Seeking tips for a new Storm/DP/Soul Defender
I don't think the PBAOE Of DP and Storm Synergies well.
For example, Hurricane which provides you a good amount of defense bonus requires you to be in melee range with mobs and then the KB sort of hampers your HOB attack. I do think it will go off if it is up and ready and you will connect with mobs as you knock them back. But if you screw up or lag out your pretty much messed up as your HOB goes off with the mobs too far away from you. Pretty much similar to when mobs die as the animation for HOB goes off, which has happen a few times during BAF prisoner section of the Trial for me.
I am not sure if Steamy Mist along with some other powers will or will not provide enough possible Range Defense which I think you will need. At least until you get into Hurricane range for the debuff to take effect.
I think storm needs some longer range attacks like Assault rifle maybe. Range defense cap and mid range Melee / AOE which Hurricane will bolster and keep mobs out of melee range but debuff them if they dare enter melee range.
Basically in this instance I think Full Auto is better then HOB.
OR is Beam gun coming over to defenders ?
Either way I think more things are coming then what they are saying atm. I would wait to make something NEW. Your talking weeks now I think, right ?
Yet another Or, skip HOB and take everything else.
Again I just don't know, storm is fun and cool but I find myself limited sometimes on my Storm Rad on teams. Players have a propensity to dislike storm players and many players perpetuate that feeling by running around with Hurricane on 24x7 and knocking everything that can be knocked back all over the place sometimes. Many do not understand that you can use hurricane in short burst when needed as a herding / blocking tool. Instead of running past the mobs and then turning hurricane on to block mobs from running, instead they run through the mobs with hurricane on.
Sorry just not feeling this combo. But I know your the kind of player that likes these sort of challenges, so I would go with Range cap and forgo HOB maybe.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
What this post is about is a request for "tips and tricks" of how to build for Storm/*
What powers (if any) are "skippable" in Storm ... and why? What powers are MUST HAVE ... and why? What powers need heavy slotting in Storm? Which ones only need moderate slotting? Which powers are One Slot Wonders? Which powers are "pick one of these two" choices? What are some of the "tricks" that can be accomplished with certain powers through ingenious (franken)slotting? |
Must-Haves: O2 Boost, Freezing Rain, Snow Storm, Steamy Mist, Hurricane, Lightning Storm. Why? O2 Boost has lots of utility beyond its heal (read the detailed information, it's impressive), Freezing Rain is one of the single most powerful simultaneously offensive and defensive powers in the game, Snow Storm slow caps mobs in conjunction with FR and allows certain pulling methods, Steamy Mist is Stealth and significant Resistance rolled into one, Hurricane is one of the most powerful positioning tools in the game, and Lightning Storm is both superb damage and strong soft control.
Slot-Whores: Lightning Storm, Tornado (if you take it, and playstyle-dependent), Thunderclap (same story as Tornado), Freezing Rain (if you want a lot of procs), O2 Boost (if you want a recharge bonus). Nothing else should require more than four (4) slots unless you really want to either proc the power out or leverage an aspect a certain way.
Moderate Slotting: See above. Minimal slotting imaginable is Snow Storm, sufficient endgame with the default slot. Gale (if taken) is also sufficient with the default slot, but likes a second slot to overcome its inherent accuracy penalty.
One-Slot Wonders: See above. There are low-slot powers, though I wouldn't use the term "wonder".
Pick One: Covered above sufficiently.
Cheating with Slots: Gale (Not fancy, but 2nd Acc is nice), Steamy Mist (it's technically a Res power, but you can slot it as a defense and go for soft-capped Def), Freezing Rain (procs, especially the Achilles' Heel -Res, are beautiful here), Lightning Storm (any damage proc, especially the Devastation: Chance for Hold, is amazing in this power.
Avoid: Slotting Numina unique into O2 Boost, slotting Force Feedback -Recharge into Hurricane or Gale, slotting KB proc into Thunderclap, slotting Accuracy into Tornado (unavoidable sometimes if going for bonuses, but Tornado is auto-hit).
Edit: For one of the most complete references on Storm - especially for someone new to the powerset, check out Draggynn's guide here: (I know you still haven't added the section on Lightning Storm, but it's too GOOD for me not to reference).
Hurricane's drawbacks are mostly nullified if you turn it on for just a split second, then turn it off again. The tohit and range debuffs will "stick" to affected mobs for 10 seconds, but the knockback and repel will stop immediately.
Hurricane's drawbacks are mostly nullified if you turn it on for just a split second, then turn it off again. The tohit and range debuffs will "stick" to affected mobs for 10 seconds, but the knockback and repel will stop immediately.
As for Tornado, I'll just add that this power is far more useful to a controller with a AoE power that nullifies KB (most immobs except for Gravity I think) since it'll stick to the area instead of scattering the mobs then chasing htem. If you group regularly with such a Controller or Dominator, then Tornado is golden.
One more note, concerning Steamy Mist : unless you need it to softcap, I find I get more bang for my buck by slotting it for damage resit. 5-slot your favorite set (Aegis is always popular) and keep the 6th slot for a +3% def Steadfast - that slot alone will give you as much defense bonus as you'd get by slotting to defense up to the limit, and you'll also boost your resistance. Total win-win.
I may be wrong on that, but I think I read in a guide somewhere that the debuffs didn't actually affect teh mobs until the end of the animation, when they start being pushed back - which takes significantly more than a split second. Can someone confirm?
However, leaving it on for only a split second or simply tagging enemies and moving away reduces the amount that they will be knocked back and around.
(although the repel will last for one second even if you just tag them.)
Just about everything I have to say about Storm is in my guide, so I will simply direct the OP to the link in my sig. (warning, it can be a bit overwhelming.)
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
First, let me say: I have a level 50 Storm/Dual Pistol Defender on Virtue. It was a fast and enjoyable ride. I didn't use AE
Storm is a swiss army knife. Remember, even like a swiss army knife, it isn't nearly as effective if all the blades are 'out' at the same time. There are three stages in storm fights. Position, debuff, kill. Many times groups are tightly packed by tankers in the middle. Position doesn't take long. Debuffing is always AoE style with the storm primary, but your secondary stacks so it counts, too. The kill phase is when your AoEs cut loose. Storms have AoE debuffs, dual pistols has 3 very nice AoE attacks that make the kill phase successful.
Please refer to Midnight_Tempest as my comments are intended to augment what that poster described. Gale and Snow Storm are truly the minimalist slotting powers. I always aim for two slots: accuracy for gale, endurance reduction for snow storm. Another caveat: between snowstorm unenhanced for slow and freezing rain unenhanced for slow, the combination of those powers will always bring the spawn to the slow cap - they can't go any slower, don't waste slow slots unless you have an IO set favorite you are aiming for.
My preference for Gale has increased as my veteran months click off. Gale has one very, VERY important feature, much like some controller powers. Gale will interrupt the alpha strike from your foes. Especially on blaster/defender teams the kb isn't as onerous to the teammates. Also, many tanks do not mind shifting taunt tactics to taunt to corner, dead ends or tight rooms in conjunction with your stormy preferences. Gale is indeed the Super Scooper you described. That way, your use of hurricane for positioning takes less time. It CAN be used as an oh-crap power in certain bleak cases, but certainly not every case.
Steamy mist is another six-slotter in my book. ~45% end reduction, defense, resistance and the power takes both defense and resistance sets. This is where you can get your -kb proc for your hero. You can slot set enhancements that improve mezz protection and psy blast resistance. It will take LotG 7.5% enhancements, too.
Freezing Rain and Lightning Storm are definitely six-slotters, thunderstrikes especially in Lightning storm, and both can take procs to the extent that their function is still supported.
Freezing Rain and Lightning Storm are terrific set-defining powers for debuff and damage. One trick with Lightning Storm: with a flight power, I take hover, position the storm higher, so that the bolts strike downward and reduce splaying the foes from the debuff zone.
Ack! Risking TL;DR!
Hurricane and Tornado are my favorite stormy powers. Hurricane was nerfed shortly after PvP started shaping up. Some ATs complained hurricane was too powerful. Now, the knockback pulses are further apart. I sometimes catching myself in Issue 1 mode Less is more. Hurricane debuffs to-hit at the slight edge grazing. Knockback is further in. Shorter range from the stormer is the repel feature. Treat it like a scalpel and not an ax. If you are truly in need of moving a group, bounce in and debuff them all, and run to where you want them to follow you, preferably around a corner.
I talked about the kill phase earlier. The ultimate kill zone for a stormy is the corner office. Aggro them INTO the room, excuse me mr. tank, excuse me mastermind pets - stormy coming through. They will follow you right in unless molested by your team. Block the door with hurricane, and then cut loose with everything - lightning storm, tornado, aoe attacks, and the kitchen sink (if you have a gravity controller teammate ) Even if they bunch at the door, it is a corner, and easily a nice kill zone in all that.
Tornado, Mr. Twisty, is a buzz saw. He chews, he debuffs defense, he stuns, and he kills MoG Paragon Protectors DEAD! Indeed, he is the golden parachute when the rikti hit the fan. I use him to pull if I want a fraction of a room less than all or greater than 2 (caution: I use this when I can block a door like the funny tech room with the buff/debuffing labs in the four corners.) His AI has improved over the years, his 'leash' is a bit shorter and more substantial. Part of positioning, you can bounce freak tanks endlessly on tornado's head while you pin the freak in the corner of the room with the 'cane. Mr. Twisty switches targets when he achieves knockback (some theorize when he debuffs defense) but for sure, he sticks to kb-resistant foes and chews until his time is up or the foe is defeated. Mr. Twisty is NEVER defeated. Another thing to recall, in a hot fight, when Tornado runs out of targets, there is a lull, he WILL come back to your defender, knocking things out of his way to defending your defender. My stormies ask, can I use tornado here, not: oh no, can't use tornado, I don't have stone cages.
Thunderclap stuns minions, tornado stuns minions, suppressive fire stuns minions. Storm/DP alone can, not always, stun bosses.
/rant - this post was not intended to be this long. Also check out Draggyn's budding storm resource.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
I'm not aware of any of the other guides out there making that distinction, so the guide was likely mine. Sadly, Hurricane has a 2 second activation time, so toggling it on and off, is not a split second affair and my testing does indeed show that the debuff does not take affect until the end of the two seconds, as with almost all powers. (If someone has found otherwise, please let me know.)
However, leaving it on for only a split second or simply tagging enemies and moving away reduces the amount that they will be knocked back and around. (although the repel will last for one second even if you just tag them.) Just about everything I have to say about Storm is in my guide, so I will simply direct the OP to the link in my sig. (warning, it can be a bit overwhelming.) |

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
My advice would actually be to switch Soul Mastery for Dark Mastery if at all possible. The Dark Mastery version of Soul Drain has half the recharge of the Soul Mastery version (unless of course you're taking Soul Mastery for reasons other than Soul Drain in which case ignore this advice).
I will try to add briefly - many stormies have many themes that they are able to accentuate aspects to their liking. In the long, long ago of Issue 1, radiation blast on defenders was considered very good because in the low to mid levels, every teammate's accuracy benefitted. Maximizing defense debuff is out of fashion, but when you do find an AV resisting 80% of debuffs, there is no such thing as too much defense debuff. Resistance debuff is another feature. Even back in the days of the poster of renown, the Mighty Storm, whom I hope we see in F2P again, the Diso-queen stacked stuns: dark pit, thunderclap, tornado and now the dark mastery even has a PbAoE toggle of stun to couple/triple up with other storm stun features. My Storm/DP sought to keep the AoE debuff/attack going since DP has debuff features, too.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
My advice would actually be to switch Soul Mastery for Dark Mastery if at all possible. The Dark Mastery version of Soul Drain has half the recharge of the Soul Mastery version (unless of course you're taking Soul Mastery for reasons other than Soul Drain in which case ignore this advice).
Ironically, I had been hoping that Power Boost in Soul Mastery would enhance Knockback (of all things), in part because the writeup description of the power says it does, but the Mids' Data View does not support that interpretation of Power Boost's effects. A buff to Knockback would have made Power Boost "useful" with Standard Ammo in Dual Pistols, but apparently this does not happen. It does however enhance Stuns and Holds (among other things), which is relevant to Suppressive Fire (Stun or Hold), Thunderclap (Stun) and, in this case, Soul Storm (Hold).
Mind you, combining Oppressive Gloom from Dark Mastery and Thunderclap together makes for a 12 ft radius PBAoE o' Boss Stunning. The thing is, in this particular case, I'm leaning more towards Suppressive Fire (Hold mag 3, when not Standard Ammo) combined with Soul Storm (Hold mag 3) ... and add in the fact that BOTH Suppressive Fire AND Soul Storm can be frankenslotted with DOUBLE Hold Procs (Devastation and Lockdown) ... that's just way too much anti-Boss opportunity Hold power to pass up! Having played a (couple) Controller(s), I know the value of Hold vs Stun.

Still, the flipside to that is Dark Mastery, Oppressive Gloom and Thunderclap, combined with either Gale (for Super Scooper into corner plus alpha retaliation prevention) and/or Teleport Self to "get the drop" on unaggroed hostiles and achieve positioning. Open (after Gale, if used) with Thunderclap to stack Stun with Oppressive Gloom to achieve Boss Stun in 12 ft radius PBAoE. Soul Drain (2.37 sec) ... Hail of Bullets (5 sec) ... activate Hurricane (2.03 sec), if positioning is favorable. Then ... GO TO TOWN. Go directly to Town. Do Not Pass Go. Do not collect 200k Debt. Oh and you'd have Dark Consumption to help refuel your Endurance (which isn't such a bad idea...) as an available choice.
So I guess the real stylistic either/or choice here would be between Suppressive Fire (Dual Pistols) and Soul Storm (Soul Mastery) for Single Target Boss Hold stacking at 60+ ft range ... or ... Thunderclap (Storm Summoning) and Oppressive Gloom (Darkness Mastery) for PBAoE Boss Stun stacking in a 12 ft radius (and Suppressive Fire using Standard Ammo can still be used as a backup stacking option for Stun in case of a Miss). The "problem" is that each of those two choices has its advantages and disadvantages, primarily centering around Ranged vs PBAoE preferences ... and how many slots your build has available to it, since a Suppressive Fire/Soul Storm combo is really going to want to be a pair of 6-slotted powers, while a Thunderclap/Oppressive Gloom combo is really only going to want to heavily slot Thunderclap (for acc/stun/recharge) while Oppressive Gloom can "get by" as a One Slot Wonder power using a 1-slotted Acc/Mez Hami-O, if necessary (although more slots is better, as usual).

Has anyone ever tried slotting Lightning Storm for Endurance Modification rather than Damage, and used it as an Intangible Sapper that can still hit hostiles? I'm wondering about edge cases where you can use Hurricane to hold a choke point and pair that with Around The Corner Aggro Pulling via Lightning Storm which will drain problematic hostiles Endurance to either zero, or near zero, as a way of softening them up before "going for the kill" with other powers. I'm thinking in terms of being able to use a combination of Gale, Hurricane and Lightning Storm to juggle/drain heavy hitters that would otherwise be "to dangerous to take on" without softening them up first.
And how useful is Endurance Drain/Recovery Debuffing against EBs and AVs? Are they heavily resisted (just like everything else) ... or are they "useful" attributes to bring to the fight? I know that against Minion and LT class hostiles, Endurance Draining "isn't useful" unless you can drain their endurance bars to zero in 2-3 attacks (and keep it there until defeating them), but against Boss/EB/AV class hostiles, is Endurance Draining going to be useful at all at a rate of -19 End per hit every 5.17 seconds? Or is that "not enough to be useful" unless it can be paired with something else ... like say ... a single target damage set Tempest Proc in both Pistols and Dual Wield on a Storm/DP Defender?
Basically I'm wondering if everyone just slots Lightning Storm for DAMAGE ... or if anyone ever slots it for Utility Debuffing.

Has anyone ever tried slotting Lightning Storm for Endurance Modification rather than Damage, and used it as an Intangible Sapper that can still hit hostiles?
And how useful is Endurance Drain/Recovery Debuffing against EBs and AVs? |
Bleh. That's what I was afraid of.

Before the great PvP nerf made to Storm, Storm electric could stack end drain from short circuit with lightning storm. With the slower pulses in hurricane, they also nerfed the end drain in the lightning bolts.
A feature I think would be funny as well as add some 'charm' to storm is if the lightning bolts had a random low chance to rez foes or teammates as in the Frankenstein mythos. LoL
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Around The Corner Aggro Pulling via Lightning Storm |

This is simple hallway, and your goal is to pull the mobs down to your corner. If you put LS too close to the corner LS is going to spend the next minute knocking mobs away from the corner. LS is such a strong tool, it bullies around 90% of the mobs in the game. If you put it in the wrong spot it can totally mess up your plan and if you're on a team it's gonna mess up your teammate's plans as well.

If you put the LS behind and pull with some other tool LS will push the mobs back into the corner and help keep the mobs in front of you. If you get mezzed and mobs want to melee you, the mobs around you will be the closet target to LS and (hopefully) knock the mobs away from you.
I just use bullet rain or snow storm to pull. A nice thing about snow storm is that it is one of the few powers that doesn't cause redraw. Your gun stays in your hand when you cast that power. This is true for all the defender toggles.
DP and Storm goes together very well, for me, since so many of Storm's bread and butter powers are location drops or hurricane. This helps cut down on the redraw, which I find annoying if I have to watch over and over again.

First off ... no, this is not a "rate my build" post.
What this post is about is a request for "tips and tricks" of how to build for Storm/* and */Dual Pistols on a Defender. I've got an Empathy/Archery Defender already (parked at 50) and a couple Controllers (also parked at 50), a pair of Kheldians (one each, also 50), a Huntsman (also 50), and a Mastermind (also 50) ... so I've been around the block (a few times). I've got a "fair" notion of how to play the game, how to drive on the correct side of the road in Mids', and the sorts of challenges that can be encountered all the way through the game.
But I've never played Storm ... or Dual Pistols ... before, so both of these powersets are new to me. Which means I don't know, and am not steeped in the "Lore" of what people have discovered with these particular sets of powers. So before I jump in the deep end with Mids' and spend hours and hours re-inventing the wheel, I'd like to hear from people who have played Storm and/or DP powersets so that I can learn from your experiences.
What powers (if any) are "skippable" in Storm ... and why?
What powers are MUST HAVE ... and why?
What powers need heavy slotting in Storm?
Which ones only need moderate slotting?
Which powers are One Slot Wonders?
Which powers are "pick one of these two" choices?
What are some of the "tricks" that can be accomplished with certain powers through ingenious (franken)slotting?
Same again for Dual Pistols.
For example:
I'm looking at the fact that both Empty Clips and Bullet Rain can take Knockback Sets, and wondering if dropping a Force Feedback Proc into both of these powers would be ... prudent. Doubling up on AoE powers with this proc is not something I'd normally contemplate doing, but in this case I'm wondering if it might not pay off in terms of being able to keep the +Recharge flowing as often as possible.
I'm looking at Gale (yes ... Gale!) and wondering if it would be possible to work it into an attack chain with the rest of the Dual Pistols attacks, and 6-slot Gale with Kinetic Crash ... for a Mag 27+ Knockback o' Cone for both herding and chaos/disruption purposes. I'm thinking "Everybody! Into The Corner! NOW!!" type of Super Scooper action. Yes, I know this would prompt weapon redraw, and that you can do substantially the same thing with Hurricane (kinda), but still ...
I've seen in this forum that people were recently talking about slotting Lightning Storm with the Devastation Hold Proc. Has anyone done that and slotted the same Devastation Proc into Pistols and Dual Wield? Or is everyone too busy slotting Achilles' Heel Procs to worry about using Devastation?
Has anyone ever tried 6-slotting Tornado with Kinetic Crash? Or do people just reach for Positron's Blast by default for Tornado?
Thunderclap and Suppressive Fire? 5-slot Stupefy in both, or do something else like 6-slotting Razzle Dazzle instead? Or just skip both powers?
Mind you, I'm not (yet) looking at an overall Build Plan just yet. This is more an Information Gathering phase so that I can become at least passing familiar with the "quirks" of these two powersets that I've never played with before. I'm at the point where I'd like to get a better feel for what is possible (let alone reasonable) to achieve with the Storm/DP/Soul powersets so as to figure out how to best adapt what can be done into a good fit for my preferred playstyle.