SupaTroll suicide
Yeah, it tends to happen when the Troll raves or something run unchecked for a certain amount of time. You see it on Test rather often due to the low server pop, I think.
Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.
FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha
My DA page
One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.
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I would rather compare it to the mass, suicidal lemming migrations when the colony grows too large.
Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
that comparison simply does not work. Everyone knows Supa Trolls are bald, while lemmings have green hair
FireBrandi - Champions lvl 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster - Tier 4 Alpha
Kim Paler - lvl 50 Crab Spider - Tier 3 Alpha
My DA page
One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.
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I would rather compare it to the mass, suicidal lemming migrations when the colony grows too large.
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I thought the lemming thing was a hoax (all out lie) by disney
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.
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I would rather compare it to the mass, suicidal lemming migrations when the colony grows too large.
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I thought the lemming thing was a hoax (all out lie) by disney
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Nope. When a lemming colony grows too large a certain number of the overpopulation experiences an compelling instinct to migrate. It doesn't matter to where, or how dangerous it might be, or what's in the way, they just leave in a vast migration in one direction.
They are not intending to kill themselves, but until they find a new suitable home they do not stop, meaning that they often run off cliffs or drown trying to swim across running rivers.
Oops, put that inside the quote.
Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
One of the many mysteries of nature, when SupaTrolls run uptrack to spawn, insuring the next generation of SupaTrolls.
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I would rather compare it to the mass, suicidal lemming migrations when the colony grows too large.
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I thought the lemming thing was a hoax (all out lie) by disney
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From the lemming wikipedia article:
On occasion, and particularly in the case of the Norway lemmings in Scandinavia, large migrating groups will reach a cliff overlooking the ocean. They will stop until the urge to press on causes them to jump off the cliff and start swimming, sometimes to exhaustion and death. Lemmings are also often pushed into the sea as more and more lemmings arrive at the shore
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The Full Lemming story as told by Wiki
Acording to Wiki its all myths and misconceptions but its still freaking helerious
It's not myth. It's a misconception that they commit suicide...they do migrate, and they do occasionally end up doing fatal things during that migration (including jumping off cliffs, and/or swimming until they literally cannot swim anymore and drown).
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
The Full Lemming story as told by Wiki
Acording to Wiki its all myths and [u]misconceptions[u] but its still freaking helerious
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It's not myth, though.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
no but there are myths about them.
like falling from the sky during stormy weather and dying when the grass grows in spring.
no but there are myths about them.
like falling from the sky during stormy weather and dying when the grass grows in spring.
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Well that's obviously true. I mean where else would they come from? They angered the stork so it's not like he's gonna' bring them en-masse. So they are just put into one of those T-Shirt launchers and fired out into the storm.
Well that's obviously true. I mean where else would they come from? They angered the stork so it's not like he's gonna' bring them en-masse. So they are just put into one of those T-Shirt launchers and fired out into the storm.
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*Struggles in vain not to Rotflmao*
oh thats a mental image
I saw something last night I haven't seen before. A large group of SupaTrolls ran up the train ramp past the floating police drone and headed for the train. When they got to the doors, they all died. Has anyone else seen this?