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  1. Gobots, more than you bargained fooor!

    Or was that the Deceptacles?
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    New issue, new costume bugs. I fixed the ones I could between issues 12-13. One bug that has bothered everyone was VEAT female and their lovely butt cape. Well it has been added, sound the trumpets.

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  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Something new I made up for my Bubbler. She has the Sparkles Light aura, but it doesn't screen shot well at all.

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    Very cute.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.

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    I would rather compare it to the mass, suicidal lemming migrations when the colony grows too large.

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    I thought the lemming thing was a hoax (all out lie) by disney

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    Nope. When a lemming colony grows too large a certain number of the overpopulation experiences an compelling instinct to migrate. It doesn't matter to where, or how dangerous it might be, or what's in the way, they just leave in a vast migration in one direction.

    They are not intending to kill themselves, but until they find a new suitable home they do not stop, meaning that they often run off cliffs or drown trying to swim across running rivers.

    Oops, put that inside the quote.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.

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    I would rather compare it to the mass, suicidal lemming migrations when the colony grows too large.
  6. Yeah, it tends to happen when the Troll raves or something run unchecked for a certain amount of time. You see it on Test rather often due to the low server pop, I think.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Add a candy cane keeper outside the chalet door in Pocket D once its closed. I'm sure there will be more people wanting to redeem thier canes after the event.

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    There is a person to turn in haloween salvage all year long, please put someone, somewhere, where we can turn in canes for those of us that missed out on doing so. Especially for the badges/costume parts.

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    /Singed *2
  8. Elec Melee is a great PVE set. You really can't go wrong with the amazing AoE goodness.

    /Elec Armor... not so much Go with EA, if you want something equally flashy and somewhat thematic.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    It's a good thing you came here, JG, you did the right thing.

    Creating a fine upstanding Traditional Superhero, in the style of Underwear-On-The-Outside is a very delicate process and it's important to work with professionals in doing so.

    Lucky for you have me, Mr. Awesome, and I love me those Golden Age Goofballs!

    So hence forth we will be refering to your work in progress hero as "Captain Underpantsman".

    So I took your initial tri-colo idea straight to the tailor and came with something a bit to Fantastic 4.

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    Holy crap, that's friggin' awesome. You just threw that together? Seriously?
  10. Dr_Unholy

    Walk Button.

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    You want walking? Try out PVP in i13.


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    O burn.

  11. The shoulders and robotic arms are much needed parts and I love the rest of it too! Can't. Wait.
  12. Don't be like me. Don't play an Elec/EA instead of a Mace/EA... You may still be pretty, but you're not strong! And what is pretty without strong? I've made such a horrible mistake!
  13. I'm a huge slider man. I think the defaults are just ugly, especially for the faces so I tend to tweak everything, though mostly the waists and the hips.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    more melee/armor IO sets that give a bonus to Smashing/Lethal damage

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    I have two problems with this.

    The first is that IOs are intended to be optional, and that sets are intended to be, more or less, balanced without IOs considered in the mix.

    Now: if one set can do something really really special with IOs, more so than any other, and it's an intended strength, then that should carry a little weight. I don't think it should be, or that it in any way is, a primary balance consideration.

    Second concern? more typed defence will make invul and WP stronger.

    Invul may sound like a weak set for scrappers and brutes, and it's not the strongest (though it's really not bad, and can be very strong when well built) but for tanks it's quite solid, if dull.

    Throw in the capacity for it to softcap easily? now it's a monster.

    WP is already something of a monster, and if it's allowed to softcap easily for tanks, then there will be very few occasions where granite will be worthwhile anymore.

    Oh, and wp brutes and scrappers will become rather durable as well, I'd guess that they'd become very popular. Oh wait...

    Yes there's some room for a little more added def without really breaking things. You might be able to add between 2% and 4% typed defence before degeneration of build styles ensued. I don't know the exact number.

    Just changing gaussian from all positional def to def all would probably do it...

    But again, I don't really hold with balancing on the basis of IOs, except for monster barring.

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    Fair enough, I suppose, though I recall back before IOs that Super Reflexes, while a decent set, wasn't anywhere near as popular as it is now. It became so appealing because with a few IO sets you could take it from a standard, kind of finicky defense set to a "WTF NEVER GET HIT SET!" /Nin can be soft-capped fairly easily too, though I'd argue that it doesn't need to be as much as SR does, what with the heal and other tools.
  15. After playing /EA a bit more lately I really think the only thing they need to do to improve the set is increase the defense debuff resistance a bit and offer a few more melee/armor IO sets that give a bonus to Smashing/Lethal damage so the most common type can be capped as easily as SR and Nin can cap themselves. Otherwise it plays really nice with the whole endless endurance thing. Maybe put a taunt aura in Kinetic or Power Shield too (like SR's Evasion), but otherwise, I don't see how it's not a solid set.

    I mean seriously, if the set was as easy to cap off as the other +def sets would people have nearly as much problem with it?
  16. Uh, they've never said Power Customization is undoable due to the engine. They've said that the amount of work it would take to make every single power in the game customizable is so massive that we'll never see it. I don't think building a new engine would fix that problem, as it would, again, require a butt-load of work, no?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    A guide for Night Widows would be absolutely fantastic, if anyone feels up to the job.

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  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'd be interested to see more WP guides in general. MA/WP would be especially useful.

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  19. [ QUOTE ]
    so basically what are you saying?
    That both of /EA's passives should give a 30% modifiable hit point boost, take it out of the tier 9, and call it done?

    sounds good to me

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    Not a bad idea, actually. Except for Stalkers.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    How To Make Thing's Die: Serps' Guide to Nin/Nin Stalkers

    The best guide I've ever written.

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    The reward for good work is more work!

    Care to write something up on Patron pools? Yeah, we hope they'll be revamped, but how do they stand now? Aside from "not very well.'

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    Don't really need a guide for that. Generally, from what I've read lurking on the forums:

    Widow and Mu are decent, with fast animating attacks that can be slotted into a DPS chain fairly well.

    Mace has redraw and tends to be less effective, web grenade can be nice for PvP, but other than that I never hear the praises of it sung.

    As for Mako, I never hear anyone talking about Mako, sometimes I even wonder if the silly [censored] VFX turns most people off the pool completely.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    - Up the defense values of the EA armors slightly (not by a huge margin, but by something like 5% or so)

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    Again: I'd strongly suggest against doing so, and for the record, I'd also suggest that 5% can only qualify as a rather extreem increase in protection...

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    Problem is, as I see it, that /EA isn't able to easily pimp out all their defenses like SR is through the multiple positional def IO set bonuses, which is why I made the suggestion that the values should be increased.

    Similarly, I think it'd be cool if the values of the toggles were lowered a bit if they were given some noticable res values, making the set like the inverse of invuln, largely defense, with a good amount of +res to increase survival.
  22. I don't really think you'd have to do a whole lot, honestly.

    - Up the defense values of the EA armors slightly (not by a huge margin, but by something like 5% or so)

    - Give one of those toggles a taunt aura

    - Roll a bit more into the passives, something like +perc, scaling resists (it wouldn't do them as well as SR does), slow res, +rech etc. Something to make them a bit more appealing. Granted, it doesn't have to be a lot, just a little something extra.

    - Self heal is unneeded, EA is a defense set, it can pimp the crap out of Aid Self.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    DM is gimp enough now that Castle is looking at buffing it come I13. *Shrug* So I think that has some merit.

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    And what about EA? That's been just as gimped since it replaced /Ice in I6 Beta. Seriously, I would rather have /EA fixed before any other set, since it needs it the most.

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    Right there with you, bud. I love how /EA looks, in fact, I think it's one of the prettiest armor sets in the game, and having played one to 30ish, I realize how horrible it is compared to almost everything else...

    C'mon, devs, give /EA some love.
  24. DM is gimp enough now that Castle is looking at buffing it come I13. *Shrug* So I think that has some merit.
  25. Like the other person said: Deviantart doesn't show you the sexy pictures unless you're registered and logged in. So I don't see how it breaches the rules.