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  1. None of mine are farms... but I'm happiest with #1288: Villainous Values.

    There's a lot of arcs in the MA that aren't farms, though...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    I haven't checked, but I doubt it yet. The Cyborg pack stuff wasn't in there.

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    I've seen a lot of Cyborg stuff in MA arcs, even back in beta.

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    Yeah, there was apaprently a bug early on that applied the Laser Eye auras to custom critters even if the arc author wasn't trying to do that. Then some of those arcs got Dev Choiced and became uneditable...

    [/ QUOTE ]


    I... I thought the writers of those arcs meant to use that aura...
  3. Egos_Shadow

    Invalid arc

    Yeah, that was what happened with mine too. Went into editor, nothing seen as invalid, published again and the invalid flag went away.

    I guess it's like base rent; the game just wants you to say hi every now and then, you know, let it know you're still alive and well. I mean, you never call, you never write...
  4. Egos_Shadow

    Invalid arc

    I checked this morning and one of mine was marked invalid. It used only Arachnos, Crey and a Custom Ally, but it did use one of the RWZ maps. It could be that their "mark RWZ things invalid" code was a little too broad.

    But editing and republishing the published arc removed the invalid flag, and I played through it to verify everything was still in order, so... just one of those weird things.
  5. I ran into one arc with a normal distribution of blaster and scrapper types in their custom mobs - and a Plant/Empathy Lt that was just absolutely the most annoying thing in the world if you didn't pound it into the ground right away.

    Damnable Carrion Creepers!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Is there a way to de-activate a particular power without affecting the rest of the powerset(s)?

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    Nope. I suspect they haven't found a way for us to opt-out of certain powers without allowing us to gimp custom mobs. Hopefully this is something that will come in the future.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I did not realize there was an automatic ambush with destructible objects. I always added one, but have more ambush options is still great news.

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    I think this applied to defendable objects, rather than ones the player is tasked to destroy. The whole thing about defendable objects is that you have to, well, defend them.
  8. I have a soft spot for the Shadow Shard Reflections, since they sample from basically all of the other enemy groups, you never know what you're going to get in any given spawn.
  9. I didn't see the other post... do you mean enemy factions? Or what type of custom NPC mobs we like to see?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    I noticed that Rularuu Natterlings available from 41-54 have vanished from the custom group creator

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    Separate problem. Natterlings have a power called "Merge" that allows them to combine with another Natterling to make a Bull Natterling. If you placed a Natterling as a player ally in the mission and it got hurt, it would combine... with the player. Killing it instantly.

    [/ QUOTE ]Om nom nom.

    Much more in-character for the natterlings than it was for the Malta robots.

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    Who doesn't like a face-full of alien...?
  11. Egos_Shadow

    Rating Griefing

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    Consider that we have a filter also. So if your first mish is rated 1 or 2 by the first player it could be buried! People will run 4 or 5 star works or non rated ones first. Watch the 1-2 stars become the junk pile....

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    Asking for testing or feedback on badge channels is generally a good way to get reasonable rates right out of the gate - people like being asked their opinion. If you just throw something out there at random and don't tell anyone about it, you really are at the mercy of whoever first comes along.
  12. Egos_Shadow

    Rating Griefing

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    Ebay has long had a ratings system and while it is anything but perfect, it does allow you to see the comments left by people. I realize that is too much memory to store at this point. But if people could read multiple 5-star ratings with positive reviews and see the 1 or 2 negatives without any feedback it could lend credence to the "real ratings."

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    The problem with this is they have to find your arc to read that information. If your title and blurb are in order, nobody's going to say "omg, 4 star arc, it's... it's unclean". Being 1-starred to drop your ranking down just makes your arc harder to find, is all, so you'll have to resort to more advertising to get people to play it.

    Though, now that I think about it, maybe they should weight people's ratings higher depending on wether or not they left comments. Probably not doable under the current system however.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    This makes me concerned. My recent arc uses the banished pantheon...because I do love them. It's geared for level 20-29 play, which it would be in Heroes as well.

    My Dom can solo it alone, but they do have mezzes, holds and things. Im not useing custom critters though. I wanted something players could relate to and prepare for.

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    If you're using a standard enemy group, then people should know how to deal with it by now. Or to read the freakin' arc description and notice that the group is in there.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    As I understand it, you have to actually click 1 star then unclick it for the rating to be 0 stars.

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    This. Tested and confirmed by dev chatter as to how someone can vote zero stars -- just leaving it blank won't do it, you have to pick a rating and then UN-pick it.

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    That's just... wrong somehow.

    "Oooh, who wants stars? You do! I'll give you one... yoink, nevermind!"
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I like returning the global feedback tell to everybody thanking them for their comments (even a couple pretty harsh ones where I think they didn't realize the Tutorial isn't all 'RP'). However, I'm just assuming people at worst won't mind the Thank You tell, and at best it might encourage them to keep leaving feedback to others.

    It just barely occurred to me that this may be a bad assumption. So I'm taking a straw poll -- When you leave feedback, would you:

    A) Hate getting a thank you note
    B) Like getting a thank you
    C) Not care either way, generally

    It's actually getting time-consuming with all the comments I'm getting on the Tutorial, but seriously, people are giving me some great tips so I want people to know that feedback DOES make a difference to other players... But if people say they hate it, I'll stop (unless the comments imply they're open)!

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    Personally I thank people who send comments by searching for any arcs they've made, playing one and leaving a comment in return. I generally don't strike up a conversation with commenters unless I need clarification.

    I'm not sure how I feel about responses to my comments. I certainly don't expect it, unless it's a "you found WHAT in my arc? which mission?" kind of request for clarification. Normally I just hope that they'll respond the way I would to a comment.
  16. Totally agree on this. Sometimes the glowies are hard enough to find when you CAN hear them, much less when you can't... Since they've got an audio hint already, the logical step to other kinds of hints shouldn't be that hard.
  17. Egos_Shadow

    MA wish list

    I want the ability to search for arcs by level range. Ie, search for arcs in the 10-14 range and only return arcs whose missions all lie within that range.

    (Guessing that would be too much load on the DB, though. But since when is a wish list encumbered by reality?
  18. Probably someone inadvertantly hit the "report this arc" button.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
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    I checked the editor and could not see any way to tone-down the difficulty of the End-Boss, so instead, I did the only fair thing I could do, which was to put a secret-Ally in the mission! It is now up to the player whether they want to work towards getting that secret-Ally to come and help them against the End-Boss, or not.

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    That's not a bad idea. (Runs to AE to edit) I've got an Ally in the 2nd mish...but it's a mission goal...I should change that to "optional".

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    Yeah, optional allies are a great solution to the difficulty curve. If most people can handle it but some have trouble, throwing in an optional ally people can recruit can help.
  20. One of my first comments on an arc complained about glowie clipping issues and fine details of spawn placement - things it's basically impossible for MA writers to correct!

    Maybe Issue 14's title really was "Well, let's see how YOU like it"
  21. Egos_Shadow

    Favorite list

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    Okay so MA is great fun in all but there's on thing i saw that they need. This is a favorite list, there are some mission that are just so fun that you want to play over and over again. I think it would be sweet if we had a favorite list to keep them and not lose them in the mass number of missions there are. This will kinda of be like the friends list but can only be in seen at MA. You could put it like were it says your own creation or any thing else it just seems that it is needed.

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    I think we do need more tabs in MA... I'd definitely like to see a Favorites tab, as long as it was only visible to you and not to the person who's mission you're fav'ing. There's already enough stuff for poor mission writers to worry about.
  22. Arc Name: Villainous Values
    Arc ID: 1288
    Faction: Villain
    Creator Global/Forum Name: Mindshadow
    Difficulty Level: Average
    Synopsis: An Arachnos Fortunata comes begging the aid of the Destined One, but not out of wholly evil intent. Can you take time out of a busy schedule of making the world weep to change a life or two for better... or worse?
    Length: Medium (1 small, 2 medium maps)
  23. Mission name: Villainous Values
    Arc ID: 1288 (on Live)
    Morality: Villain
    Length: Medium (1 small, 2 medium maps)
    Description: An Arachnos Fortunata comes begging the aid of the Destined One, but not out of wholly evil intent. Can you take time out of a busy schedule of making the world weep to change a life or two for better... or worse?
    What you were drinking when this was created? Coffee and Argentine wine
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Many valid animations for captives and allies are not listed in the animation selection menu. Such animations can be added manually via editing the mission in a text editor, but the animation will be dropped again the next time the mission is edited and saved through the MA interface.

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    Sometimes the select list for animations doesn't seem to be consistent, either, and you can lose an animation that you had selected on the next time you enter into the MA interface.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    So um....when I read about this, this is the first thing that came to mind: HOW TO POWERLEVEL TO 50.

    Anyone else realize that? Nice, straight, linear level, lots of mobs, chika chika mother frickin' boom!

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    I can't imagine that the MA will allow you to make better farming maps than already exist. By the same token, I expect that MA will allow you to make farming maps as good as the ones that currently exist. And they never expire!

    But since (afaik?) MA is likely to work like Ouroboros, it'll be less efficient to reset the map as opposed to blitzing the rest of the arc and going in again.