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  1. It works as expected in LS and will have a chance to fire on every enemy hit by the Lightning Strike (that's up to 5 enemies). Each enemy will have a seperate check, so if the Strike hits 5 enemies it could hold anywhere from 0 to 5 of them.

    It is also worth noting, that unlike some procs in LS (damage procs say), there is no chance to hold you when you summon LS, so slot the proc, and enjoy!

    It's especially nice that the proc has the tesla cage effect and thus fits thematically.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shades_McSpikey View Post
    Posting the build along with the data chunk means you will get more responses, because 1) folks don't always have access to Mids when they have time to read the forums 2) folks are lazy.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Depends. There have been occasional strong backlash periods when people have swung from "healing is not absolutely necessary" to pushing the opposite extreme assertion that "with bubbles and buffs healing is completely worthless."
    I've sort of assumed that Keyes was designed to remedy some of the complaints I've heard with the other trials (and incarnate powers in general).

    1) With everyone spamming barrier, heals have become worthless, and there's nothing for my "healer" to do during the prisoner escape phase. So now we are gifted with massive amounts of damage to make healing valuable again.

    2) My tank feels worthless on these trials because sequestration means I can't even taunt. Well, now you have a reason to taunt again as you need drag antimatter all over the place.

    Back to the main topic though:

    I suspect that as folks get accustomed to the Keyes trials, people will see less need for healing. My first couple runs I didn't know what to expect, so I expressed a preference for any character with a heal, but now I just advertise the number of open spots, and there are usually enough rebirths running around it doesn't matter. If not, folks get to work on their debt badges. If someone asks me which of their characters I would prefer they bring, I will continue to express a preference for a character with a heal though.
  4. There's a lot of good advice from Local as always, so I will just reemphasize some of things he said:
    Gale: needs accuracy:

    Freezing Rain: As Local said, recharge and procs (numbers for those in my guide). I would recommend two recharge over local's 1, but I don't have access to mids at the moment to check how much recharge that would actually knock off on your build.

    Tornado: Is especially useful on Earth because your immobilizes will prevent knockback, allowing tornado to deal damage without causing as much chaos.

    Stamina: You will get more endurance by slotting the proc, a performance shifter: end, and a generic end mod here and devoting the fourth slot to a miracle in health.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperJe View Post
    How you play is entirely dependent on the team you're on in my experience. Altering your style to synergize with the team is very important.
    I agree with this, but I'm having trouble thinking of a situation where I think opening with Shiver would be better than opening with Freezing Rain. (Assuming those are the only two options) The main "disadvantage" with choosing Freezing Rain, is that enemies will be knocked down making them slower to move. But if the knock down slowing them is a problem you certainly don't want them at the movement floor thanks to shiver.

    Additionally, -recharge and slow is probably the most useless form of soft control early in a fight. The slow is most useful for keeping enemies out of melee range, but most enemies will fire a ranged attack before charging into melee. Furthermore -recharge only has an impact after powers have been used and need to cycle, and most enemies have several attacks that are fully recharged at the start of a fight. Thus -recharge is more useful as the fight progresses, and thus I don't see a need to use -recharge immediately. (Plus you'll still be getting a significant -recharge component with Freezing Rain.)

    The other advantage that Shiver has (as you mention) is that it's a huge arc and can hit more enemies (although still not more than 16). So I could see a limited set of situations where this could be useful, but most of those situations would involve adds later on, and would not involve opening move decisions.

    1) The tank is herding enemies, and you are waiting for enemies to clump:
    Then using Shiver slows down enemies while they're moving and is counterproductive at that stage. Simply wait for the enemies to clump, and then drop Freezing Rain on them followed by Shiver. I would use Freezing Rain first because as soon as the enemies are clumped your team is going to start attacking so you want to leverage that -resistance as fast as possible.

    2) The team is simply charging the mobs and steamrolling:
    Again, your team is attacking right away, and you want to leverage the -res from Freezing Rain. The additional -recharge provided by shiver won't matter because the mobs will be dead by the time their powers recharge.

    3) The team is in over their heads and proceeding cautiously, you need to protect them:
    Well, shiver is not going to reduce the initial alpha, so if you're going to survive that initial strike, you are better off opening us with Freezing Rain for the additional soft control of the knockdown (and to reduce the resistance so that there is higher chance of defeating enemies before the next round of attacks). After that you can use shiver to stack on the additional slow.

    As always, use what works for you, but this is the advice that I would (and do in my guide) give to Storm players.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperJe View Post
    shiver first, slows there attack, and move a bit, but they still keep coming. then the slick takes um out. So they fire off a few shots, who cant take a shot or 2?
    A shot or two isn't a problem. But this build should have no problems soloing at +2 x8, and then you're talking about a lot more than a shot or two. Even then, the build can probably survive it, but why risk it.
  7. Draggynn

    Keyes strategy

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    And another tip: You can set up your binds/macros for the Obliteration Beam to show up in more than one channel. I don't know why the Virtue team insists that Broadcast *not* be used <shrug>. But for the really important Oblit Beam warning, you can in one click/button put the warning in Request, LC, and Broadcast all at the same time.
    Not sure how ideal spamming all channels would be. The idea of using request for some of the orders is because the color should stand out and folks shouldn't actually need to read the message to know what it says. There are already so many messages flying by, I wouldn't want someone's disintegration message to be completley overtaken by the obliteration warning showing up three times.

    As to the broadcast thing, for me it was a habit from running pug Keyes before badge runs. 1) I want folks to be able to test their macros without spamming the entire zone while we're forming and 2) I want everyone to be able to see the disintegration warning. I know that they have the league tab open so that was the easiest solution with folks that were likely to pay only mild attention. Just a habit that carried over into badge runs, that doesn't really make sense once I'm asking everyone to add request as well. (In general my league tab does not include broadcast so that I can isolate the league chat while recruiting).
  8. Draggynn

    Keyes strategy


    Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
    - Change aoe buffs/heals to anything but green (I prefer grey to hot pink). There is a costume bug - one must change a different part of their costume to have a cost incurred for the system to accept the change to Destiny powers.
    And this is very good to know! I wondered why my incarnate color changes never seemed to take effect and finally just gave up on trying to change the color.

    We did this as well. Last night, one of our friends was caught twice in five runs. Stated she is having problems with our 5 second warning in that she can't tell if it's a new or old warning.. seeing the same Request macro line over line.
    Well one possibility is also to add a whistle to the macros, so that folks know when a new line has been added, but it may also be useful to save the whistle to identify less frequently used (and perhaps more vital?) warnings.

    Are there any other sound effects we have available to us besides the whistle? I don't think a boombox in the middle of the fight would work well.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Duneytron2000 View Post
    Diminishing returns on recharge make individual recharge enhancements a lot less noticeable. For example, on Freezing Rain:
    I would say that the 4 second reduction in FR from the slot is still worth it, because stacking Freezing Rains are awesome to behold. Your call though.

    And I'm pretty sure your long explanation wasn't aimed at me, but just in case you were unclear, my suggestions get you to the soft cap (45.2% ranged) while still having 75% global recharge, and another IO of recharge in Freezing Rain. Definitely an improvement in my book.

    I like tornado for debuff and minor dps on AVs
    For a fuller explanation of my views on Tornado, read my guide (numbers are the same for trollers on tornado). But the debuff on Tornado is fairly low so you won't generally use it because of the debuff. Some good things about tornado though: 1) auto-hit. 2) you have an AoE immobolize that suppresses KB and thus can turn Tornado into a straight damage power 3) that's 856 damage against a single target (27 dps) 4) you should be able to have a period with 2 of them out. That's hardly minor damage.

    Originally Posted by SuperJe View Post
    snow storm is an exploit? Not sure what you mean by that...
    Oedipus_Tex was correct. The Microfilament should technically only increase movement speed in powers, not decrease movement speed. Although this is not WaI, it's been around since the beginning and is unlikely to get fixed. (This is the same bug that make to-hit buff and debuff Hamio's interchangeable).

    Ice/storm is mostly about slows and some blocking, and postional control. Freezing rain, snowstorm, ice slick, shiver, gale, hurrican and of course block of ice.. those are your bread and butter powers.
    I'm going to disagree here. Any two of Freezing Rain, Snow Storm and Shiver are sufficient to floor recharge and movement speed on an even level mob (non AV obviously). I see all three as being a little redundant. Sure, with all three you can completely floor two groups....have a larger impact on AVs, but I would rather take some of the other tools in the arsenal.

    fire a shiver, to open
    I would suggest opening with something that provides some mitigation instead. Freezing Rain is preferable, but I would open with ice slick before shiver. Shiver won't keep any enemies from firing back because all of their powers are still fully recharged.

    ice/storm is also not really all that dependent on recharge other than block stacking, But at 50, you should beable to get a couple bosses, or 3 leuts with no problem. there of course is always glacier for the massive lock down on emergancy
    Because Storm has so many high recharge powerful abilities, recharge is actually a HUGE boon. Although my guide uses Defender numbers it can give a good sense of why high recharge is powerful with Freezing Rain, Tornado (and later this summer, LS).
  10. Draggynn

    Keyes strategy

    Based on my experience running, it appears that time stops are at 80, 50, and 20%, not 75, 50, and 25.

    Stealing an idea from someone else, I recommend putting the orders to back off from attacking AM in request. This way they stand out from the disintegration calls being created in league. I've also found that telling folks to aim for 85, 55, and 25 as stopping points, and shouting for them to stop at those points are pretty good targets for getting AM stopped close to the freeze point. Although perhaps a little higher would be better as we still occasionally overshot. Also, have a bind that tells people to keep attacking, because sometimes and obliteration beam and a disintegration beam have just fired and you don't want to miss the perfect timing.
  11. Indeed! Excellent work to everyone in the league, and a big thank you. Especially those of you who have been running with me all week, it took a lot of "practice runs" before we finally managed it. I would try to thank everyone, but the screenshot I took of the league had the UI turned off and I don't want to leave anyone out. I will be continuing to run or at least assist on leagues this weekend to help those folks who we had to turn away from the league get the badges, and to assist with the "easy badges" some folks still need.

    I'm afraid we don't have a secret to share with folks about getting it done. It mostly requires everyone being on their toes and paying attention. We stopped attacking Anti-Matter at 85, 55, and 25% health to wait for an obliteration beam to fire and a disintegration to terminate, and had someone calling out 5 second warnings on each obliteration beam.

    Beyond that I think it was pretty standard procedure. Everyone had a disintegration macro to use, and if you were disintegrated, you didn't go running everywhere making the healers chase you. Everyone stayed on the ground and no pets. We fought AM by the regeneration terminals to reduce the freeze time. Also, I'm not certain, but I don't think we had an emp on the team (apologies to any empaths I am failing to remember).

    Also I think it's helpful in runs to continue as if all the challenges are still active even if one of them is failed. I think this help keeps people in the mindset and is good practice for the future. (I know other leaders will disagree, but even if someone died, we didn't destroy the terminals).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kotchie View Post
    From observation..as Leo put it..its just like the Hami blooms, 75%, 50%, 25%.
    From our runs I would say the numbers are pretty consistently 80%, 50%, 20%. I would attribute the variation in numbers to 1) lower numbers caused by attacks that have been fired but not hit yet and DoT attacks during the time stop and 2) higher numbers due to a disintegration succeeding and firing during a time stop.

    There could be a timer component, but this was not our experience.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hot_Momma View Post
    Anyone know of any sonic/storm builds or have any experience with this type of build?
    This thread has been sitting here for a while, so I thought I would give some advice. Although many folks are happy to critique a build and provide insight, you will have limited luck simply asking for a build straight out. Most people want to feel like you have at least made an effort and aren't being lazy. Also the goals of your build will have a big impact on what makes a build "good" (Are you looking to solo AVs? Are you looking for something cheap? Do you mostly team? mostly solo? How much do you intend on pursuing the incarnate system?). If you post a proposed build with some thoughts on what your goals are, you are likely to get more responses.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    It totally does 8 points of damage per second PER ENTANGLEMENT. So if you're red and you've got two blue guys next to you, you're taking 16 damage per second.
    Yup, definitely does damage over time, although it's such a tiny amount it can mostly be ignored (as several folks in this thread evidently have ). I generally don't emphasize this on teams since I want them focused on disintegration and obliteration, and I don't think I have yet lost someone on a run due to entanglements. I suspect that they may be "training" for a much nastier effect coming in the future.
  15. Looking at the most recent build by Oedipus Tex it looks good but a couple things I would tweak:

    O2 boost: Yipes, Numina Proc in O2 boost! Not great, even for the set bonus. I would recommend 6 slotting Jack Frost with Blood Mandates for the 3.75 bonus and put that proc in health where it will be useful even if Jack isn't out at the moment. Since you have jack it's not as big a disaster as it would be on most builds, but I still wouldn't recommend it.

    Freezing Rain: Ouch. I would happily sacrifice global recharge to have more base recharge in Freezing Rain. (Actually, I'd probably sacrifice 2 Zephyr bonuses from fly and recall friend to 6 slot either block of ice or glacier with lockdowns and then stick the other slot in FR. Alternatively you could take a slot from hasten or the LoTG in IW) You want that power up as often as possible since 1) it's bugged and 2) it stacks.

    Snow Storm: Technically an exploit, but unlikely to ever get fixed, so leave it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    This badge (and some of the badges associated with it) make me sad. I could've sworn someone said something along the lines of the Masters badges would no longer require "non defeat" badges.
    Based on our experience I think "likes a challenge" is going to prove easier than "avoids the greenstuff" actually. If we hadn't been taking out the terminals aiming for AtG, I think we could have gotten LaC on a couple of our runs as we had no deaths.

    Grats to those that have gotten it.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    I think Thermal is significantly more attractive for Defenders than Fire Blast. Fire Blast's only redeeming quality on Defenders is RoF, and Defenders get more out of Ice Storm+Blizzard than RoF+Inferno.
    Fire Blast has long been desired and asked for on Defenders, whereas I'm not certain that I've ever seen anyone ask for Thermal Radiation. It may be true that the devs failure to create AT modifier appropriate versions of Ice Storm and Blizzard has dampened some of the desire for Fire Blast, but it should still be one of the highest dps sets for defenders.
  18. Since no one else has started the thread I thought I would. Also Thermal Radiation, but I thought Fire Blast would have move excitement.

    Link: http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/new..._power_se.html.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
    So, what you're saying is that the Defense Debuff is so high, particularly in accumulation, that Enhancing for that is a waste of time. Also, due to the very high native accuracy AND the Defense Debuff, more Accuracy doesn't really help. Finally, the ticks of damage are so small (0.39 at level 50), that enhancing them, even by 100%, has little or no effect on the total damage. Enhancing for Slow only has the effect of keeping runners in the rain a little bit longer.

    Therefore, the most effective way to get More out of Freezing Rain is to hit them with it Again, thus enhancing for Recharge is the best answer.

    Okay, that makes sense, thanks for the benefit of your experience!

    Be Well!
    That pretty much sums it up. If you want to do "more" with Freezing Rain after the recharge, your best bet is to start slotting procs: The Achille's Heel proc, and damage procs are the best choices.
  20. Had someone in my league miss the window for accepting the trial (Yes, thery were that one person that didn't push the button). When I tried to invite them back to the league by clicking on their name in chat and selecting, "invite to league" i got an "Unknown command: tut_invite" error.
  21. On the brightside though, the 10 shards -> 5 threads conversion is now free, and other prices have been lowered, so the incarnate prices without trials have gone down substantially. I still don't think it's where it should be, but it's an improvement.
  22. Excellent work as always everyone!

    1) Liz
    2) Defiance Jones
    3) Christopher Robin
  23. I assume this is a joke or troll post, so I'll just say, "no", and leave it at that.
  24. Force Feedback and Kinetic Crash should modify both knockback and knockup powers. There may be powers that have unenhanceable knockback/up (although none that I'm awaare of), but there should be no case where a common IO would impact knockup but a Force Feedback wouldn't. If there is such a case, it is a bug. My guess is the bug is in Mids, and not the game, but it's possible. If you let us know what the power is you're trying to slot, we might be able to provide more information.
  25. Storm is fairly challenging set to play and players tend to develop love and hate relationships with certain powers. So I would suggest that you not lock yourself into a goal build until you've spent a while leveling up and discovered how you feel about certain powers. How much do you use Thunder Clap? How you feel about Tornado? How often you use Snow Storm? Do you run hurricane all the time, and if so does it make short circuit unusable? How do you feel about the endurance crash on the Thunderous Blast? Do you find yourself running out of endurance, because if so, you might want to take an epic pool with an endurance recover power. etc. Obviously if there are powers that you find you aren't using very often, or are using all the time, slots should be adjusted accordingly.

    Some initial thoughts on the build to get you started:

    Steamy Mist: I would stick some endurance in Steamy Mist since you will want to run that power all the time, and if you can find additional slots I would put some more resistance in there but this is low priority.

    Freezing Rain: Enhancing the -defense in freezing rain is not particularly important. The primary concern should be recharge, and consider the achilles' heel proc. This is a decent start, but I would drop the pure defense debuff for the proc or for more recharge. (I would try to find another slot as well).

    Short Cirucit: Since you're not going for defense I would slot 5 obliterations in short circuit rather than sirocco's dervish to get the 5% recharge bonus (include the proc), and if you're going to keep a 6th slot, make it the scirocco proc.

    Tornado: The stun in Tornado is only 2 seconds, so slotting for stun is generally a waste. It is better to think of tornado as a damage power than a stun power. Regardless you probably want to maximize damage, and if you find that you use it a lot, you will want to maximize recharge as well. Tornado is auto-hit, so accuracy in Tornado is wasted. 4 expedient reinforcements is a good place to start on that and get's you a 6.25% recharge bonus. (see my guide for a more detailed discussion of various proc that can go in this power if you find you're using it a lot)

    O2 Boost: Move the Numina Proc to health. putting in O2 boost won't cause it to fire on enemies, and means that you will need to use o2 Boost every 120 seconds to keep the buff active. That will be a real challenge when you are solo.

    Lightning Storm: Again, more recharge, 18% is too low. Chance for heal, is wasted. It will only have a chance to fire on you when you summon LS and do nothing after that. If you want to keep your set bonuses, consider turning your accuracy/damages into accuracy/damage/recharges. Lightning Storm has an inherently high accuracy modifier, and things in Freezing Rain will be easy to hit anyway. Accuracy in LS isn't bad thing, but for the most isn't particularly needed.

    Thunderous Blast: I run so many toggles on my Storm Defender that having to retoggle them after an endurance crash is a huge pain, and as a result I steer very clear of teir 9s. Some folks love having a massive attack, so find out where you stand on such a power.

    Dark Embrace: The psionic resistance is too small to be worthwhile. Get rid of the slot. Also 7.5% status resistance really isn't worth slotting in my opinion. You are better off using tesla cage, tornado, and hurricane to keep from getting mezzed. There are much better ways to use that slot. the 20% status resistance (Resulting in 16% duration reduction (at least those were the values last I checked), can be marginally more useful, and I might consider keeping that one. Again though, endurance in your toggles will be useful.

    Power Boost: Is of limited use for a Storm Defender, and although I love Power Build Up, I'm not sure I would bother with Power Boost.