Sympathy for A Spider Lord (Lord Recluse's Story)




Marshall Brass always looks him straight in the eye … something that has always earned his respect. Sycophants were occasionally amusing, but never useful. Brass was one of the few men in the entire Rogue Isles willing to tell him things that he did not wish to hear. “My Lord Recluse, Amanda Vines should die.”

“We all will die sometime, Leon. Even I. Why do you feel that Ms. Vines has finally become enough of a nuisance that we should take the step of disposing her?”

“You read my report regarding the entire Aeon Conspiracy?”

“Of course.” The spider limbs on his back twitch in irritation. “Your report indicates that the situation was contained. Is there something more that I should know?”

“This time. The woman is absolutely fearless. She continues to search for the truth. Sooner or later she will find it.”

Just like Monica, he finds himself thinking with surprising fondness. “You brought her with you, of course?”

“Yes. She has been taken into protective custody after the … incident.”

“Very well, bring her to me.”

Marshall Brass started, but did not otherwise show any signs of surprise. “Yes, My Lord. Right away.” He walks to the door and barks out an order.

Amanda Vines is brought into his office. She’s still wearing the same outfit she’d been wearing when she had tried to break the news of the Aeon Conspiracy. More than twelve hours in custody, her fate uncertain, she doesn’t look cowed at all. “Lord Recluse.”

“Hello, Ms. Vines. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have always enjoyed your broadcasts.” Bravery is one of the few things that can still impress him.

“I would be delighted to interview you, my Lord. I’m sure the public would love a chance to learn more about their leader.” She is brave, but she is not a fool. He can hear the fear in her voice; it makes him respect her all the more that she continues to meet his gaze.

“Have you had a chance to eat yet, Ms. Vines? I realize that your accommodations have been rather … Spartan, but I would not want it said that a guest of mine suffered unnecessarily.”

“I’m fine, my Lord.”

“Leon—Marshall Brass—tells me that you have done an impressive bit of reporting in regards to Doctor Aeon. It appears that your life was in danger several times.”

“I go where the truth leads me, my Lord.” Again that steady gaze.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Brass watching their exchange. He wonders what Leon is thinking. Unlike many dictators, Lord Recluse has never been known for a hedonistic lifestyle or having a weakness for a pretty face. His blood is too cold for that. “Sometimes the truth can lead you to places you would do well to leave alone, Ms. Vines.”

“As I understand it, my Lord, you have never shirked from going where truth lies.”


“I’m afraid that it is getting rather late, Ms. Vines. Marshall Brass will escort you to your quarters for the night. If you should need something, do not hesitate to ask.” He turned his red eyed gaze to Brass. “Leon himself will stand at your door to make sure your needs are taken care of.”

Brass bows. “It will be an honor, Ms. Vines.”

“Good night, Ms. Vines. We will speak in the morning.”

“It was an honor to meet you, my Lord.”

“And you as well, Ms. Vines. You as well. Leon, have your guards escort Ms. Vines to the guest quarters in the central tower. It has a lovely view of the city. I would speak to you for a moment before you join Ms. Vines.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Amanda Vines does not look back as she is escorted from the room.

“She’s a brave girl,” he murmurs.

“She’s a woman, my Lord. She’s a dangerous woman. I still say we should kill her now.” He knows that Recluse has ordered the deaths of women—and even children—before. Why does this particular woman rate such forbearance from him now?

In truth, he’s not sure himself. He’s a student of history. He knows that things would be easier if he disposed of Ms. Vines once and for all, but he finds himself reluctant to give the order. “Guard her well, Leon. I will decide her fate tonight.” He pauses. “It is, however, probably wise if you begin to think of what sort of ‘accident’ could befall her in protective custody.”

“Yes, my Lord.” Brass bows again.

“In the meantime, she is not to be harmed. She is not to contact anyone else, but anything she desires by way of comfort is to be provided her. Food, drink, a change of clothing, a bath. Whatever she requires. There is no reason her possible last night on Earth should be an uncomfortable one.”

“I will see to it myself, my Lord.”

“Remember, Leon. No harm is to come to her until I say so.”

“Of course, my Lord.”

“You may go.”

He’s alone again. But then again, he’s always alone. Even when his vaunted lieutenants share this room with him, he stands apart. He is Lord Recluse, after all.

No sooner has Brass and the others left, then he hears a strange twinkle as though of a crystal wind chime.

His limbs tense in preparation for combat.

“Who’s there?”

The crystal chime again … but this time it sounds like laughter.

Familiar laughter.

“No,” he whispers. “It can’t be. You’re dead.”

“Oh, Stefan.” The chimes are merry, practically a giggle. “You never change. You’re so certain that you know what is possible and what is not.”

“Show yourself, imposter!” The tips of his limbs glow with energy as he searches the room with all his senses—human and otherwise—to find his hidden companion. How dare someone imitate her voice!

“I’m here, Stefan.” The chimes continue after the words stop, and a pure white light appears from nowhere, banishing the darkness of his throne room.

It doesn’t burn, he thinks in a kind of dull wonder. This light doesn’t burn me.

“Of course it doesn’t, silly. I’m not here to cause you pain.” The light shimmers and takes on human shape. “I’m here to help you.”

The girl—she seems to be little more than a teenager—is dark haired, with cupid bow’s lips. She’s wearing a woman’s business suit that’s almost a century out of date. Her eyes are the only thing that’s obviously not human; they shine with a pure white light that pulses like a heartbeat.

“It can’t be,” he whispers. “Not you …”

“I’m not here to hurt you, Stefan,” she repeats again with a cheeky grin. “I’m here to save you!”

“My sister,” he says in a harsh whisper. “Monica …”

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



QUITE intriguing... do keep going with this!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Heh, and BlueBattler's at it again.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Bloody Hell...


My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.





most recent 50 - psy/mm blaster




...note to self: Read BlueBattler's other stories.

<_< God damn. So many good authors running around this place that I'm getting jealous.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.




...note to self: Read BlueBattler's other stories.

<_< God damn. So many good authors running around this place that I'm getting jealous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just wait until mission architect comes out. Every member of the RP forums will be blown outa the water by writers who don't even know the forums exist.



I'm sure there are many talented writers out there, but I am not willing to concede they are going to be better than all of us.

There are some remarkably talented people who write on this forum.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Battler, if someone ever tells me that there can be too much of a good thing, I'll point 'em towards your stories and prove them wrong.

Can't wait to see what you come up with this time

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



“I don’t need saving. And stop calling me Stefan. Stefan Richter is dead. He died decades ago. Only Recluse remains now.”

The sound of crystal chimes laughing again shatters the quiet of his throne room. “Oh, please. There’s only one dead person in this room, and she’s wearing a skirt.” Monica’s lips curve in that smile he remembers so well. “I used to sew the patches on your shorts, Stefan. Don’t go all high and dramatic on me. Spider legs or no, you’re still Stefan Richter. You’re still my brother.”

“Monica is dead. The dead do not come back.” The assertion comes to him automatically before he even has a chance to realize the absurdity of his answer.

“I’m sure that Ghost Widow would find that statement fascinating, Stefan.”

“Monica died more than twenty years ago. She was an old woman when she died. Why would she come back looking like you? Why would she come to me at all? Her family lives in Paragon City.”

The girl shimmers and becomes an older but still handsome woman. “I can look like this if you really prefer it, Stefan, but I’d like to think that you would pardon an old woman’s vanity. When you spend your life married to a man that doesn’t so much as get a gray hair during fifty years of marriage you tend to get a little sensitive about your appearance.” She shimmers again and resumes her youthful guise.

“That hasn’t answered why you—why Monica—would choose to haunt me rather than her family.”

“Haunt is the wrong word, Stefan.” She does a somersault across his desk, landing in her Maiden Justice uniform. “Marcus and the girls do not need me. They have moved on with their lives. You ...”

“I moved on a long time ago, Monica. You cast your lot with Mar—with Statesman. From that moment on, you were as dead to me.”

An image appears in the air before him … of the flowers called spider orchids. “’Be brave, my beloved sister. Stefan.’ Remember sending me those flowers, Stefan?”

“I remember.”

“You signed the note ‘Stefan.’ Not Recluse. Stefan. And you remembered me. As I lay dying, you thought of your little sister.” Again she smiled sadly. “As I thought of you every day of my life, and all the days that have passed since.”

“It was part of my plan to rattle Marcus. Nothing more.”

“So now he’s ‘Marcus’, is he?”

His limbs twitch in frustration. “Again I ask you; what do you want?”

“I already told you. I’m here to save you, Stefan.” Maiden Justice shimmers down to a little girl; the same little girl that Monica had been when she had said goodbye to her brother and his best friend on the eve of World War I. “I swear, you and Marcus are both so dense sometimes! No wonder you were so close!”

“We were never close!” Bursts of energy flash from his spider limbs at the ghost from his past. “Marcus was never my friend!”

The little girl smiles as the bolts pass through her. “You’re right, Stefan. Marcus wasn’t your friend.” Again she becomes the girl reporter. “He was your brother.”

“No!” With a double fisted blow he smashes the console in front of him into splinters. “He was an ally, a flunky! He was a means to an end! He was never my friend! He meant nothing to me! You meant nothing to me!”

“Liar, liar. Pants on fire.” She’s still a young woman, but her voice is the high pitched squeak of the little girl that used to blush every time Marcus Cole spoke to her. “If Marcus never meant anything to you then why does it hurt when I remind you of it? Why do you dream of the old days when the two of you fought side by side instead of against each other? Why is it whenever you’re fighting for your life you keep expecting him to be guarding your back? Why is it every time you’ve had a chance to kill him you’ve found some reason to spare him?”

The girl reporter becomes the old woman she had been at her death: frail, sickly, a shadow of the person she had been. It hurts to see her like this. “You miss him, Stefan. You miss your friend. You miss your brother.”

“Monica,” he whispers, “what do you want from me?”

The old woman becomes once more the little girl. “Give it up, Stefan. The schemes for world domination. The insatiable lust for power and control. The empty mantle of Lord Recluse. Throw it away. Give Marcus his brother back. Give me my brother back.

“Come home, Stefan. Be Stefan Richter again.” Little girl arms wrap around his neck and he feels ghostly little girl lips kiss his cheek. “Come back to us. Please come back. Please.”

And as he had done so long ago when the child Monica had first said those words to him, Stefan Richter hugs his sister tightly to him as though he would never let her go....

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Post deleted by Mr_Grey

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I have two questions...

How do you know Maiden Justice's name was Monica?

WHO THE [FRACK] WAS JESSICA!? The game info clearly says Ms. Liberty is named Megan Duncan, and that Miss Liberty is Alexis Cole. Who the Hell is Statesman yelling about in the comics!?

[/ QUOTE ]

Read ze books, heretic.



Post deleted by Mr_Grey

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I have two questions...

How do you know Maiden Justice's name was Monica?

WHO THE [FRACK] WAS JESSICA!? The game info clearly says Ms. Liberty is named Megan Duncan, and that Miss Liberty is Alexis Cole. Who the Hell is Statesman yelling about in the comics!?

[/ QUOTE ]

The two COH novels give her name as Monica Richter. Incidentally, Freedom Phalanx is where I got the bit about the flowers from. Forgot to credit it.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



I have two questions...

How do you know Maiden Justice's name was Monica?

WHO THE [FRACK] WAS JESSICA!? The game info clearly says Ms. Liberty is named Megan Duncan, and that Miss Liberty is Alexis Cole. Who the Hell is Statesman yelling about in the comics!?

[/ QUOTE ]

Read ze books, heretic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, yes... I hear this one a lot. Problem is, there's a schism as to whether or not all of that is considered canon (according to MANY arguments I've perused throughout the forums during my almost three-year tenure here). There's a lot of stuff in those that contradicts what's in-game, and the game is still running.

Another problem is that I can't find the books, but you're probably going to send me a link and mention something about "search-fu."

Condescension is the passtime of the Internet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, canon is up to dispute.

I don't recall where I read it, but originally Maria Jenkins was going to be Maiden Justice before they retconned it. I don't recall if she was also going to be Statesman's wife and Ms. Liberty's grandmother. I wouldn't be surprised, though; after all, it wouldn't be surprising that his wife would be so concerned about his disappearance.

I suppose that they decided against that because even Maiden Justice would be nearing the century mark if she was still alive and she wasn't established as having prolonged youth like Statesman ...

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



I have two questions...

How do you know Maiden Justice's name was Monica?

WHO THE [FRACK] WAS JESSICA!? The game info clearly says Ms. Liberty is named Megan Duncan, and that Miss Liberty is Alexis Cole. Who the Hell is Statesman yelling about in the comics!?

[/ QUOTE ]

Read ze books, heretic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, yes... I hear this one a lot. Problem is, there's a schism as to whether or not all of that is considered canon (according to MANY arguments I've perused throughout the forums during my almost three-year tenure here). There's a lot of stuff in those that contradicts what's in-game, and the game is still running.

Another problem is that I can't find the books, but you're probably going to send me a link and mention something about "search-fu."

Condescension is the passtime of the Internet.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're joking, right? The search-engine here is crap.



Don't get me started on the issue of Ms. Liberty's name.

The long and short of it is that it started out as Jessica Duncan, was corrected to Megan Duncan, then showed up as Jessica Cole, then was corrected back to Megan Duncan by Sean Fish, the original lead story guy.

When _The Freedom Phalanx_ novel came out, she became Jessica again, and she was referred to as Jessica throughout the Top Cow run of the comic.

Officially, it seems her name is now Jessica Cole, though you can still find places where she's given other names if you look hard enough for them.

In my own mind, she's Megan Duncan, but I don't pretend that my opinion is in any way related to what appears to be the current canon.

That's a topic that has nothing to do with Stefan Richter, however.

As for Maiden Justice being Monica Richter, you just need to read _The Web of Arachnos_. Despite what some players might like to think, the novels are considered to be canon material. If you doubt that, I'm sure that Hero 1 would reply to a PM asking about it.

If you really want citations, Mr. Grey, I can try and find them for you again but you could probably do just as well by searching for posts with 'Liberty' in the subject by poster Slickriptide over the past year. I've been a loud complainer about this state of affairs. If you can find the thread I started about this topic in the City Life forum around six months ago, the citations you want are all in there.

As I said, this is really a topic that belongs elsewhere, not in Bluebattler's story thread.



Post deleted by Mr_Grey

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I'd just like to point out that for Ms. Liberty to be Jessica Cole, Statesman would have had to marry her mother.

You know. HIS daughter.

Methinks this is not the case. Otherwise I want what the Devs were smokin.



It only requires that that she choose to use her mother's maiden name. These things happen all the time, especially if the relationship with the father is somehow damaged or if the father is unknown.

We don't know anything about Ms. Liberty's father. All we know is that Alexis Cole prefers to use her maiden name and her daughter likewise prefers to carry the "Statesman family name". The most likely explanation is that neither of them wants to be associated with the "Mr. Duncan", whoever he is. Alternatively, it's just Alexis who prefers to avoid "Mr. Duncan" and Jessica is simply "Cole" because that's how she was raised by her mother.

Though if you want to get prurient, Tyrant seems to have no qualms about making it with his granddaughter so make of that what you will...



Post deleted by Mr_Grey

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Getting back to the story, I have to admit that I'm having a difficult time buying this one. I'm not sure that Stefan Richter requires the humanizing touch. I'm willing to see where it goes, though.



Getting back to the story, I have to admit that I'm having a difficult time buying this one. I'm not sure that Stefan Richter requires the humanizing touch. I'm willing to see where it goes, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand. I'm quite willing to concede that this story may fail. No one gets a home run every time they come up at bat.

I'll have more to say about the motivation for this story when it's done.

I will say this, though: the story is as much about Monica Cole as it is about Lord Recluse, possibly even more so.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



Getting back to the story, I have to admit that I'm having a difficult time buying this one. I'm not sure that Stefan Richter requires the humanizing touch. I'm willing to see where it goes, though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand. I'm quite willing to concede that this story may fail. No one gets a home run every time they come up at bat.

I'll have more to say about the motivation for this story when it's done.

I will say this, though: the story is as much about Monica Cole as it is about Lord Recluse, possibly even more so.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm finding this hard to swallow myself. I simply don't see Recluse doing any of the actions or saying any of the things he is in your story. He's an evil heartless [censored]. (And stone cold smexy, but don't spread it around.) He would probably first try to impale the ghost with his legs. THEN he would call in Ghost Widow and Scirocco. And THEN he call in the ghost-slaying tech if he can't use her in some obscure magical ritual that he can use to hurt Statesman somehow.

Really. His last real emotions vanished the moment he got the Destiny Portal up and running and invaded Atlas Park and set in course his plans for taking over the world. And can you say "Sky Web?" I'm sorry, but this could and would never happen.

But [censored] it. It's well written, so I think my suspension of disbelief can handle it. Keep up the good work. ^.^



Besides, he might go all Doctor Doom on us, see the name on the tombstone the Ghost of Christmas Future shows him, and kill everybody anyway.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.