DeeDee's Cat People Art Project




2012 is in sight and I made a start at the huge art project I mentioned here.
The Cat People Project in which I will draw atleast 10 known and less known cat people characters from City of Heroes.

Now I have collected more than enough references, thank you all so very much!
In this topic I will mention and preview updates on the project.

And here's the first preview!

The first that responded in the "looking for reference" topic was Sapphic Neko and I find her a good character to start with. This is what I have sofar.

I know, I know... she's not looking that well atm... but then again... this is not the end result! *giggles*

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!




*jumps and cheers for Deedee*



It looks Great! All it needs is MOAR Smudging!

Be Well!



Indeed Fireheart!
And so I did! Here's another preview. I'm not content with Neko's left ear settings just yet.. but I'll fix that some other time.

Till next time!


CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



... and, if I'd known you wanted 'famous' cat people, I'd have bribed Sleepy Kitty, or the infamous Peppermint Cat to make an appearance, or (gasp! Dear Lord!) Catsi.

Be Well!



Thanks Impish kat!

@FireHeart: Famous, Infamous, slightly known or unknown.... all fine by me! *giggles* And the reference topic is still open for suggestions :P. Still no promises though!

Also, another update. Face has slightly changed... I'm trying to give Neko a less mature face as she always strikes me a someone with a young looking face.. oh and that's in her description too hehe.
Don't think I have it just yet. To be continued!

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Eventhough 2012 hasn't started just yet... I worked some more on this project today.

Added Medikitty and Red Catman to the picture!
(just basics though)

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Another update!
Been sketching ALOT and put on some basic colouring...
More will be added later on


CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!




Where is that guys hand!?!?! *gasp*



Originally Posted by DarthDelicious View Post
Which guy's hand?
the one i'm next to
Neko would prob punch him in the face for touching her like that!



Hmm? Yes, that pose is a little more intimate than strictly friendly, but it's not rude... is it? His top is leaning towards Sapphy - but his Bottom is leaning towards the other lady, who is being a bit more intimate towards him...

I'd be more worried about what Sapphy's tail is doing...

I'm Certain that Sapphy would be happier if the fella and lady with her were to trade places...

On the other hand, in order to balance the composition in that case, DeeDee might have to move the blue fellow to the other side of the group... Possibly putting a little white, pink-pajama'd catgirl, in the place of the translocated blue fellow... except, I'm not sure this is the right sort of party for a 12-year-old 'Dream Warrior'.

Be Well!



*giggles* I didn't thought it was that rude actually. His hand rests on her hip. For posing that seems quite normal (where I come from, anyway).
But since Neko really isn't into guys... I also figured it might offend her a bit. She would atleast be a bit uncomfortable.

Truth be told... when I was posing them I had this little background story in my head...
He puts his arm around Neko, trying to pull her near and you can tell by the look on her face that she is not pleased about that. She's willing to pose next to him...but not like thát!
She smiles..but that's only on the surface *nods* so she wraps her tail around his leg, ready to smack it really hard against his jewels to make clear she's not appreciating his action.

Ofcourse I can always move Neko *grins*. How about Ellie holding her like that? Will that do? .

About the girl in the pyjama's... I'll have to see about that!
I am having lot's of fun posing everyone on the list in this... I may go overboard and throw every reference I've got in *giggles madly*.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Red Catman looks extremely pleased with himself.
I like Furmi's layed back look too. Good thing he's sat down, he'd dwarf them all otherwise (he is a full 8ft ingame).

Still, thumbs up keep up the good work

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



Hah, yeah... Red Catman is very pleased with himself indeed *giggles*. That is what I was going with .

Woah! 8 ft! Indeed lucky he's sitting down!

Glad you like it sofar, Wildfire .

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



The update for today! (not saying I'll be updating dayly though )

Been shuffling some characters... I trust Neko will be satisfied now? .
Also, Furmi has been placed to the other side.. he did suit better there (also because I'm really having trouble drawing all those legs and he's a good subject to cover up some *blushes*).
Added Ellie and the mysterious Cuwahchoba... that ís her name...isn't it?

Not satisfied with how Red Catman's hand looks now...but I'll fix that later .

Still have three people from the "list of 10" to add; Amerikatt, Calico Black and Pippin and/or Lokiboi.

After that it's all wait and see for now

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Is Amerikatt going to be depicted as she is in-game (as a cat girl) or will she be a girl cat like she is in her artz?
Will probably need to make the guy in the chair taller if he is 8ft. Even sitting he should
be bigger than he is now. Otherwise looking good so far DD.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I wasn't wholly serious, but thanks Deedee



@Chris: Amerikatt will be as in the artz! . Though I'm quite curious what she would look like in humanform...
And indeed Furmi should be bigger if he's 8ft. I'll ponder on that some more. Cheers!

@Neko: Oh, I know dear. But it was no trouble . Want to keep Neko a happy girl, now don't we? *giggles*.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Ack! How did I miss all these updates?!

This is going to be quite the project, looks like you are having fun.

If you are looking for "personality traits", here are the short versions of Loki and Pippin's bios.

Basically, Loki likes beer. He belonged to a scientist as a cat, ended up drinking something that tasted like beer.... but wasn't. And yes, the RL Loki does like beer... not that I LET him drink it.

Pippin belonged to a CoT magi/dude, and accidentally got caught up in a ritual gone awry. He's looking for the culprit who screwed it up (not thinking to look in the mirror, of course). The RL Pippin is a very persistent lovey dovey kitty (attention w**re).


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Center of attention I am.

It's pretty bad that I had to do a double take to pick MilkShakes out of that crowd. I don't normally see her in her "whites" lol

Roxy On DA...Finally!



I'll second Impish Kat in not knowing how I missed this thread or the updates. :S ....though I have a sneaking suspicion it might be due to the Issue 21 Beta boards. <.<;

Loving the updates so far! Can't wait to see the next one!

And if you need it, here's a short blurb to sum up Calico's main character traits:

- Hyperactive and energetic all the time (imagine a kid on a permanent sugar high)
- Would be able to take lessons on focusing on things from a goldfish. His attention span isn't, and he'll snap to things quicker than a knight in full plate-mail walking through the world's largest magnet museum.
- Has no concept of personal space. If he likes you, he will hug you, no matter if you want it or not.

Will definitely be watching for the next post! And thanks again for picking Cal!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



I have tried to put up the link as much as possible (and keeping it from turning into spam. By all means! Blame the 21st issue Beta boards!

@Impish_Kat: Ooh short bio's! . That helps with posing and facial expressions . Thanks!

Some of you did give bio's with the pictures. But I also looked at the costumes and went with what they were telling me about the character in question.

Correct me if I'm wrong ;
- Medikitty strikes me as a person that knows med-stuff, she can be very serious about that, but on the other hadn she doesn't mind playing doctor *giggles*.
- Red Catman is one of mine, so I know him... he's a bit of a show off, but kindharted, really.
He hasn't been in contact with many girls so, yes, he's very pleased in this picture .
- Cuwahchoba seems a mystery to me. I have 3 different references and she looks different in everyone of 'm. I chose the one that reminded me a bit of Cat-Woman as I thought it to be best suited for this picture. She strikes me as a shy, but direct person.
She's sweet... as long as everything goes her way. Don't make her angry though. You'll regret it!
- Ellie aka Tiger White... hmm.. yes.. she's Ellie *laughs*. Naughty is actually all I know about her really. But I think she can be serious too. I know she's been through so much drama she'll have to know how to be serious by now *giggles*. I'm still gonna work on her facial expression though. It's not quite.... Ellie-like just yet.
- Sapphic Neko... do I need to say more?
- The Lady Fa Xi another mystery to me. From the reference I have I got the fibe that you don't want to mess with her. She's a keep-to-herself kind of lady and you'll have to make friends with her first to make her stick around.
- Milkshakes seems to me like a bright young lady who likes to daydream.
- Furmirian looks as if he likes to chill out after a hard day of hero-work. He's a cool guy, trustworhty, very kind and huggable (well he's huge so that last part may get you hurt *giggles*) once you sit down with him.

That's what I thought about sofar

@The Fox Rox: You're not used to Milkshakes in white? *grins* now I'm curious! What does she usual where then? Don't worry though... I'm not gonna change her outfit (unless you want me to ofcourse... it can still be done... but once I start smudging it's all settled )

@El D: Oooh... you mean Calico has ADHD?


CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!