need help with costume

Dark Ether



I'm going for a traditional superhero

tank with ss/inv/fly

but I'm stumped on the costume :P

I know I want blue/white and maybe a third colour black or just replace white with o.o

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



It's a good thing you came here, JG, you did the right thing.

Creating a fine upstanding Traditional Superhero, in the style of Underwear-On-The-Outside is a very delicate process and it's important to work with professionals in doing so.

Lucky for you have me, Mr. Awesome, and I love me those Golden Age Goofballs!

So hence forth we will be refering to your work in progress hero as "Captain Underpantsman".

So I took your initial tri-colo idea straight to the tailor and came with something a bit to Fantastic 4.

But through the magic of subtle color swaping we got a very decent start

So why don't you take that home, try it out a little bit, see how it feels, and get back to me to make any adjustments, hemming and the like. Maybe I can get you some color swatches to look at with a few material samples as well.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



okay now underwear on the outside O.o

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



How about this version? "costume" I made it 4 colors because I like to go overboard!

At least I didn't put a rainbow on it...
Oh look, it's the flaming peacock! Naw that's just Adam West...


Anyway, I tried combining the lock design with the dagger design. At first I had him wearing golden bracers but that took away from the balance of the dagger style of the pants.

But if you don't like it, I'll understand. It does kinda look like a bullseye to his chest.
"C'mon badguys! Hit me HERE! Right in the star! I dare ya!"

Last week he dared Gashback his invincible buddy to run face first into a building. Now the guy looks like a offspring of a Persian cat who mated with a Pug!



ive decided on one of these 3 (I used a toon with cape unlocked to get a more complete picture)

1-I personally love this one

2-based on the green lantern

3- this one is more or less based on the justice (blank) from the justice league series (the one where superman just lobotomized everyone :P)

Volt Sentinel Reference

Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.



The issue with blue and black is that the overall look can be a bit dark, which is why for your concept I think white would be better. I like the first one, but I don't care for the squared-off part below the neck. I think it might blend better if you go for some sort of chest logo to blend into that squared part, or use one that rounds off or goes to a v.

I'd suggest a silver or gold or even black as a third accent color brought in on a belt or the chest part, or both. Or perhaps red, if you're going a patriotic theme.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



It's a good thing you came here, JG, you did the right thing.

Creating a fine upstanding Traditional Superhero, in the style of Underwear-On-The-Outside is a very delicate process and it's important to work with professionals in doing so.

Lucky for you have me, Mr. Awesome, and I love me those Golden Age Goofballs!

So hence forth we will be refering to your work in progress hero as "Captain Underpantsman".

So I took your initial tri-colo idea straight to the tailor and came with something a bit to Fantastic 4.

[/ QUOTE ]

Holy crap, that's friggin' awesome. You just threw that together? Seriously?

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



Yes...yes I did. I play around in the costume creator ALOT and make mostly classic tights style heroes so it comes naturally to me.

@Jeffery Duke
Meanwhile...On The Internet...



Another good set that I've used for a lot of SS type builds is my RoboArm costume that really doesn't look like they have roboarms, just really cool gloves/sleeves

Laria Endal 1
Laria Endal 2

I also sometimes like a more classic look. This character is a MA/SR scrapper, but it works well for what your thinking too, just have to change out those gloves a bit ;p
Sasha Endal