
Multimedia Genius 12-06-2011
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  1. El__D

    ~ Guess4Artz ~


    5 - - 48 - 51 57 - 67 68 - 70 - 80 82 85 - 90 97 98
  2. Realized now that though I'd been following the thread, I hadn't actually posted in it since offering up my character. :S

    It's a little after the fact, but still deserved - Thanks Tartyrsause! Been loving the pictures so far, can't wait to see the next one.
  3. El__D

    ~ Guess4Artz ~

    Guessing: 63

    Numbers Left: 5 8 - 14 19 - 20 21 24 26 - - 30 31 35 36 - 41 47 48 - 51 52 56 57 - 60 64 67 68 - 70 72 73 75 76 78 - 80 81 82 85 - 90 94 95 96 97 98
  4. El__D

    ~ Guess4Artz ~

    I'll have to go with Ernesto Hess on this guess. 7
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl
    With her whole mind-riding thing, I'm kinda wondering if she hopped into Penny Yin's mind at the last minute, and will be "sleeping" in there for a while.
    I thought of something like this myself, but with a different recipient. What if Psyche let her mind go out along with her powers, and went to mindride Darrin Wade? Ya know, pulled a Professor X, a la the 3rd X-Men movie.

    Seeing SSA #7 boil down to Psyche turning the tables on Wade and totally wrecking everything he's done (especially after all he and Malaise put her through) would be hilarious and awesome. Hell, I can picture it now.

    <Darrin Wade, standing in a vast magical circle, has just finished summoning Rularuu the Ravager>

    Darrin Wade: "Ah-ha! I have you now, Rularuu! Soon, your power shall be mine to wield, and Darrin Wade will be the most powerful be-

    Psyche: <wresting control of Wade's mind> "Can't let you do that, Wade. Payback is a [pancake], huh?" <utterly demolishes the magic circle with awesome psionic Psyche-Zeus lightning>

    Rularuu: "WHA-?" <gets knocked back into the Shadow Shard>

    Psyche-Wade: <turning to Manticore> "So. I think after the last bit time we spent together, we both need to take some time off. But I'm going to need a new body first."

    Manticore: "....Just one question. You still want to be a redhead?"
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha
    Uh...the Well doesn't work like that.

    Talking to Prometheus and various Dev comments shows the well is basically a personification of 'true human potential'. Anyone tapping into that power is basically breaking down the normal barriers and reaching their full potential, no matter the source.
    The Well's 'personality' is also based off of what people believe and think, hence it's shift from, say, Greek times to modern day. Given how loopy modern day can be, it's actually a far better reason for why the Well is a little bit fruit loopy.

    It's also not unique. A 'Well' exists for every species in the known universe. Which is why, apparently, the Battalion are so powerful; they conquer other races, and feed the power of their Wells to their own. They are essentially a race of full Incarnates.

    I admit, looking back at the newer writing the Well lore doesn't sit as badly as it used to. How important clarity is, eh?
    Oh, I know all of that stuff. I probably could have phrased my post better to reflect all that, though <.<;

    Going off of your post, a lot of that would make sense. Might even explain as to why it (it being the 'Human Potential' Well) has Emperor Cole is it's champion (if all the normal citizens in Praetorian Earth believe in him, coupled with his own inflated sense of self-importance and the Praetor's, plus the fact that he's already an incarnate of Zeus...). Besides, Emperor Cole seems to be the only one of the Marcus Coles who has been able to fully reach and tap his full potential (given that the others are held back by either death, ethics, or being physically trapped somewhere).

    And yeah, I agree that the recent stuff makes the Well storyline a good bit more workable.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger
    The "Well". 'Fits' with the canon in the worst possible way by making it the power of everything with the IQ of Steven Hawking and the emotional stability of a 5 year old who likes to play 'War'.
    Actually, the characterization for the Well is, IMO, what I'd expect of something that rewards power to those it deems mostly worthy to wield it. When you've got -that- much strength and ability....well, I'll paraphrase two quotes from two of my favorite authors: "When you have phenomenal cosmic power and all the living space you can grab, seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's point of view and self-introspection aren't usually high on your list."

    'Sides, it's historically accurate, too. Look at all the Greek gods the Well links folks to. For the majority of them, the phrase 'emotional stability' couldn't be used with a straight face (or any face, lest they heard you talking about them and decided to turn you into something. Like a tree. Or an animal. Or dead.).
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man
    You might want to rethink your argument when they're creating one costume for all models (male, female and huge)... PLUS an entirely different costume specific to females-only.

    THAT sounds to me like an unrealistic expectation for the usage of developer time, yet it's apparently what we get.
    Except...that isn't what we're getting, AFAIK. The Costume Pack strategy for the future, as I understand it: There is ONE uni-sex costume in the pack (or possibly two, depends on what the Devs decide to do). The Female avatars just get additional bits (like skirts, bustiers, etc.) that only make sense on Female models. They aren't getting an additional, completely separate costume set.

    Edit: Can't believe I forgot to put this in here. Dink? <hug> You are AWESOME! Thanks for taking time to work on these pieces! Very much appreciated!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer
    Its Arbiter Sand's undercover identity. Because nobody will ever suspect that the cool and suave Arbiter Hawk is actually the cool and suave Arbiter Sands! Its the perfect disguise!
    Actually, I figure that would fit in with Arbiter Sands' character very well. Make up a 'cover identity' that just consists of a name change and see how many people he can fool with it; he does seem arrogant enough to think it'd work (and given how villains/rogues don't really interact with him much at all until that point, at least AFAIK, it could work).

    Besides, it could also be a jab at Ms. Liberty's 'undercover operation' being that she's just wearing a change of clothes (with the same color scheme as her costume) and going by her real name. 'Distance from Paragon/Longbow' indeed.

    Heck, their bio's also seem to mention very similar things.

    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk's 'Ask about this Contact'
    Arbiter Hawk rose quickly through the ranks of the Bane Spider corps due to his combat proficiency and keen sense for combat tactics. As a member of the Arbiter Corps, he has become infamous for running independent covert operations intended to maintain the stability of Arachnos, and has often been associated with reckless and dangerous assignments. While working for him, villains are often unsure of the exact reasons they are given their tasks, but they will always see eventually how his ends justify his means.
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Sands' In-Game Bio
    Arbiter Sands is considered a somewhat unconventional member of the Arachnos Arbiter Corps. Though still completely dedicated to the will of Lord Recluse, Sands is known for using unusual and effective tactics. His status as an Arbiter makes him untouchable within Arachnos, for to harm an Arbiter is to attack the will of Lord Recluse himself...
    So they both like independent, dangerous operations with nonstandard M.O.'s and strange but effective tactics. Plus, putting the 'cover identity' technicality aside, have you ever seen Arbiter Hawk and Arbiter Sands in the same room at the same time?
  10. El__D

    March MoMadness!

    Edit: Annnnd it turns out Kyo ninja'd me on the list. Well just ignore this post, then <.<
  11. El__D

    March MoMadness!

    As of now, I should be open to all four, which is good because D needs the badges. xD

    Daniel Eldridge, Fire/Fire Scrapper, Level 50(+1).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
    I may have misspoken, or I may simply not know the facts, but exactly HOW long have these people lived? I mean, the ones who aren't dead yet.
    Sister Psyche - Born July 13, 1920 (Age - 91. Why stay in your old body when you can use Mindriding? )

    The Dark Watcher - Born September 1, 1918 (age - 93 - Held to be immortal, or just looks really, REALLY good for his age)

    Lady Grey - Born September 19, 1801 (age - 210)

    Numina - Born May 2, 1940 (Age 71 - while more within normal human life span than the others, her body was kinda destroyed inside the Earth's core. I figure living on as an astral projection would count <.<)

    Katie Hannon - No D.O.B. given, but has lived in Croatoa for over 200 years

    Shadowstar - First arrived on Earth in ancient Egypt

    Serafina - Is a genie (complete with the old-school 'itty bitty living space' bottle). Not sure exactly how old, but I'd assume that covers it pretty well already <.<

    Foreshadow - D.O.B. unknown, but is a spirit that has been continually reincarnated (with all the past knowledge of his previous lives) for numerous generations.

    The Menders....Well, all of them basically exist outside of time on the citadel AFAIK. So they could be 3 minutes or 3 millions years old, given what point in the time stream they stepped into (though if you want a date, Mender Lazarus is from 7740 AD). Granted, I have no idea if they actually age while still on the Citadel or not. It's got the whole 'wibbly wobbly timey wimey' bit attached to it.

    All the others are ghosts and/or have died in their back-stories, except Hero 1. I forgot that he was a legacy character, who'd taken up the mantle from his father (Hero One) in the 1970's. So that one was a goof on my part x.x

    Got most this from the In-game Timeline from Paragonwiki.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
    To be honest, I'm greatly disappointed that this game doesn't really have almost any heroes who are older the regular human lifespan, at least not in their canon roster. It seems like a lot of avenues of diversity are being passed up to tell the same old tired stories again and again. And it's a cryin' shame to do that in a game with potential for such fantastic, outlandish stories.
    Doesn't have almost any heroes like that? Statesman, Sister Psyche, the Woodsman, Hero 1, the Dark Watcher, Lady Grey, Tommy Arcanus, Numina, Katie Hannon, Shadowstar, Horus, Serafina, Foreshadow, the various Blue-side Menders...

    All of them, through various means, have lived on longer than regular human lifespan in some form or another, and not one of them has the exact same story as the other. I'd say continual reincarnation, alien influences, becoming a spirit/ghost, cosmic powers, time travel and magical manipulation can all make for fairly fantastic, outlandish stories, even in the comic-book world that is Paragon City.
  14. Happy Birthday, Layla! <glomp>
  15. I'll offer up a character.

    She's an Arachnos Night Widow, if only because Scrappers can't get psychic powers (otherwise she'd be Claws/SR).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver
    Do I want to know how stupid the hair is?

    I almost don't want to look.
    Mr. Bowie disagrees with you.

  17. El__D

    VG Back-Plate

    VG as in Vanguard Back-Plates, the pieces of back-armor that some of the Vanguard NPCs have (I've also seen it on some of the armor suits in First Ward).

    Edit: Double ninja'd! xD
  18. I'm not going to spoil anything, but given the current/future content, I'll at least debunk the theory that Recluse is going to 'lay down his life for his friend'. Not going to happen, unless some other random, wonky plot-things happen afterwords. However, I fully expect him to bring all eight arms of his spidery wrath down on Wade. It's like some random upstart killing Batman, then parading around in his costume while the Joker watches; ol' Mr. Richter isn't going to take that well at all (pun not intended, but I'll take credit for it).

    Also, I'll throw in my voice for the SSAs showing the heroes in a more triumphant light in the second set. They had their big fall with 'Who Will Die?', now they've got to pick themselves back up and carry on the good fight.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry
    Very interesting.

    So. Praetorian Penelope Yin is on Primal Earth at Statesman's funeral...
    I'm thinking they just have palette swapped costumes, so it really is Primal Penelope Yin as a full-fledged superhero. Her costume, in the picture of Statesman's funeral, is red. The Praetorian one is purple. I'm assuming this is due to the different 'factions' they belong to (purple from Mother Mayhem, red from Longbow, or possibly as a homage to States).

    Granted, that is just an idea. Very well could be the Praetorian Penny using her new SG colors after switching sides. <shrug> Just gonna have to wait and see when the last two WWD SSAs come out.
  20. To be honest, I'd say that both of the characterizations are, on differing levels, true. I think the selflessness and nobility are a more muted but constant aspect of States' personality, whereas the self-righteousness and arrogance are an occasional but emphasized part.

    States has been heroing for a long, long time. He's been 'The' Hero as far as global concerns go for nearly as long as well. To say the guy isn't selfless when he's done this as long as he has, and has been continuing to doing it, well that just strikes me as not giving credit where it's due. However, he has been around for forever and a half, so I can easily see the attitude of 'Mightier than thou' boiling up on occasion, given the fact that (once again) he was and still is 'The' Hero. Though, looking at it, the occasional bouts of anger and frustration that States has make him seem like a much more human character. Think of how often normal people can fly off the handle at things, overreact on a daily basis. Now think of how often States does it (in-game, he's always been shown speaking with calm authority unless something really bad is happening). His arrogance only goes so far (after all, it isn't like he's the one lording over a royally screwed dimension with dreams of conquest).

    With the build-up of the Incarnate Arcs, and the Well's power growing, is States attempting to step aside and let the next wave of heroes take over? Yes, but he's been doing that for a while, and even now he's got his reasons (he doesn't want to Well to take him over any more than it has). Is that selfish of him? Well yes, but does he not deserve the option to try and remain himself, especially after all he's done? IMO, sometimes selfishness is deserved (when it concerns if you'll still be 'you' or a super-powerful puppet, very much deserved).

    I wouldn't have written him much differently at all; I'd have just attempted to tie those two character aspects closer together (so that folks don't pick from one extreme to the other) and would have been a bit more forthright in State's motivations (so people don't assume he's just telling them what to do because he can).
  21. I'll second Impish Kat in not knowing how I missed this thread or the updates. :S ....though I have a sneaking suspicion it might be due to the Issue 21 Beta boards. <.<;

    Loving the updates so far! Can't wait to see the next one!

    And if you need it, here's a short blurb to sum up Calico's main character traits:

    - Hyperactive and energetic all the time (imagine a kid on a permanent sugar high)
    - Would be able to take lessons on focusing on things from a goldfish. His attention span isn't, and he'll snap to things quicker than a knight in full plate-mail walking through the world's largest magnet museum.
    - Has no concept of personal space. If he likes you, he will hug you, no matter if you want it or not.

    Will definitely be watching for the next post! And thanks again for picking Cal!
  22. The in-game marriage between the two was a specific, Dev-run live event that happened in Ouroboros (granted, a special version that lacked the usual Mender contacts) and in which Manticore still wore his costume (complete with mask) under his Wedding Pack tux (along with Citadel, Positron, and other signature characters). The only one out of costume was Sister Psyche, but she was in the wedding dress from the pack.

    They never actually referred to the character's real names during the ceremony, only calling them Manticore and Sister Psyche, and beyond that the only attendees allowed in were super-powered individuals (50 heroes and 50 villains). Well, and Lord Recluse and his toadies when he crashed the party and it turned into a big PvP event, but he's still super-powered, so I figure it still counts.

    So, legally only Manticore and Sister Psyche are married, and although it hasn't publicly come up in-game yet (all the references to them being married are done out of the civilians view, afaik) the only thing the public might know are that two known supers are married. Manti's secret identity is still secret (at least to the general public. Most heroes end up knowing who he is through various arcs or his TF).
  23. I should be able to join the first run.

    Daniel Eldridge, level 50 Fire/Fire Scrapper
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa
    They need a TF/arc/whatever where CK gets his body back and maybe even gets a date with Penelope.
    While that might make for an interesting 'What If?...' AE Arc, I very much doubt it'll ever become canon for a multitude of reasons. The Clockwork King's original body was killed (or at least we are lead to believe it was) and it's been over ten years since, with the King having gotten his mind transplanted into the 'brain inna jar' on the giant clockwork body (whether or not it's his actual brain or a mishmash of brains his conscience lives in, the latter being my own idea about it, has yet to be seen in-game). Then there's Penny herself, who has never seemed to be interested in a relationship of any sort beyond a sort-of friendship with the Clockwork King, and always seems to be more focused on helping out her father in the store than taking any interest in the stalker-focus he puts on her (calling for his help in the LGTF aside, that seemed to be a matter of personal safety over actually wanting him specifically to help her. She just knew he would).

    Plus, the Clockwork King is too far gone to just go back to being a human again, and having a one-off date with Penny. Even if he got his body back, he'd still be insane and would still try to keep her as his 'clockwork princess'. More likely, if anything comes about between those two, it'll be when he finally does try to capture Penelope and turn her into an actual clockwork princess, so that she can stay with him forever.

    ...and then the Story Arc will have us run through hoards and hoards of clockworks, Dukes, and Princes, finally beating the Clockwork King himself as his fortress of gears collapses around him, only to find a single note in the room supposedly holding Penelope that reads "Thank you, Character! But our princess is in another castle!".