PERC - Super STF!




Join me on Tuesday, December 27th at 4 pm PST/7 pm EST for a Master of Statesman Task Force!

You must sign up in advance in this thread by posting your global name, character name, level, powersets, and AT. You must be at least level 45 to join in. There will be a second run right after the first one, probably around 6 pm PST/9 pm EST, so if you can't make the first one sign up for the second!

PLEASE wear your most heroic costume-I'm talking power armor, spandex, capes, and masks here! At the end of the MoSTF, teammates will vote on who has the most heroic-looking costume! Note: You may not vote for me or for yourself. Only for other people on the team.

If we are successful in getting the Master of Statesman's Task Force badge, everyone on the team will get 100 million influence. The winner of the costume contest will get an additional 100 million influence!

Please be advised that the requirements for a Master run are no deaths and no temporary powers.

1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, 50 Claws/Willpower Scrapper
2.) @Archiviste - Kreetch, 50 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
3.) @M I Abrahms - M I Abrahms, 50 Willpower/Super Strength Tanker
4.) @Stone Daemon, Festina Lente, 50 Cold/Ice Defender
5.) @Mentalshock - Tempus Plasmatic, 50 Time/Fire Defender
6.) @El D - Daniel Eldridge, 50 Fire/Fire Scrapper
7.) @HP Lovecat - HP Lovecat 50 Ill/Emp Controller
8.) @Tabitha Fae - Tabitha Fae 50 Plant/Storm Controller

1.) @MissKyo - Tam Washington, 50 Claws/Willpower Scrapper

I do have other characters I can swap to if necessary, so bring what you like. We WILL need a tanker type for each run, some buffers and some debuffers!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



I do realize this is kind of short notice, but there were a few technical difficulties. If it turns out to be popular, I might also run a Super Kahn, a Super ITF, a Super...who knows!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



I won't be around until roughly 9:30 Eastern. I would love to help if you can't get the second team filled by then.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Oops. OK, try this again:

@M I Abrahms, M I Abrahms, level 50, Will Power/Super Strength Tank. Signing up for the first run.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



You seem to be in dire need of buffs/debuffs, so I offer my services.

@Stone Daemon, Festina Lente, Cold/Ice fender, level 50.



If we don't get enough folks to run this tonight, I'll cancel it until a later TBD date.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



I'll join the first run on my time/fire defender, Tempus Plasmatic.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



I should be able to join the first run.

Daniel Eldridge, level 50 Fire/Fire Scrapper

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



We could use more damage for that first run. Depending on what we get I may swap and bring the fire/rad corr instead.

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Me and a friend are Interested in the 4PM run...

@HP Lovecat as HP Lovecat Lv 50 Ill/Emp controler.
@Tabitha Fae as Tabitha Fae Lv 50 Plant/Storm



I so want to join the next super (?)tf?!

Omega 3



The Super STF went really well! We missed the Mo badge by an accidental death at the Thorn Tree. Well, stuff happens.

I still gave each participant 50 million inf for being good sports about the loss of the badge, and the costume prize was split between Festina Lenta and Tempus Plasmatic! Congratulations, guys! I'll post the team screenshot later on tonight when I can get on the other computer...

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector