Scare meh if you can!
Not my character, but Mister Hide had the scariest/creepiest/most disturbing costume ever if you combined it with their bio.
Still freaks me out when I think about it. Uhhg....
Global - @El D
Servers - Protector
Insanity scares you, huh?
Heh heh.
Insanity scares you, huh?
Heh heh.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll be huddled in the corner babbling if you need meh.
Insanity scares you, huh?
Heh heh.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is why Sarah Palin shoots wolves from her helicopter.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Here's some insanity for you...
Insanity for making it at least ;^_^
lol the titles totally make that!
Here is a quick draft of Psilocin's bio. I'm sure many of you may notice certain parallels to another hero.
Roger Stevens wasn't too bright but he loved his country. When WWII began all Stevens wanted was to serve the USA in it's battle against the Nazis. At 17 he faked his way into the army in an attempt to aid the US.
A small division of the service was tasked with seeking out new recruits who showed unusual potential and unlocking said potential for military use. Surprisingly the armies psychics identified Roger as a possibility. After volunteering for the extensive treatment he was deemed unsuccessful. But the money was spent. The hero was needed. More importantly the propaganda was needed. Told that his power would manifest when he needed it most Roger, newly christened "The American Man" was sent into action with his 12 year old sidekick "Rascal".
The disaster that followed was almost totally expunged from military databases and only recently became public knowledge over 60 years later.
Captured on his first mission by the 5th column, America's Greatest Patriot watched in horror as Rascal was murdered before his eyes. The 5th column had plans of their own for Roger. Their scientists also identified him as having great untapped potential.
The lead scientist was a man name Dr. Oktober. His methods of unlocking Roger's potential were cruel at best and torturous at worst. What happened to Roger during the following 7 months has never been disclosed.
When Allied forces finally located Roger what they found shocked them. Stevens was a cripple, physically and mentally, but his assailants were all dead or worse. The survivors had literally no mind. Their psyche burnt to ash. Dr. Oktober was nowhere to be found.
Stevens was given an honorable discharge and admitted to Riverside hospital for ongoing Psychic evaluation and physical therapy. He was released after 4 years.
The American Man, now age 83, lives a life of near poverty in King's Row. Quiet and forgotten Roger looks surprisingly well for all he experienced in his youth. His few acquaintances say he doesn't look a day over 50.
The sudden appearance of the costumed villain Dr. October in King's Row coincides with the arrival of the vigilante Psilocin.
Roger, however is completely unaware of this.
Doesn't come off initially as a very threatening character from the selection screen, but in game I've had enough people stop in front of me, double take and then send me a tell (long after they're gone) with something along the lines of "okay, that was creepy."
The long term effect comes once he starts shrouding down (DM/DA) and you catch him in one of the missions out there with poor lighting (caves/council). Many a times he has come out of a dark corner and folks gone "Agh?! Oh...o_O"
If you want to see the Bio, I can post that too (But I'd have to pull it out of the game).
And for an extra twist:
Rogziel - angel of punishment whose name means "the wrath of God."
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
Hey! Not bad at all. The eyes are the ticket. Reminds me of the bad guy in Hellboy with the knives a bit. I also commend you on your unconventional color choices. Works well.
I really like the bio and costume for Psilocin. I don't think any of my characters qualify as the right kind of creepy, I'll take a gander at them though and see.
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
Went and grabbed a more solid screenshot for another character in my inventory that, to some degrees, is more threatening than Rogziel (Haven't figured it out though yet, stuff keeps running away from them in the game :P ).
Rorik Nightingale
While it seems the sun shall not rise for a few weeks in Paragon City, the blood on his horns and face are still prevalent, starry eyes gazing atop the Portal Court for the next in line. Born in the chaos of a Longbow raid during a Circle of Thorns summoning. When the ritual went wrong, and the sacrifice ran, a new host was needed to house the Envoy as he crossed worlds. Finding the new life of an unborn child amidst the soldiers of red and white; he took refuge in a mother until the day he could escape.
Months later the diligence of M.A.G.I. was able to unbind most of the demon from the unborn host but was still unsuccessful in preventing the damage that had occurred. Born half mutated, both demon and man, was hidden by the city officials in hopes that this monstrosity could be contained.
Decades later, the once child now no longer restrainable by Azuria, broke free into the world in hopes of seeking his other half and either finishing, or ending, his ritual. Obtaining stolen security clearances over the next few weeks he was able to locate a new batch of Circle reattempting the same rite from 25 years ago. While unable to prevent the Shadows appearance, he was still able to defeat his hidden self and believed to have freed the demon within.
Left in a coma after the event he battled within his mind for supremecy of the body that was rightfully his. It wasn't until the guidance of an "angel" that set him free and he was "reborn" (awoke) with glistening feathered wings and a new control of the powers that still lingered. He would later discover that it was merely a small pact made against his knowledge that once every cycle of the moon he would undergo a transformation that would crave innocence and feed. He would have to hide his secret from the world, and dawned a new identity in the society of Heroes.
With the renewed assistance of Azuria, the Red Sun began walking the streets of Paragon, and on occasion a night would pass he would be truly fearful of himself and the news the next day. It would be the story he would feel shame for and fight to atone in centuries to come.
There truly still is a demon that goes *bump* in the night.
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again. |
I don't really have scary...just creepy loligoth
Watashi wa Miho desu....nee, are you afraid of the dark?
Some lovely pencils of Miho-chan
Creepy yet.... HAWT!
Really, All the asian stuff is getting old.
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:
Not sure about scary but I have been told this one is disturbing.
The Mad Butcher
This one is fun to play. A scrawny little guy in a black suit and skull mask, has an affinity for fire and feeding off despair and sorrow,
Deacon Doom
Really, All the asian stuff is getting old.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's a little racist... Why do people have such a problem with people speaking Japanese?
Anyways, nice character designs.
Don't look at me, Miho's been around since CoV beta in game ;7 In fact, the beta costume creator was responsible for her. I had a character with the baroque top and decided to change the tights for a skirt. Due to how the lists were organized dropping bottom to 'Skirts and shorts' gave me a pleated skirt with fishnets and baggy socks and I just stared and went 'this is so wrong it has GOT to be made as a character...'
Psilocin Black
Psilocin White
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure why, but the white version feels creepier. If you have access to the Cyborg parts, try Cyborg 1 for the face instead of the Jester mask. Similar effect, but a little scarier, IMHO.
Heheh, creepy eh?
I really don't think I can get much creepier then Friendly Neighbor >_>
I mean, most of those flexible dual blade poses just add to the creep factor. Too flexible...
He really likes fighting those Longbow ladies. Ahem, just a little innuendo there.
Honestly surprised they haven't changed the effect for that yet >_> Guess you do need to freeze it at just the right moment to get the full effect though.
And just because it's time for the Halloween event ^_^
My little super group, Team Jupiter, got a freaky makeover of their hero costumes ^_^
Second from the Sun is Dead Head Sun
Seraph Io is Seed Brains Io
Seraph Ganymede is Pumpkin Guts Ganymede
Seraph Europa is Candle Eyes Europa
Seraph Callisto is Candy Tooth Callisto
I can see forever 0.0
Really, All the asian stuff is getting old.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's a little racist... Why do people have such a problem with people speaking Japanese?
Anyways, nice character designs.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think he means the asian theme, which would not be racist, just personal preference.
It is overdone, so I am more picky about asian themes, but when it is creative and unique such as the teddy bear ripping goth girl, I am all the more impressed.
I don't have problems with people speaking Japanese either. I lived in Japan for over a year. I just don't like it when people learn it solely because of the anime fad.
Oh but dying laughing at 20yr old guys speaking like 12yr old girls is so worth it sometimes....
Here is the toon I get the most "creepy" tells about. He's really not such a bad guy...
Twitch the Clown
yeesh, i can see why. the face on twitch is terrifying there
Dunno why, but people seem to always be sending me tells about this character of mine being pretty frightning (and that's even without knowing his back story )
Here's one that's more just the festive kinda scary (I have tried the pumpkin head costume piece on him, and it looks ugly as heck with that costume )
And of course my main's ol' trench coat has proven to be pretty spooky in a few scenarios, if not a little bit generic
Burning Nightmare
Sorry about the graphics being on low, aswell. Computer's been acting up so i don't dare put them on high in fear of the lag
So, wait. You're trying to tell me that Brutes and Scrappers arn't the only AT in the game?
what the...what is... THAT!?
destroying your childhood one frame at a time
About a week ago I woke up with an idea for a new character. My idea came complete with a catchy name and theme. I have no idea why I was apparently thinking about this in my sleep (ADDICTION!).
Three days of hard searching on the net and I got Psilocin. Psilocin is a haalucinogenic compound and I get the nifty Psi play on words for free as that's the actual spelling!

In any event.,this character was decidely creepy. Now what's creepy to me may not be creepy to you. Standard scary really doesn't get to me too much. I'm sure if I woke up in the middle of the night and the power was out and the lightningz were flashing and a vampire was sitting on my bed I most likely [censored] the bed. But in the bright morning sunlight, not so much.
I prefer disturbing. Things that make me look twice or even three times because somethings not right and it feels menacing.
My idea was to roll a Psi blaster who was either a mental patient or perhaps a spirit of madness etc. I know that's nothing new, I do however still find the thought of insanity scarier than werewolves and if done right it can be very scary to me. That sense of things not being what they are supposed to be but also the loss of control. This place is wrong and I don't understand and I can't change it or get away and what if it's only me!
So my name was Apsilum, or Apsylum maybe depending on what was taken. Well I'm sure you know how that went.
So here's the result.
Psilocin Black
Psilocin White
I can tell you if I woke up in broad daylight with all the lights on and that was sitting on my bed I'd still [censored] the bed.
So I got to thinking. It would really be fun to see what the rest of our commumity would create to be scary. In the spirit of the season please post your scariest/creepiest here. I almost made this into a contest but I really don't have much to offer in way of prizes etc so let's just do it for fun.
Scare me if you can Paragon!