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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    I have the Mu Mastery version of Power Sink on a Dom, and if I fire it off in a crowd I get a huge End boost. I would assume the APP version works similarly.

    The electric blast powers that say they transfer end to you (like lightning bolt and charged bolts) don't ever seem to give me any kind of end boost though. Or if they do, it's not enough to even overcome using them.
    Yes, modifying end mod in powersink will both increase the amount you drain (-35%) and the amount you gain (+25) which is certainly substantial!! Also in my earlier post I realize I said power sink when I meant short circuit (End mod is good to slot in power sink as well, but power sink isn't really an attack so to speak).

    As to the end boost from electric attacks, unless you're looking for it, you're unlikely to notice. You just won't run out of endurance quite so quickly.
    Slotting endurance mods in electric attacks normally isn't useful outside of short circuit because, consider charged bolts: That's -7% endurance, so it would take a long time to drain enemies with charged bolts even enhanced, and the amount of endurance you gain is a 30% chance for 2.6 endurance. So that's .7 endurance on average. Not exactly a game changer on a power that costs 5.2 endurance.
  2. The guide in my sig has the majority of what I have to say about Storm. Although the guide uses Defender numbers, there isn't that much variation between the two. Corruptor numbers are 80-100% of the Defender numbers depending on the power. The only choice in the build I might question is air superiority, especially if you have a vet attack to fill out your attack chain (Freezing Rain means you don't need to worry about the unenhanceable accuracy much)

    And I would definitely op for power sink as Storm is very endurance heavy.

    The bigger mistakes you might make on the build are in slotting.

    1) Your instincts are correct, don't slot end mod in your attacks except for power sink.
    2) In general don't slot Slows, the numbers are large enough that Snow Storm and Freezing Rain will floor most things movement and recharge(which slow doesn't enhance anyway)
    3) Recharge in Freezing Rain (not slow or debuff, procs are good)
    4) Damage and recharge in tornado (not stun or debuff, procs are less good)

    Hope that helps to get you started.
  3. I'm a little confused about what we're deciding between.

    Are we deciding between, slot RoA with a proc, or leave the last slot empty? In which case, clearly the slot the proc...in fact given the choice between leave it empty or slot something, slot something is almost always the right answer.

    But in all seriousness though, if you're going to 6 slot RoA, then the javelin proc, if you can afford it, isn't a bad way to go.

    However, what's more relevant is what power is losing a slot so that RoA can get another slot? It might be more beneficial to put that damage proc in a faster recharging AoE that you use more often, or slot for that extra recharge bonus somewhere, or try to hit the defense soft cap to some type. Basically it depends on your play style and current build.
  4. Alright, I don't have time to respond to the full build at the moment, so some initial thoughts to get you started (more thoughts available in the guide in my sig as well).

    1) Gale is not a damage power. Unless you find you actually use it (I doubt it) it is currently a 5 IO 6.25% recharge bonus mule. There are so many places to use those slots. Stick an accuracy in there, and move on

    2) Snow Storm is over slotted. (Also, technically an exploit, but not one that is likely to get fixed anytime soon since it's been around since the start). Snow Storm and Freezing Rain will put anything at the slow cap, 3 IOs is overkill. stop at 2.

    3) Freezing Rain is not a damage power. If you want to deal damage with it, slot procs. It is a debuffing power. You want Freezing Rain up as often as possible to increase the damage you deal so slot it for recharge. (Achilles' heel proc is also nice along with the damage procs)

    4) Stealth is currently a set mule and will not stack with Steamy Mist. Consider weave instead as something you might actually use on occassion, or better yet, an endurance recovery power.

    5) I predict endurance trouble (especially if you're not going cardiac). Consider Miracle in Health, and Performance Shifter +end in stamina along with 2 endurance IOs.

    (And....I'm out of time but one last one)

    6) Tornado is a damage power, not a debuffing power, and slot it as such.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
    Storm? Really? I am NOT disagreeing, but surprised. I find myself feeling underpowered when I play my storm toons instead of others. And the freezing rain (or whatever it is called, I get confused on power names) seems like it causes so many baddies to run away from the fear component that it is inferior to others. But I am not fond of my storm defender, so I'd love to hear more.
    **Points to Guide in Sig**

    Enemies should not be able to get very far from your Freezing Rain. With Snow Storm and Freezing Rain movement of enemies should be pretty much floored, and a high end Storm Build should come close to making the rain portion of Freezing Rain permanent. And because Freezing Rain stacks you can get some massive -res and -def debuffing (Assuming you get lucky due to the poofing bug). Only Cold can crank out more -resistance than Storm.

    Add to that the massive debuff in Hurricane (slotted, Hurricane is enough to floor the to-hit of enemies on its own) and that's where Storm gets its reputation as one of the best debuffers.

    Although in many ways I think Storm is most significant for bringing the most damage to the table of any Defender Powerset. Even though Storm provides no -regen, it can make up for much of that through its damage powers Tornado and Lightning Storm.

    That said, storm is challenging to play well, and requires a much more active and aware play style to use effectively. Personally, this is part of the appeal of Storm to me: I get bored when I play many other sets, but this play style does not suit everyone. I would not list Storm as one of the top debuffers (Traps and Cold are at the top in my book) but I would put it on par with rad and dark.
  6. Draggynn

    7 years

    the /vault command is nice too
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Man, even Arachnos is confused!
    That would explain I suppose why the "Defeat Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx" final mission of the LRSF includes BABs.

    Does this mean that we don't actually need to defeat BAB in this mission?

    If not, the text is confusing and should be amended to say,

    "Defeat the Freedom Phalanx and Back Alley Brawler"
  8. Wow...very nice.

    I will say the costumes look a little fancy for low level CoT, but for the high level CoT I think they're great!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Hmmm. This is setting up a conflict with the recorded data at Paragonwiki.
    Purple Triangles
    As reported by Castle, the mez protection during the "triangles up" period adds 50 magnitude (stacking with inherent protection and any possible toggles or buffs), and covers Hold, Knockback, Confuse, Repel, Disorient, and Fear effects, but does not cover Sleep nor Immobilize effects. During the "triangles down" period it is 3 for Archvillains and Heroes, the same as a typical boss, and 6 for Elite Bosses, the same as a regular Elite Boss.
    This is recorded on Paragon Wiki as being Archvillain Resistance.
    Archvillain Resistance
    This power provides the following resistances during its "triangles up" period:
    90.0% Knockup Resistance
    90.0% Knockback Resistance
    90.0% Repel Resistance
    50.0 Terrorize Protection
    50.0 Disorient Protection
    50.0 Hold Protection
    50.0 Confuse Protection
    50.0 Knockup Protection
    50.0 Knockback Protection
    50.0 Repel Protection
    It should be noted that the Knock Resist+Protection is only active when PToD are UP. Archvillains (and Heroes) do not get a Passive Resistance against Knock(any), nor against Repel, meaning that with PToD DOWN they can be Knocked around by Gale alone, no need for Tornado (or extra enhancement by Kinetic Crash).

    So basically we'd need somewhere around Mag 560(!) in order to Knock an AV during PToD UP. 10% of 560 is Mag 56, which is enough to overcome Knock Protection ... assuming no one has thrown an Immobilize/Hold with anti-KB properties. Okay ... yeah ... this is looking non-feasible.
    Just to be absolutely clear to anyone who is reading this, THIS IS WRONG!!!

    That is something I have found time and time again when writing this guide is that the wiki cannot be relied on 100%. It is important to remember that it is a player resource and is therefore often 1) lacking information (for example when I was writing this guide, I don't believe that the wiki had any information about the inherent to-hit debuff resistance that enemies have related to rank) or 2) formerly correct but slow to change with an update as in the case of the Force Feedback proc or Aegis proc which has been reworked many times. (which I believe are now correct once again).

    Although the wiki is a great resource, rather than just relying on it, I would encourage you to go out and test against several AVs. It's possilbe that all of the AVs I tested against (mostly lvl 50 Council AVs, but also the LGTF AVs, and Romulus) are unique in this but I doubt it.

    All of the AVs that I tested in AE have 100 (NOT 50) Knockback protection with 90% (That part actually seems accurate, rather than the 85% I suggested before.) KB resistance as part of their "resistance power" (which is usually purple triangles...however...). This number (as with the 100 point repel resistance) seems unrelated to the purple triangles and never goes down (except for about 1 second before the purple triangles come back up when the protection goes to 0). It's possible that the KB protection is related to the purple triangles and that the duration of the KB protection is just set too long (thus the artifact of the second where it goes to zero). But right now, the above quoted description is NOT how KB protection for AVs works. You will actually need over 1000 points of KB to knockback an AV, and not just when purple triangles are up.

    If you can find an AV that actually has 50 points of KB protection related to the purple triangles please let me know, but for now I'm going to assume that what I've seen is pretty consistent across all AVs.

    Kinetic Crash or Force Feedback 6-slotted in Gale seems to be a rather viable possibility, for those who have the slots (and the power pick) to spare for it.
    And you'll note that in the Gale section of the guide, there is indeed mention of those two sets as possible options.
  10. Looking good Grae just a couple more options:

    I don't know how essential it is to have damage in Explosive Arrow, but there is often little enough AoE damage, that you will find you are virtually invincible with just ranged soft capped and could afford to lose the AoE bonus with minimal impact on performance, but not being familiar with Archery, I can't assess the relative importance.

    Because you are now over the ranged defense soft cap (which can be desirable since the cap is 59% in incarnate content, and gives you a tiny buffer against defense debuffs) you could also afford to swap the defense/recharge in Steamy Mist for an LoTG recharge, and then drop invisibility and pick up conserve power. That still keeps you above the 45% soft cap.

    Also, I've assumed that you were avoiding hasten for stylistic reasons (aka glowing yellow hands) but you could also consider dropping stealth for hasten if you swap out invis.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    This would match enemy AI that will mezz something and then move onto another target if possible.
    Originally Posted by Draggynn View Post
    But will it stay on a target until the target is mezzed?? My inclination is to say no. Fortunately, this is the easier premise to test. If one immobilizes a target, and then summons tornado on the target, tornado should never leave to chase another target, because in order for that target to get stunned, tornado would need to stop attacking the target so the terminate condition would never be met. This does not sound accurate to me, but I will test (probably won't have time until Monday though).
    I realize I never posted the results of this test. I can definitively say that staying on a target until mezzed is not Tornado's behavior. It may well be one aspect of the AI (Although I'm skeptical even of that), but I have regularly seen Tornado leave a single unstunned target that is next to me to chase an opponent that is on the other side of the room.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Hence why I'm thinking it would be unfair (not to mention, greedy) to expect someone to respec their Live build in order to go test this. Now ... gathering up the parts and pieces needed off the market to make 10 of the needed Kinetic Combats so they can sit in the enhancement tray, and gather up the last 2 recipes and salvage needed to make them and holding that in inventory ... and then copying to Test Server so as to respec for a "quick" round of testing ... that would be different. Heck, you could even use a "quick and dirty" AE mission with AVs only in it to test if the combo is practical. That way, no one has to sacrifice their Live build (and a respec) for scie^H^H^H^H research.
    I run all of my testing on test so that I can have essentially limitless access to merits (and now emp merits) to get the IO sets that I need to test. To perform the test that you are suggesting though does not require buying and crafting kinetic combats, simply buy some generic KB IOs from a vendor to test with.

    The simple answer to your question though is that, no this will not work. AVs have a KB protection of 100, not 50 and it does not go away when purple triangles drop. There is an odd artifact that right before the purple triangles come back up they lose this protection for a second or so (so if you manage to KB an AV, that's likely what you're seeing: not sufficient stacking and timing of Tornado and Gale, but rather that second when the AV has no KB protection at all.)

    Also, in the real numbers KB resistance is not reported anywhere, but it appears that at least the AVs I tested also have KB resistance on the order of the 85% resistance that they have to other debuffs, so KBing most AVs is not a viable option. Now there may be some AVs that have lower KB protection (I know that Romulus has low or no repel protection), but in general this will not work.

    There was no mention of KB sets in the guide because I don't think that those are intelligent slotting options so they were intentionally omitted for that reason. But thank you for raising the question. I will likely include the above explanation in the final guide in case there are other inquisitive minds that wonder.
  13. Alright, I still don't see a Steadfast Protection 3% defense IO anywhere. Any particular reason why?

    If you slotted that (either take a slot from health, hurricane, or a 6 slotted thunderstrike, or change your slot in tough and stick a zephyr in Super Jump for KB protection) you could remove the Force feedbacks from explosive arrow and replace them with Positron's Blast for the 6.25% recharge bonus. You could also pick any power that you have 6 thunderstikes in and replace it with 5 decimations for the 6.25% recharge bonus. (If you're keeping 6 slots you could include the devastation chance for hold proc).

    I would probably also sacrifice the Detonations in Rain of Arrows for Posi Blasts for another 6.25% bonus. Those changes would leave you at 45.1% ranged defense and 40% AoE.

    I have never found tactics +perception to be insufficient, so I would stick endurance reducers in there if anything (unless you're simply planning on not running it, in which case that's fine).

    I would probably swap out Gale or invis for conserve power as well, but your call.

    Finally, even with cardiac, I would try to stick the miracle in health.
  14. I don't have acccess to mids at the moment, so this will be an overview with some thoughts:

    Going for smash/lethal/ranged/AoE defense is generally overkill. I find that you will get more survivability if you just soft cap either positional or typed and then go for some resistance with your shield (or go for smash/lethal with scorpion shield and then go recharge), although because you have Hurricane to handle melee, I find going to the positional approach to be more beneficial.

    Looking over your build I don't see a Steadfast Protection: 3% defense IO anywhere. You should pull that in and use the opportunity to get rid of some of your smaller set bonuses. For example, do you really use Gale? And if so do you actually find you need more KB from it? I would slot accuracy and damage procs in Gale: damage/KB in gale seems like a complete waste to me.

    Freezing Rain: with the 3% defense IO you can drop the shield breakers from FR. This power wants recharge. After recharge a little achilles' heel proc can be nice, as can damage procs.

    Hurricane: Would have to pull out Mids to see how many 5% bonuses you have, but for Dark Watchers in here can be very nice (I would bull the two slots from Gale).

    Tornado: Against single hard targets Tornado can be massive damage dealer, so I would slot for damage long before slotting for defense debuff (and depending on how often you use it, recharge and end reduction).

    Stealth and Steamy Mist are wasted since you can't actually run them both at the same time. If there is no other power you want, then keep stealth as a LoTG mule, but recoup the slots to stick somewhere else.

    Health: Not crazy about 6 slotting health for the numinas...should be somewhere better to get that bonus. (I'd probably 6 slot Tornado with Blood Mandates since you're going for AoE and Ranged defense) and then you can stick the Miracle unique in health as well.

    Some of those thoughts might change after I have a chance to play around in Mids, but that's a start. If you're intersted in knowing more about my thoughts on Storm Summoning **points to sig**
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Recon-022 View Post
    Seeing as how I just started playing the game (got a full subscription last night), I was curious about what the veterans thought about being able to buy Power Sets when the Market comes online.

    Based on my experience playing other MMO's, it would seem to me that being able to buy powers or abilities instead of earning them is kind of a game breaker.

    But, due to my lack of experience in this game, am I just jumping to conclusions?
    Somebody mentioned this before, but buying power sets is different from being able to buy powers. And while it looks like it will be possible to buy some powers (In particular the signature character reinforcement) they look to be of limited enough use that to use it as a regular part of your attacks could get quite expensive. Sure someone with a ton of money with a permanent Statesman sidekick could be quite a bit more powerful, but I don't necessarily see that as game breaking, and I would be rather shocked if there was actually someone willing to pay enough to always have that power. (I would wonder about the impact on PvP...but I fall into the category of players that doesn't care about PvP anymore.)

    Also, it looks like there may be some fairly powerful inspirations available in the store, but again, their limited duration makes it hard for me to imagine someone using them regularly as an important part of their build. If someone really wants to play that way, I guess I ought to thank them for supporting the game, but I don't think your going to see any sort of discrimination on that account (STF forming, must have signature pet!)

    Now if these were permanent powers, I might be conscerned, but since they are temp powers, do you really think someone with Amy or the Warwolf Whistle is really more powerful than other players?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver_Nimbus View Post
    From reading the Storm Summoning guide, it isn't recommended to take Gale, but as a Controller I am forced to take it, so I was wondering what you all thought about dropping Hurricane (since it doesn't work well with Arctic Air) and using the extra slots to put 2 IO Accuracy and Force Feedback into Gale. The more enemies I hit with it greater chance to proc the +Recharge. So what you all think of doing that?
    If you find your playstyle involves using Gale a lot, then sure. I would not however recommend spamming Gale purely in the hope that the proc might trigger. Those slots are probably better spent somewhere else. Remember that even if you hit Gale's target cap when you use it, there's still only an 80% chance the proc will fire.
  17. Draggynn

    Dark/Storm Build

    Originally Posted by Irish Fury View Post
    I suppose I felt that with the amount of global recharge I have, pushing rech on FR to ED cap wasn't as important. Think I should reconsider that?
    On your current build with hasten up FR will recharge in 19 seconds. With 2 recharge IOs you're looking at 17 seconds. Going from 19 to 17 seconds is a 10% reduction in recharge, and for me at least is worth it. With 3 recharge IOs you go from 17 to 16.4 seconds, at that point, I would say the improvement is not worthwhile. But 2 seconds off of FR, sign me up.

    Three sets of Decimation, one set of Stupefy, and one set of Positron's Blast.
    Then your total is only 4 as well. I suspect that the build you're looking at has decimations in gloom while the one you posted has devastations, because only DB and LS have decimations in the most recent build you posted.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver_Nimbus View Post
    Can someone explain how the Force Feedback proc will work. If I took the Coralax Patron Pool Summon and slotted it, would my pet have a chance to proc it whenever it attacked? Or would it only have a chance to proc when I summon the pet, just as how Lightning Storm only procs it when summoned, not when the storm strikes an enemy.
    So the short answer is that it will work like Lightning Storm, only have a chance to fire on you when you summon the pet. The longer answer is that the power does in fact have a chance to proc on every Lightning Strike and attack. However, there was a change made a while ago to prevent all pets (Lightning Storm in particular) from inheriting recharge buffs. So although the proc will fire on the pets, they are immune to recharge buffs and thus will not receive any benefit even though the power is technically on them. (Gatling Gun Lightning Storms were awesome to behold before that change...**sighs**)
  19. This build is certainly more reasonable in price. You haven't gone for crazy amounts of recharge or defense so this probably won't feel "epic", but you should notice a significant improvement in your performance.

    Some thoughts:
    Chillblain: I would stick another slot in there and go with 5 decimations for the 6.25% recharge bonus.

    Block of Ice: Since you don't have significant defense bonuses, consider swapping out 4 lockdowns for 4 Basilisk's gazes and 7.5% recharge. However, beware that this is one of your main attack powers, so you may want to consider putting more damage in there than hold.

    Freezing Rain: I would consider dropping the pure defense debuff IO for a damage proc, but this slotting is also fine.

    Hurricane: You will get more milage from 4 dark watcher's despairs here for the easy recharge bonus.

    LS: Force Feedback proc is a waste here. It will only have a chance to fire on you when you summon LS and otherwise will have no impact. Too long a recharging power with too low a chance to fire, in my opinion.

    Health: I would stick the miracle proc in here as well, I still predict you're going to want all the endurance you can get.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    And Draggynn, I've (finally!) finished reading all the sections of your guide(s) on Storm powers. When I got to the end, I found myself wondering where the entry for Lightning Storm would be found.
    I'm glad that you found it useful! The Lightning Storm section is in the works, and I intend to have it out before the end of August (but then I planned on finishing the guide before GR came out as well...so...). There are still a couple procs I need to finishing testing, but the majority of "research" for it is done.
  21. I'm going to agree with Morganite here. You are going to want to spend some time looking at the market to get a sense of how much some of those IOs run for. You have a couple that generally sell for 2 billion or more in that build. Although those IOs are now purchasable through other means you are still looking at 60-70 empyrian merits, or 35 Hero Merits. Also, often those sets do not have the best set bonuses, even though they are the most expensive. If you want to spend money on an expensive build, I would suggest sticking a LoTG proc in every power that will take one before splurging on PvP IOs.

    Defense becomes more valuable as you have more of it, so unless you are building for the soft cap (that's 45% defense in non incarnate trials) I would say 2 billion influence for 3% defense is not worth it.

    In general to be truly powerful with IOs you should try to maximize either recharge, or defense. If you are truly planning on PvPing, then hitpoints are essential as well, but they won't make you feel particularly powerful in PvE. My recommendation would be to look at prices, to get a sense of price point you are interested in, decide if you are more interested in defense (ranged goes well with hurricane, smash/lethal goes well with arctic air) or recharge (more LS, FR, Tornado, Glacier (which you don't have))

    I don't know how close to this build you are running right now, but with three leadership toggles, arctic air, steamy mist, sharkskin running, I suspect this build is rough on the endurance and I hope you're planning on going cardiac. (If you find that hibernate is enough to solve your endurance issues, then great!)

    Some thoughts on slotting to help you along:

    Chillblain is one of your primary damage powers, slot it as such.

    Snow Storm: You have so much -recharge that the -recharge proc in Snow Storm is wasted (especially on an ice troller). Also consider how much you use Snow Storm. I find that I tend to use it fairly rarely at higher levels, so this would be over slotted for me. If you use it on every battle though, then great.

    O2 Boost: Heal Procs (with the possible exception of the Panacea) should always go in Stamina. You don't want to be reliant on having someone/thing to heal to get the bonus. Jack dies, and you aren't getting any significant set bonuses to make this worthwhile. Consider Doctored Wounds for the recharge bonus.

    Fly: The stealth proc can go in sprint, don't waste a slot on it.

    Steamy Mist: This is probably an 8+ billion inf slotting. You may want to reconsider

    Freezing Rain: The most important thing in Freezing Rain is recharge. Analyze Weakness is not worth it in Freezing Rain in my opinion since FR should let you hit just about everything anyway. A good proc for FR is the Achilles' heel proc.

    Tactics: Chance to build it up is probably the most frustrating thing in tactics. It always seems to fire when you are between fights. I was never happy with the proc there.

    Hurricane: the Force feedback proc is a waste unless you are going to run hurricane all the time. And if you're going to run hurricane all the time, you need more endurance in it. Deflated ego is also basically worthless since you don't have a reliable way to sap endurance. If you use hurricane consider 4 slots for Dark Watchers. However, Hurricane conflicts with Arctic Air, so if you use Arctic Air it may be you choose not to take it. In which case, I suggest possibly swapping out one or the other for Glacier.

    LS: Devastation Hold is better than the stun since it has a higher percentage, especially since you have other holds to stack with it, you don't have another reliable stun (since you didn't take thunderclap). I'm not even certain the Decimation proc will work due to the time between lightning strikes. Still need to do testing on that.

    Waterspout: Like tornado this power is autohit, so you don't need accuracy. If you enjoy using waterspout, then you should consider slotting up tornado as well and using both of them. Especially since you have KB suppressing immobilizes. (If you like that strategy, consider frostbite. I would drop one of the leadership toggles for it).

    Brawl: wow...that's a waste of a hecatomb....

    If you're interested in seeing more of thoughts on Storm Summoning you can read my guide. The numbers are for defenders, but controller numbers are 100-80% (depending on the power) so most things apply to controllers as well.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
    I may be wrong on that, but I think I read in a guide somewhere that the debuffs didn't actually affect teh mobs until the end of the animation, when they start being pushed back - which takes significantly more than a split second. Can someone confirm?
    I'm not aware of any of the other guides out there making that distinction, so the guide was likely mine. Sadly, Hurricane has a 2 second activation time, so toggling it on and off, is not a split second affair and my testing does indeed show that the debuff does not take affect until the end of the two seconds, as with almost all powers. (If someone has found otherwise, please let me know.)

    However, leaving it on for only a split second or simply tagging enemies and moving away reduces the amount that they will be knocked back and around.
    (although the repel will last for one second even if you just tag them.)

    Just about everything I have to say about Storm is in my guide, so I will simply direct the OP to the link in my sig. (warning, it can be a bit overwhelming.)
  23. Draggynn

    Dark/Storm Build

    Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
    You want to get some Accuracy into Freezing Rain I think. Unless they changed it, the system checks to see if your Achilles proc goes off before the defense debuff of the Rain takes effect.
    Although, it is true that the proc will check before the debuff takes place, there is also a chance for the proc to fire at the 10 second mark, so all is not lost. It is MUCH more important to have recharge in Freezing Rain, so that you can have it up every fight or even stack it, than it is to have accuracy. I would rework your slots to get as close to the ED cap on recharge as you can to get the most leverage out of FR.

    Originally Posted by BadBad_Girl View Post
    in health you will reap more benefit from the numi proc over the regen tissue proc... Storm is a end hog on the summoning powers. On snow storm I usually place the 2 trip slows end redux/slow/rech and occasionally through in the -rech proc. Hurricane place the +rech from force feedback goes off enough to make worth while. So that be 4 dark watcher's for the 5% plus the proc.
    I would disagree with both of those proc placements. With Just Freezing Rain and Snow Storm you will have enemies below the recharge floor so I would not waste a slot on the -recharge proc. (The numbers in my guides are for Defenders, but Corruptor numbers are similar (100-85% effective generally depending on the power). With FR and SS on a corruptor you're at 90% -recharge and the cap is -75%. That means even against +2's your still close to flooring their recharge.

    In terms of Hurricane, whether the forcefeedback proc is worthwhile is highly dependent on playstyle. If you tend to herd and pin a LOT with hurricane, it might be worthwhile, but for most people it isn't (details are in the guide).

    Other Thoughts:

    Depending on your playstyle, I would take slots from Snow Storm (Again, FR plus SS will floor run speed on even level enemies) and stick them in Tornado, but that's a playstyle choice, personally I love Tornado (not all the time, but against AVs, it's excellent).

    I'm also skeptical of the Life Drain slotting. For me at least, you aren't close enough to the soft cap to warrant moving the Numina Proc out of stamina for the defense bonus, but then I don't want to have to worry about losing the bonus if I don't need Life Drain for 2 minutes, put I see you are already making this change.

    Also did I miss a 6.25% recharge bonus, because I'm only counting 4 which makes me wonder, why the devastation in Gloom?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
    The Decimation Proc is a chance for build up.

    Devastation has the chance for hold proc.
    Good catch. I still need to check, but I believe that the Decimation proc will will have no impact on LS. There will be a chance to fire when you summon LS, but otherwise i'll need to check exactly when the proc takes effect, but I think the 5.17 between strikes (4 second recharge coupled with 1.17 second activation) means the 5 second build up is wasted, but depending on timing, you might get one super powered strike.

    Originally Posted by Midnight_Tempest View Post
    I haven't IO'd out my Stormer yet, so I haven't had a chance to check how things behave (or don't) in LS. If I read this correctly, damage procs can fire on me when I summon LS? That would make for some scary roulette if I'm low on health.
    Yes, you are reading that correctly. I have not tested recently to see if they have finally fixed this, but this has been a long standing bug with LS and damage procs. If it is no longer true, I will be very happy, but I'm not getting my hopes up. The damage is minimal though, and is still worth slotting the damage procs in my opinion.