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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    I see a bunch of people standing around, where's the badge?
    You can see the badge title under my character [Ultimate Damz]

    Thanks to all in the league! We rocked!
  2. Quote:
    Slot/Use Barrier Radial so you don't hit hospital.
    Your tactic is one that most of our runs use except this. We tend to prefer if people brought Ageless or Rebirth.
    Also after the lightning strikes you can use all your heavy hitting attacks [which is when people are +9s usually] until the first eye beam, then you switch to fast animation attacks as the lightning is then usually 15 seconds after the first eye beam.
  3. While people are farming it, i'll be trying to get the very hard way badge!
  4. So last night and today, us on Union have perfected the tactics of avoiding the lights with ease now.
    The only problem now is that you run the risk of taking the full force of Tyrants attacks, which can KO basically anything except tanks/brutes in one hit. That NEEDS to be changed.

    Finishing a trial is quite easy now we've found, the only problem we're facing currently is getting the hard way badge and the very hard way. Determined to get both though we are!
  5. Trials run on Union - About 15.

    Trials completed - About 4.

    Reasons for failure - Certain players unable to follow orders or simply doing what they pleased.

    On Union i am very comfortable in saying we have some of the best iTrial leaders around. People who the entire server know as being some of the best we've ever seen, however this trial itself relies far too much on the entire league doing their part.
    While in all the other trials you can quite easily get away with having a few free loaders within your league, this trial i found that you cannot. You simply need the dps/debuffs from everybody to get the victory.
    IF everybody is indeed pulling their weight then the trial turns out to be quite easy, but having no/VERY little room for the free loaders is very frustrating.

    Regarding the 5 second warning for his lightning, that is FAR too short and is one of the sole reasons so many people arent enjoying the trial as much as they could be. While 5 seconds should in theory be enough to move away, if you have just activated a power within even just minimal animation then you are going to get caught in it. The timer should be raised ever so slightly to give PUG leagues a fighting chance.

    Otherwise its pretty good as it is, well except that the timer at the start needs to start instantly as people in the trial are killing mobs before they even count towards the 250.
  6. Was reported as still broken through entire duration of beta, the only way to not crash is to use the single attacks rather than the nyke.
  7. I did find it MUCH harder on live than it was on beta, but that is perhaps down to a much lesser percentage of people on Live knowing what to do. Having next to no debuffs didnt help either as everybody was trying to get the Hybrid on their main first.

    However in conclusion, the first day of a new trial will always be the hardest. Wait until tomorrow for people to have unlocked the slots on their mains so there is a more balanced team available. Debuffs are key in this trial i found.
  8. EU_Damz

    New layout!

    I had the new forum layout, but now its gone back to the old one
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    What part of systematically trashing a superpowered fascist dictatoship that was planning to enslave the multiverse isn't heroic?
    Surely we should try to reason with him first Poor Cole was trying to just get somebody to talk to him
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Game mechanics

    Praetoria isn't a faction - it was created to be destroyed, so that we could get a unique and satisfying final victory over an impressively evil and powerful enemy - there's no other story experience in the game that gives the kind of permanently triumphant conclusion that the Praetorian storyline delivers.
    They laid out the groundwork in GR, then carefully built it up and paced it through the dimensional war until we reached the climax in the Magisterium, finally smashing the loyalists once and for all, and leaving their evil master crushed and humiliated in the ruins of his evil empire.
    Well that doesnt sound very heroic
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Tyrant is just the same
    So how come we've let Recluse live free all these years while soon as Cole shows his face we're like LETS GET HIM!

    Recluse is lucky he doesnt give iXP or he'ld be gone already
  12. Speaking from personal experience, having a dead man thrust his crotch into your face isnt very healthy

    Ohhhhh the flashbacks!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
    Trust me I would rather deal with a little litter than have to hear a leaf blowing Clockwork 24/7 outside my apartment!
    Especially one that is fitted with a flamethrower

    "Oi mate! Keep it down with the leaf blowing! Some of us are trying to sleep ya know!?"

    *Evil stare from clockwork*

    "Oh ummm never mind! Keep up the good work!"

    [Can robots give evil stares? Sure why not]
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Scrappers used to stand out in both damage dealing and survivability. That's what happened.

    When an IO'd + Incarnate support class AT like a Controller can accomplish the same tricks as a scrapper, there wasn't much left to "showboat" about for the Scrapper community.
    For myself the challenge is to make the scrapper deal out more damage than a blaster and able to take more agro than a tank.

    I think that people are slowly starting to think that brutes are much better options in a team than a scrapper. Those are the people i like to prove wrong by saying that while they're building up their fury on the first mob, i'll be at the end of the mission waiting for them.
  15. Heres a story for you!

    Character - Rashnu Damz
    Powersets - Street Justice/Energy Aura
    Story - As follows

    Well originally i built him to have the fire epic set as i've always been a big fan of fireball on a scrapper. However after taking him on the Hero > Villain > Hero trip, i picked up the Patrons to see what they were like as i've never done them before.
    Ok so i decide to chose the Leviathan Mastery and get on to making a build ingame [I dont use mids, just ingame experience/memory while doing builds or respecs], eventually finish it after about half hour of going back and forth and out of the Leviathan set i picked the ranged attack, the hibernate power, the pet and also water spout.

    In all my years of playing I had never seen the water spout being used other than from NPCs so i was interested in trying something different. Well can i just say oh my god, because oh my god it is amazing! A psuedo pet that follows you dealing [pretty good] damage and a lot of KU to enemies [even bosses] has made the powers one of my most favourites ones ever!
    If i ever start to get slightly over my head i know now that i can chuck this down and for the duration of it the threat value of the surrounding mobs has been reduced drastically!

    So thats my mini story, a love for a power [ok the whole patron set really too as the pet is pretty impressive too] that i had never seen used ingame before and since i've been using it i have seen other players mention how good it actually seems.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
    Shouldn't Radiation blast be energy damage, because radiation is energy?
    Well i'ld say 70% energy, 30% toxic damage personally.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    I suggest he be sentenced to a billion hours of community service, which he could perform by picking up all the trash in the Rogue Isles. One thing I'll say for Tyrant, at least he kept his Villain Stronghold tidy, which is more than I can say for Lord Recluse.
    Lord Recluse - A 100% evil person who loves to torture and kill people, even if they're his own followers for his own personal gain. A man who will not hesitate in invading other countries and is known to have gone into the future to try and capture everything there. A villain who has constantly said that he wishes to kill Statesman.

    Cole - Misunderstood

    Brings me to something i thought about earlier though, unless Recluse gets a huge increase in power soon then he is being left far behind in relation to the rest of the Co* world.
    From being one of the strongest in the world, that a direct fight with him would result in you being destroyed, to one that gets defeated by Cole with ease! The same Cole that our incarnates are now defeating even!
  18. Quote:
    Sadly, it may well turn out like that since Positron did say "The Incarnate System doesn't end", then again, the earlier development cycles included regular updates for AE, attention spent on PVP, and attention given to bases and we've seen where that's gone.
    Well you could say that today they're updating the AE system as all the new enemies since GR are now being released into it, including the incarnate difficulty groups
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    ...50% of the time (at best). Based on what I've heard (admittedly, all second hand, since I didn't do the new raid in beta to try it myself), the numbers are fairly uninspired on their own. Y'know what else I can only have up on special occasions? Hybrid powers don't sound nearly as strong as other "god mode" powers, yet that's what they seem to emulate in terms of use.
    In terms of comparing them to god mode powers i think they are actually much better. The numbers that they give are indeed far lower than the god mode powers we already have, however these Hybrids will be up 50% of the time and with no god mode crashes as well.

    As it stands, the melee version [saying as was my example] lets a melee player get up to the level of [or almost] to AVs i feel. A large majority of the melee characters will be able to either get close to or over the resis/def cap depending on which tree you take.
    True this is only 50% of the time, but for those 2 minutes you will feel the huge increase in power. The clicking of the power every 2 minutes is annoying i will say though, hoping that they find out a way to do more than one auto power, however i feel that its the one downside to the power.

    Of course i know some people are highly against the current version of Hybrid and welcome to their opinion, just saying that in my opinion im loving the set
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    No, he's an evil person. He's a complete monster and there's nothing in i23 that rehabilitates the character in any way.
    But there is You see that he knows that what he is doing can be seen as wrong and that his followers are indeed [to put it nicely] crazy, but he also knows it was the only way to save the people at the time being.

    He's the perfect grey character that this game needs so i hope they dont get rid of him completely
  21. Quote:
    Gamma Boost — Auto: Self, +Regen, +Recovery, +Special
    Design Notes: The goal with this power is to give you what type of regeneration or recovery you need most at any given time. The scale of the bonuses change depending on your current health level: while health is high your regeneration bonus is very low, but your recovery bonus is very high. Conversely, the lower your health gets the greater the regeneration bonus, but the lower your recovery bonus.
    That looks very interesting!

    Edit: As it stands it seems to be a set focused on absorb/resis/regen which depending on the numbers could make it pretty darn amazing or "meh", im leaning towards amazing at the moment!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Indeed. I realized I have enough salvage on one character to get Hybrid, so even though the power itself it looks pretty lousy, I'll probably try to blitz through a few Magis tomorrow evening so that I can do it and be done. Replaying it over a couple weeks would just make it more tedious.
    I on the other hand think that Hybrid will turn my character into a GOD!

    75 - 80% smash def?
    55% Energy def?

    All on a street justice/energy scrapper? Its basically set my character to a new level that now all my other characters will have to try and reach

    Edit: The thing is that there are multiple Hybrid powers which would fit my scrapper perfectly so im going to have to be running quite a few of them to get them all x)
  23. He isnt an evil person really, which the content in issue 23 shows, but rather somebody who has had his hand forced.
    I would like him to join the front line against the battalion as he has shown himself as a person with great strength and one without fear of going into battle with a [he must have thought at the time] stronger enemy like hamidon.

    I can see him being recruited either by the DD or by Silos though, especially the DD as he has already had one of his agents get in contact with one of the major players within Praetoria.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    So it wasn't one last hurrah for Statesman, it's a statement of how the devs have murdered and replaced him. I see how it is.
    We'll give him one last week of being in the spotlight . . . . . . *BANG* sorry but we've cut you short again!

    I kinda love it