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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Actually, Cole knew Hamidon was awake all along. He never beat Hamidon in the first place.

    Actually Hamidon was in a state of sleep lets say He was awakened/resumed his war with humans by the war
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Right. As I've said, he was arguably a Hero at some point, but I prefer the term 'necessary evil', considering the state Praetoria is. Drugging and psychic-mind-washing your populace is not Heroic. At all. Even if your intentions are for the survival of all, that's not Heroic. Lawful Evil, maybe, if we need to use a tag.

    A Hero once, a Villain once he came into power. A 'Necessary Evil', which quickly turned into 'Temper-Tantrum Child Scorned' when things didn't go his way. His role was played, and his villainy fully exposed. What MAY have once been a Hero, died long ago.

    You could however say that the reason is did go to such extremes in i23 is because yes he realised he has lost. But by losing, Praetoria has lost their one superpowered individual who was able to stand toe to toe with the Hamidon beast.
    He knows that Hamidon is now awake, that Hamidon will be on a warpath once more. With Primal Earth freeing the civilians [and thus causing a LOT of chaos as the new arcs in i23 show] Hamidon will almost certainly step in to try and wipe us out. With no [currently] heroes strong enough to stop the Hamidon, what hope does Praetoria have?
    His words of "look what you have made me do!" could mean so much more. He is trying to wipe us out by any means so he can rebuild Praetoria and hopefully convince the Hamidon one final time to give humanity a chance of peace.

    Like it or not, we could have protected our dimension from within our own like we have done so many times already. We didnt have to go there and conquer them, by doing so we have caused more destruction and chaos than there ever was and awoken a monster that nothing can kill currently.
    Cole looking across to our dimension as a place of chaos and destruction is spot on. Nobody can say otherwise.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    I was hoping for that, but nope. Oh well.

    Primal Earth foreva! Down with teh evil empuror!

    Well that doesnt sound very heroic does it
  4. Peacebringer/Warshade was the ones that came to my mind.

    A girl lost within her own mind of creatures that lurk in the dark, waiting for her to be alone so they can eat her. What she doesnt know is that she herself is one of those creatures.
    This grandma's house she is searching for [but unable to find], could it be that this "house" is indeed her homeworld? A lost and confused Kheldian, simply trying to find her way home.
  5. The dev/community rep team we have here has been said to be one of the best going around for the times they randomly pop onto the live servers and do events like these.

    I was busy with market/buying + selling at the time so only caught the end of the invasion though sadly
  6. Despite everything, he was still more popular than Statesman
  7. I really want to learn more about that gladiator arena. If it was modified to a pvp or team v NPCs [with new style of tickets?] i think it would become VERY popular.

    Something that looks that amazing i hope is used more than just for an event.

    Edit: Havent been in beta a lot this issue as the majority of the contacts/content i didnt want to spoil [apart from the iTrial! ], but seeing all that really has gotten me fighting the urge to pop onto beta!
  8. I think that they should have put some Praetors who arent pure evil into that world, just to try and create a sense of true balance within the world.

    One thing that does confuse me about Praetoria is that Cole is the leader but you barely hear anything about him. Each attack is of course approved by him, but it seems [to me at least] that it is the Praetors who are all trying to gain his attention/approval that are calling the shots really.

    It almost feels like Cole is reluctant to engage in any sort of fight.
  9. Quote:
    Praetoria is just as guilty as Primal Earth, if not infinitely more so.

    They shot back, a thousand fold. Their fate was their own doing. And so was every other dimension that flipped out just because another one was 'reaching out'. Admittedly Primal Earth isn't entirely innocent, but damning the entire world for isolated incidents?
    Totally, its just annoying that everything to with the Primal/Praetoria war tries to make out that Primal Earth is the best dimensional version going.

    Thats why i put up the "primal is evil too signs"
  10. Sudden urge to make a DP myself now to find out!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I can't hail them.

    I could [ice storm], [sleet] or even [blizzard] them if you'd like, though.

    Well thats a bit cold isnt it?
  12. The Midnighters will keep watch on Arachnos, striking them down when the time is right!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It'd be irresponsible for us to not keep an eye on other worlds, especially ones ruled by evil people - they're always a potential security risk.
    In real life, countries keep an eye on potential security risks to them and their people, and in a comicbook multiverse, that idea's just expanded to be dimensions keeping an eye on other dimensions for the same reason.

    Our dimension must be covered with scanners then Our dimension, if anything is always fighting an uphill battle against evil

    We quite often will even invade other dimensions where there are no humans and simply filled with hydra. With the information about Nemesis and the Rikti Invasion [how that all came about], you can see why Praetoria felt threatened by our being there.
    Our dimension is full of heroes and villains who are quite happy to jump through to other dimensions [rikti home world] or timezones [Cimerora] and mess about with it.

    Simple Question time! What would Primal Earth do if we found out that Praetoria was spying on us?

    Edit: Our dimension goes one further by not only spying on a dimension like Praetoria, but sending in help to their Resistance thus automatically becoming an enemy of the state.
  14. I like them If you dont like them, they're pretty easy to avoid/ignore.

    As long as the majority like it, i dont see any problem with it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Quick tangent question; is the Damage AoE aura worth bothering with on a Scrapper, or not? If not, that will probably save me some endurance problems (haven't taken it yet, was pllaning to though).

    The problem I have at 27 is that I pretty much have to exclusively use Soul, or else I'm constantly running out of endurance. I'm running the three basic armour toggles and combat jumping. I tend to turn CoD off when in combat, since otherwise it's just a massive end drain, I find.

    Am I doing something wrong? =/

    On noob buster [fire/dark scrapper] i have it, i find damage auras as one of those must have powers on a scrapper. Of course with the damage aura, i didnt pick CoF as an active power but rather OG.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I don't remember any of the mobs on those maps ever conning neutral to us until we attacked

    Oh so what your saying is that when you invade other dimensions, everybody is an enemy eh?
  17. We were keeping an "eye" on them the entire time, now if another dimension was doing that to us we would see that as an act of war
    We've invaded other dimensions and destroyed their civilians/populace simply to fix our scanners.

    All those missions we go into other dimensions to fix the dimensional rifts, instead of seeking out a peaceful solution what do we do? Yes we charge in and destroy all who get in our way to fix the rifts or simply to repair the scanners so we can continue to spy on other dimensions.

    Sometimes you have to stand back and wonder just what makes us think we are so important that we can judge what is right or wrong in another dimension? We started the war with Praetoria, a dimension in which while their methods were questionable, they were a place of peace [in relative to our own] that had at least delayed a monster so strong that it could wipe our own dimension out.
    With us invading Praetoria, we have awakened the beast to possibly destroy the dimension. A lot of the heroes/villains havent even gone there to save the people of Praetoria, but rather to seek more power along the paths of their incarnate lines.

    So ask yourself this. Who are the real bad guys here?
    • The person who was able to stop/delay a monster so strong that nothing was able to defeat it? A person who [despite his methods] is trying to create a peaceful place for his people?
    • The people who have looked over to this other dimension and decided they are in the wrong and should be using our ideals as their laws. The people who have initiated a war with another dimension to reach their own goals?
    Primal Earth says that the people of Praetoria should know of the secrets that Cole is keeping from them, arent we worse than Cole in that regard? How many secrets has our own dimension kept from the people about other dimensional wars?
    The destruction of Galaxy City as a quick example. We know what has caused that and what is indeed on its way. Instead of getting the planet ready though and telling them about the coming storm, we are keeping it to ourselves and getting ourselves stronger.

    Primal earth needs to be wiped out
  18. Do you mean as free for all or was it removed for all? Swore i've had mine forever now
    • Animal characters in the game are currently red hot and with that in mind, would a reptile theme pack be on the agenda as a possibility? While i know it doesnt belong in this thread, but you could also have a path aura of snakes following the player as an option in the pack.
    • Foreshadow/Mirror Spirit are some of the nicest looking NPCs in the game currently, since they are not used in any content currently [as fighting], would it be possible to port over some of their material to us players?
    • I personally am a huge fan of the little kitten on the shoulder that females get, while i am not sure if we are getting that little green alien in the retro pack anymore it does want me to ask if there will be future additions to this section as a shoulder option.
  19. The page is now up on Massively with their experience so far on playing our game when we won that poll! Follow the link below for the rather nice read i thought and with a "choose what to do next" poll at the end!
  20. Im a bit of a noob so it usually has to be [Rest] thats on auto *sigh* .

    [Hasten] really though ^^.
  21. The invasion isnt meant for lowbies though Man my lvl 20 stalker got destroyed in one!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    That's pretty much why I bought mine, bought the 1 hour Double XP version so I could go from 38-45 in one ITF, combined with the fact it stacks with Patrol XP and I have a crapton of the experienced charges held.

    Speaking about those experienced charges, I didnt realise that if you claim say 5 in one go then activate one that you have to wait the full 2 hours for it to recharge just to use another one.
    However if you claim just one and then use it, you can then claim another one and instantly use that too and so forth.

    Just some neat little thing that made me go "hey!"
  23. I really want those gloves/mask of hers!

    Number 1 for myself as with the poses i feel that you can see more of the details on each person.

    Edit: Plus she does look more her actual age in #1 thanks to the facial expression.