Invite during trial appears broken
I have also had this happen. Not sure if there is a special way to do it or it's just broken.
@Captain Drej
Happened here as well; unknown command tut_invite, and the same for /li playername. Any word on the right way to invite to in-progress events, or if this is a bug?
I had the same thing happen myself when somone crashed, and the lfg rejoin for some reason wasn't an option for them. (I heard reports of that working only sometimes too)
When I tried to manual reinvite it gave that tut_invite error.
More Medieval Polearms for Staff Fighting!
Had someone in my league miss the window for accepting the trial (Yes, thery were that one person that didn't push the button). When I tried to invite them back to the league by clicking on their name in chat and selecting, "invite to league" i got an "Unknown command: tut_invite" error.
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