English, instead of the fractured English from the old Translators.

    As for Character RP, it's just a way of skipping the 'Rikti-speak' if its too clunky to use/want a 'more advanced' Rikti/Just don't wanna go through the hassle of typing out all those :'s in Team chat >.>
  6. El__D

    98 Sketches!

    Sorry to hear about your grandfather, Alex. Best wishes that he makes a full, speedy recovery.

    - El D
  7. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Seraphimel
    Global Contact: @El D
    Level of Classification: 50 Fire/Fire Scrapper
    Origin: Natural
    Super Rank & Super Group: N/A - Freelance Hero
  8. Sorry to see you go, LH. Hope everything ends up good wherever life takes ya.

    - El D
  9. El__D

    98 Sketches!

    [ QUOTE ]
    1-4, 5-8, 9-12

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow! Man, these just keep turning out great! I really love the angry expression you gave Seraphimel. (He looks really really P.O.ed, hehe)

    Can't wait to see the rest of these
  10. El__D

    98 Sketches!

    A Happy birthday to Alex's grandfather! He must have a ton of experiences/stories to tell about.

    For the sketch, Seraphimel can always use another good art piece. His In-game Bio is here
  11. Lets see how many I can list for Seraphimel this time...

    Out of the Inferno
    The Big Guy/Gentle Giant with a bit of The Toblerone thrown in as well
    Beware The Nice Ones - included with above trope
    Berserk Button - When dealing with the Circle of Thorns
    Heroic BSOD
    Ancestral Weapon & Flaming Sword - Angelic Greatswords FTW
    Deal With The Devil
    Determinator - Thank you, Rise of the Phoenix
    Normally I Would Be Dead Now & Not Quite Dead
    Super Strength & Invulnerable Knuckles, as well as the Neck Lift
    You Can Barely Stand
    My Name Is Inigo Montoya
    Kill It With Fire
    Curse Escape Clause
    Glowing Eyes of Doom
    Playing With Fire which, in more drawn out fights, leads to Impressive Pyrotechnics. Both are often combined with Infernal Retaliation as well as Incendiary Exponent
    Our Demons Are Different
    Prophetic Name & Meaningful Name
    Taught By Experience
    Never Bring A Knife To A Fist Fight & Good Old Fisticuffs
    Made Of Iron with some bits of Nigh Invulnerability
    Nightmare Fuel
    Dark Is Not Evil
    Chaotic Good
    Noble Demon (to a minor extent)
    Saving The World - Statesman's Taskforce
    Crowning Moment Of Awesome - Hitting level 50 after solo-tanking the Weakened Hamidon on a Lady Grey TF with just 4 people (Me, a Master Mind, a Blaster, and a Controller) as a /Fire Scrapper
    Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? - Beating both Ruladak the Strong and Hamidon (Regular Raid version)
    Trying To Catch Me Fighting Dirty & Talk To The Fist
    Glowing Eyes Of Doom
    Technicolor Eyes
    Power Makeover
    Evil Makeover
    Evil Is Cool
    Power Glows
    Took A Level In Bad-[censored]
  12. Not my character, but Mister Hide had the scariest/creepiest/most disturbing costume ever if you combined it with their bio.

    Still freaks me out when I think about it. Uhhg....
  13. Battler, if someone ever tells me that there can be too much of a good thing, I'll point 'em towards your stories and prove them wrong.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with this time
  14. Guardian does indeed rock.

    Yet I hardly ever see any of the posters that play on Guardian actually in-game. Like, ever.

    I'm starting to think they don't really exist >.>

    Also, congratulations on another awesome story, Battler!
  15. Dorian read over his folder, silently agreeing with the young roboticist.

    "Building 4....Energy grid.....Massive blackouts....." the tall demon muttered to himself as he continued looking over the plans. After a few more moments, Dorian lowered the folder, and looked over to find not one Horowitz, but three.

    "With three of that guy running around, I doubt we need to be too concerned about defense layouts" Seraphimel remarked, glancing from the Jaegers to Bladewing.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    ((Well, this died a lot faster than I'd expected. ))

    [/ QUOTE ]


    But I was actually participating!!!!


    Figures that the first thread I actually get into after a while dies x.x))
  17. General Cenobite costume.

    I also took a stab at making Frank, as well.

    As far as powers go, the new Pain Domination set should fit perfectly for a Cenobite, whether they summon their tormented victims to serve them (Necro Mastermind), or they just blast their foes with the energies of The Leviathan/Hell (pretty much any Corr set would work RP wise)
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    "Again, if we destroy his economy, we destroy New India, which is, at this point, potentially just as dangerous as the damned book itself. All it will take is an assault on his mining facilities, or his factories, or whatever. Odds are they won't be defended nearly as well as anything near his physical self."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dorian decided to speak up.

    "Alright. But I doubt Alharzed would just stand idly by while a portion of his power is destroyed. If we go about that rout, we need to make sure New India can be taken down quickly, not allowing time for interference from Alharzed, or the book. However, we would need a force of significant power to accomplish that..."

    Then the tall demon looked over at the Arachnos Patrons, more specifically at Black Scorpion and Mako, before turning to Bladewing and Horowitz.

    "And I think I know just the people for the job"
  19. In the last few minutes, Dorian had been fairly confused. First, Horowitz goes berserk on the zombie-mech thing, then everyone suddenly shifted into different stages of existence, and finally time just fell apart.

    [ QUOTE ]
    One by one all the supers began to vanish and reappear in Ouroboros to meet a not so happy Skjebene. "Idiots. Three months of experimentation down the drain and an entire multiverse of creation and life -- gone! Even yourselves in that universe are gone."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "All intellectual assumptions aside," Dorian said, glaring down at Horowitz before continuing, "Is there a reason why we weren't informed of that before, or was it purposely left out of the mission briefing?"
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Something that resembled an organic Council Mech hulked towards them at a pretty decent pace. It raised it's arm at around twenty meters or so and something began to glow...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "That doesn't seem very promising" Dorian said, looking up at the hulking creature from his perch atop a pile of steadily burning zombie bits. He then extended his arm and brought the sawed-off shotgun to bear, its barrel casting out a baleful blue glow.

    "Letsee how well this works..." the tall demon muttered, as a large blast of sapphire energy roared out towards the new foe.
  21. ....Now I have an image of a jack-o-lantern talking with Lou's voice stuck in my head. And it's awesome.

    Great work (as usual ) Hertz!

    Edit: First post after 2 Red names...Thats gotta be a record or something...
  22. While a fair number of the zombies had already been engaged by the others, there were still some that remained unhindered. Dorian meant to rectify that. He stepped out to a small group of the unopposed corpses, and the large claymore he had been wielding was seemingly consumed by blue fire.

    "This..." Dorian said with a grin, as he extended his arm towards the zombies and the blue fire condensed into the unmistakable figure of a sawed-off shotgun, "...is my Boomstick"

    The large sapphire orb of energy that followed careened towards the reanimated cadavers with frightening speed. And for whichever zombie it hit, the effects would most likely be messy.
  23. Dorian finally finished with the soldiers he had been fighting, and although he had used a rather large blade to deal with them, no blood or severed appendages were to be found.

    "Using the flat of a blade always seems to take longer..." the tall demon grumbled to himself. Then he noticed the others, and quickly flew over to where they had gathered.

    "This place looks worse than the caverns in Oranbega" Dorian said aloud, then looked around at the rest of the group.

    "So, whats the plan?"
  24. "Whelp, I tired" Dorian grumbled to himself as he watched the Jager bash through even more of Alharzed's forces. Then he noticed there was yet another dervish of destruction on the battle field. It was a draconian wielding a katana that looked to be sending off electrical charges, and he seemed to be set to fight just as much as Horowitz was.

    "If you can't beat 'em," Seraphimel said, a slight grin on his face, "Join 'em."

    With that, Dorian moved into the next group of soldiers, a large, silver bladed claymore materializing in his hands with a burst of flame, and joined in the decimation.
  25. Dorian hadn't taken any action during the whirlwind of past events after his unsuccessful attempt to clam Horowitz down. In fact, he was just staring at the amount of destruction the Jager had caused.

    Then he looked around, to see if any of the others needed any help. All of them seemed to have their particular situations under control, more or less.

    "I guess I can't avoid it, then. It probably wont be very pleasant, but this might be the only way to get that green wrecking ball back to Ouroboros..."

    And with that utterance, Dorian speedily flew up behind Horowitz, and launched a two-handed, fiery haymaker at the back of the Jager's head.